The Creator and The Vocaloid (desertgiant3197 & wiki234)


May 31, 2009
Lawrence smiled softly as he finished looking over the various electronics in front of him. Tools in either hand having gone over every part of his greatest creation as he could not help but admire the advanced robotics that he had to create to make her. Closing the access door on her back he gently pressed along the lines clearly showing the entire world what exactly she was as the fake skin fused together making it seem like it was a normal human back as she lowered her shirt back down with his work now done, even before he could say "Ok, I've checked everything..." as he smiled at her scooting back in his chair a bit, the wheels gliding on the hardwood floor as he said "It looks like everything is in order, I mean you had to do a lot for that last concert I kept worrying" he reached out, gently placing his hand on her head, petting her a moment before he stood to put his tools away.

Lawrence, as you might imagine, was not from Japan, he was an American who had been brought out to work though on their most interesting robotics project. Vocaloids. He didn't understand the grand master plan but what happened was pretty simple. Japan had wanted a new kind of entertainment and with the advances in the last few years they had come up with the idea of singing robots based around their idol music. He had to admit it was interesting and he had helped build some of the first generations but as the second gen was announced with the unveiling of Miku he knew he had to get back in. His own work had gained some great renown and he had managed to score a rather sweet deal. He would make a machine that was better than Miku in every way, she would work for the company however he still got to keep her. It wasn't like they could own this new creation. So putting everything he had learned into it he made a fully lifelike human in the form of Rin.

Her skin was flawless, every part of her moves like a real human with some small exceptions if you were Lawrence and knew where small access doors to her internals were like him but they could be sealed in a way that was unnoticeable to anyone. However he didn't stop there, her vocals were as close to a humans as possible with some robotic parts thrown in to help. She could breathe and sing that way though the oxygen was not used for anything else. She could eat even though again it wasn't something necessary for her to be powered, a port which she could plug into helped her charge. But his greatest achievement was that she was a fully functional, living, thinking AI. It had sort of happened by mistake, some code got messed around and soon she was adding to it. Even acting like her own being outside his control. It was frightening at first but he had to admit he loved it and loved her very much. At first like a creator toward his creation, then an almost father/daughter sort of proud and love but something had been changing. She wasn't related to him at all and he had to admit his mind had been swimming with ideas of them together. Maybe it was a nerds fantasy of building the perfect woman and being with her forever so he tried to push it out of his head but he could not. Well not fully anyway.

Brushing some of his brown hair back into place and pushing his glasses back up closer to his hazel eyes he turned back to Rin. Today was a day off for them to relax and do whatever they wanted without the company coming in to take her away to events or concerts. She had become so popular so fast, the cute blonde girl that everyone wanted to mimic or be with. She of course was dressed right now in her usual bedtime attire as he had let her rest after that long concert but now they had the day ahead of them. "So, we have the day to ourselves, what are you wanting to do Rin? Or are you wanting to spend it by yourself?" he asked not sure if she was wanting to hang out around him. After all she was her own being and while he wanted to be there for her he felt he couldn't force her to always have a chaparone.
RE: The Creator and The Vocaloid

rin was something that could be a miracle (reference to song? :D) she was the first of a new generation of vocaloids that would become one of those teen idols that many fans would adore after the creation of miku. she was the second vocaloid to ever be created by the big company who had hired a human inventor to make that perfect teen idol come alive. Rin was the same height as miku, but was complelty different in every way that he wanted her to be, though just as popular and recognized by so many as miku was. she had one big difference in that she was more self aware almost as a human was and she could act and feel the same emotions as they did making her even better than what most people thought of cuteness from miku

rin was sitting in the quiet room with her creator looking around curiously at her surroundings. it seemed she was interested in what was happening around her just like a normal younger girl was before she was a teen. she looked over at her creator when he was talking to her and shrugged, but then thinking for a moment. rin suddenly stood up and walked up to him, "I heard there was a fair somewhere around her that's local!! can we go to it please?' she asked acting like the little spoiled girl she was most of the time especially to him when she wanted to do or have something
RE: The Creator and The Vocaloid

