Bubble, bubble, toil and... (w/ MellowYellow)

Cora von Fotze

Mar 31, 2014
... And then, there was light.

Wanda Maximoff groaned as her guts churned and the cool kiss of the hardwood floor brought her back to her senses. Her wild mane of auburn hair was a mess and she felt worst then that time she stupidly thought her powers could allow her to drink She-Hulk under the table. She tried to rise up off the floor, THAT was a bad idea as it made the hall start spinning and sent stabbing pains through her head. ~what... Why... What did I do?~ she asked herself as she forced herself to try and recollect what she'd done and how she'd ended up in this state. Another mistake, as memories of the tragedy of the recent past flooded into her mind making her sob and weep.

~Gone... So many gone...~ Wanda remembered and grief washed over her again. She shook and rocked a little as the pain that accompanied the memory of the self sacrifice of so many Avengers hit her again. ~Their bravery ... Should be honored, not mourned... But... So alone...~ she lamented silently as she let her head fall to the floor again wishing for the oblivion of unconsciousness to take her away from the pain in the present.

~Do SOMETHING~ Wanda admonished herself and a small voice in her head responded with, ~I did~ What though... That eluded her, but feeling the way she did now, the weakness that suffused her body, heart and soul, she knew it was something Big involving both her Magic and her mutant power that drained her almost to the point of joining her fallen comrades. The heady smell of potent mystical herbs clung to her skin while Chaos crackled through her aura, the likes of which she'd never experienced. She should have been alarmed by this, knew she should be working to discipline her mind and cleanse her aura of the lingering energies about her but she just couldn't be bothered. Just breathing in and out, in and out, was a Herculean labor and about all she could handle at the moment.

So the Scarlet Witch just lay there, in the middle of the 3rd floor hall in the Avenger's Mansion, suffering from events both recent and past. She would get up, go to her room... Eventually. For now though, she was content to let the day pass her by as she sprawled out on the floor in an ungainly heap.
"Hey, there you are!"

The voice was a familiar one to Wanda no doubt, one she had been hearing for years since she started out as an Avenger. Of course the tone seemed a little lighter than normal... almost... affectionate? Carol Danvers however, to most of the world, was normally far from affectionate. A straight laced military woman in and out of costume, who only ever became jovial after drinking enough whiskey to drown a horse. She was certainly different to what Wanda was used to.

She stood in the hallway, barefoot with her blonde locks looking rather more bedraggled than usual. She was tall, and as was the case with most women in the super-business she managed to be a perfect mix of feminine beauty and athletic strength. It was strange how she could have such strong muscles and the curves of a supermodel... but then again this was a woman who could punt a tank from New York to Timbuktu so it was far from the strangest thing about the Kree-human hybrid.

Carol's choice of dress was certainly very different too: Wanda's 'Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters' football jersey, a deep purple shade that looked more like a dress on Wanda but fit tight to Carol's body. It left little too the imagination with how the hem showed off her pussy.

"Jeez, one night of fucking and you're passing out in the hall? That's not the Wanda Maximoff that stole my heart." Carol reached down and hoisted Wanda up by her hand quite effortlessly, swiftly pulling her in and lightly pecking at the mutant's lips.

Something VERY fishy was going on here...
The warm tones in the words kindly spoken to her made Wanda crack open her eyes again and look at the one who addressed her. She oooed softly as she was hit by another wave of nausea, but one that was much less intense then the ones that proceeded it. "Car..rrol???" she stammered out as the spots in her vision started to clear, letting her truly see her team mate... Which only confused her more.

Wanda had always admired Carol, for her self possessed strength, classic American good looks, no bullshit-take no prisioners attitude and for the fact that she was always there for her team mates and the world. What she'd never done was truly see her, not like this; half naked, tenderly playful, filling out one of Wanda's shirts in ways it had never been before... And claiming to be her lover??!?!!???

