"Bat Got Your Tongue?" [Sonic Fandom] (Blissy x November)


Mar 7, 2013
Despite the passage of time seeming to sway on for quite literally ever, certain things often seemed to oddly remain unchanged. May it be fate or reason or just sheer dumb lucky, there were just certain factors about the way the world worked that wouldn't ever seem to go unchanged. Time passed, things changed and people pressed forward but it were absolutely impossible to just simply forget certain things. Things had changed without a doubt, the world was similar to how it once was but would never remain in the exact light as of it's past shade. Old friendships broke and new rivalries formed but nobody would forget where it had all originated from. It was tedious in one sense to bother with the practicality of it all, but despite that it always seemed to be worth it's time as new bridges would form and old ones would burn. Heroes became villains and villains became heroes and still no one would forget the smaller things that had caused it all from the very beginning. It was unorthodox to image that there had been a time when things were so black and white, so straight forward in their structure so as to point fingers at each other or even share the blame. But some things would never change, no matter how hard the factors of the universe tried to alter them..

The world as we knew it had gone unchanged in all reality. Despite minor cosmetic entities that served to canvas the ageing structure of obvious decaying bone, the city remained to be as it always had. Though there did however serve to be some change in the impression of it all, without any blue blazes whizzing through the city streets at the ripe of a new dawn. Now things seemed to be more still in their nature, calm and soothing to a general degree as the forward attempts of a aged mad doctor had fallen flat of their consistency in recent coming year. Now conflict served to dwell in other places and in newer forms that were more despicable in their own vivid complexities. Even with the city at rest and the more casual soothing sounds of the train whizzing by an empty station square, things would never prove to become truly too settled in a city like this for long..

The sound of distant chatter could be heard among nightly crowds as the nights crew of citizen went about in their daily mediocre business. Loud club music rampaged through blasted sub-woofer speakers as entire down-town clubbing buildings almost literally bounce around in playful succession the sound of nightly entertainment. One may assume this was the sort of play a character like her may find herself when she was given lesser duties to attend to and a little bit of private personal time to indulge attention too, but instead she'd be found a bar across the street from that rather lively fun place, only because she had heard of a rather odd rumour that she simply couldn't turn a blind eye too. She found it honestly shocking that she had even bothered to feed her curiosity, bringing it upon herself to walk up into a place so cheap as this. The gentle carefully tapping of her sharpened heels creeping along the cheap wooden floor boards ans she'd patiently sneak up on her prey without even saying a single word to give him any obvious warning. The sound of whispering gossip served to echo about in the large white ears of the mysterious newcomer to the small establishment, as she'd try to keep herself from giggling pretentious at the mention of all the little rumours she heard about her. It would only take her another moment to draw close enough to her prey, that she'd serve to totally flaunt the succession of her sneaky approach by slapping two gloved hands over his shoulders as a wicked playful grin snuck onto her face.

"And however did you out stealth me?! Sitting here, smashed next to death in a pity of your own sorrows.. Long time no see knux.. but I pfft, I honestly expected better!"

She'd practically yell into his ear, wanting to see him freak out as he was caught off guard, as she'd casually stroll over to his side and prop her bottom up on the counter top.

"Don't mind me.. I don't exactly fit in.. in a place like this anyway.. Won't be here long, so go.. go on about your business."

She'd announce to the bar tender in a snappy declaration before he or anyone else would even have time to react to the obviously rather crude and impolite gesture of where she had chosen her seating to be for the current time.
For what it was worth, Knuckles found himself falling down a hole that was never-ending. His entire world had been caving in on him, slowly crumbling around him. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. Suffocating within this new world that had been created. Nostalgia running through his mind and his veins, remembering the times when things were just so easy. When he had people he could rely on. When there were folks around him that made good companions. Back to the times when he could be more at ease than he was right now. Having grown so tense. Shoulders being held high and mighty. Those days were over, having long passed. But it was all his fault. Or so, he felt that way. It wasn't normal for him to get upset. It wasn't easy being a rather emotional wreck right now. Infamous for what he had done in the past only backfired on him within the last few days.

As it were, Knuckles was the guardian of the Master Emerald and throughout his life, he had absolutely no problem in guarding it. The main purpose in his life, the reason he lived on, the one thing that kept him going was that sacred stone. The very same one that had been lost in the past but gathered back up by his close companions was all at a loss now. The word spread so quickly throughout the coast. After he had found out of its disappearance, he started asking around. No one knew, but having not known, they spread rumours quickly and before he knew it, when he took a seat in a particularly cheap bar one evening; even the people around him knew who he was. Feeling as though he had made a fool of himself and was a disgrace to his long-gone clan, Knuckles tried to keep a level-head hoping that one day he could come across some of his old friends or a potential partner to bring him back into the state of reality. Smack some sense into him in one way or another.

