RP: The Doctors Calling ( Horror_Show & Venomous Carnage )


Feb 15, 2010

The dark thick black clouds oozed over the house on the hill. It casted a shadowy darkness across Vannacutt Psychiatric Institute for the Criminally Insane; the only place where nightmares came true. A jagged bolt of lightening ripped the night sky in half as icy raindrops poured below. The ocean was violent crashing its waves upon the very settlement the institute was built upon. Thunder rolled across the sky seeming to crack the world in half as below near the entrance you could see a white van and two police officers bringing in a young man. They rushed him through the doors as nurses in white with caps could be seen running to aid. The lights flickered with every crash of thunder outside.


A girl stood in barefooted in scrubs and a t-shirt with a cardigan wrapped around. Her face was deathly pale as if she hadn’t seen light in years and besides through a window she hadn’t. Her eye’s had shadows and were bloodshot but still she held a dark beauty. Standing in the hallway she could see the nurses trying to calm the new patient. She knew what ever he did to get here was either a lie or horrible and that he would probably never see the outside world again. She could hear his screaming and it made her cringe and she backed up. She saw a nurse administer a sedative and in seconds his flailing body went limp as he was thrown on a gurney and strapped down. Keys were heard opening the doors to the hall. They came through and a nurse encouraged her to back up as they rolled him down the hall. She didn’t move as another nurse grabbed her and pulled her back as she saw the new patient. He was young, the face of a helpless boy. What had he done? She was drawn to his face as the nurse was yelling and pulling her back. He vanished behind the next corridor.

“Zoey…. what on earth is wrong with you, come now. Let’s get you back to your room.” The nurse said guiding her down another corridor. She rubbed her shoulders as not all the staff here as cold and cruel. Actually most was pretty reasonable. “Your freezing….let me get you some heated thermal blankets and how about some hot cocoa….hmmm, then were take some medicine and sleep through this dreary storm.” The nurse patted her back and helped her into her dimly lit room. All that was in it was an old metal bed with white sheets; there was a sink on the other side of the room. As the nurse left the lights flickered and she was left sitting on the bed wondering who that boy was as the storm raged on.

After another long night of, 'Full-Service', Johnny was on his last customer. He gingerly placed the pump back in it's holster as he turned to his Customers. A car filled with a family of four, and old Station Wagon. The Man reached into his pocket and sighed and said in a scalding manor.

Man - "$3.50 for a tank....you guys are outside your minds...."

Johnny, turned to him after handing the man his change fore the 5. the light buzzing above him as the flickered some from age.

Johnny - "Inflation, Sir, it will be going up from 30 Cents soon enough i'm sure...."

The man sped off, Johnny let out a tired sigh from working all day, the usual clientele in and out all day, just like every other, He walked into the garage where a few cars were parked some with the hood open some not. He looked them over before putting the last of the days money in a lock box and shoving it under the desk. for his boss, Mr.Simmons to count up and add to the safe in the morning.

Johnny, grabbed his jacket from the chair he was sitting on and shut off the light in the garage, after checking on the guard dog, Two black labs and getting them food and water for over night, Johnny pulled the Garage door down and locked it tight, As he did every night.

He lived not very far from the Station, Recently having to relocate, due to his current relationship with a woman, of a diffrent color, Alma, was her name, a young black woman, Who, like Johnny was disowned by her family for her love of Johnny.

As he arrived home, dinner was had followed by a session of love making. IT was very passionate on the night before they were to be wed. As they lay there a gentely wind blowing in from the open window near by, He let out a soft smile as did she.

Alma - "Johnny....Do you think socitey will ever let us be together?"

He smiled at her and contimplated for a moment and sighed and spoke up.

Johnny - "I do so hope baby....maybe one day this world will see what i see....a beautiful heart."

She smiled and gave him a light peck before running off to the kitchen, as he lay there. he let out a sigh when a light flashed into the bedroom window, he popped up suddenly grabbing his pants and a shotgun from under the bed, He ran to the living room when Alam's voice screamed out for him, he looked in every room before being lead outside where the light shone down from the sky, firing into the sky her voice now came from the house again, He ran inside.

As he did, a deafening noise bgan as the light grew inside the home he was pushed to the floor by force, Soon he was in an all white room surrounded by strange grey beings tall, short, fat skinny, all kinds he saw Alma, her screams were muted as she was being exmained, the fear grew as they implanted some razor thin device in his neck, he blacked out soon after.....

