Kara's Special Training

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Dec 3, 2013
Bruce Wayne the playboy, billionaire and the protector of Gotham. Bruce was hard at work plugging in lines of code into the supercomputer that gave him all of his informational needs on villains, potential villains, or even upstart heroes trying to make a name for themselves. There wasn't anything that happened on Earth that he wasn't aware of. Even outside of Earth's boundaries, he had some very special connections with people and aliens alike. Currently he was working on the last few details of a brand new suit that he had been working on since he became Batman. Having squared off against villains that would have broke him in half if he hadn't had his brain, Bruce knew that his skill wouldn't last him forever and it was time to upgrade. Superman could fly, fly through buildings, and he could take a beating unlike anything anyone had seen before. And Bruce could do none of that, even as Batman. His typing was interrupted by a call coming in on his personal line, he would have ignored it if it weren't for the fact that ignoring the call would be useless. Superman, Clark Kent himself was calling Bruce Wayne for only God knew what reason. Grudgingly Bruce picked up the phone and pressed the answer button. "Yes Clark?" Bruce answered, "Good to talk to you too old friend, I am going to be stopping by here in a bit, and I was wondering if you could spare a second?" Clark responded "Do I have a choice?" "I don't think so." And with that the phone call ended and Bruce hurriedly typed away.

No more than fifteen seconds later the sound of alarms began going off in the Batcave and a monitor brought up the visual of Superman flying into the cave through the waterfall entrance. Turning all of his monitors off, Bruce turned in his large chair and walked towards the entrance that he would fly his jet into. A rush of air blasted him causing water to spray him in a mist, Bruce rolled his eyes. So this must be what it's like dealing with me, he thought and smiled a little. When Superman touched down, they had a brief discussion about how Dick was doing, and how Barbara was. "Skip to the important part, why are you here?" Bruce asked. Then Clark went about explaining to him how Kara was at the perfect age to learn from someone who could teach her how to utilize her human attributes and not her Kryptonian ones. "You took her to Themyscira, and she beat their best fighter, resulting in Diana getting mad and telling you she wouldn't watch her, right?" Bruce said. "Yeah.. Oh, you already heard from Diana?" "No Clark, it's what you would have done... Dammit Clark, you know I am a solo act now," "Come on, you do this for me, and I'll do anything you want," "Deal, but you better live up to those words, where is she?" Bruce asked.

Clark then flew off immediately a big smile on his face. Bruce's mind however went swimming with thoughts of what he could do in this scenario. He was not only going to get what he wanted from Superman, which only he could get for him, but he was also going to have a living Kryptonian to test some of his new gadgets out on. Especially his suit. While it wasn't complete, and it wasn't completely designed for fighting against Superman, it was designed to give Batman the edge he needed to not be left to smaller tasks of rerouting this, or disarming that, or watching at waiting. This would give him the power he needed to stand in front of moving trains, to allow him flight and give him the ability to be on par with the rest of the JLA. Crossing his arms he waited to see Clark's niece, he'd heard lots about her. But hadn't actually been granted to pleasure of meeting her. He could hear Clark flying back in, because he was talking to his niece, so Bruce waited stoically.
Kara already heard an earful from Wonder Woman about going overboard during fight in the area now she was getting one from her uncls. Just hed uck!She bit her angrily, causing it to bleed bit. It wasn't her fault. Okay, maybe it was, but not everything entirely her fault. If there's someone Diana should be blaming if should have been her uncle Clark. He was one who that brought her to Themyscira. It's uncle's fault, yup she will say it over and over again. Perhaps blaiming her uncle isn't such a good idea. Diana did told her to control herself but Kara caught too caught up in the ecstasy that drifted inside her that she overdone it.

Thankfully she back with her uncle, Kara decided she would rid herself of such thought what happen Themyscira. "Stay here." It was an authorative and calm.voice. Kara wanted to explore a bit inside of Bat Cave then again, she'd reminded herself, her uncle told her strictly to stay where is. Sighing in frustration, she made her way to the closest available seat to sit before she placing her hands on cheeks. "Why are we here?" Kara asked, looking at her uncle. Although she wanted some answers, there wasn't any chance she would be getting them any time soon. Supergirl felt uneasy. She never feels like this not unless if she's not feeling too good. Could she be catching a cold? Speaking of cold, it is pretty chilly outside. She should listen to Martha about wearing a jacket, or at least bringing one.