His gloved hand placed on the glass, violet eyes watching the drink swirl mercilessly. Feeling like a zombie, he stared off into space, imagining to himself that the master emerald would never be back in his possession again. Why oh why did he leave it there? Why did he take his eyes off of it longer than he should have?

Hearing footsteps behind him was no deal, the crowd around him speaking in but a whisper as he figured some other rumours had arrived. But no, something else entirely. Feeling two hands on his shoulders caused him to jump, but the voice soon to follow had put him in shock and yet, at ease. "Don't do that!" His voice called out to her angrily, but truthfully deep down it was a great voice to hear.

If there was one memorable thing about Rouge it was how she made an entrance. His eyebrows raising and a grin appearing on his lips for only a moment before he wiped it clean and pretended not to care. "What are you doing here anyway?" Her outfit as memorable as her personality he'd give her a short look before his eyes met with hers. His hand playing with his drink as he tried to keep his attention focused on her. Although he felt low and having been extremely upset with himself, he was curious to know if Rouge was here to see him or if she was just 'in the neighbourhood'. "I figured you for a more...'classy' girl. Isn't this place a bit too underclass for you?"
Despite seemingly like she was the greatest thing the room even she had to admit it was a bit awkward seeing an old acquaintance after so look. Even with that certain enormous ego of pride when it came to herself and her abilities it was pretty tough yo cross eyes with the particular echinda in front of her, after all they had been through and she could recall. With facial expression did it's best to match how he might remember, ravaged in smug scandalous delight as her sexy narrowed eyes gently surveyed the room for something that might to prove slightly more interesting then Knuckles. Honestly she was probably as embarrassed as him, but at least she had a certain charisma in herself to try and not to show it and especially not in front of all these strangers that were watching the two of them. She did her best to relax, gently sliding one leg over the other to make herself more comfortable as she finally found her vivid green eyes cross paths with that old familiar enchindas and she found herself unable to maintain any form of usual stare with him.

It was no doubt quite sometime ago when they had first crossed paths, back in a desert in the middle of no where fighting over a shard of one of the most pretty gems she had ever come to know "The Master Emerald". Back then all she could remember caring about was having her way with everything and honestly that really hadn't changed in her, despite having a little more self control over herself and the sorts or ordeals she sometimes used to get into. She remembered a lot of things from back then that she knew were impossible now, what with Shadow, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles since she hadn't seen the bunch of them in the last several years, never mind some of the rather grim rumours she had heard about some of them. Perhaps that was what really made it awkward for her to go about her natural habits of poking fun at Knuckles just to see how piped up she could get him while she swindled him out of Master Emerald herself, but that was quite sometime ago. Still, she'd was who she was and she wasn't about to change that for anybody, and especially not Knuckles.

With a gentle shrug of her shoulders and a playful smirk turning to her expression she'd only slide both hands on her hips in a sassy fashion as she'd sway her body to one side, while glaring back at Knuckles for the spur of the moment.

"Like you'd know Knuckle head.. here you are, sitting away your precious time drinking whatever lousy stuff this is.. Whatever happened to that big old green rock you used to throw temper-tantrums over huh? You know the one that shoulda belonged to me?"

She'd announce in playful remark, as she'd literally snatch the bottle of whatever it was he was drinking from his hand and try to read the label on the bottle for a brief moment, only to toss it behind her and into the garbage behind the bar counter.

Rouge was always rather clever when it came to getting information on things she wanted to know about or was expected to gather from certain sources, she was a professional spy after all. What she had heard was literally only rumor after all and the best way to verify that somebody wasn't just setting her up with stories of a missing Master Emerald was to verify them with it's keeper of course.
More often than not, Knuckles had always been inside his own head worrying about things he shouldn't have worried about. Although he thought it had been his destiny to guard such a great and powerful jewel, his whole life he never really questioned it. Unlike Shadow, he didn't question his existence. Believing that he was the way he was; just because. Fate had placed him there. He knew what he was supposed to do in this world. Having his goals set out for him from the moment he was born and he gratefully opened his arms to them. Although given a big task, he knew to keep his head up just as much as his guard. The fact that the emerald was not in his current possession was already raising some questions around the area. This was all his fault and he felt like throwing in the towel and giving up on all possible hope.

With the way Rouge moved, Knuckles couldn't help but eye her. She had this presence that made her seem like she craved the attention around her. All eyes on her, no matter where she went. Knuckles couldn't even help himself every now and again. Even though he'd never admit it, she was quite attractive in her own way. Remembering back to the times where they had fought back and forth, trying to beat one another to the jewel they both seek for different reasons. Wanting nothing more than to win the prize. Knuckles more for his group than himself, a victory at the top all victories. A placement that he felt necessary. But Rouge had her own plans. From what he'd known of her and what she had displayed all those years ago, it went to show she only cared for herself and her own earnings. Wanting to take what she could get. In a way, she was deemed as a money-grubber, a gold digger and yet she could easily get away with it given her looks.

