Next time, RUN [Feat. Kaybee and Drexel]


Oct 12, 2011
Drexel said:
Kaybee said:
Drexel said:
Kaybee said:
Drexel said:
Kaybee said:
Drexel said:
In the city of Noxus, the High Command was troubled by the recent rumors of attacks on the nearby villages, the attacks was said to be erratic in manner, according to the villagers who had managed to fled, there are times the attacks would be in form of a raid but sometimes a massacre. Also the people were really horrified that the attacks were not made by humans but by some strange creatures that came from nowhere.

After weeks of investigation, the High Command finally learned about the origins of the creatures that were responsible for the attack. So the High Command's decision, instead of sending a handful of infantry, they will only send one assassin to finish the job. They send one of their most notorious assassin, Katarina, to venture into Icathia where the abandoned dungeon-city is situated.

Right now, the denizens of the dungeon were all but awake and dying to feast on any surface dweller...... especially female humans.

But for now the magical barrier on the dungeon is up again, so there won't be any tour on the outside. But Katarina must hurry, should the magical barriers of the dungeon fade, then there would be no stopping for the monsters.

The assignment was... Unusual to say the least. Katarina was a killing force to be reckoned with in every sense of the word but even since her family had fallen from grace following the disappearance of her father and the transformation of her sister the Noxian High Command still preferred to use her to get rid of hard-to-reach political targets within the city-state's borders. Occasionally she was sent abroad to Demacia or Ionia to deal with various undesirables but Icathia...

Technically speaking, Icathia wasn't even a part of Valoran. It held some physical space on the continent sure but the place was so corrupted with the void that parts of it had begun to slip into the void without warning, flickering back and forth between the two dimensions constantly.

It wasn't the first time Kat had wondered if High Command might have decided she was no longer worth keeping around and tried to kill her, but she went ahead with it anyways. What they'd heard of, spilling out of the dungeon they were sending her into were mostly shambling corpse-like creatures and occasional large beasts. She'd had a look at most of them and was confident they wouldn't pose a threat to someone of her ability.

Still, as the redhead set one leather-clad foot at the edge of the stone steps that led down into the place and the barrier hummed into being behind her, sealing the dungeon so that nothing could get out for the next few days while she worked to clear it out, her hands brushed nervously over the hilts of her twin blades. Taking a deep breath, she took another step, and began walking down the stairway, raising a torch in one hand, one blade held loosely in the other as the hallway levelled out into some sort of complex, hallway full of barred doors cells of some kind.

Holding her weapon forwards and keeping her torch behind her so it's flames wouldn't blind her, Katarina began to advance down the hall, eyes alert for any sign of movement.

The first level denizens of the dungeons were awakened by the torchlight emanating from Katarina's torch, but seeing her as a well armed individual, the creature didn't made any sudden moves, though its eyes were focused on her. The denizen of the prison ward section is called the "Prisoner Horde", its composed of a union of numerous corpses of the once prisoners of the said ward, they were pasted together by an unknown energy of the void.

The ball of living con corpses were all quiet just as Katarina is, observing her from the ceiling, watching her get close to their falling space, if Katarina steps to their shadow, then it would be a one lucky pounce for them.

By the time she was a third of the way down the hallway Katarina's instincts had gone from a faint whisper of wrongness to a full scream. Despite the fact that the reports had told of dozens of creatures participating in the attacks the place was entirely silent. There were a few possibilities of course, the monsters lurked on a lower level before coming up, the monsters were sleeping (Though from the images she'd heard they seemed to be undead, and she knew undead don't sleep.)

Another step forwards, and another. There was a sense that she was being watched now, but nothing so much as stirred in the darkened cells, and the flickering light of her torch illuminated only mossy and lichenous stones, rusting bars, and occasionally splinters of rotten wood that might once have been cots of some sort. "This really is a prison... Or it was..." She muttered under her breath, tightening her grip on her weapon and looking ahead, taking another step, then another...

As an assassin, Katarina was well versed in the dangers of failing to look up, mostly because she was one of those dangers. Despite that, she wasn't used to looking up herself.

She didn't realized her mistake even as she stepped into the lurking Prisoner Horde's reach...

