We Need You Guardian (Freestylechamp & Tasinga Nightwolf)

Nov 7, 2012
When we first started on becoming a guardian, I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid. I was a young hunter out in the world that the darkness has overtaken from us. Monster that I never seen able to pop out from anywhere watching our every move. We were sent to see if we could find anything we could use but instead he fought a battle I wasn't prepared for, or at least I thought I wasn't. We were task that something was going on in old Chicago, they believed it was nothing but wanted us to check it out to be sure. Going towards the old ruins that was once a baseball field before we knew what happen that where one us. The fallen, with four arms, guns, armor everything. They swarmed around us, with gunfire and explosives so I quickly took out my gun and went to counterattack. Even still we were heavily out numbered and in the middle of the field we where sitting ducks just waiting to be picked off. I remember the pain I felt when one of their bullets got through my shield and into my shoulder. I lower the gun and saw how the gunslingers where getting killed. The fallen where getting full of themselves trying to finish the rest of us off but I grabbed my blade and adrenaline started to kick in. I took off at the first Fallen I saw and sliced right though his throat. Before the others would act I would already be on top of them ready cut there head off and anything else that stood in my way. I fed off there weird cries feeling the blade as it went through tissue, blood vessels and bones. We manage to kill them all and although some of us were killed in the assault I knew I belonged right there.

After that I went to countless places and saw many things. Over time I became one of the best hunters around. I even had a nickname, they called me the Mad Wolf. My arc blade made it able for me to get close and rip out your throat. My personality was kind of like that as well. I have somewhat jaded. You would be too if you seen just a fraction of the things that I have. I try not to get to attach or to get to involve with others but that doesn't mean I'm not a good leader. I may not the most understanding person in this fucked up world but I have the respect of my group. When you go through hell and back you learn that you don't need to like a person in order to work with them. Just now we have just came back from our last quest and my small rag tag bunch is still with me. Including myself we have two more hunters. One name U'wik, who is awoken. I think one of the best I ever seen with a gun in his hand it was like he was born with it. and another human like me Karl who was a good sharp shooter from distance. Karl is the fun loving, drink and party kind of guy but even with a buzz going he can still hit a dime from 200 yard out. U'wik is the strong silent type. I would say that he has known me the longest because he was there in Chicago bloody and all be he lived too. his quick trigger and reload made it so hard to get close to let alone kill. We got to the city and went to the bar to get infomation about the items we found and what they could be used for.
Hunter.... Warlocks.... Titan.... these were what those willing to fight could become. Most were man and yet I was a woman stuck in a man's play ground. However did I let such a thing slow me down? No, I was already a well known Titan and leader of the second all women unit guarding the largest human city on Mars. Yes, Mars after humans had been forced off Earth by war and monsters they took up residents on what planets they could. Though Mars seemed to serve that need the best. The red dirt was good enough for growing plants and the water was clean enough to drink. Titans did not always see battle and sometimes the other two factions called us lazy or weak. That was until several saw the Trench Fight, which took place only five years before. Most of the Hunters were gone since they went in predictable cycles going in and out of the cities. The Warlocks as well though I do not know why they had been away from the city. The only fact that mattered as the only defenders were the Titans. The smallest of all factions and the least war tested at the time. Then they struck.

The must have come from the East hills otherwise the look outs would have seen the much sooner. Fallen, a few hundred just coming down on the city. A few hundred may not seem like a large number for most Warlocks who could just blast them with fire. Even Hunters had a strong chance though both others often wore less armor so they could stay fast moving. We though were a tad slower but our armor took more blows. The first strike by the Fallen killed six without even stopping before we responded. Though that was when myself and both the third and second in command of the city's Titans responded fast and without thinking on it. Using our own shield boosters we used them to send us forward at the Fallen. Body slamming them and then firing at the ones we were closest two. The fighting though after a while turned into a stand off. Lasting six days until the Hunters came. During that time the third, forth and fifth in command of our ranks had been killed dying bravely for the city. Myself I had become known as the Female Ram. Having taken the horns of a Fallen and fusing it to my armor I would use my boost skills and shields to ram into them and then impail them with the horns. When the Hunters finally came we learned why they were late. They had suffered their own attack and not gotten our distress signal until the second time we sent it out. With their long range attacks the Titans were finally able to charge and up root the Fallen hiding spots forcing them away. After that no one called the Titans lazy or weak.