Scoffing at the response Rouge had given him, he'd look away from her. Annoyed and stubborn he felt like a child who had crossed his arms and began to pout. But it was only within his hotheaded personality. But her follow-up was unexpected. Knuckles turned his head to look at her, trying to understand what she said exactly. The idea of him losing the Master Emerald, was that why she was here? Rolling his eyes in the utmost annoyance. But then Rouge did something out of line. Snatching his bottle and tossing it into the garbage next to her without even looking. His eyes staring at the garbage and then back to the lovely bat in front of him.

"What did you have to go and do that for?!" His patience running thin, he stood up when he spoke, realizing he was gathering the eyes of multiple people around him in the bar. But he took a seat back, trying to keep the idea in and not expose it. Leaving a moment to breathe before he even thought about talking to her again. He had paid for that drink in full, why did she have to go and toss it like that?

"Why do you care anyway? It didn't belong to you, never did, never will. Besides even if you wanted it, it's not in my hands any more." The last part slipping out, even if he didn't want it to.
Despite having grown up quite a bit from back in days where she loved nothing more then to poke fun here and there at this particular echinda, it was hard for her to help herself from doing it now. Maturity had played a big factor on her for the most part, her personality had changed to a degree as well as well as other more practical things, but what hadn't changed would be the fun of bothering Knuckles, just to see how worked up he might get over something so silly. Back in the day she had to admit that even she got a little worked up over their disputes, even if her attentions weren't exactly hostile in their composure, but even now she could think of absolutely nothing that might be more interesting to play around with. It was obvious Knuckles had gone through some change too, whether he'd try to foolishly hide that from her or not, he was loitering around in a crummy place like this after all and that said quite enough. Her curiosity intrigued her more so then it should to want to open her mouth and ask silly questions but this really wasn't just about bothering an old friend or acquaintance and really did serve to play toward a more deeper meaning.

Rouge was an agent of GUN, that much hadn't changed but her line of work had to a minor degree. Instead of just finding herself investigating certain theories that roamed about in the world, she had also claimed the responsibility of more hands on jobs. Since the two had last meant, she had proven to make herself both smarter and stronger with a lot physical training over the last few years and trial and error scenarios that made her learn from her own mistakes. No matter how personal she may have wanted to get with Knuckles she'd always remember that it was all for her line of work at the end of the day and to expect more would im-professional of her. Even if Knuckles was curious to ask what sort of things she had been doing, he'd undoubtedly find her being as difficult as he would remember her to me, as shrouding herself in mystery was not only part of her job but something she liked to do.

With a minor tilt of her head to the side and twitch of one of her large batty white ears, she'd consider hearing what Knuckles told her altogether and wondering if it really could be true. After a moment she'd shift a soft grin, her emerald green eyes lighting up in theatrical wonder as she considered the reality of her favourite emerald being gone from existence. She didn't want to believe it and despite part of her considering the fact that she heard to be true, she'd sort of forget hearing it all together as she instead playfully generated a fresh new scenario of where it could be hidden now and that she would be the only one capable of finding finally.

"Jeez.. pipe down knucklehead it was only a drink and a pretty crummy one at that, pfft you could do better im sure right?"

She'd state aloud in remarks to his over exaggerated reaction to her throwing out the bottle and probably saving a really bad hang over the next morning.

With a gentle shift of her behind across the counter top she'd swing her attention elsewhere, as if to say she had lost interest in Knuckles completely due to his second remark. Honestly she felt disappointed hearing the echinda say what he did but not only because that really did complicate things for her, but it also made her wonder if pursuing the emerald alone without any competition was even worth the hassle in the first place.

"Who says that's true? You?! Oh come on.. Just like how I remember, well I always was better then you at finding your own things.. so I guess I'll just have to find it myself huh? While you sit here in a pile of your sorrows.. tsk tsk, and here I was expecting better."

She'd taunt from the edge of the corner, obviously just trying to get him more worked about the whole thing and maybe inspire him to try and look a little harder before giving up so easily.
The last few years had been fairly rough on Knuckles and seeing as his so called 'friends' were no where to be found had him falling to his lowest point. Where everyone had gone, even he didn't know. Being alone was just something he'd grown used to, but who wouldn't? Guarding an emerald for your entire lifetime wasn't exactly entertaining but it did get the point across. His excitement and positivity had throttled down the last growing years. His interests had changed but he was still that same Knuckles that everyone knew and well, somewhat liked depending on their relationship with him. Not that he was open to having many friends, he still considered Sonic and Tails to be the two closest people to him. But wherever they were now, had nothing to do with him. Seeing as he had been alone for a long time now just created this mindset that was exactly how he was supposed to be from here on out.