Wanda blinked as Carol pulled her up to her feet with an ease that might have been insulting, had she not drawn Wanda close and kissed her. '... stole my heart...' Carol's words rang through Wanda's head as her lips lighly pressed into Wanda's. They were firm and yet yeilding, almost chaste but somehow sweet and lovely... Without meaning to, Wanda wrapped her arms around Carol's waist and melted into her. She sighed when the kiss ended, head spinning a litte, this time in the good way as she looked deeply into Ms. Marvel's eyes. She didn't know what she was looking for, some sign this was a joke, or some illusion the Enchantress was casting or a Kree infiltrator... Anything to explain the impossible thing that was happening and the way her heart was pounding in her chest.

Wanda flushed and then pressed her lips to Carol's again as something snapped inside her. The light little kiss had been nice... But ... Not enough, not enough by far. She crushed her lips into Carol's as she ran her gloved nails down Carol's back slowly until they slipped cooly past the hem of her shirt and over Carol's firm, tight ass in a way that was possessive and hungry. Through parted lips, tip of her tongue teased out to caress Carol's lips as she moaned softly, lustily while seeking to taste Carol's kiss deeply.
Carol was all set to tell Wanda about breakfast being ready (As usual it was something ordered in as none of the girls could cook anything decent. Well Jen could, but that Hulk-metabolism of hers meant she always cooked way too much. Jan detested doing anything she saw as 'domestic'. Carol could barely work a toaster... and leaving Natasha in charge of food last time had led to a serving of some gulag-tier gruel) but it seemed that Wanda had other plans when she so firmly claimed Carol's lips again.

Now, in terms of physical strength at least, Carol should have been able to take charge... but there was just something so enticing about Wanda's strong touches and caresses, the way the air ionized around her fingertips and filled Carol's nigh-invulnerable skin with a powerful lustful current. What Wanda wanted, Wanda got. That was the tenet that the other lovely ladies under the roof were more than happy to live by. "Mnh... s-sweetie..." Carol whispered, feeling her back pushing into the wall of the hallway. Her heart was beating too, stronger than it ever had when she was a pilot.

Her breath left her lungs in a long drawn out gasp, while her pussy grew both hotter and wetter in a matter of seconds. "We really should ahn... go get breakfast but..." she trembled in a growing need and threaded a few fingers through the flowing brunette curls of her beloved. "Well there's... hah there's no rush... I'm more than eager to make you happy right here and now..." the normally strong and independent heroine crooned.
There was something so wonderfully electrifying about feeling the way the blonde powerhouse yeilded herself up to her pleasure that Wanda shivered and savored the kiss she'd taken from Ms. Marvel's lips. The knowledge that this woman who could rip her in two like a child tears paper was so enamored with her that she'd refuse her nothing was beginning to dawn on Wanda and it thrilled her to the core. As did feeling the goose pimples that rose on Carol's flawless skin in response to the pleasure Wanda's touch brought her. Wanda heard Carol's whispered endearment as she forced her back against the wall and used her thigh to make Ms. Marvel open those creamy white thighs of her.

"Hungry?" Wanda cooed after hearing Carol's delighted sounds and willingness to put off the morning meal. She wriggled her shoulders and drew her top down, baring her breasts and hardening nipples as she slid herself up and down Ms. Marvel's statuesque body. "I ... Want that... For you to please and tease me... Right here," Wanda moaned into Carol's ear as she squeezed her ass and played a leg up between Carol's legs. "But.... First..." she purred then drew on her mutant power and turned the Jersey Carol was wearing into sexy bodypaint that oozed down her body.
The feeling of Wanda working her magic on her body didn't come as much of a shock to her anymore. Really it was something that her other lovers craved from her, the randomness o what could come that always made each rutting session better than the last... still, Carol was grumbling as she realised her tight fitting shirt had warped into revealing paint that tickled her skin and now left nothing to the imagination. "Darn.... I was just starting to get used to that shirt," Carol mused. Not that Wanda as of yet had the memories to know that, but Carol could always wear another of Wanda's shirts to pull off the sexy casual look.

Carol watched her lovers motions, feeling almost like a gazelle caught in a corner by a hungry lioness... and for a woman who spent the rest of her life in control and throwing villains threw city blocks, that sensation aroused her for reasons she couldn't rightly describe. Her hips pressed forward, allowing Wanda's knee to brush now up against her sopping folds. "Mnf~ So... how do you want me..." Carol breathed out, while her finger drew a line in the paint on the circumference of her left breast.

