Political bloodlines (Krys/Lady)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt


TJ Hammond... how would one describe him? He was son of the would be president, and also of the former president. The man was all over the place, always in the spotlight. What the people didn't know though was that he was a vampire. Not just any vampire though, vampire royalty. He was born in the year 1589, to his mother, Elaine Barrish Hammond, and his father, Bud Hammond. Course, that was not their name then, when they were living in Romania. He and his twin brother were always causing trouble, but TJ more so, with his love of blood and drugs. While normally it would not affect a vampire, he was not into anything made in the human world.

No, his drug of choice was the blood of fae royalty, and one in particular. Krystal Kobayashi, who was the first in line for the throne of the dark court. She was a very mellow girl, having loved TJ since the moment she met him, but was to shy to tell him. They had been friends for centuries, but it had only been just recently that the pretty fae had learned the vampire prince liked women as well. She wouldn't get her hopes up though, having never found anyone who hadn't broken her heart. Even when she had been with TJ's twin, Douglas, she could never seem to make him see. "TJ, why don't you see I love you!?" She would write endlessly in her diary, not knowing that the cunning prince did feel the same. At least not until the night of the annual newborn ball. The night where the long standing blood ties between fae and vampires were almost broken.

Yes, the newborn ball. A ceremony and dance held every year to induct the new vampires and fae into their chosen coven or court. It had long been a tradition between the two races, but this year would change everything, becoming a bloodbath by accident. Newborns are very strong, and very thirsty, so they are generally fed as much as they can drink before the ceremony. This year was no different until one of the fae dignitaries cut himself on a knife. After that it became an all out bloodbath, and Krystal and TJ got separated. Unfortunately for the pretty fae princess though, she got a bloody nose. She was quick and alluded most of the newborns, until she was corner in the library. "TJ!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, never having screamed that loud in her very long life. In a flash he was there, standing in front of her protectively. "Stop. If you hurt this woman, you all die. She. Is. Mine." He growled out, and the newborns backed away. It was phisically impossible for him to be disobeyed. When they were alone in the library, TJ stroked her cheek. "Oh god Krys.. I almost lost you.." there was fear in his grey blue eyes, until he kissed her long and hard. Now she had her answer. He really did feel the same.

“Krys?”The soft lilting growl sounded through the room, warning of who was going to walk in the door within moments, and indeed, the voice was followed by the appearance of the seelie sidhe princess, the warrior princess that neither court of fae liked, but relied on to be as hard and nasty as they needed her to be. While no one would admit that they needed the huntress, she was the sword their enemies were threatened with, the utterly ruthless warrior who was all sharp edges and diamond sharp anger.

Because despite being fae royal, the last princess of the seelie sidhe, the last true blood royal of that court, Glorianna Belladonna was hated by her own people, both the unseelie and seelie courts despised her, and the real reason why was a closely guarded secret that no one but glorianna knew why, but all fae sensed something was different about their royal. So they hated her for it.

While she was tall, lithe with hair the color of new blood spilled under moonlight, when she walked through the door it would take a moment to realize she was actually wearing clothes under the wash of blood making her skimpy black dress cling to curves that weren’t usually obvious, her blood red hair looking even more bloody, leaving tracks of blood dripping down her face, she really had taken a bath in it. Raising a hand to wipe the blood away she raised her sword, responding to TJ’s presence without really being aware.”back off, vampire.”
Krystal smiled. "I'm okay, Glory.' she promised, wiping the blood from her nose as the other came into veiw. While the rest of the fae hated Glorianna, Krystal could never bring herself to, having known the woman since they were children. Her people wanted her to be ruler because she was so unbaiased, and yet as ruthless in battle as Glorianna herself, or even TJ. Get her mad andd you were in a shitstorm of pain, which is why most fae never had the guts to even think of hurting glorianna. while they did need the princess, hurting her was still considered by many, until the eldest dark court princess growled. 'hurt her and face my wrath.' she would say, and they would back off. it was unwise to make krystal angry.