The fact that she had to go and throw out his beer had completely annihilated any possibilities of getting himself drunk and stumbling home. Just one good drink could have had him past the tipsy point he was at now. Even though Rouge was here and it was hard for him to believe, a part of him still wondered if he was dreaming. But the reality of his beer being thrown away and he knew that this was no dream. In a dream he'd be able to control it coming back to him, but in this case, the glass bottle stayed in the garbage can whether he liked it or not. His violet eyes looking to Rouge as he saw the twisted look on her face. The atmosphere told him she was up to something. What the hell did she want from him anyway and why was she here? To shove it in his face? That was the only explanation. Shoving the idea of him losing the Master Emerald right into his red locks, was that it? He didn't need anything more than the citizens around him talking about him. That alone was enough. The eyes of various amounts of humans around him staring him down, looking at him from afar, and the whispering. He could handle it, he had taken it his whole life. But when someone approached him and shoved it in his face, he wasn't exactly kind about it.

"Keh," Scoffing, Knuckles looked away from her. Annoyance clear as day on his face. His eyes narrowing as he heard her next words but he tried his best to avoid her. Although his expression slowly began to drain and his body felt somewhat exhausted from hearing her words. She was right. Something about what she had been saying all this time, was all right. Was she trying to help him? Provoke him? He didn't get it. Why would Rouge the Bat of all people come into a crummy bar just to cheer an Echidna like him up?

As he looked back to her, his mind filled with the possible thoughts of what goal to seek out next. His teeth gritting inside his mouth, trying to succumb to her ideas and thoughts. She was breaking him, she really was. Pushing him over the edge on purpose and he knew that but he wanted to back off from it. In his nature he knew he couldn't. So of course, he grumbled and crossed his arms gently against his chest, trying to make himself seem like he didn't care. But regardless as to trying, Knuckles knew better than to let Rouge feel like she won. His violet eyes staring into her green orbs. She had the eyes of a gold digger and the mind of a brilliant agent.

"You think you could really find that on your own? Pfft. Doubt it. Without me you couldn't find a needle in a haystack." As he uncrossed his arms he'd hop off his seat, looking away from her momentarily. "You wouldn't know the first place to start." With a comment like that, Knuckles made his way out of the bar, attempting to ignore the well-aged beautiful bat who sat upon the counter.
Watching Knuckles attempt to muster up the strength to provide her with a worthy response was somewhat amusing to her. No doubt time had taken a toll on this particular Echinda, especially if he needed to stop and think about what he was going to say before just blurting out the first aggressive thing that came to his mind. She couldn't really blame him however, since she had sort of been like as well and had a huge problem ever admitting she may have been wrong about something. Regardless it was that sort of ego that inspired her to do the amazing things she did and what was probably got her a job with GUN in the first place and without her they'd be in quite some trouble. The whole reality of the situation made her feel more confident in her self worth and it wasn't only the fact that Knuckles had blew her off as someone incompetent of finding a big shiny green rock, when he of all people knew better. Maybe he just didn't have the time to spend wasting away, discussing things that really weren't as important as they used to be or maybe he was trying to cut himself a break from all of it in reality, but regardless she couldn't help but be nosey as usual.

Still only tilt her head to the side a bit as she saw him rise from his seat and turn with a simple remark that told her all she needed to know about his current level of confidence. Part of her honestly felt bad for jumping straight to business like usual, not really asking about how his feelings might be first before trying to stir the conversation to talks of her getting her hands on a new shiny precious gem, or in this case a rather old and familiar one she could quite keep her hands on for too long. Business was business and it had always come first, whether it had been her actual jobs business or her own, she'd make time for socialize later.. if she could afford too anyway, besides poking fun at everyone else and come off as rather flirtatious had kind of been her outlet for all of that since day one. It did shock her a bit to see him just turn away from her and leave without first flipping the whole bar over and telling her to mind her own damn business, so it was somewhat difficult to help herself from doing what she would next. With a gentle spring from the counter she'd case after him as he made his way to the door, casually stopping a few feet behind him and slapping her hands on the shape of lustrous hips, as a clever idea sprung to life in the back of her head.

"You don't think so..? And what happens when I do huh? Yeah gonna beat me up for it like last time? Oh come on! Even someone as stubborn and by the books as you didn't have it in them to let his worse enemy at the time fall to her fiery death.. And here you are, just letting me have it this time? I must say Knuckles I expected more theatrics from you of all people.. Ah well, guess I won't let you see this shiny green fragment of the Emerald after all huh?"

She'd say aloud as if she were the entire talk of the room. A single gloved hand would shift at the collar of her catsuit, as she'd tug the zipped down a bit further to reveal a necklace with a rather familiar green shard hanging from it.