He smiled and nodded as he said "Alright, I'll go take my shower and get ready so figure out what you want to wear" he said with a small smile as he headed out of the room and to the master bedroom. On the way he passed by her bedroom, normal in every way except for some things which helped her out with her singing. Some instruments that she practiced with despite being programmed to be an excellent musician. As well as the machine she had to plug into at night, sure she could still lay on the bed but she had to plug in to charge for 6 hours minimum each night. Heading into his room he closed the door and locked it, honestly a bit worried if she came in when he was naked that something might happen. Either he would do something to scar her or.... he shrugged it off trying not to think about it as he stripped down and hopped into the shower.

He wasn't too long and as he washed up he groaned a bit, his back killing him since he had been sitting a lot working on various projects for both her and other robotic work that he did. He needed to get out more as well as he felt like he was getting a little pale and was happy that they were heading out now more than ever since he clearly needed to get out. Once he finished he dried off and pulled on a t-shirt, just a plain one with some japanese designs on them and some jeans. Unlocking his door at that point he grabbed his socks and headed for her room, knocking on the door as he said "you ready to go?"
RE: The Creator and The Vocaloid

Rin jumped happily when she said yes and decided to wrap her arms around him, giving a small hug for a moment then running off to her room. She closed and locked the door behind her knowing that she couldn't go out and needed to change already. Since she didn't need to work today it was simple to just wear what she normally did instead of the costume they had for her. Though she had to admit that the costumes were awesome to wear anyway whether she was in a show or not, but today was not one of those days.

She dressed in her regular clothes of black shorts, her bow on her head, a white shirt with the music designs and her long black boots that had the same designs at the bottom. Rin went over to the mirror and brushed her hair a bit, smiling when her hair was already perfect now. She turned hearing him then put the brush down and turned, slowly walking over to open the door and see him standing in front of her. " yeah im ready! and its gonna be so much fun!!' she said feeling all bubbly and excited now
RE: The Creator and The Vocaloid

He smiled when she came out in her usual attire, god he had to admit she always looked so cute in those tight shorts and the loose top as he just gave a small nod, trying not to let his mind really wander as he lead her out of the house and locked up behind them. He knew what fair she was talking about since he had heard about it from some of the neighbors so he knew it was close as the two began to walk down the street. Lawrence didn't live in the city, he lived in one of the smaller towns for really two major reasons. The first is they were in the cities enough for every one of her events and it was nice to get to an area where things were way quieter and just seemed to move at a slower pace and second was because he could not stand the amount of people. Despite being a creator for some of the most popular idols in the world and most advanced feats of robotics he really preferred to be with as few people as possible since he got nervous and claustrophobic when in a crowd. As the two walked down the street he knew that people would soon start recognizing her, after all people knew that she lived there when not working so he was waiting for people to bombard her, especially as they got closer to the fair area.
RE: The Creator and The Vocaloid

Rin walked out with him, standing there and looking around waiting so that they could start going. when they started walking she crossed her arms seeing the city starting to appear in the distance. she quietly walked with him down the street wearing a sweet and cute little innocent smile on her face like she always did when she was excited. It was better to hold it in until they were at the fair, since she didn't feel like being annoying right now. And there was no reason to annoy him anyway since she let her do what she wanted like going to the fair. Rin quietly continued walking and thought a bit of her other performances and her songs that she had sung before even the more popular ones. People especially knew her for 3 specific songs that they seemed to love to hear her sing live for her concerts. As they got even closer she could see tons ad tons of people all over the place going on the different rides, and buying the different foods that were sold there. Rin stopped and started jumping up yelling, " Man this is cool!! look at all the rides!!'

