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Links in your bio

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Sep 2, 2014
Hi all,

Anyone know if it is possible to put an embedded hyperlink in your bio in your profile? I tried quite a lot of times using the normal BBCode* but each time it just treated it as if it were normal text and the whole thing showed up. Am I just doing it wrong or is it not possible to put them in there?

Thanks for any help.

*(url=<insert web address here>)<put text here>(/url) -- but with square brackets
I am gonna say no, it is not possible. Plain text only, by the looks of it.

There is a place you can enter a website, though, on your profile. If that doesn't help, well, I got nothin' else for ya. :D
Oh well, it's a definitive answer at least and I'm not going to tear my hair out wondering if it's just me doing it wrong ^^ I just wanted what was in my signature to be in my bio instead, freeing up the signature. I guess I could always drop it into the request threads instead, not ideal, but it'll have to do.

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