"Don't stare to long Knuckle head.. otherwise I'd think you were staring at something else.. Still not interested?"
Through thick and thin the two of them had been more like rivals than actual enemies. Knuckles and Rouge had a deep past that had carried out for a very long time. It seemed they had issues getting along in one way or another even if they were after the same things; usually. It took a while for them to come close to cooperating with one another and although they were usually seen as polar opposites they still had similarities. Knuckles fought more for good than he did for bad and not that Rouge was out to do bad at all; she was actually seen as more of a work-for-yourself type girl. Knuckles knew the devious bat had a lot more plans piling up in the back of her mind. Whomever she worked for, whenever she worked for them, it seemed she still did her duties for herself and only herself. Knuckles had always figured that Rouge was out to get what she wanted by using other people. Her seductive nature unable to trap him in a corner like it did an audience. He'd always seen her as that gal with the same goal as him and for that he needed to beat her at everything they'd both been good at.

About to make his way out of the bar, Rouge's feet were heard planting behind him and she spoke up. Figuring that she would have just followed him out of the place was cast away. Clearly that wasn't going to happen. Turning around he'd look to her when she spoke, listened to every little word that she said. Although her voice sounded somewhat hazy to him from the alcohol he had consumed earlier, he'd try to concentrate as best he could. His fingers balling a fist as he held his ground as if she'd been challenging him. But what she said made him loosen up a little. Of course, Rouge was right. She was always right. He just never wanted to admit such a thing. A time back when they'd first met, why would he have let her fall into the fire? Why would anyone just let someone fall to their demise like that? He saw no humanity in that. Not that he'd been completely human but regardless he still had very human traits and he definitely had a heart.

The fragment she'd been talking about caught his attention almost instantly though. Watching vividly as she unzipped the one-piece outfit she'd been wearing and his expression almost dropped. Having grown so serious at the jewel she had on her. A green shiny fragment of the Master Emerald? Was that it? His eyes widened as he looked to her green eyes, the jewel shining the same colour of it.

"What!" He'd look back to it, ignoring all femininity in his way as he brought himself closer to her. "How did you get that? Give that to me!" But Knuckles would refuse to grab it himself. He knew better than that. How bad would it look to have just reached forward and practically grope her chest while making way toward the fragment between them?
She had no surprise in noticing her plan of action had worked as she had predicted. Instead of explaining anything immediately to him she'd only begin to shake her head in moderate decline, as if to tell herself this was exactly what she wanted to hear. Despite knowing full well that she had a certain something that would obviously make the echinda uneasy, she'd hold her ground and would know better then just to give to to him. At first one might suspect she was just being her usual thieving self but the truth was that wasn't even the tip of the ice berg at all. GUN had given her a mission to find out where the mysterious stone had suddenly disappeared to, also wanting custody it for themselves for sometime to understand its mystic power. This of course left Rouge in quite the predicament as she had seen the power of the gem herself from time to time in the past and knew full well what sort of things it was capable of, especially with all seven chaos emeralds gathered in one place together. Regardless of the matter for her really being here, which would remain unknown as a whole for now she wasn't exactly about to tell Knuckles any of that and complicate her situation further.

She was in quite the tough situation, having been stuck in the middle of her job, her old friends and herself and wasn't exactly ready to just share that information with the likes everyone. Instead she'd hold her own as Knuckles obviously began to display signs of potentially violent concern as she couldn't help but wonder if whatever it were he had been drinking also had a deciding factor in his reaction. She'd only assert herself on the spot to have the echinda advance on her quickly but cease at a safe distance as she'd immediately raise a single hand and keep her other planted on her hip, as if to instruct him to stop.

"Hey hey now, I don't think so. This little gem is mine, even if it isn't really a gem at all.. Besides, I expected better from you to just take my word for it.. but then again maybe you're not as guilabe as I remember you too be.. Besides, even if I could just hand this over to you.. do you honestly think I would?"

She'd state aloud allowing a playful grin to wash over her expression as she'd maintain her confident composure before her old acquaintance. It would only take her a moment to lower her hand as she'd narrow her eyes in alluring stare over at the Echinda.

"I've heard a few things from a few nameless people about where the rest of this big old green rock might be.. and you can bet when I find it's going to be mine this time.. You're welcome to come along of course, but don't think I am just gonna hand the emerald over to you.. either."

Part of one of her plan seemed to be putting itself together, but it would be impossible for her to attempt the second part without the escort of Knuckles himself since he was the one knew the Emerald best and would be perfect in noticing any minor flaws she may have made in trying to find it, of course she'd never tell him that .
There would be next to no surprise to Knuckles if Rouge had been working with somebody else on this case. However, Knuckles knew better than to meddle into somebody else's business unless they made it his business. In a way, maybe he needed to find out, or ask her but he also knew taking a step back and watching things unfold would probably be for the better. Rouge was somewhat unpredictable and Knuckles knew he'd have to be very careful around her. Although he knew she was probably planning something, he didn't know what. Whether it was to actually take the emerald for herself or not, he'd never know but he was inclined to be interested and at least attempt to find out.