The tale behind the said prison ward isn't a commonly shared story like a typical prison would have, according to the lone historian of Icathia, Kassadin, the prison is said to only house the most fiendish of rapists of Valoran, men comming from different nations like, Demacia, Noxus, Zaun, Piltover, Freljord and Ionia were all sealed to die in this forsaken dungeon.

So for the Prisoner Horde, Katarina is a very ripe victim for them, but astonishingly, the corpses don't fight each other for the sake of the getting the most succulent meal in sight. It seems that the powers of the void relinquished their memories and intellects as humans, so it would look like that the Prisoner Horde works as a hive mind.

Once Katarina steps into their mark, the forward most corpse let out a disorienting screeched to cause a painful ache to Katarina's ear and head so that she would be stunned in place.

Just after the screech, the ball of corpse let itself fall above the alluring assassin.

Katarina had heard of the prison but she didn't know where it was an had no reason to associate it with the dungeon she was now walking through. Truth be told, she might never figure it out unless someone better in the know were able to tell her later. As it was, she was unaware not just of the danger lurking above her but of the precise nature of that danger too. Her instincts told her to fear for her life rather than her womanhood after all.

The Scream was horrible, shrill and unnaturally piercing even as Katarina clapped both hands over her ears. The torch and blade fell, the former still burning as it rolled, allowing her to see the writhing mass of corpses as the painful sound fades away and she finally has a chance to look up.

It's only a glimpse, a tableau of grinning emaciated faces, their eyes glowing with some inner fire.

Then the horde surges down at her, and Katarina forces herself into motion, leaping backwards to try and evade only for a grip far stronger than such a skinny arm has any right to exert catching her by the arm, arresting her attempt to back away before it really begins. Her mind working furiously, she reaches back, trying to grab at her other blade with her free hand.

Just as before Katarina was about to get pounced by the ball's mass, she made a quick back flip which granted her perfect evasion from the creature. This made the creature infuriated with intense rage and hunger, like a dog going feral for a long wanted meal. The corpses were all drooling profusely with disgusting sticky looking fluids no longer recognizable for a human saliva, they were all staring at the voluptuous assassin, they look at her with intense malice and lust, especially at her half covered bosoms. Each of them desired nothing more than her soft body.

Without further hesitation, the ball horde rushes to the beautiful assassin, using, the many arms and legs on its bottom part. While rushing, some of the corpses were slashing everywhere, not minding whether they hit something or just the air.

The third Mistake Katarina made was standing her ground rather than trying to evade the charging horde. She was used to facing humans that would try to avoid a counterattack, creatures that could be frightened by pain or driven off by the threat of injury.

She realized that the horde would do no such thing about the time she lashed out at one arm that slashed too close to her, severing the limb quite neatly.

The mass of undead prisoners didn't even slow down.

A second reaching limb went flying, and a third as Katarina backpedaled desperately but the horde had too much momentum to be slowed and was too numerous for her to guard against the sheer multitude of attacks. Ragged nails scraped at her leather top, tearing pieces from the garment, rendering it into scraps in the space of a few frenzied moments while further hands seized at her weapon, uncaring for how it's razor sharp edge cut into their fingers.
The rushing horde gave no regards to their spliced off limbs that were sent flying away, being undead, they are rendered immune to any sort of physical pain, but it is the void that powers the horde that feels pain, for every part lost is an energy expended, this made the horde more relentless on their assault. With the assassin going blow for blow in quick succession, the horde compensated their inaccuracy through sheer inhuman speed and quantity of attacks, this gave them a feat that rewarded them of tearing the majority of Katarina's leather vest as well as her improvised bra armor. They also managed to bruised and cut a little Katarina's ample breasts, slightly wounding them, other short cuts were landed through her belly and waist.

The horde continuously shriek in pain just as Katarina's dagger continuously cut finger to finger and hand to hand like a reaper's scythe swiping the corn fields.

But no matter how precise Katarina's attacks were, they simply won't do any serious damage to them.

This time, some of the corpses began slashing their rusty old makeshift swords, to make a more efficient offensive strikes. If Katarina would continue fighting, she would be boxed-in within a short time.
The screams of pain from the undead were almost as bad as their earlier screaming before they'd attacked and the constant sound began to take a toll on the assassin. Her fighting style -designed to quickly cripple or kill an enemy in the space of a few seconds- was utterly useless against this opponent and her stamina was beginning to falter as the combat wore on. The non-stop motions of dodging, blocking, and counterattacking the horde were incredibly draining.