Several minutes later, Clark caught glimpse of his niece, he walked over towards her."Hey Kara!"He called, trying to gain her attention."..."Kara didn't even hear her uncle at all, she too lost in thought, she'd zone everything."Hey Kara! Superman repeated, a bit loudly as he walked over to place a hand on his niece shoulder. Kara flinched before looking up at her uncle frighteningly. Clark wanted to asked Kara was wrong however decidsd not to instead he beckoned Batman over. "I want you to meet someone." Superman looked over at Bruce as if was his cue to walk over.
Bruce watched as Clark flew off, then called him over using his loud booming voice. Once again Bruce rolled his eyes, it wasn't as if he could just fly over there, he would have to walk. Sighing Bruce slowly walked around the catwalk to the area where he saw a young blonde. She was a bit shorter than him, had a nice chest and a very toned body. When Bruce got within range of Clark, the man of steel zoomed over to his side and looped an arm around Bruce's shoulder. "I saw that look Bruce, my niece is OFF LIMITS, you got that?" Clark said in a threatening tone. "Jeez Clark, you act like I always try and pick up on every girl I see," Bruce responded with a smile, "You do."

And with the end of their little conversation, Clark turned Bruce back around so that he could meet Kara officially. Walking up to her, Bruce looked over to Clark, then back down to Kara, then back up to Clark. A very confused look on his face, "There is absolutely no way you two are related. She's like... Twelve times better looking than you are," Bruce said reaching down and taking her hand and bringing it up to kiss the back of it. Clark gave Bruce a very gentle pat on the back that was still enough to knock the wind out of him. Coughing slightly, Bruce put his hands up as if he was being robbed. "Easy big guy.. It was a joke," He said.

Turning his attention back to Kara, he eyed her over. Not because he was looking at her body in a sensual manner, or at least not completely. But because he was trying to determine how much she weighed, and her height exactly. He would have to adjust the dosage accordingly to her, because the dosage for his newest invention was tuned for Superman's body stature. "Clark here tells me you're looking to get some training in, something a little less superhuman and more, human is that true?" Bruce asked her.
At first glance, Kara could only think one think of Bruce Wayne, he was gorgeous! Perfectly trimmed hair, chisled chin, and mercy on Supergirl, his body look astounding too! To top it off she gets to meet face to face. She tried to maintain a cool composure but her cheeks brightened by just staring at the man. She turned to hide her reddening face but failed miserably. It was easy to see.

Her blue eyes widened, almost seem like they were about to fall out of her sockets. She just said she better looking than her uncle! Well, that is true for most part. Shaking her head side to side, she took a deep breath, trying to act normal as best as possible. "Thank you Mr. Wayne that is very sweet of you." She said, smiling. Still, there was an evident blush on her cheeks. Kara watched comical scene between her uncle and Bruce, a stifle laughter echoed out of her mouth.

Soon afterwards Kara felt a pair of eyes staring at her, she felt a bit nervous. Why was Bruce staring at her like that? It made her uncomfortable despite that she got over if after he stopped staring at her. "Yes, that is true!" She replied back, grinning.
Bruce contemplated the situation. She was agreeing with him about wanting to learn how to control herself better. And he knew just how to teach her that control. She even seemed excited about learning how to make use of her more human characteristics. "Alright Kara, I'll take you in. But you will need to show a lot of control, I'm only human after all." Bruce said before turning to Clark. "And you, don't come barging into my home unannounced next time. Also I'll need at the very least a month with her. Don't come by, if you trust me you will need to give her space to grow Clark." Bruce added with a stern look. "Alright alright! I'm sorry, you can have her for the month, but I will expect a progress report in the next five weeks." Clark said before giving Kara a kiss on the forehead and taking off.

For a brief moment there was silence between the two of them. But Bruce Wayne wasn't the type to allow for that. "Your training will start immediately. But let me ask you this. Do you want to go through this the easy way, or the hard way? The easy way you might not learn what you want, but the hard way will re-teach you everything you have learned up until this very moment." Bruce said to her giving her her options. "Follow me," Bruce instructed her as he began to give her a tour of the cave. Showing her everything from the hangar, to the garage and even so much as showing her the suit room where he kept all of his sidekicks suits.
"I understand Mr. Wayne, I will listen to everything you say, I promise." Kara guaranteed, giving man a firm look of determination. Clark sounded like a worrywart, caring about her in all, though it felt nice, to see someone other than herself actually cares for her. She smiled at her uncle, trying to be brave as he took off.

"I want to go the hard way, it is never good to take easy way out you can preserve through your challenges."
Supergirl made she choose wisely, and going the hard way was her choice. She soon followed after Bruce shortly, glancing around cave as he gave her the tour. Wow, one word, Kara could sescibe the bag cave it look.magnificent like everything else in the cave.