The ways she played her cards were devious and playful. Knuckles found himself on edge right now. Watching her closely with his violet eyes as her hand propped out to him in order to stop him from getting too close to her. What was he going to do? Actually touch her? No. Knuckles knew better than that. Although he was really tempted to tear that emerald piece from her neck and take it for himself. Through his grumbling and clearly unhappy tone, he crossed his arms and took a couple steps back; attention completely on the bat and only the bat. Whatever was going on here, he was sure to find out eventually. All he knew was, his motivation had kicked in as he wished to search for the master emerald once more. Whatever words she'd spoken, she did them just right, hitting him in all the right areas to force him to get up and move forward.

"Or so you think, maybe. That emerald will be mine and go back where it belongs, into my possession." Feeling rather cocky he'd hold his head high while looking directly into her alluring eyes. Completely ill-tempted by whatever sort of diabolical scheme she'd be playing inside her head.

"Are you saying it's in just one other persons possession?" Knuckles curiosity got the better of him as he'd slowly turn and face away from her. "Come on, I think we should talk about this in a more secluded area. I want all the details."

Knuckles would wave his hand for Rouge to follow as he exited the bar hoping the two of them could get away from the crowd that could not keep their eyes off of the pair. Although it didn't seem too relevant, Knuckles didn't like it when others stared in his general direction.
The funny thing was Rouge could probably quite literally tell Knuckles just about anything retaining to the disappearance of the Master Emerald and he'd probably believe it since he was such a gullible character, but she hadn't come here to mislead the tipsy Echinda a stray but instead ask for his help in a way that she hadn't quite figured out how to work. The longer she waited for Knuckles to clue in to what she was saying the more bored she found herself become as she'd roll her eyes in slight annoyance as she'd sigh in hopeless display for a moment. A second later she'd cross her arms over her chest and stare vividly back at Knuckles as she sort of listened to him ramble on about potential conclusions as to where the emerald had gone, when she full well knew that's something she probably should have doing as he was the Emeralds guardian but apparently couldn't remember a thing about it. Eventually she lost her patience with the matter and sighed aloud in bothered exhaustion.

"Or you think that maybe somebody might have set you up? Not that I uh.. know who did? Hey don't point fingers at me okay! If I had that old green hunk of rock you think I'd be here asking you on where to find it? I am pretty sure I can keep track of my own things better then some people."

She'd announce back to him, looking rather suspicious about the matter with the way she chose to word it, but ultimately declaring her innocence moments after.

Rouge was absolutely right, especially because she knew better then anyone else that if you wanted to find a thief you had to think like one. It was that sort of thinking that had been crucial to making her so damn good at what she did everyday, either if it was on the books of GUN or totally off the books and followed more personal dedication. Rouge would then only watch Knuckles start to make his lead and he was right about one thing, if they wanted to discuss this matter a little more seriously they'd need to move somewhere else, before one of the casual night-folk simply enjoying their night in the background decide they were tired of hearing of the two celebrities bitch at each other about mythical gems and old vendetta's with one another, which they'd clearly know nothing about right?

"Fine.. guess your right about this one.. but I don't expect you had any decent place in mind? Or maybe I should let you come back to my apartment? But I swear if you touch any of my things im sending you out the window without a warning! Huff!"

She announce back to him allowing him to lead the way out.
The public eye was something that both Knuckles and Rouge were used to. Having taken the stage and becoming the center of attention when it came down to their lives, being such well known-figures in society wasn't exactly all to his personal liking. People may have look, stared and dared to even gander in their general direction but he did not agree nor approve or like the attention that he got day after day. More often than not, Knuckles had been alone, all by himself as he watched over his precious emerald. Being alone wasn't so bad and being around others wasn't horrible either but as to his preference? Well even he didn't really know that. Sometimes too much communication threw him off, other times, very little communication had him confused as to what to even say. Knuckles was a lot better at expressionism than he was talking in the end, or so he thought.

Rouge seemed to come into play at exactly the right time. As soon as Knuckles had been down on himself for losing something precious to him. The Master Emerald was one of the most important jewels of all times and to fall into the wrong hands; how could he have let that happen? Let alone, how did it even happen? All he remembered was pure darkness, twisting and turning the memories he thought he knew and then it was gone. Had he been knocked out? Had his memories betray him? Knuckles hadn't a clue as to where the Master Emerald had gone and it was more than likely all his fault. The feeling of neglect and guilt filling him, assuming his ancestors would not be proud of him during this time, in this light. Imagining their angry faces he could only assume they had. Of course he had to believe Rouge's words when she spoke. Knuckles knew better than to assume the worst of everyone, even his rivalry with Rouge herself. But he'd keep an eye on himself and never let his guard down unless he had to.