When the swords came out, it was all she could do to simply stand her ground, fending off the horde's weapons with her remaining sword in her right hand and one of her myriad throwing daggers clutched in her left.

At this point, it was only a matter of time before she would go down, exhausted if not fatally wounded.
Despite Katarina's continuous barrage of daggers, they were rendered ineffective against the lifeless ball horde, the only thing the daggers are doing to the horde is only to slow them down, but the void's energy is becoming more and more fired up as if pumping an adrenaline like fuel to the corpses.

As the horde sees Katarina's attack slowly becoming clumsy, they put on more pressure to her by spinning around and let the other corpses on the backside to take the assault, the corpses at back were unharmed since none of them were hit by Katarina's slashes.

For them the fight becomes easy, as the now tired assassin could no longer keep the attacks at bay. One of the corpse managed to grabbed the assassin's right hand which holds the primary weapon and quickly disarms the last sword.

After disarming the weapon, the corpse quickly lifts Katarina above the ground using her right arm and as soon as she is stuck in mid air, the other corpses began grabbing her as well. Her legs were grabbed quickly and spread so she could not get leverage in case she attempts to escape.

Finally, the corpses all shriek as if letting out a warcry of victory as they now got their prized victim within their grasps. Katarina though still has one card left, her left arm that seems to be left forgotten by the corpses.
Her strength flagging, Katarina spun as she was struck in the shoulder, stumbling as the horde encircled her. Her weapon was lost a moment later, her fingers too weak to keep it against the strength of the prisoners when one of them corpses lashed out and sent it skittering across the floor. The creatures were far stronger than they had any real right to be and they demonstrated it as they lifted her into the air, emaciated as they were they shouldn't have been able to do a thing but instead the assassin was quite effectively rendered helpless as they hauled her arms above her head and pulled her legs apart.

Barely able to fight any more, Katarina sagged in the Prisoner Horde's grip, panting for breath, a sheen of sweat over her skin despite the chill of the underground dungeon, her chest heaving. She winced at the victorious screech so close to her ears but otherwise stopped fighting. Fighting as she was would be useless, she couldn't do anything until she recovered some, then she could deal with these creatures.

Assuming they didn't kill her then and there, but then again, she didn't have any reason to believe they wouldn't...
The void that is empowering the hive mind of the corpse is having hard time controlling the pseudo human urges that is still lingering in the heads of the corpses, because if things are not in control, the corpses would go loose and they might eat the beautiful assassin.... Literally. Good thing the powers of the void are strong enough to hold the heads of the corpses and keep every lust in check.

As Katarina was held in an 'X' position in front of the corpses, some of the corpses made wide grins on their faces as if a kid that just received his favorite toy, except for the skeletal corpses who could no longer make recognizable facial expression.

Then slowly the hands of the corpses started fondling caressing her body all over, awhile ago they were violent in slashing her but this time it all seem to look passionate. they rub their hands gently on her slightly wounded belly, waist and breasts as if they were checking each part of her alluring body.

Some corpses got more curious on her body and started unbuckling the belt that holstered the majority of her dagger, once undone, they unbuttoned her leather pants and gently pulls them down to her knees where it was left hanging. Other corpses did the same started ditching the now tattered bra armor, and behold, Katarina is now dangling in mid air with her breasts exposed, her skimpy vest left hanging and her womanhood covered only by a black thong.

The corpses again made a screech like a joyous ceremony is taking place, indeed they were joyous in seeing the bare warm flesh flesh of their enemy. After the cheer, the feast began.

Katarina was pulled closer to the ball of corpses, then the hands started fondling her delicate breasts, kneading and pressing the fluffy orbs gently. A skeletal hand was lucky to cusp on Katartina's prized sex through her black thong, the bony hand rubs up and down generating warmth. Other hands went o her butt and rubs her cheeks and even squeezing and spanking her ass cheeks sporadically.
It took Katarina a moment to process the sudden change in the corpses as they went from violently raking and slashing at her to something considerably more gentle. Her eyes -downcast til then- flickered upwards, taking in the grinning faces and the many hands reaching towards her.