Today though was quiet as I walked the wall to great the Hunters arriving. I was saluted by many other Titans and even some humans. I had been promoted to the fifth in command of the Titans on top of my rank of leader of second female unit. Seeing the Hunters walk up I notice Mad Wolf and U'wik.' Great, its this bunch' is all I can think. I did not have a problem per-say with these Hunters but I did not care for them either. Mad Wolf was a risk taker and never seemed to think before he acted. U'wik never said a word other than when saying he understood an order. The rest were a mix of the same idea. The gate would not open for them unless I confirmed it for them. Only the top six Titans could open the city's gates. Once they were close enough and our few long range shooters were ready I opened the gate. Having it shut right behind them. Then I turn getting ready to move to my next post.
Being up here in mars was...boring to to Xeo. he didn't like being in a place that look like earth. With the traveler's technology it was easy to terraform any place no matter the condition into a liveable Eco-friendly environment. Mercury was a garden planet, so lets be clear that branching out was not only what people did but they have always wanted to do so. There was a saying that everything is bigger in Texas, I don't know about that but that same feeling can be put towards mars. Craters, Monsters called Cabals, Fish the size of buildings, everything was bigger and stronger then a lot of the people from Texas I can promise you that. Still it wasn't new, with the walls being up nothing really try to come into our territory and rarely did we forge out of our homes in groups big enough to start a stir.

Getting to the city was no problem, but we had the worst luck in hunting. Mostly junk and replenished ammo, which did nothing but replace that was spent going out there. I was a little more than frustrated, this was the fourth time this happen this week. Every mission out we would get something that will either help us defeat the darkness or some power up that could improve the traveler's chances. Nothing, and if it keeps up it would be nothing but a waste. Of time, effort, energy, and resources that we don't have a lot of anyway. U'wik i know would care. but karl was getting antsy and when he gets irritated his trigger finger itches and he want to go and just shoot something.

Even though we just got back, I tried to look for more work to be done, Something that will keep karl mind off of shooting things will help greatly and it will also be some sort of boost of morale. Miria Harm, Someone who I am somewhat indifferent about. I know that they protected the base and everything while we were away, I get that. It is a important job, and somewhat has to be the look out. At the same time though, I don't see why I should be impressed that they did what they were suppose to do. We can't just sit inside these wall while the enemies outside are gearing up to destroy us and it is their job to protect our home so when we go out we're not worrying about weather we have a home to go to. I saw her coming by to move to her next post, and went to stop her. "Did you see any movement out there? Has it been a little too quiet here too?" If it was quiet, I would like to know why but those giant turtle tank of monster are classic strong body body little brains combo. For them to not try to attack every now or then is strange? what is stranger is if that mange to come up with a strategy that doesn't include "need bigger gun to go boom," I hope that they didn't decide to actually think of something because physically none of us would be a match for them. It normally take all three of us working together just to kill one.
I had opened the gate for him. Yet he fallowed me still? Either he was bored, stupid or both of the above. I was going with the third choice for the moment. I stop walking and turn to face him. My face hidden under my helm which was good for me, because it hides the fact of my age being I am only twenty eight or so. Truthfully around here a lot of people forget their ages. The reason was the difference in time cycles and the fact that the days seemed to blur together. The Titan's ran into this problem the most because we lived in and around the wall itself. The wall was around a quarter mile thick in some parts so the Titan;s could live inside. Though also someone could get lost if they did not pay attention to where they were going.

I carefully take in his questions though he is speaking faster than most. Damn, Hunters always on the go. I then make sure he is done speaking before responding to him."Movement? No. But quiet it has been anything but. Those Fallen have been screaming in the hills every night for the last three weeks. The sharp shooters have been pecking off what they can but none of us have gotten much sleep. As for the creatures you speak of they have not been attacking because they see no point in it. They see easier ways to get food like attacking the farms outside the walls for the live stock. As for coming up with strategies the Warlocks are doing what they can. They are supposed to be talking to you guys as well. Since you get all the info since you leave the walls. That is your jobs get information for the other units so we can learn."

