Tales of Kingdom Key High [Azecreth & TheyDontKnowIBurn]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
Kingdom Key High School was well known, with a respected reputation for academics, athletics, and for their culture that valued cosmpolitanism and a blending of cultures. Based in Radiant Gardens, it was a hub that drew in people from across the worlds, interested in the education it had to offer, and all that fun stuff that was in the promotional brochures to convince your parents that the high tuition costs were worth it. Some would say they were, others said they didn't, some got scholarships, and in the end all the relevant characters managed to make it there, because otherwise there would be no story. That's just how things work.

Our story begins a few weeks or so past the beginning of the semester. Things had settled in, cliques and groups had formed, and it was clear who those standing out were, and those who were less than amazing. Rivalries, friendships, all the things that one would generally associate with high school had gone into full effect. Some had left, most had stayed, and now they would have to stick it out to the end.

One of those groups was Axel, Roxas, and Riku. The former two were friends, who had come to school together, and the third had joined them after meeting. They were something of wild cards, mavericks, seen as 'bad boys', who did their own thing and didn't listen to others rules. They did have something of a reputation for playing with hearts, though that may not have been intentional. Who could tell? As it was, they had it, and while they certainly had their admirers, and detractors, they seemed oblivious to all of it, chatting, having fun, and hanging out.

At the moment, that was what they were doing, having taken up residence in the courtyard they usually hung out in, Axel showing off with some fire trick he'd learned and trying to impress the two, with Roxas giving and Riku just watching, apparent not impressed. They had no plans, and it was just the three of them for the moment. At this point they were waiting for something to happen, having finished all their planned activities for the present, and not having anything to take their place. But who knew what destiny, or fate, or the writers, would throw their way?
Rikku. Fun. Sassy. High energy. She was well loved by, well, everyone who didn't hate the Al Bhed. She was the daughter of Cid, leader of the Al Bhed faction, who'd deemed it important for her to be present out in the world and make friends with non Al Bhed. Something about peace and all.

Accompanying her was none other than Lady Yuna, daughter of High Summoner Braska. It had been his wish that she become well educated in hopes that she would find another way to stop the plight of Spira, Sin.

Riku, sweet sixteen, had already started to take on her more wild style, with her hair in a messy ponytail and scattered braids. Her uniform was worn just a bit differently from others, her having a black tank top under an unbuttoned white school blouse, and a red plaid school skirt that was just a bit shorter than regulation. She wore shorts under it and knee high black stockings with brown ankle high boots. Lastly, she wore a red tie loosely around her neck. Sure it was the male regulation wear, but she had her reasons.

Quite to the opposite was the prim and proper Yuna. She wore much the same outfit, but her blouse was buttoned, her skirt was a few inches longer, and she wore the girl's uniform issued bow tie under her collar.

Today, they were out walking the courtyard. Yuna, her usually soft-spoken self, listened as Rikku chatted about how cool she thought different guys in the class were. Yuna could think of a certain pyro that fit the bill of particularly appealing, but she didn't say much about said person. It seemed in bad taste after only recently separating herself from Tidus.

Soon they stopped before Axel, Roxas, and Riku. Rikku grinned watching the trick. "Axel, ya big show off!" She teased, bending over with her hands at her hips. She stuck her tounge out at him. Yuna just kept behind watching fascinated. She quietly greeted Riku and Roxas before turning her attentions back to Axel's fire tricks.

As they stoon in a group, another girl meandered over. Most would not no her as she was a few weeks late to start. She scuffed her foot along the grass as she stopped before then, and played with a strand of maroon hair. Riku, would of course recognize her. "Hi there!" Kairi said with a smile. "Riku." She added with a nodded. "I just started here and need to know where the administrative building is."

See Kairi had initially been out adventuring with Sora. But after a bad falling out, she'd stepped away from all that, deciding to come back to her true home, Radiant Gardens.
Axel finished performing a flame pinwheel as the three girls approached, smirking as Rikku taunted him, the rest of the group saying hello in response to uttered greetings. Riku stayed where he was, while Roxas divided his attention between Axel and the new arrivals, since just ignoring them would be kind of a jerk move. But Axel seemed all for it. He was something of an attention hound, and always loved an audience, so he didn't mind being watched.

"Ah, come on Rikku," he replied with a carefree smirk, "you know you enjoy it." He then moved into another trick. making small puffs of fire in the sky that twirled and spun about, dancing in the air around each other. He focused mostly on it, but made sure to glance to his audience to make sure they were enjoying the show. Their entertainment was always pretty important.

When Kairi walked up, Riku nodded to her, while Roxas rose from his seat. "Hey, I can show you where it is if you want." He glanced over at Riku, but the white haired boy seemed indifferent to the prospect. Which was good, since he knew that there was at least some sort of relationship between Riku and Kairi, and he wasn't sure how that was, and he didn't want to intrude if there was something there.
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