She twitched away, trying to lessen a bow that never came as slender fingers ran over her skin, but otherwise remained still as they started to stroke over her.

Then one of them ran over her breasts, trailing at first, then grasping and kneading slightly to the tune of a shocked gasp from the assassin, then curling about the ragged remains of her bra and tugging it away. She tried to pull back from that hand, but all of them were moving to molest her now and being held so gave her too little room to avoid their grasping motions. Her Bra fell to the floor exposing her chest to the horde and Katarina winced as they shrieked again, as though celebrating the sight of her tits.

Others still were moving to relieve her of her leather pants, leaving her spread eagled and practically naked, left only with her bracers, boots, and a black thong preserving what was left of her modesty, though she doubted that would remain for long. She glowered at the undead, a furious expression on her face that they completely ignored as they continued to molest her, hands roaming all over her body now, including a few bony fingers tucking up against her netherlips through the thin silk of her thong and a few more caressing and occasionally spanking her rear.

Gritting her teeth, Katarina simply tried to endure and keep herself from responding. If she was lucky the corpses would satisfy themselves and grow bored, if she wasn't they would satisfy themselves and then most likely eat her or something. She didn't have a choice in the matter until she recovered more thoroughly.
The soft and sudden gasp that escaped from Katarina's mouth made the horde more hornier, they like it when their victim gets stimulated, just as a rapist would favor a victim that submits to the depravity. Its only a matter of time before Katarina will relinquish her resilience.

A few moments later, the horde added their foreplay as more hands began to feel up Katarina, two more hands began pinching her pinkish nipples, stimulating them to make them erect, as the nipples become hard, the corpes's fingers began pulling both nipples, bringing along Katarina's breasts in the process, they pull it more to the extent that it is stretched forward up to the point that Katarina will groan in pain once the breasts are stressed to its limits, but they did this still in a gentle manner so as not to hurt her grievously. So they will only stop once Katarina cries out in pain.

While the upper corpses are having their fun the bottom ones had their own too as more bony corpse hands were added as well, two additional bony hands found their way on both side of Katarina's pelvic area, the two bony hands clipped their fingers simultaneously on the side garters of Katarina's silky black thongs, as the garters were held in place, the fingers began pulling up the garters of the thong, pulling up the rest of the thong in the process, the main crotch padding and the thin center rear garter of thong which hugs itself between the asscheeks. This will stroke Katarina's womanhood and anus as the act will pressure the two sexual parts of her body. The pulling up of the garter is done continuously, as it was being don in an upward thrust after thrust manner. While the ones on top are gentle to her milk bags, the ones below are doing it aggressively.

The corpses didn't bother on her angered facial expression, they like it more when women fight back, just as a rapists savors the moment of raping.
Katarina grit her teeth, baring them to the horde with a hiss of anger on her lips. She fought down a yelp as they pinched her nipples and then began to pull slowly. Unwilling to give them the satisfaction, she held on for some time before she finally broke down and a whimper of pain escaped her, prompting the corpses to release her nipples a second later, leaving her breasts smarting painfully at having been so stretched.

Still the corpses weren't done yet. In fact, Katarina had a sneaking suspicion they were only just getting started. She shifted her hips upwards at first, trying to move with the hands that curled about the edges of her thong but she could only move so far. A soft moan tumbled from her lips as the thong began to exert pressure on her clit, the slight motions of the fabric against the little bundle of nerves sending shocks of pleasure up her spine, making it hard to hold her voice in. She bucked a couple times at first in a renewed attempt to escape but halted, a flush of embarrassment and rage spreading over her features as a loud moan escaped her lips when she twisted the wrong way and mashed her clit against the fabric even more strongly for a few full seconds.
When the horde finally heard her yelped and whimpered, they stopped pulling her breasts, but it doesn't men that they freed her breasts, the horde only give Katarina a slight relief retracting her breasts a little so as to ease her pain. The corpses were so delighted to see the nerves of Katarina's still stretched melons showing themselves like colorul roots through her skin, then the horde stimulates her again to relief her ample titties by fondling the still stretched breasts, fingers run back and forth and in circles gently along the fragile skin of the titties. While that is being the done, the horde still sees the skin of the breasts that was cut by their claw slashes awhile ago, the prisoner horde had an idea for the wounded skin, one of the corpses unleashed a blood stained blade that is also quite rusted, but the blood on the blade still looked fresh as if it had been used recently. They brought the blade to Katarina's left breasts, by now she should be shook with fear on this very hideous sharp sword. The sword is called "The Blood Thirster" as the blade always hunger for a taste of a victim's blood and gives its wielder a taste of the blood spilled, thus extending the life of the wielder, for the horde though, the lifesteal effect of the blade is pretty much useless as they no longer need life, so they brought out the blade to feed it with the beautiful assassin's blood.

