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Journal of a Soldier (Anyone welcome to comment)


Devil with a Heart of Iron
Apr 5, 2014
Some of you may remember me. Some of you haven't even heard of me. One of you I have to thank for my avatar and sig. You know who you are. After a forced hiatus via Army Basic Training and heading off to AIT, I have returned and decided to make one of these. I am more than open to hello or congrats or whatever, but mainly, this is to give me something to ramble on when I have lapses in replies and am bored out of my mind. Please, take a seat, pour a drink, and enjoy (maybe).
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Waking up early sucks. The fact that this is followed up by exercise makes it even worse. Today I got an easy day, but tomorrow I was told that it would be hell by the person leading PT. Kill me now?
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Today, overall, was a good day. Had no PT in the morning due to CQR, which is basically a break after night guard. Then, I aced the test we took in class today. Now, if only the partners I enjoyed playing with would reply already...I feel that if I go to find more I would soon be overwhelemed.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Another day another dollar. Been working on getting my roommate acquainted with the different activities and facilities on post before the "official" tour tomorrow, when I would prefer to sit on my ass and play Mortal Kombat. Gotta go and get a work order for a burnt out light and some cleaning supplies since my ex-roommate cleaned house on those, no pun intended. Tomorrow, the shit hits the fan.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

I hate the dentist. Five fillings in a single jaw is having a few words with my pain receptors right now, and I am not enjoy it.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Another bad day, two in a row for those counting. This was more motionally draining though, so a different kind of bad. Hopefully I can sleep it off.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

how_is_you said:
Another bad day, two in a row for those counting. This was more motionally draining though, so a different kind of bad. Hopefully I can sleep it off.

Taking you at your anyone can comment word, I'm sorry about two bad days in a row. I really hope you get plenty of sleep. I know I deal with bad days better when I do get a reasonable amount of sleep. Speaking of which, I haven't been doing so good at sleep lately myself. Maybe tonight.

Here's to a great day tomorrow for both of us!
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

For both of us! I appreciate the comment, Jolie. Sorry to hear you have been having similar luck to me.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Well, today was loads better than it was yesterday. Got some good sleep last night, and got paid as well. Gonna go to the store this weekend and get some headphones.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Finally, the weekend. Staying up late and sleeping in just as much. I love it.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

I went to a battle buddy's room to play Smash Bros. Brawl and got Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 instead. Bleh. I was not happy, but put on an air of enjoyment.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Curse their sudden but inevitable betrayal! I have a friend who just got better quality internet and he tried to play Call of Duty. It lasted for all of five minutes before he went "NOPE" and turned it off. He later sold the game back to the retailer, haha. Call of Duty is definitely not my type of game. I try to play Battlefield sometimes, but I'm pretty terrible at it too.

Smash Bros. Brawl is super fun though. I got to play it for about five minutes when I stole my friend's 3DS for a few minutes. :D

Thanks for sharing, how_is_you!
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

No problem, Orange. Just about to head out for a shopping trip. Seems like hell, because we gotta call up a taxi and all that...ugh, I hate military bases as much as I love them.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

I have a lot of Twizzlers. Like, a whole king size bag to myself. I am officially a happy man.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Another day of irritation was on the agenda. Hooray. Called my dad and got some advice, though, and feel much better. :) Yay, family.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Well, flu shots for tomorrow. Then more class. Afterwards, though, it's a four day weekend. Should be one of the best.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Four day weekend for...Columbus day? Alright, I'll take it, more time to spend here with all of you beauties!
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Roleplay are starting to slow and some are even dried up. A damn shame, but that tends to happen here.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Ah, Skyrim. Soon, we shall be one again...
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Man...if only my water didn't taste awful...I'don't be drinking that a whole lot more than I am now.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

Welp, smash bros has been a fulfilling purchase for me.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

I wish that life were easy. It would be so much sleds stress on the world, less irritation, just ignorant bliss.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

"A life worth living has a taste the sheltered will never know."

Life is hard but eventually all the hard work will pay off. We will become stronger over the course of the through our experiences. Just hang in there, it will get better.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

You are our only hope. Well, unless you take into account that there were thousands of so alley heroes that came alongside you...could you go kill ten rats for me?

This is every MMO ever.
RE: Stranger? Maybe not. (Anyone welcome to comment)

How do I describe my current emotion right now...hmmm...oh, yeah. I feel so alone. I have no girl by my side, and my friends are too strange to hang out with. Guess I'll just continue to sit on my phone and roleplay all day and night
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