Looking for a great story...

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Biting Girl

Sep 6, 2014
East Coast
I'll try to be as brief as possible, and if you feel you fit this category, please PM me.

I'm looking for someone to write a male character against my female character. I'm very much into D/S play, with me being the Domm. As my name would suggest, I enjoy biting, scratching, slapping, etc. I enjoy biting/scratching to the point of the other bleeding, and I lick their blood... However, if a straight laced RPG with some sex thrown in is your bag, by all means. I enjoy all genres of RPG, but my most favorite to write is medieval, with sci/fi and fantasy being a close second and third.

My def no's are... well, I'm not sure I have any at this point... (Edit) I am not into potty play, bestiality, necro, gangbangs, (unless seriously a part of a bigger storyline, and not an all day thing), furries, or bukkake. I now have an F-List you can view in my signature to see if we are a good match on interests.

If this sounds like a game you'd like to play, PM me with your wants and don't wants, and we will figure out if we are compatible.

Also a must: PLEASE know how to spell, and have a generally good grasp of grammar, punctuation, etc. And I don't want to write out 4 paragraphs to come back to 2 sentences. Serious players only, please!
RE: New Here, looking for a fun Sub

Bumping to add some new info. I realized as I was getting LOTS of PM's, that people were generally confused about the root of my evil. So, while talking with one person, I wrote this description that BETTER describes what I'm into.

And so:

Hi there! Well first, I LOVE RPs with lots of nice plot to move the story along. I LOVE writing smut, but it's not ALL that I love to write, if you catch my drift. ;)

Second, in my world, as well as my fantasy worlds, the blood doesn't really help anything. It's the pain that it causes to scratch/bite someone to the point of bleeding that turns me on. I'm such a weird little Sado as I don't like using tools I don't already possess, like my nails/teeth. However, I like the taste of blood, which is why I tend to lick it. Plus it symbolizes me taking the person into me, in a way that sex doesn't. Blood is a life force. We need it to live. Cum... not so much. So it's a completely different experience for me to take someones life force into me. Does it give my characters any super-power? No. But it does give her a sort of "high" or "rush".

That said, I can ALWAYS play a vamp or some other mythical humanoid that requires blood to live, if you prefer she NEED the blood.

And third, myself and my characters don't use pain to generally tear someone down, as a normal Dom would. It's not about taking a masculine man, and making a little sissy out of him. I do it because my characters lovers and my lovers irl TAKE the pain. They wince and groan and cry out in pain, but they TAKE IT because they know that hearing that pain in their voice turns me on. They do it to turn me on, because that turns them on. Does that make sense? Lol.

In conclusion, am I a normal Dom? Fuck no. I love being a Dom to a strong Sub who won't submit willingly, or will take control for a few minutes. Maybe even take control for a good while. I like to play more of a psychological Dom. I don't have a dungeon. I don't use whips and chains and ropes. I use what I have to cause pain, I use my body to cause pleasure to counteract the pain I cause, and I like to let the other person *think* they are winning, when in fact, it is I who has already won. They just don't know it yet.

NOW, if that all sounds like a barrel full of monkeys, we can always discuss details of a game. If not, I would not be offended. :)
RE: New Here, looking for a fun Sub

Updating with my current craves...

Craving a good story line. I'm really looking to engross myself in a great story. Smut or not, I can do with or without it. Honestly. I'm craving romance, damsel in distress, or even a good equals role, where we both pull our own weight equally. I say damsel in distress, but I won't always be helpless. Oh no, quite the contrary.

I'm craving a new world. Something vast and open and deep. Maybe even controlling more than one character in this world at a time.

I'm not very good at dreaming up these worlds. My apologies for that. But if you've got one you'd like to explore with someone, hit me up. I'm open to your ideas, and given the info, I can make your world come to life. :)
RE: New Here, looking for a fun Sub

Bumping. Current craves haven't changed much from previous bump. Again, looking for a great story line, that perhaps can be hashed out and played for months. I'm also good with twists and turns in games. I can play off of most everything. All I ask is that you be literate. No need to be a perfect writer. I just can't respond well to someone who doesn't at least take their writing seriously. I won't respond wen sum1 talks lik dis. Mmm mmm. Nope. Can't do it.

I'm looking for less smut, more story. I know I've said that before, but if you're looking for smut, I'm not your girl right now.
RE: New Here, looking for a fun Sub

Would you be willing to play a monster-girl? I was hoping to do a RP based on the SCP foundation, an SCP X Scientist or security officer
RE: New Here, looking for a fun Sub

Bump. Looking for an epic story line with the 2 main characters being equally strong! I don't want a dom/sub relationship. I want romance, fighting, passion, and maybe some gore thrown in during bate scenes. If you have an epic that you've been wanting to play, send me a pm. :)
Looking for an Epic game!

Oh thanks Sandy! I didn't realize I COULD change the title!!!!! :D

Wait.... how do I do that?
Bumping. Looking specifically for someone who can RP at all times, but mostly weekends, as my main game players can't.

My wants/craves are the same. I'm good with smut so long as it is part of the story, and not just thrown in there because you want to "get off".

Send me a PM if you've got a great story for me! :)

P.S. I've already dealt with one asshole today. If you plan to be one, don't even bother. I don't play that game. I'm not like most chicks. I won't sit back and take it. So, unless you are looking for a fight, don't even try it. ;)
Found a few great stories, and now I have a great one of my own! Involves a very demanding, domineering Goddess. Send me a pm if you'd like to be abused!!
Bump!!! In need of a great RP. Looking for a militarized/dramatic story. Have an idea I've tried a few times, but has failed. Wanna give it another shot. Pm me if you'd like to try it, or have another great idea you've been dying to try.

***This is the most recent post. All other posts above are no longer active. Not currently seeking D/s roleplay.***

!!!! Sending me dick pics is unacceptable. Have some class when messaging me, please!!!! It's sad that I had to add that.
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