Without warning the horde wafter the blade gently through Katarina's top portion of the left breast, even as gentle as it was, still the blade was sharp enough to cut the soft skin of the assassin's breasts, another cause of the eased of cutting is because the breast is still stretched, the stress likely weakens Katarina's breasts. As the cut was made the blade magically sips a little of the blood that flows out of the breasts as well as a little bit of blood that is still inside the breast, Katarina would see small amounts of her blood coming out of her breasts slowly and floating in air as if they were being sucked by a vacuum, but miraculously also, the skin that was cut was healed and sealed instantly as if nothing happened, but this doesn't mean relief, for after that another portion of the skin of her left breast is cut again, the second time was on underside the left breast, the blood that dripped is being caught by the blade, no trace of left over blood could be seen, not even a blood spilled on the floor, all were drank by the blade, after the underside was done, the skin healed up again just like the top part. Katarina received a maximum of 8 gentle slashes on her left breasts, 2 on each corner, top, bottom, left and right, all of which are painful to her.

The right breast received the same treatment, the horde is always eager to hear her cries of pain, they want her to beg for her life, as if they are mocking life itself.

After the blade had been fed fully, it spoke to Katarina's head, "Mmmmm.... you taste so delicious, your blood is finer than the most well cooked meat. I hope to drink your milk one day when you become pregnant my exquisite Noxian meat. Hehehehe" Laughing hideously as the voice in her head faded.

The blade was sucked by the power of the void that is located on the central part of the ball, its glowing orb houses the power of the horde, including the blade.

The horde on the upper part of the ball also withdraw her breasts from their grasp, giving the breasts a moment of rest, for the meantime they fondle on her belly, running their hands on the well toned stomach, enjoying her twist and turns.

Meanwhile, the ones on the bottom were also enjoying that they made Katarina lurch and squirm like a fish, the corpses below let out a clumsy laugh as they heard Katarina moaned and sees her blushing, they knew Katarina approved of it even as she had a rage look pasted on her face, they knew she was just concealing her feelings. As the thong is still being pulled up, the bony finger continues running his fingers up and down between the lips of her prized flesh, he could feel the flaps starting to make a little gaping hole.

But the ones on the bottom also like to do something ingenious just like the ones on top did theirs by using the Blood Thirster. But they couldn't come up with a better idea, luckily though, one of the corpses lying in discontent at the bottom back of the ball had seen the still lit torched that Katarina dropped earlier, he let out a screech to signal the horde to move to the torch's location and grabs it, the horde willingly responded to this and quickly runs to the torch on of the floor, bringing Katarina with them.

The torch was passed to the bottom front horde to let Katarina see what toy they just got. The corpses at the bottom made a maniacal grin on their faces as they show to Katarina her own torch. After that, they raised and bend her knees forward so as to completely exposed her crotch without a blind spot. Then they move the torch beneath her groin, searing her perineum(The patch of skin between the vagina and anus) that is still covered by the thin garter of the thong. they move the torch back and forth as if they were welding her groin. The horde watch in amusement as Katarina's lower regions will finally sweat a lot, they are more than eager to see a wet look of her thong, plus nof course her reactions.

While her groin is being seared, the bony corpse that is running his finger on the lips of Katarina's nether ceased his fondling, this time he got more curious on the pubic bone that is revealed because of the legs being spread to the sides , he tried pinching them through the skin with his bony finger, this is of course quite painful to Katarina as it would feel like her pubic bone is being peeled off like a fried chicken bone. But the skeletal corpse is careful not to snap the ligaments connected to the pubic bone, he just love the way the bone looks when her legs are spread to the sides, it looked like two ceremonial poles standing guard on the throne which of course mirrors Katarina's treasured body part.
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