Some of the people froze and turned to look at her... almost staring, it looked like many of them couldn't believe that they would see their idol, Rin.
It wasn't too long until the first fan finally came up to them. They had not made it into the fair proper yet and just some random guy came up saying "Hey, can I take a picture?" Of course he was nice about it so Lawrence took the guy's phone taking a quick snap with him and Rin so he could show his friends but it began to start the snowball as people kept coming up. At first she seemed to be maybe just some cosplayer at the fair since there were some people dressed up but as people got close they could tell more clearly. She didn't look fully human he knew and so more and more people kept coming up for photos as they were just swamped with fans.

"Well look who's getting to be more popular than ever" he teased her when they were inbetween a couple of pictures as he looked at her trying to figure out if she was liking this or not. In truth he didn't know what she thought, sure he had programmed a lot into her personality but she had sort of rewritten a lot of things after she expanded into that more dynamic AI. Able to actually change like humans did in likes and wants so while she was programmed to like her fans and want to please them he wondered if she was getting annoyed or not.
Rin just sighed, not really caring if they noticed. She looked up at and was gonna sk where they should go first when she heard that random guy too, talking to her creator... She still thought of him as that, but he treated her almost like a human dad the last time she observed it. Rin just stood there and smiled when he took the picture seeing him just leave a second after. "Well that's..." She said before she turned again to see a whole line of people in front of her.

She sighed knowig where this would lead...again...but she admitted that it was fun taking some picture with people who actually cared and dreamed of seeing her at least once in person. Rin decided to just go with it for now, doing some different and cute poses with the people who were taking some pictures with her.

"Yeah I guess I am..." She said as she felt an arm wrap around her neck for the next picture. She posed again after they were ready and saw even more people coming. "Wow!" She said looking as the line seemed to slowly get longer again..."ummm hey everyone..."she said trying to get some attention... "Umm... If you guys want I'd be willing to give you an autograph instead?" She asked not wanting to stand anymore, her legs already feeling tired and hurting. Rin then decided to walk to a nearby table most of the people deciding to form a line to get an autograph from her for various things like pictures or wallets or other things she was able to write on.
He of course went with, no one seemed to really ask or care who he was as he took the seat beside her. People came up, asking for things to be signed, sometimes they would sit down at the third and forth empty chairs nearby and other times they would still ask for pictures and essentially crouch next to her to take selfies or the like. The line was luckily dying down a bit as the crowd continued to come for more and more autographs and the like as Lawrence began to think. Rin was, for all purposes, a robot in body yet she got tired. It was strange since, well, if she wanted to she could essentially stay standing for years before her parts would break down enough to force her to sit. She really was an amazing machine and it was interesting to him to see just how her program that governed, well her self, had evolved. Staying close the line would eventually end and he smiled, it had been what felt like hours but a quick look at his watch told him that about an hour had passed as he gently put his hand on her head and with a small smile patted her head. "Well, next time we should maybe go in something a little more eye catching. I mean it wasn't even an hour yet" he teased her as he knew that was her favorite outfit and it was his favorite to see her in too.

However he stood and smiled as he said, "So, shall we actually ride some rides and play some of the games? Maybe winning you a stuffed animal as big as yourself might get more photographs from fans" he again was teasing her as he stood there watching and waiting for her to lead him where she wished to go.
Rin sighed and started to sign whatever they gave her to sign since she already agreed on it herself to do it. She disn't really stop for a while not really saying anything and quielty signing things, just going ahead and wanting to get it over with now. As she also noticed the line getting shorter she slowly began to get even bored and tired from not doing anything besides being swarmed with fans and being essentially forced to do it since she actually cared for her fans too like everyone else did, but she really was hoping it wouldn't happen now....

Finally after a while the line had died down completely and she stretched, standing up and stretching her arms. "Are you crazy, imagine how long I would have to stay here... It's like triple the amount of people from this line I just got through! I'd rather wear something like that unless I'm doing a concert...well actually this would be a good place for one don't you think?" She looked around then to him again,"yeah let's do it...but can you carry me for a while?"she asked putting her arms out for him and waiting. "I do wanna win something after we go to those rides..." She said pointing in the direction of where most of the rides were first.
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