If Only NeoRulez&Magical Pantaloons)


May 30, 2014
United States
In amidst of darkness of the forest, a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon with a dark blue to gray body covered in white fur was running as fast as he could. He sensed danger somewhere but he didn't know exactly where it wa however at the given point he didn't care. Must find out what's going on as possible. His brethren might need help, they need, if he doesn't do anything, surely would end up in horrible casualties. There was nothing on his smind except saving his friends only thing he ever seem worried about.

Soon as he got there it was too late, his friends were nowhere in sight only leftover mess from what seem like a fight. Possibly team Rocket may have stolen his friends from their home. This is why he hates humans. They also want to capture them, make them submit.

But Absol would never bound to anyone not ever, it would be ridiculous to do so.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Suddenly, a trainer jumps in front of the pokemon. A man stands above the pokemon. " Finally, been searching for your type for hours! You wont be escaping! " The man throws his pokeball and out comes a Weezing. " Weezing! Use poison gass!" Weezing swiftly begins coughing up poison gas at the pokemon.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Magical Pantaloons said:
Suddenly, a trainer jumps in front of the pokemon. A man stands above the pokemon. " Finally, been searching for your type for hours! You wont be escaping! " The man throws his pokeball and out comes a Weezing. " Weezing! Use poison gass!" Weezing swiftly begins coughing up poison gas at the pokemon.

Absol, in turn, backed up, running away from the poisonous gas, eventually, he used detect to figure out where Weezing. After finding where other Pokemon was located, he decided to use Quick Attach, which frankly made him so fast, you could barely see him that is when he slammed into Weezing, hoping this attack would end him.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

" Weezing! Quick! Use poison gas again!" Weezing does as Absol gets close, knowing that she couldnt escape it once she did. If it works, the trainer would quickly throw a pokeball in an attempt to capture the now weak pokemon.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Surpsingly, Absol wasn't quick enough, he has failed. The poison gas was too much for him. Already fought several trainers recently, he is beat, there's no way he could win. Deserves him right for being cocky. With that being said, Absol fainted.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

The trainer grins and picks up his pokeball with Absol inside and heads back to his apartment. Happy with his catch. The trainer now back at his house is sat in the sitting room, he takes out the pokeball and opens it to release Absol. " Hey there, Absol. Im your new trainer, my name is Jamie. "
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Absol seem stared at Jamie in uninterested. Really, this is his trainer. Well, lucky him now he has to obey rules from as human. An ungrateful, dreadful, shay, and stingy human! He knew better than to assume what a person was like however the Pokemon truly hated humans.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

" Absol, you have to listen to me? Alright? Now come here girl. " He offered his hand out to stroke behind her ear before offering a pokemon treat in his hand. " Hungry? "
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Magical Pantaloons said:
" Absol, you have to listen to me? Alright? Now come here girl. " He offered his hand out to stroke behind her ear before offering a pokemon treat in his hand. " Hungry? "

Absol quickly looked away from trainer, there's no way she would listen to a human. The trainer must be crazy. Then again she had to eventually. Before she knew nextbjer stomach growled, loudly.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Jamie chuckled. " Yeah, your hungry. " He throws her a treat. " You wont make it long if you dont eat, Absol. "
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Absol devoured the great greedily, she has never taste something so good ever in his life.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Jamie gives another chuckle as he holds out another treat, hoping Absol will eat from his hand. " Come on, You can trust me Absol. "
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Magical Pantaloons said:
Jamie gives another chuckle as he holds out another treat, hoping Absol will eat from his hand. " Come on, You can trust me Absol. "

Absol walked over towards Jamie, putting her paws on his thghs trying to reach for the treat his trainer had in his hands.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Jamie reachs down to try pick him up and place him on his lap, trying to stroke his fur before offering him the treat. " Come on.."
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Shockingly as it may seem Absol actually loved getting pet, it felt nice and reassuring. She nuzzled her trainer telling him she wanting more caresses from Jamie.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Jame blinked and chuckled, rubbing Absol behind her ear, even giving her head a peck. " Thats a good girl. See, no reason to be afraid!"
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Usually, Absol wouldn't be open to such a human however she felt as if she could trust Jamie. She felt her heart flutter when Jamie had given her a kiss, she didn't know what gotten into her, but brush it aside from nowm
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

" Now, I already know you can do a quick attack.." Jamie gave Absol a smile, rubbing behind her ear. " Not sure if I can go out today. " He looks to Absol, tilting his head slightly as he stroked allong her back. " You are a pretty cute pokemon. "
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

A blush stained upon Absol's cheeks. How dare he said she was cute! Though then again she love the compliment. Absol never thought she would be so fond of Jamie.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

" Are you blushing, Absol? " He laughs. " Thats even cuter. " He gives her maw a small peck. " What do you feel like doing then, Absol? You are my new guest!"
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Absol blushed even harder, she shook her head side to side before tugging at her trainer's shirt. She wanted Jamie to chase after her or other way around. Her friends use to play chase all the time.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Jamie laughed. " You want to play? Fine but I hope you can run! I'm gonna get ya!" He says as he throws Absol off and starts to run after her.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Absol began to roll as fast as her legs could carry her, unbeknown to her that there was a ground, which franly , hurt bad, but not too bad, but cause her to land on grass, for one that is actually good landing. Unfortunately, she hoped Jamie paying much more attention than she was. She would hate if he got hurt.
RE: If Only (w/Magical Pantaloons)

Jamie was fine, he was wearing a good pair of trainers, cushioning his steps as he chased her before quickly trying to scoop her up in his arms. " I got ya! "
Startled by her trainer's gesture, Absol gaped st Jamie in bewilderment. Her heart started to beat again. Same odd color stained her cheeks once more. 'Why do I feel this way?' He asked himself.
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