I then turn moving to a control counsel and type in some information to it so that a shipment of ammo could be sent to some of the Titans on the East end of the wall. I dislike anyone who is not a Titan or regular person. Warlocks and Hunters just tick me off acting like what we do means nothing and giving us no respect. If there were not guards there would be no home for them to come lay their heads on or replenish what they needed. Did that mean we did not want to go outside? No in fact many of us talked about what might lay outside the walls.
Although I could sense the hostility in her voice, I chose to ignored it. Being attached to a wall would make anyone a little stir crazy. I'm already in the wall and bored to be here, but I would rather be in fear of my life and have that edge than be here stir crazy. The warlocks really are some help to us. We both leave the wall at will and both have life threaten danger at every turn. Unlike us they have special ability in magic. Because of this trait they think they are the "decision makers," for the rest of us. Those spells don't make them smarter but it does swell the head to outrageous size of hot air. Last thing I want is for them to give me want more talk about "destiny," or "Chosen ones," "heroes," and "Order," Heaven forbid if they are unable to do spell then they will be worth less than the armor they carry.

From coming back I saw little to no life outside of these walls which meant the fallen and Cabal where fighting these past few weeks. Chances were those weren't screams of joy at night and Cabals dislike us as much as the fallen as well. If the fallen were to retreat for a long period of time it could mean that the titans will get some action soon. "I'm hoping that you guys get your rest, cause you guys are going to be busy when those screams stops." I told her as I went on my way to the warlock meeting.

I get to the meeting and the warlocks are waiting I sit down and listen as they talk. I mostly got the idea of it. '.....You guys are special, blah blah, we need your knowledge, blah blah blah, We need to go out again,' well that's good "We want one of us and one of the titans to go with you?" Wait what? "What you can't be, serious!?" I said out loud after hearing the last part.
I watched him go and went back to my computers. The walls needed to be given the information to fix itself. Sometimes it did not work the first time so I liked to check frequently. That was until a damn Warlock showed up. He told me I had been picked for some mission with the Hunters. I glared daggers at him under my helm. "Fine guess I cannot say no...." This was going to suck. I fallow the Warlock to the meeting and looked at them. I then crossed my arms seeing the one I just spoke to. "WHY!" I finally say clearly annoyed. "I am needed on the wall we will be dealing with one hell of a fight when the Fallen stop fighting the Cabals."
The Warlock sighed, this was one of the reason why they felt they should be in control. The others didn't know about the amazing power that they had and the ability to control magic. The Hunters and titans wouldn't be able to last this long if it wasn't for the healing and spells that the warlocks knew to keep this place standing. "We can't rely on the brash fighting skills of the hunters they would rush in and be picked apart, but they have the more outside field training than the both of us don't you agree titan? And If we were to let the titans lead they would no nothing about a charge and will be overpowered quickly. Both of you will need someone who can heal you out on the battlefield and give assistance when called upon. They is why you will let Ari join the two of you she is very advance and could be a help to you both, you two just need to do your jobs and everything will work as it should." the warlocks told them.

Although He hated the idea, he could tell that this wasn't an issue that they were going to move on, gritting his teeth under his helmet he nods his head and goes out of the room, Going to repair his armor for the mission that is to be taking to Earth, far away from where their base will be. They will be gone for a long period of time, While it is understandable to have someone that could help without packs not having someone who can return the cover will make it harder if they came across a swarm of enemies. He told his group what was going to happen and they sighed but went to their own thing. He told them to make sure that they kept their communicators on so even though they were hundreds of miles away they will still be able to talk to one another, one their channel. It was important to have that when he came from his first mission so help could come at any time.
She looked at them from under her helmet and sighed. then stated to them."I need at least twenty four hours to put all things in order and make sure all maters will be handled while I am away." She knew the Warlocks wanted to be in charge she was not against it, but she did not like how some treated the other ranks like second class. They all needed each other equally and they all needed to learn that. She then asked the Warlock. "Will some Warlock's maybe me willing to stay in the city for a few weeks? The wall has been experiencing problems. A hive was found an some of the caves to the East and they are swarming out. Also maybe a few Hunters as well. Titans may be strong but distance is not our grace nor is healing."