"Don't point fingers at yourself for me," Commenting on her words, he'd lead her out with him, taking the first steps and holding the door for her. The idea of going to a secluded place sounded just fine as long as they weren't around people. Here Knuckles was with the thought of the alleyway around the corner and yet Rouge suggested her apartment? Of all the things.

"Yeah alright. Your place sounds fine. Why would i touch anything? I'm no thief." His expression narrowing to hers as if to suggest something, allowing Rouge to take point in the direction of her apartment.
If there was definitely something the two of them could easily agree on, it was the fact that neither of them were very found of the public attention that came with being a celebrity of more heroic sorts.. Of course neither of them were no Sonic, but they had both done their fair share of things that defined them in an equal sense to the legendary blue blur. The thought of it all was somewhat ironic in a sense, because Rouge definitely seemed like the sort of girl to love a crowd, with all the attention it would bring her at least. In reality she hated them as they contrasted greatly with the way she preferred to carry out her own personal business, I mean how easy was it to steal a rare gem when you had a paparazzi breathing down your next twenty-four seven? It had just been one of those things that had grown on her in time and she was pretty sure none of her old friends or acquaintances would ever be free of that sort thing.

Her apartment was easily the best suggestion, aside from the fact that she probably wasn't too comfortable with having knuckles there of all people, or anyone she really knew for that matter. It was there that she often kept things that didn't quite officially belong to her but looked good as decorations and also served to remind her to inspire for something better come her next venture into that sort of thing. Aside from that her place was actually quite nice but who would expect otherwise? She had class, as it had been one of the most notable things about her. Then there was all the stuff she had actually earned fairly, through hard work as a government agent and spy and it were those things that she'd actually value above the other little things that weren't actually hers. Once they'd arrive Knuckles would come to notice just how expansive her apartment was and that wasn't just because it was in one of the most expense condos near neighbouring station square. She'd lead the both of them up to the elevator and press down once on a elevator call button as she'd swing around on her heels after remembering to tell Knuckles something she hadn't.

"Oh did I mention don't touch anything..?!"

She'd snap at Knuckles, worrying that something may go dearly wrong just from simply letting him walk in the front door. Knuckles did have quite the temper after all and she had plenty of "delicate" things just sitting perfectly in her apartment waiting to become the accidental fault of a stubborn hot headed Echinda.
There had been some sort of unspoken agreement between the two and there always sort of had been. It was as though the two of them agreed to disagree. Knuckles and Rouge had a common interest and because of this common interest, the two of them had grown attached to meddling in one another's business. It was just how the game was played. Both of them loved their jewels but Knuckles only sought out what he needed rather than what he wanted, unlike Rouge who could have seen someone with a beautiful pearl necklace and wished to steal it right off their own body. Clearly greed got to the Bat-lady more than she'd offer knowing of. Being within similar jobs really had them meeting face-to-face here and there. Sometimes they had to work together and sometimes they couldn't be near one another. Right now, they had to work together, especially since the two of them wanted the emerald for two completely different reasons. Knuckles needed to protect it but Rouge wished she could obtain it for purposes that were unknown to him. Why? So it could look nice in her pretty little apartment? The red-head could only assume that was why she found him and picked him up off his tipsy feet. Was she using him? Hell if he knew.

Entering the building was rather alluring. The sight was brilliant as the walls, floor and even the furniture were astounding. Clearly the place had good security and a sensational price tag on it. How the hell did Rouge even live in a place like this? They weren't even in her apartment yet and he was still surprised, eyebrows raised at the sights around him. There was a small bit of envy reaching him as they stepped into the elevator together only to go to her floor and step out. The way Rouge had sway her hips and turned to face him had him a little thrown back. There was always some sort of peculiar sex-appeal about her but he tried his best to ignore it, as always. Ignorance was bliss in itself.

"I heard you the first time," Crossing his arms he'd look away from her, wondering if leaving right now and going to search for the emerald himself was a good idea. But that thought didn't last too long when he remembered that Rouge was the only one who knew the apparent location of the jewel.