He woke up, in a large van, his arms and feet bound his clothes covered in blood, most his own the rest, god only knows he was drug out of the van by two large men the rain poured down as his head was covered with a blanket, he was shoved inside where many looked on in fear, including Zoey, and Grace, he was quickly sedated and strapped to a bed and wheeled away from the frightened on lookers.

He awoke in a white room surrounded by doctors and nurses.

"Where is she!? where's Alma!!!??"

He screamed as he Doctor pushed him back down, Before looking him over still.

??? - "Don't worry son....I'm sure she is somewhere, we will find here..."

He said in a sarcastic manner, Knowing what Johnny was sent here for, a Psych evluation, To see if he was indeed who they were looking for.

??? - "We will find her, and the other 10 women you slaughtered."

Johnny's eyes widened as he tried to sit up and speak, but before he could he was injected with Sedative, His body lay back on the bed trying to scream but he slowly quieted down staring at the good doctor the whole time.

"What happened to me?....What did i do? if i did anything?....Why am i here!?"

HE shouted to himself as lightening crashed and he passed out.
The next day in the dayroom was pretty uneventfull and normal. Patients were everywhere acting as normal. Some were quiet, some were loud, some were in groups playing board games, some watching televison. The windows showed a dreadful gloomy afternoon with gray clouds spreading out far across the ocean until it became one with the agressive waves. Zoey sat on a chair with her legs to her chest, she was resting her head on her knee's with her arms wrapped around her legs. She was still tired from the sleeping medicine they had given her late last night. She was curious about the young man that was brought in last night but no one had said a word and he hadn't showed up yet.


Grace sat down right beside Zoey on the couch looking up at the window. She pulled out a cigarette and offered Zoey one and she shook her head letting her legs stretch out to lay across Grace's lap. Grace had been in here longer than Zoey and when Zoey arrived a few years back Grace had been there to pick her up off her feet. They were like sisters, they had each others back in here. Grace was a little older than Zoey and kind of was protective over her. She took a hit from the cigarette and exhale the smoke.

"Heard about the boy....heard he's in here for mudering his colored wife and other women. Did you see the blood?" Grace asked and Zoey frowned and leaned back against the chair.


"His face....I don't know." Zoey said shaking her head.
"We got a new head doc too....all fancy and shit. You seen him yet?" Grace asked taking another drag and Zoey tilted her head not even knowing they got a new doctor, she felt like she was the last to find out anything that happened in this place but half the time she was zoned out or drugged.

"Like I care...." She sighed and Grace saw she was tired.

"He's up to date on his therapy....maybe he can help some of us. Anything to help in this shit hole." Grace said slouching back. Grace looked over at Zoey and gave a small but cute grin.

"Why don't you take nap. I'll stay here....make sure no one bothers you. You dunna wanna go to your room yet do ya?" She teased and Zoey rolled her eyes and scooted around so her head was lying on Grace's lap. Her long wavy strawberry blonde hair was a little messy and Grace combed her fingers through it. Zoey was so use to the noise of everyone she could tune it out and closed her eyes to the touch of Grace combing back her hair.
The intervening days, weeks perhaps, were mostly a dull blur. Faces and images flashed before his eyes as he made an effort to clear his mind. The time he had spent there flickered across his consciousness in brief snapshots of time, with the pain of isolation and prolonged periods of sedation mixing together within his mind into a single, undefinable collection of suffering. Even images from his past began to emerge, as he momentarily recognized the face of his fiance on the day they first met.

Finally, there was only one face before him, the face of a woman with brown eyes and short, black hair cut to just above her shoulders. Her shirt and shorts were tight fitting, hugging her form and exposing her feminine curves to all who scanned her form. Her arms and legs had several scars on them, from injection needles as well as cuts and scrapes of varying severity. Although she exuded a sense of control and confidence, there was also a hint of pessimism within her demeanor. At the moment, however, she was busy unfastening the clamps that bound Johnny to the bed on which he had slept for an untold number of days.

She noticed he was starting to awake, She said nothing. The woman pried the last clamp open and She stepped back, And left without uch of a word, and just like that she was gone Judging from the fact that she didn't seem like one of the employees here at the asylum, she was likely one of the inmates. Exactly why she was helping him remained a mystery, as well as her own captivity. Judging from the distant cries and voices coming from every direction around Johnny's cell, there was no doubt that he had been dropped into some form of hell on earth.


He slowly sat up his body was all but limp, his arms began shaking at the weight of his body soon, he was on the floor on all fours, he crawled to the wall and sighed, tears rolling down his face as the open door was right there, so close yet so far away.
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