The busty blonde waited, the lust burning like a fire inside her. She wanted- no, she NEEDED this!
Carol's cute little grumble made Wanda laugh merrily even as she swirled pink paint around and around Carol's butt cheeks. "Poor baby... But you look so much better this way, zolotse" Wanda murmurred tenderly into Carol's ear then nipped at it wickedly as Carol frooze, mermerized by her caresses and movements as their excitement grew. When Ms. Marvel thrust her hips forward Wanda's knee brushed up against her wetness, but only for a single, teasing moment. Only long enough to make her moan and crave more.

An admiring, wonderstruck gaze played over Carol as she veritably glowed from the light of the passionate fire burning within her, burning for the Scarlet Witch. Wanda played her fingertips down Carol's cheek as she ruminated over her simple request, fingers that went on to slide down her throat and over her right breast. She flicked a fingernail over her lover's nipple and mused idly, "... I wonder how pretty you'd look pierced..." she mused aloud.

"And... I want you on your knees love licking me lovingly until everyone else wakes up to me joyous screams..." Wanda says boldly and with a blush coloring her cheeks. She NEVER has spoken like thus, so direct and wanton... But for some reason, it just felt ... Right... "... And as you do this... You'll be gifted with an appropriate reward..." she purred as the paint flowing down Carol's body came "alive" caressing Carol's skin under the guidance of Wanda's will.
"Ahn... baby..." Carol whispered. Her throat had gone dry by now, the excitement of being teased so vigorously was leaving every nerve in her body on edge. She felt as if she was on a rollercoaster, climbing slowly and steadily up to the summit until she was staring down at an infinite drop that would ravish her body and send her heart and adrenaline into overdrive. Wanda was amazing at this, the wait was just.... well by Galactus it was just always worth it.

The caresses of the sentient paint made her whimper, a very surprising noise coming from her of all women. Still she nodded and Ms. Marvel found herself crouching before the scantily clad witch. "Anything for you..." she whispered as her lips pecked the tips of her scarlet boots. Up she went, her lips caressing the naked pale flesh of Wanda's milky calf and then running into her inner left thigh. She knew her sweet spots by now, focusing her kisses there while her creeping fingers helped with the hem of her underwear. Carol could only do so much if she couldn't access Wanda's pussy.
The pleasure drenched little tremor in Carol's voice as she spoke so softly to her paramour made Wanda bite her lower lip as she continued to tease the blonde before her. Carol felt the cool play of Wanda's nails across her ribs as she whimpered from the way the sentient paint made free with her body. A stream of it swirled around her breast, teasing and squeezing it even as Carol felt another tendril stream down her back and slip between the cheeks of her ass in a way that was warm, silky and a touch wrong.

Wanda couldn't take her eyes off Ms. Marvel as she crouched before the scantily clad witch. "Promise?" she asked tenderly as her lips pecked the tips of the scarlet boots that clung to her legs. As Carol's kisses traveled up the pale flesh of Wanda's milky calf and inner thigh teasing every sweet spot along the way. Her thighs quivered and crimson panties grew damp with her juices as Carol thrilled her so completely she took fistfuls of her golden hair as she leaned back, arching her body beautifully S a wonderful kind of tension built up inside her.

"mmmmm god, CAHrrrhhhllllllll...." Wanda gasped and groaned, shuddering with delight as Carol pleased her so so much. She raised a leg and rested it upon her shoulder as she moaned, "now... Just rip them off NOW!" The passion she'd awakened in the Witch had become a fervid, almost angry thing and what she wanted she wanted NOW! That much was clear from the light in her dark eyes, the flush on her skin and the lust and hunger in her tone.
"Mm... so you can dish the teasing out but you can't take it?" Carol replied with a playful edge in her tone. Their eyes locked, and then she seemed to recognise the mutual passion now burning between them. Oh yes, she wanted this. Her head roamed up and the blonde vixen was soon gripping the hem of Wanda's panties between her teeth. A small tug later, requiring only but the most minute percent of her unnatural strength, and her soaked panties had been torn clean off.

