Sanae and Squid Girl the ultimate...

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Jul 5, 2014
Sanae had ordered a power scooter over the internet just for fun a month ago, and when it finally arrived she was so excited to show Squiddy. This more in the shape of a quad and she could only imagine Squiddy showing her affection in various ways. But a different approach was required, she knew that Squiddy wasn't such a moron as to change her entire outlook on Sanae just over some cool new toy. Yup, totally not her.
Squid girl decided to walk out to the town today since no one was there to notice her, but she would end up going to the beach and they would see her which was bad either way... Wen no one was there she walked outside and sighed deciding to take a walk around the whole neighborhood, to do a bit more exploring.
Sanae had been stalking you and carefully positions her new toy to drive it by you casually and not get stupid at first sight of you like usual. Her heart was deeply motivated to form some type of actual relationship with you this time. As Sanae drives by she shows that she has ice cream and other treats in the seat beside her, all the while remaining casual, not even saying hi. Sanae drives by trying with all of her might not to make eye contact with Squiddy or even look at her. She is successful, but she feels alot of crazy, mixed emotions after this and feels somewhat drained. Sanae wants to invite Squiddy in the vehicle and have an adventure together with Squiddy. It's very important to Sanae not to fuck things up this time around and so she fights her own mind as these thoughts go through her head.
Squid girl continued to walk down quielty, hearing the motor of the scooter that she brought, but not knowing it was from her. "What the squid is that...."she said turning around and seeing the scooter then tilting her head to see a bunch of snacks, as sanae drives by her. "Well that actually looks fun..." She said continuing to walk down the path seeing that sanae had to go somewhere and it seemed that she was supposed to take the same path as her. "Umm...I'll guess I'll see you around..." Squid girl said not knowing that this was one of her attempts to get squiddy to love her
The motor in the quad/scooter/go cart being electric, didn't make too much noise as she drove past you. It was quiet enough for Sanae to just vaguely hear what you were saying. She comes to an abrupt stop and says loudly "what's that? You want a ride Squid Girl".
She smile and the overall aura seems a bit awkward, though on Sanae's credit this was turning out to be one of her least awkward situation. Even Squiddy could see that.
She sighs and notices her still following on the scooter but still continuing to walk. " what the squid is that thing your riding on?" She asks tilting her head again to see that it was moving with the wheels it had, she didn't really see those before so she had no clue how it actually worked then
She parks the little vehicle beside you and thinks about it " a device I paid for on the's something that's usually driven around by different leaders across the world". Sanae could see Squiddy's wheels turning after she spoke. "Would you like to come test drive it with me"
Her voice softens as she goes on "I was thinking of giving this to the future leader of our, if you like it"
Squiddy is only able to imagine how much money something like this much costs, Sanae eagerly awaits your reaction.
Ehhhh..." She said looking at her weird when she said the word Internet like that. But when she heard about being the one to try something that had wheels and used by leaders....inkvaders are rulers of the world... " of course I wanna squidding try!! I will inkvade the world!!!" She said putting her hands on the handle bars, "ok then how does this thing even squidding work!"
Sanae puts her hands on your's and looks right at you "but we drive it together Squiddy...okay". She speaks with a different tone than usual. "This one's gas" She guides your foot to it with hers and presses down gently to show you "and brakes...uh feul be honest I don't really know, I didn't read the manual I didn't think you be interested, but how hard could it be take us somewhere senpai."
She stands there frozen for a moment feeling sanaes hand on hers, "calm down squiddy...she hasn't gone crazy yet..." Squid girl thought wih a sigh and deciding to deal with it. When she pushed down on the pedal they started to move and that surpsied her a bit. "What the squid?!" She said looking confused again the pressing on the gas and starting to ride down the street, and she seemed pretty good driving it for a bit even though she just learned how to use it
Sanae looks at you wide eyed and in genuine amazement "Wow, your doing awesome Squiddy". She remembers when she had first tried to take the small vehicle out for test drive and, in the process, banged into several cars and even ran over somebody's cat. "Keep it on the beach for now Squiddy, until you get used to it" she reaches down to pull out some of those snacks, she considers it second nature to just feed you little shrimps and other ocean based snacks as you drive. Sanae loves every second of it and thinks to herself that her plan is working.
"I guess I really am then.." She said with a smirk feeling accomplished and using her tentacles to turn and use the steering wheel. "I'm am an inkvader!!!" Suddenly she sees what sanae is holding and knows it's shrimp, leaning over to eat the piece she was holding. Squid girl was driving around even better now, and she was so happy to finally taste shrimp again after not even eating lunch yet outside or anything
Seeing how you snatch the shrimp only makes you more adorable to Sanae. She continually slithers shrimps up to your mouth and watches you eat them, only to pull out a 7oz bottle of ramune with the other hand. Equipped with a straw, she attemps to feed that to you without making a mess on you. "Let's go take over that beach house, I'll be your body gaurd. Chizuru has a weakness that everyone thought should be kept from you for everyone's safety, i'm going to tell you because I lo...BUURP...yea let's go.
Squid girl sighed and noticed a straw, leaning in a bit to drinks it not really caring what was inside, still eating all the shrimp. "that's actually helping...thanks.." She said turning back to drive toward the place. "What the squid are you taking about?" She made a quick stop at the front then turned and looked around getting off
"Your very welcome my Squiddy" Sanae is so overjoyed and about to scream but she hold it in and shakes her head. "Chiziru has a certain allergy that renders her very weak and lethargic at even the slightest, with that you'd be capable of...who knows. But I will only share this secret with you if you do something for me...sit in my new spa with me."
Squid girl sighed and looked around the place, wondering what to do next until she hears her again. " wow! Well then I will find out and use it against her!!!" She said making an evil laugh, but then freezes knowing she won't tell her so easily like that. "Squid..." She says with a sigh feeling a bit frustrated and forgetting that sanae has a big mouth but it was now harder to get something she wanted so easily now. "" She asked looking over, "what's a spa though?"
Sanae explains casually "It's a big tub of warm water, you take off all your clothes and enjoy the bubble jets in the tub, humans do that type of thing with thier close friends, oh let's do that for dinner tonight". Her in her head voice says haha stupid.
"SQIDDY!" she quickly leans over to straighten out the vehicle that was slowly leering to the side. "Pay attention to two things at once brat" she said in a tone that Squiddy has never heard come out of Sanae. "I'm sorry but I have been in an accident and it scares me"
After you've been driving and talking together for a bit she looks around "Squiddy? ...where the fuck are you taking us?"
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