TJ watched the woman as she came in, intruiged. While he had heard stories from krystal on their late night drives, he had never met the woman himself. truth be told, she was beautiful, and he couldn't take his eyes off her as krystal spoke, wrapping an arm around him. 'Its alright glory, Teej won't hurt me. we've been friends for centuries. he save me from the newborns.' she admitted, smiling at her friend. TJ raised an eyebrow as she watched the woman, andd krystal smirked. she knew that look. 'he''s the one i tell you abouut, glory. the vampire prince?" she added, and TJ's smirk widened. "You talk about me?" he asked, as the princess blushed and TJ kissed her neck gently, making her go redder. "all good things i hope, iubusec" the rrromanian word for love falling from his lips effortlessly.
Glorianna frowned a little as she surveyed the two, though she did lower the sword as she studied the two. “You always were to soft to carry a sword all the time.You really should.”Glori scolded lightly because it was true. Even if tradition demanded that no one go armed to the ball, it would be a cold day in hell before anyone made glorianna give up her weapons. “....Ah.Thomas.Yes.”Glorianna looked thoughtful as she looked at the other two, smirking. “She does. At length and great annoyance when I’m trying to work out. It’s quite distracting.”
Krystal chuckled. "I ususally do, but you know its not really sanctioned to bring weapons to the ball.' she admitted, arm still arouns TJ. He studied the woman in front of him, curious about her. While Krystal had told him many things, he had never expected her to be so beautiful. He wrapped his arm around krystal's waist as he chuckled. "Sounds like Krys. Always blabbing." he said, blue grey eyes still looking over the blood stained woman. 'Now, how about we all get cleaned up and go to my club? i should make at least one apppearance there tonight." he said with a toothy smirk, and krystal knew the meaning. he was gonna try to get glory drunk and have sex with her. she sighed. "I get first dibs, Teej." she said, and the vampire prince nodded, knowing that Krystal had probably waited centuries to have sex with him.
“Yes, but you also knew I wouldn’t obey that.”Glori rolled her eyes a little before nodding. “getting clean would be nice. I’ll meet you two in the front hall.”Glorianna said, and it was amazing really. Despite being centuries old, and ruthless in battle, she was left on her own by men so much, that she couldn’t even see the calculating seduction being planned. Walking out she was waiting for them in the front hall, looking even better cleaned and washed, her red hair all the brighter for being free of blood. The black pants she was wearing looking leather until you saw her from behind, saw the velvet cupping her ass, it was just that her boots call all the way up to her groin, and she had some long long legs, the boots tied up with a bright blue cord, flashing and drawing attention to her ass at every movement, matching the blue billowy shirt she was wearing, looking like she’d stepped out of some gothic romance.
Krystal smiled a little. "Yes I do, and i agree. i hate wearing these royal dresses. so hard to move." she admitted, smiling at both of them. TJ whistled after glori was out of earshot. "Wow, she's just wow. i've only known her a minute and i already like her." he admitted to his best friend, who smirked at him as she snapped her fingers, and was clean, dressed in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, knee high stilleto boots and a flowy dark blue shirt that was princess cut with peasant sleeves. "Hey! don't I get any consideration?" she pouted a little before he pulled her into a passionate kiss. "Of course, Iubusec" he muttered, running a hand down her arm. He too snapped his fingers and was clean, donning a black tshirt with a leather jacket, dark skinny jeans, and black sneakers. Krystal smirked at him. "Damn you look sexy." she muttered before popping them to the entrace hall and smiling at Glori. She was amused at how close their fashion sense was sometimes. "ready to go?" she asked, a "god yes" escaping TJ's lips and she chuckled. She had been asking Glori.
Glori slanted a look towards TJ raising her eyebrows as she considered the man before looking at Krys. “Is he always this eager to please?”She said, despite being a member of the glittering throng who prided itself in being less cruel and nasty then the unseelie courts, Glori had a wicked sense of humor, a cruel streak that sometimes struck out at the people around her as much as she was cruel to herself. "But yes, I'm ready to go."
Krystal chuckled. "Only to people he likes. you must be special." she admitted, smiling at her friend, seeing that sense of humor coming out. her gin widened at her next comment, and she popped them all to the club. 'alright people, the party has started!" TJ announced as he walked in, an arm around krys's waist. He went straight to the bar, ordering two scotch on the rocks, and a tequila sunrise for krystal. He handed them each their drink, and smiled. 'I didn't know what you wantedd so, here's a coke and some scotch." he told her with a blush as krystal stirred her drink and took a sip, kissing TJ's cheek softly as they sat in one of the private booths. The man wasn't exactly in his element tonight, having not seduced a woman in centuries. with krystal, it was just a matter of another step in their relationship, but with glori? He had no real clue other than to get her drunk and have sex with her. it usually worked with men, so why not women?
Glori frowned a little at that, looking vaguely confused because she wasn’t used to people finding her interesting besides Krys. Not to mention there was danger in letting TJ close, well aware of just how careful she weas going to have to be with the vampire prince. Accepting the drink she smiled. “This is fine.”She smiled as she settled into the booth, just enjoying herself as she watched the crowd.
krystal smiled at glori, reassuring her. She knew TJ as well as his twin, and while she knew he could be cunning, if he genuunely liked a person, he would pretty much be their slave. He smiled when she took the drink. "okay, good." he said with a smile, his arm aroun krys as she whispered dirty things into his ear. The pretty and usually a bit prude princess was gonna ravage her vampire prince later. She smiled at him, and then at glori. "Glori, why don't you tell TJ about yourself? i know he'd love to hear about you." she said, and TJ just nodded shyly. he really liked this woman, and he wasn't exactly sure how he could date two women at the same time. would Krys even want that? what he didn't know was that she was planning this from the beginning. well, at least the part about Glori and him. she knew they'd make a good pair. she hadn't realized at the time that the handsome vampire prince had eyes for her as well.
Glori sipped her drink before lookign at Krys in utter confusion, looking genuinely confused on what to say. “....like what?”she stared tilting her head a little, biting her lip. She was so so not used to chit chat and had no idea how to be friends or relax. Left on her own for to many centuries.
Krystal smiled at Glori. "Anything that comes to mind, Glori." She said, watching as TJ went to the bar to get her an iced tea. Krystal never drank much, as she never really liked the taste of alcohol. She smirked at Glori when TJ left, giggling like a schoolgirl. "He really likes you, I can tell. Just let him in. He's not as scary as he looks." She promised, and she would know. She had known TJ for his whole life, having met him as a child. She knew this was going to be interesting. She smiled at TJ as he came back. "Thank you, Iubusec." She told him softly, kissing his cheek as he sat in between the two women. "So, either of thou wanna dance?" He asked, grinning.
"Okay."Glori frowned a little as she looked at the table, before tilting her head at Krys, nodding a little."I'll try and remeber that."she sighed before looking up at TJ again, smiling slightly. Nodding."I'll dance."She said as she sipped her drink already sliding out of the booth
Krystal smiled. "Good. You won't regret it." She told the other, giving the woman's hand a light squeese. TJ grinned when she said she'd dance. "Excellent." He said, following her out and dancing with her for a long while, Krystal just smiling as she watched. She wasn't much for damcing, she preferred to watch. It looked to her like things were starting to come together, and she was happy. That's all she wanted, her two best friends happy, whether she had to sit out of it or not.
Glori smiled a little looking up at the other, simply dancing as she let the music wash over her, eyes widening as someone bumped into her from behind, hard enough that she bit her lip, looking startled as she felt the blood beading on her lip, looking up at the vampire prince she was dancing with, knowing the scent of fae blood on the air was bad enough. But the scent of her blood on the air, with the taint that made her different from the other blood royals carried on her blood, she knew it was bad. but staring up at him, she had no idea how to stop him from smelling the difference.
TJ grinned at her. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" He murmured softly as they danced, not phased in the least by the scent of her blood. It intruiged him, but he didn't comment, figuring it better to leave it alone. Though the vampire prince was quite popular with his people, he had never really fit in, had been an outcast. Where his brother thrived, he wanted no part of it. Human politics seemed petty to him. In truth, the prince was not very fond of any type of politics, preferring to stay neutral, like that of Krystal. "Exotic and beautiful. Just as I have always wanted." He admitted as he danced with her, the crowd now parting to watch the two would be lovers sway under the light coming from the skylight.
Glori flushed looking up at him, eyes wide and bright, tears glittering on her eyelashes. She’d never expected simple acceptance to what she knew was a utter flaw in a blood royal, shuddering a little as she licked her lip to get rid of the blood, shifting, resting her head on his shoulder.
TJ just smiled and pulled her closer, glad that the song had suddenly become slow. He stroked her hair softly, the other hand on the small of her back as they danced, unaware of anyone else in the club.when the song stopped, he was about to pull away when another slow song came on, the DJ proclaiming that this song was for couples only. He smirked at her. "Let's make everyone jealous, shall we, My beautiful blood maiden?" He purred, his blue eyes meeting her green ones. TJ didn't know where he had gotten the nickname, but it seemed to fit her.
Glori smiled a little shivering slightly under his hand before stepping back, tilting her head, looking startled at his offer and name, tilting her head a little.”How?”
TJ smirked. "'By doing this." He stated simply before pulling her back into his arms and dancing with her, at the end giving her a light yet passionate kiss. The crowd, being mostly humans tonight, and not really realizing that it was TJ, cheered. He smirked at her. "I think we were sucsessful." He admitted, not noticing when his twin moved into their booth next to Krystal. she looked surprised. "Oh, Dougie. I was wondering when you'd show up. Glad to see you're unhurt. Teej saved me." She admitted, smilling at him. Krystal didn't realize yet she still loved him, blinded by her love for her best friend.
Glori smiled as they danced, yelping a little as she was kissed pulling away with wide eyes as she looked up at him.