Carol sucked lightly, taking in some of Wanda's flavour in a particularly lewd manner before spitting the garment out onto the carpet. "Ahn ma, your taste is always so fucking good... and it's different each time..."

It was an observation the others had also noted in the past, and it was likely an effect of Wanda's vast mutant abilities. The sudden feeling of the sentient paint stroking between her glorious toned asscheeks made Carol's spine bristle, and she became awar of what she had to do once more. She leaned in, and instantly her tongue had rammed into Wanda's tight pink pussy and got to licking away. Her tongue moved with characteristic superhuman speed, practically a vibrator in it's own right, while her nose ground up against her beloved leader's engorged pointed pink clit.
"Bitch..." Wanda spits out in a tender, deliciouly happy tone when Carol spoke playfully about teasing. When their eyes locked a spark jumped between them that carried with it full knowledge of the depth of desire and affection that existed between the two of them in a way that was undeniable and palpable. Wanda laughed a lusty, wanton laugh as her panties were torn off her body and the coolness of the air caressed the warm, wet heat of her sex. "So fucking sexy," Wanda purred and then was silenced by a gasp as Carol sucked lightly upon her, making the witch squeal with delight.

Pleasure hit Wanda with redoubled intensity as Carol leaned in, and rammed her tongue into Wanda's tight pink pussy with a delicious kind of force and vigor. "Oh my god! CAROL!!!" Wanda cried out as she shook with the carnal joy of it all, and the way Carol's vibrating tongue and delicate nose thrilled her outrageously. In time with Wanda's gasping panting for breath, tendrils of the 'paint' kneaded Carol's breasts, pinched and tugged on her nipples as they snaked inside her. "FUCK YES!!!! OH YESSS!!!" Wanda screamed as she lifted her other foot off the ground and put it on Carol's shoulders, leaving it completely up to Ms. Marvel that she stay upright as she LITERALLY drove the Scarlet Witch up the wall with pleasure.
Really it was hard to believe that this was the same Carol Danvers that Wanda had known before. She, despite her beauty, hadn't done a whole lot sexually that the former Brotherhood member would be aware of. Certainly nothing sapphic except for that drunken makeout session with Emma Frost at that one New Year's party... and that was Emma fucking Frost, the straightest women around would likely curve in for a shot with her.

Now though, well god Carol seemed like she could run for the carpet-muncher world champ. Her strong hands gripped Wands firmly by her thighs, a muffled laugh vibrating against Wanda's slick labia. God damn she loved making her moan like that, and it made for such a thrill to see the leader of their group sliding up against the wall. The groping of her breasts brought upon by Wanda's magic just drove her to move faster, a pressure now making itself known and pooling in her groin. Not that she seemed to slow down in the slightest. If anything she just spurred the superhuman muscles of her tongue to go even faster and burrow deeper into Wanda's vag.

A voice called from down the hall, one that had evidently been stirred by Wanda screaming bloody murder, a husky tone lined with Slavic inflections and coarse toned accent. Natasha. Only Natasha could carry that kind of voice. "Hey, fucking dykes, hurry up! Breakfast will get fucking cold if you keep that up too long!"
Ms. Marvel did everything she could to truly live up to her name as she gripped Wanda's firm thighs with her , strong hands and laughed against Wanda's honey-slick sex.

God damn she loved making her moan like that, and it made for such a thrill to see the leader of their group sliding up against the wall. The groping of her breasts brought upon by Wanda's magic just drove her to move faster, a pressure now making itself known and pooling in her groin. Not that she seemed to slow down in the slightest. If anything she just spurred the superhuman muscles of her tongue to go even faster and burrow deeper into Wanda's vag.

A voice called from down the hall, one that had evidently been stirred by Wanda screaming bloody murder, a husky tone lined with Slavic inflections and coarse toned accent. Natasha. Only Natasha could carry that kind of voice. "Hey, fucking dykes, hurry up! Breakfast will get fucking cold if you keep that up too long!"
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