:: Why is it you make your text SO big? Lol. ::

After giving her a full tour, and showing her everything there was to see in the cave, Bruce brought her over to his computer and he spun the chair that sat square dead center in front of the computer. Sitting down he pressed a few keys and the multitude of monitors blinked on. Sitting on the surface of the computer desk, Bruce picked up a small needle-less syringe, it operated by blasting whatever the chemical was through the open pores of the skin. Perfect for injecting someone who has skin that needles can't penetrate. Taking the syringe apart, Bruce plugged the chemical containment unit into a slot underneath the computer. After plugging in a few key commands, Bruce watched as it filled with a green, sparkling liquid. Pulling the tube from the computer, he held it up to Kara's arm. She would not even be able to feel the Kryptonite pulling at her powers, making her weaker. Because it wouldn't until it was in her system. "This, is a formula I've come up with. I designed it to limit the abilities of Kryptonians. This has been modified to fit your exact body type, and if injected with it, you'll become a normal girl. This would be the hard way," Bruce said with a smile.
Because I can't see that good even though I have glasses. LOL xD

"Well, go on inject me already!"
Kara encouraged, impatiently. If this is a way how she could finally be a normal, teenage girl she couldn't wait any longer. There is something to make her human! It felt nice. A chance to he human. Supergirl couldn't imagine what it could be like. She has always wanted to be human, or least close to it. This wasn't asking for too much. It just a small injection, she should be find later.
:: Oh, okay. Haha. Just wondering. ^_^ ::

With Kara's approval, and apparent excitement Bruce connected the needle-less syringe to it's injection unit and stood up. Taking her hand in his, he stretched her arm outward and pressed the tip of the 'jet-syringe' to Kara's arm. "While this won't hurt, you will lose strength in your body to the point where you won't be able to stand easily. You've been using your superhuman strength so much and so long, you won't know what it's like to be without it. While your muscles are incredibly strong, that's only because of your Kryptonian blood. Without that, you'll see," Bruce said as he clicked the trigger down. A loud compression sound hissed out of the small gun-like object and the chemical in the tube flooded out of it and into her system. Once the chamber had emptied, Bruce wrapped his arms around her and supported her weight. Unlike Clark, she was very light and he could easily support her weight. Holding her in a standing position, Bruce had one arm around her waist and the other with his hand firmly at her back. "Think you can walk?" He asked her
It's alright :D

"Yes, I will be find."
Kara figured that shoulld be walking by herself, besides she done it plenty of times. Unbeknown that walking by herseld wasn't such a good idea, she lost footing, in the process, slipped on floor right on buttocks. She winced in pain. Normally, if she ever slipped, it never hurt this much.

"What's going on? What happen to me? Mr. Bruce, why can't I walk properly" She asked, giving the Mab her undyling attention. This wasn't what she'd in mind. She wanted to be human not forget how to walk. Probably was after effects? Honestly, Supergirl didn't completely understand, not entirely. What did she get herself into? Personally, she thought becoming human would make her similar to a real human girl, despite that she is the exact opposite. Far from what she imagined being a human would be like. She would rather be a kryptonian than human anyway now. Yes, she is giving up! She knew it was too late to turn back. Now she must dealt with it being Hunan for now. So far it sucks.

Struggling to lift herself from ground, Kara bit her lower lip angrily, she could do this, there's no power to support her, now she has go use regular human body functions. Eventually, she rose on her feet, however her legs are shaking like leaves, they felt terribly heavy. "So, is there something else I should know about being s human?" She narrowed her eyes into slits. This human business wasn't exciting at all. More likely, it was Hell to him.
"Well, you're weak as a human now. Which you've never known. You've been standing against gravity this entire time without any effort whatsoever because of your superhuman strength. Your regular, human muscles now have no idea how to handle it," He answered her as he bent down beside her. She was very tight bodied and even more so beautiful what with her blue eyes and waist length blonde hair. Not to mention she had a nice chest, Bruce eyed her like she was candy for a brief moment. He of course could pass it off as him trying to make certain there was no bad reactions happening. Then she became determined and rose to standing on shaky knees. Standing beside her Bruce nodded and clapped slowly. "Impressive, I didn't expect you to be able to stand for at least an hour." Bruce praised her. Wrapping an arm around her waist, and putting her's over his shoulder, Bruce slouched over and assisted Kara with her walking. "Don't blame me for what you've gotten yourself into, this is the hard way. But trust me, if you do this, and you continue to take this concoction and train like a normal girl. When you go back to being that Kryptonian princess, you'll kick some major ass," Wayne said giving her a wink.