She knew the East Titans would be thankful to get the back up. Most of her underlings were good with the other ranks. She herself was the worse in her mind, but that was just because as she went up in rank it seemed all she got was more scoffing than congratulating. That aside she would also offer any of them who stayed extra gear if needed or amo.
The warlock nods his head smirking a little as they saw the logic in his idea of them going together. "I will make sure that you will have nothing to worry about while you are away we will have warlocks here to fill the shoes of the two of you. I can't say for sure what the hunters will do but you have our support. " Xeo sighed "Yea I could have the two in my crew to help with the wall.Just stay as far away from them if possible Chris could be unstable if nothing really happens." talking from experience he can only hope that they get some action cause Chris seems to love drama even if he has to create it. That would be a fatal flaw in any other group but with being hunters drama seems to follows you anyway.

The Warlocks waves them off "You have 24 hours to prepare and after that report to the station to be brief on your mission and set off." Xeo goes on his way and starts stocking up on ammo changing some of his equipment and prepping for what was going to happen trying to take everything into account and not forgetting to sharping up his dagger. Once he was done getting all of his tools and supply and telling his crew what was the plan, they both highly disagreed with it but accepted it none the less, he went to go and get something to relax himself. He didn't know when he was ever going to be able to enjoy himself like this again, so the first thing take a long bath at his house.
Things stayed quiet for the first part of the day. Then night hit and hell broke out on the west wall. She got the message on her radio. Her Ghost was panicking a little telling her to stay put. She did not listen grabbing her shot gun and headed for the pathways. She then was in the tunnels running through them she knew them so well she did not even need her helmet light to see where she was going. She did not stop and coming to the surface she looked out into the hills. Several Titans had charged out now as a swarm of Fallen were coming down from the caves.

She noticed several Titans injured in the field. She looked at one of her officers and told them to move men out to get the wounded. She then lept off the wall having her bike coming out as she charged towards the others. She drove right at the enemy and started cutting them down when she could. She moved to help her injured warriors. The number two was out as well helping.
Xeo found this peaceful thing boring. He did all he wanted to do in the span of 2 hours and had tons of time to burn that when the attack happen he sprinted to the action. Getting his bike out and driving through nearing hitting the people their. Once he got to the point He saw chris up on a hill sniping at fallen coming out of the cave. Instinct plays a role in fighting as well and he felt that something wasn't right. Sure it was night some they might have planned for a surprised but this seemed a little force even for them. Then it seems that Cabals had enough of the fallen being here as three of them burst through the cave. Tall enough and strong enough to be a huge problem Xeo cursed under his breath. 'shit,' One of them mange to pick up one of the fallen body and rip it in half with inside spilling out.
Spinning I froze not knowing what to do at first these creatures were an all new problem on themselves. To deal with them and Fallen at the same time was just a suicide mission. I sighed and then moved forward to get an injured Titan out of the range. Getting to him I could see the amount of damage to him. His armor from his side clean ripped away and a bite wound showing right under his waist line. I hear one of my men yell. "Maria above you!" Looking up I see two fallen getting ready to pounce. Moving fast I hit one with my shotgun and the other gets pegged by a Hunter. I then manage to get the Titan back behind danger lines to let a Warlock heal him. Then I turn and see a Fallen heading right at a Warlock and Hunter. Moving carefully but quickly I get to it first and stab it dead.

The Cabals raw and start to charge down towards the fields. I glare and move forward not caring if they totaled my armor or injured me I was in no mood for these things to kill my fallow Guardians, hunter Warlock or Titan these monsters needed to be stopped. I spoke over the radios through our Ghost. "Everyone get those Cabal taken down."
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