Following her into her apartment, Knuckles watched the door close and uncrossed his arms in a somewhat frustrated manner. Always being a bit of a hot head he'd make his way around. The condo was actually fairly nice and he was surprised how it seemed almost spotless. Did she dust everything herself? The fact that everything was so clean had him bewildered. Eyebrows arching, clearly confused as he walked around to look at all her things. "Nice place," His compliment escaping him as he saw her couch and walked over to it, sitting down at the far end of it, enjoying the comfort of the corner rather than the middle. "Don't worry I won't meddle around with your stuff... no point anyway. It's all useless to me."
There was an obvious awkward sense of tension between the two of them but despite trying make that too obvious, Rouge only did what she did best and proved to shove it aside by making herself the centre of attention. With a gentle "huffing" sort of gesture she'd step into the elevator first before even letting Knuckles get a chance to step ahead of her. No matter the circumstance whenever it came to Knuckles Rouge just had to see herself being first, whether or not she did have a sort of soft spot for the Echinda who had once saved her life quite a long time ago over a silly little dispute that even now seemed only too familiar. She knew thought she'd find herself coming to him of all people for help, but the situation was quite worse then he could probably even imagine and she was still figuring out the best way to tell him that. She took her actions slowly, showing him a shard of something that she knew would matter but not exactly being too sure on what she should do next and her job hadn't exactly given her easy orders to follow on top of everything.

"I was just making sure you heard me the first time.. Ladies first."

She'd state as she'd step into the elevator without another word, easily pushing her way forward before Knuckles got the chance.

The whole elevator ride up wasn't any better then she expected it to be and Rouge only found herself once again pushing herself out of the front of the elevator door once they arrived on the proper floor. She'd easily race ahead of Knuckles and go about pressing the rather fancy virtual keypad outside her apartment door to filter in the correct code and gain access to her apartment.

"This place isn't cheap.. if you couldn't tell already.. So just do me a favour, keep your hands in your pockets and HEY!-"

Her sentence would be cut off briefly as she watched Knuckles simply wander into her apartment and throw himself down on her fancy white couch in the middle of the living room. Her ears would fold to her sides as her teeth tensed up and would show anger through the cover of her fancy pink lipstick toned lips.

"Ughhh.. Hey what do you think this is.. some place you can just free load in?! UGH stay right there.. don't move and don't touch anything! I need to do something real quick okay?"

She'd say with a sharp roll of her eyes as she'd kick the door closed behind her, with a gentle kick of her heel as she'd make her way over to her bedroom.
The high ignorance of Rouge was actually quite amusing. Knuckles couldn't help but gather a grin on his twisted little face when she had her little outbursts of hilarity. She truly was one of the most fierce women he knew and wouldn't stand to have anyone or anything in her way. For whatever reason she had this levitating ego that made her come across as unapproachable, but that was probably for the better anyway. Ever since the first time they met, all those years ago when he saved her, she had acted as though he didn't need to do it at all. Her head was held so highly on her shoulders that it was impossible to bring her down to his level. Not that he thought of her as someone who was better than him, but there was still that relevant option laying out there in the open. She'd taken it upon herself to neglect his motives, to say she didn't need saving as though she needed to prove some sort of point. Knuckles was only trying to help for the better of the given situation. Enemies, rivals or even friends, he was willing to help out anyone that needed it as long as it was for the better. What good would it have been to just let her fall to her death? Knuckles could only imagine the feeling he would have deep down if she had actually died on that day. How much it would affect his life. How he'd probably drown himself in the horrid idea of having lost someone and it was all on his shoulders. What a travesty. He didn't wish to have that feeling, which was the exact reason why he did go around saving people, helping people, being there for them every step of the way, even if it meant sacrificing himself for better or worse.

The commentary by Rouge was hysterical but not a smile cracked upon his lips even once. Adjusting his vest across his chest he'd take seat on her couch only to her her flip out yet again. The amusement was rather defined on his face as he watched her walk away and off into her bedroom. The hell did she need from there anyway? Knuckles waited and waited on the couch, looking around at all the various gems she had and high quality jewels that he could only imagine she'd stolen. Rouge was notorious for the amount of rumours that spread of her. Word on the street was that she'd recently taken multiple jobs under the radar, but it wasn't so much under the radar when everyone was talking about it, now was it? He could only imagine her enjoying the rumours. Sitting back in a chair of delight and just laughing at the little pieces of information that others were throwing around about her. It must've helped her ego, or so Knuckles would think. For all he knew, she could have hated it. Maybe it actually broke her down on the inside hearing the hurtful things some people said about her body or the way she spoke to them. She was of course one of the most attractive symbols in the world and attention was on her almost all the time, just as much as it was with him. No wonder they'd come to her apartment to seek privacy.

Getting up off the couch he'd glance over at her open bedroom door. Knuckles made his way over there, taking his time as his sneakers pressed gently against the marble flooring. Honestly how could she afford to live in such an expensive place? He only imagined the amount of income she made from her day to day life. How the hell? Like he'd know. Or care. But Knuckles took a moment to himself before walking fully over to her bedroom and leaned in the door way, his knuckles reaching over to knock as he stopped and looked at her right when he'd meet his hand with the door.
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