Leading her away from the computer, he took her to a room that he used for training and exercising. There was everything and anything anyone could ever need to become an Olympian. Bruce Wayne had become the pinnacle of what human's could achieve with pure dedication and knowledge. She was practically a God compared to him, so in all actuality, he was training her to become even more ridiculously powerful. In his mind, this had two effects. One, it would allow him to see what the chemical mixture would do to Clark; And two, his plan was to get her to respect him like any of the other sidekicks he'd had. She would then never let Clark do anything to him, and was a very good trump card for her uncle.

Turning so that he was facing her, Bruce slid his hands down her arms so that both his palms were on her's. Taking her hands in his, Bruce urged her forward. "We'll start slow, but by the end of this afternoon you'll be on that treadmill running again. And it'll feel great, I'll wear you out good," Bruce said with a smile. Pulling her forward, while holding her balanced so she could focus just on stepping and getting moving again. Bruce intended to push her hard, so that way she wouldn't mind it when he tried pushing things even harder.
"Dammit! What did I get myself?" Guess this is what she gets for wanting to be a human. She should have knew there would be casualties when getting I the injection but she never of anything until now. "I got this, don't worry." Kara guaranteed to Bruce that she was going to be fine. Supergirl noticed Bruce's eyes are in him though she gave it no mind at all.

"I really I did, thank you Mr. Wayne, so much!" To show her gratitude she gave the man a one arm hug since considering fact his hand firmly around waist trying to help her walk. Bruce was such a gentleman. "You really think so!" She gasped. If she learns how train like a human girl, she would be stronger, twice as she ever would be.

Bruce led Kara to another room which seem like a training room. She would spend most of her time here. To get stronger and stronger by the day for sake of herself and all of humanity. By time she is done, possibly could managed s fight with her uncle. It isn't guarantee anything but worth wild.

A little at loss when Bruce intertwined her fingers into hers, Kara wondered what they going to do. It felt as if they were aboutnto dance or something that is until he learn he would just helping her balance on the treadmill. She started off slow, in an easy pace, later started increasing hid speed.
Bruce watched impressed as Kara got on the treadmill and within minutes had the pace set up to a brisk walk. Taking her hands he led them down to the handles on the treadmill which would also read her heart rate, as well stabilize her. Letting go of her hands, he walked around to the side of the treadmill and pulled up a chair. "Go until you're running. I'm sure you can do at least that much," He said to her with confidence. After a few minutes of her getting up to speed, Kara was running with both hands off the grips. She was breathing hard, and was clearly tired. She wasn't even at twelve miles an hour, which Bruce could keep up for that full hour of running. Bruce's eyes watched her knees and he noticed how badly they were shaking. Preemptively Bruce stood up and reached out pressing the stop button and grabbing her before she fell. Pushing her down into the seat he was in, Bruce walked to a mini-fridge nearby and grabbed a bottle of purified water. Uncapping it and handing it to her, Bruce sat on the treadmill in front of her.

"You feeling that burn in your legs? That's what it's like to be a human, I can make you feel that everywhere. Interested in seeing how far your body can go?" Bruce asked her with a grin. "We'll let you rest for fifteen, or until you're ready to go again, I'm gonna make sure you sleep well tonight," Bruce said before he slipped his shirt off over his head, revealing his very chiseled and toned core, walking over to the bench press counterweight machine he had designed for him, Bruce went about benching some weight. Nothing too big or impressive, just one hundred and twenty pounds. "I know... This is.... Nothing for you.... Normally... But this... Would be... Impossible for... YOU!" He said between reps, and at the last push he had to emphasize his words just to get the bar up again and locked into position.
Sweat dripped from side of her face, neck, armpits, and etc. Her entire body felt sweaty. Thankfully she had some cold water to seize her thirst. Kara relaxes in the chair as she drunk a bit of eater every so often "I feel the burn alright! I am so sore and tired! How can anyone do this!" She knew better than to complain however it was temptating so in the end she did anyways. Yes, she gets a break! Supergirl promised herself she would spend herbreak trying to relaxed a bit, even get some shit eye.

Arching up an eyebrow, she wondered what she meant by "I am gonna make you sleep well tonight." Her cheeks flashed red as she saw his perfectly, well fit body. Was he lifting weight? It seem easy enough to do well, it could been if she was Kryptonian. Certainly as human, she couldn't do no such thing, without practicing continuously until getting better to do don
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