Doug smiled a little settling into his seat, leaning in to kiss her cheek."Glori helped me out. But I had to take care of some ofo the mess before I coudl leave."the vampire prince smiled a little though he looked tired.
TJ deflated. "I'm sorry... did I do something wrong? Typically people kiss when they like the other." he said, eyes sad. He thought he had offended her though he was just showing his feelings.

Krystal nodded, blushing as he kissed her cheek. "Ah, I see. She's quite a girl, that one. Sorry Teej and I kinda skipped out. I was really freaked out though. Almost got slaughtered by newborns. Luckily he appeared before they could." She admitted, leaning into him more out of habit than anything. "You look exhausted." She added, her eyes worried as she stroked his cheek.
“...I...”Glori flushed brightly ducking her head a little, not about to admit ot never being kissed before. Shaking her head she smiled a little, “No, it’s okay.”She muttered kissing his cheek.

“She is. It’s okay. I figured he was with you when I couldn’t find him in the palace.”Doug sighed shrugging a little leaning into her hand a little, closing his eyes.”I am exhausted.”
TJ brightened a little. "Okay." He said softly, grinning a little at her as she kissed his cheek.

Krystal smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I still feel bad though." She said softly, hand still stroking his cheek, eyes worried. "Why don't we go back to my place and you can get some sleep, hmm? I could use some good cuddles." She admitted, light pink blush forming on her pallid cheeks. He hadn't stayed with her since they broke up. It would be a welcome change to always sleeping alone.
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