Threadbare (Frogger and RaidentheRipper)


Jun 10, 2012
Out Of This World
Mia Wilde's world simply fell apart at the seams when her father ran off. It wasn't unusual to not see him for days on end, being as how he kept to his research, and remained downstairs in his lab at all hours...and yet, for him to disappear without a trace...? It broke her heart. Their relationship never was the best, but lately, it was improving...getting to the point where they could get along. Dinner was no longer spent alone... in the early hours of morning, she'd wake up to the smell of bacon... Yes, their little family was healing after Mrs. Darius Wilde's tragic death. One day, though...the man went down into his lab...and it felt like he never came back out. At first...she didn't worry about it too much. On the fifth day, though...she opened the door, just to give him lunch...and he was gone.

The answers came soon enough, however. It wasn't long until large, strange men appeared at the door, demanding money that she didn't have. Apparently... Darius Wilde fell onto hard times, and borrowed money in order to fund his research on Life Fibers...leading him to debt. No one was buying his research, and so he was left with no other options but to run. Not that reasoning it made things any better... He couldn't even tell her that money was becoming a problem. So here she was, left alone...with an empty house, no means to pay for his debt...and no other choice but to see what she could sell. That is what prompted the girl to venture down into his lab. Question is... well, is there anything of value there? Their lives used to be humble, not in any way extravagant or luxurious... In fact, being a One-Star, they lived in the slums... the lowest of the low.

After swallowing the lump in her throat, Mia extended a hand...the fingers wrapping around the knob, and giving it a firm twist. Her skin prickled when the door groaned in protest, however, nothing jumped out at her...nothing snarled, or anything of the sort. It was all just part of her overactive imagination. Relieved, she opened the door, light piercing through the darkness below...dust rising to make itself known...and it wasn’t long before sneezes forced the girl to cover her nose. Strands of dark red fell over her eyes, a hand lifting to brush the pesky strands behind an ear. Her eyes lifted...and the light revealed that one was a soft, mystical blue...while the other a pale, frosty grey. It was a birth defect, heterochromia, to be exact. Most people couldn't meet her gaze because of it...and so, more often than not, she'd let hair fall over her no one would feel obligated to look. It was better, really...because she didn't really know how to respond whenever she sees someone looking at her with contempt, or pity, or...whatever.

Mia cleared her throat one last time, before venturing on. There was dust over everything...over test tubes, over an old computer she remembers Darius working on not too long ago...over crinkled papers and various pieces of cloth. Her hand reached out, the tips touching upon soft fabric...the likes of which she's never felt before. What the...? Curious despite herself, Mia shifted closer, and found that it wasn't simply a piece of cloth...but rather, some sort of outfit. What is this...? Unable to see because of how dark it was, she traced along what details she could pick out...and picked it up from the dusty table. More swirls and coils of dust rose...of course, causing her to sneeze again. I should take it get a closer look at it... That decided, she draped the fabric over her arm, and began making her way back up the stairs. Each step let out an eerie groan of protest...but she ignored it this time.

It was a relief, to be out of his creepy, abandoned lab...not to mention away from the dust. Wiping her nose, Mia walked into the living room, letting her eyes adjust for a moment while she set down...whatever it is, across the table. Finally...she studied the material, and surprise played across her mismatched eyes. What was Dad doing, with a schoolgirl uniform...? the girl thought, her fingers fiddling with the scarf. It was pretty, she'll give it that...what with its soft, muted grey color, and its blue accents. The pleated skirt was a bit short, in her opinion...but most skirts are nowadays. What did she expect? A fingertip moving to the front, quick pain slashed across the pad, causing her to hiss with both surprise and pain. What the-? Lifting the finger, blood trickled down its length in a long, lazy red river. Her eyes returned to the uniform, only to notice that there was a sewing needle stuck next to a button.

"Ow..." Sucking on her finger, Miami carefully began pulling the pin out...unaware that the blood along her palm was dripping down her wrist. It wasn't long before numerous drops fell, very...very close to the uniform in question. Once the pin was removed, she checked her finger. "I should get a bandaid real quick..." she murmured under her breath, already heading towards the kitchen. The momentum caused a few drops of blood to land on a grey sleeve.
He can remember a pair of hands reaching out and grasping his cloth, sewing it together. Slowly wrapping up consciousness. Giving him life, and then sight, and then understanding, and then words. And then nothing, nothing whatsoever, for the longest of times. Then a light trickle, a single drop of blood, sweet and warm and nutritious, and his eyes snap open, dark grey and black circles wrapped around one another in a simulacrum of a human gaze. Just enough blood to wake him, to remind him of how hungry he is, how much he needs something to keep going... And he all but hurls himself at the woman he can see nearby, sleeves wrapping around her neck, wordlessly grasping at her clothes, striving to pull them away from her form, regardless of tears or rips or broken buttons. He snarls wordlessly again, grasping at her collar, tearing the fabric and trying to swivel himself around her, pressing his sleeves against the buttons of her shirt.

"Wear me, woman! Now!" he commands, in a low, dark voice, grey and black gaze fixated upon her face. "Wear me, feed me, make me yours, but let me be worn!" he growls, fabric parting, almost 'tearing', but reaffixing itself, the skirt snugly around her hips in half an instant, before he has to turn back around, trying to open himself and engulf her with his fabric.
"Where did I put those Band-Aids..." Mia murmured around her fingertip, the coppery taste of blood swirling on the girl's tongue. It was silly that she cut herself, and on a sewing needle of all things...but there was no ignoring the facts. A few fiery red strands falling against her cheek, her other hand lifted to tuck the hairs aside, to get them out of her eyes...when she could have sworn she heard a growl. More of a snarl, really. The hairs standing up along her arms and the back of her neck, Mia quickly turned around...only to be hit squarely in the the exact same uniform she found just a few minutes ago. A surprised, equally frightened cry left her lips...both of her hands up to push the fabric away. Its sleeves wrapped around her neck, pulling at her clothes...not caring in the slightest whether or not it tore, ripped...or broke any of the buttons. Another snarl broke through the struggle...the sleeves now grasping at her collar, and tearing the material there. Buttons scattered onto the floor with another tug...the folds parting to reveal the creamy smooth skin of her breasts, and the simple white cotton of her bra.

A pale, frosty grey eye met the darker grey and black gaze belonging to the uniform...the other eye being hidden behind a veil of red. Mia swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat, finding herself not quite sure how to react. Here was a talking, sailor uniform...and it was demanding that she wear it. "N-no! Stop!" the girl managed to protest, hands uselessly pulling at the fabric even while the skirt fit itself around her hips. Fear pounded against her rib cage...making her struggle harder, only...she didn't anticipate the couch being so close. One foot stepped back...sending the girl to fall onto the leather, and making a squeak escape her lips unbidden. Her braid became undone, fiery red forming an ethereal halo about her head.
She's making sounds of fear, begging him to stop. Sending tiny vibrations, ripples of heat and motion along his fabric. But that doesn't matter right now. "Wear me, woman. Wear me! Your answers can come later, I'll answer every last one, but I will not be put back to sleep again!" he snarls, sleeves snapping in place around her wrists now, fabric unfastening and then reforming there. Her previous clothes are gone, and he tightens upon her, clenching the fabric already in place, his skirt and panties provided for her constricting her lower body, while as he tries to get his main form onto her chest, her breasts become slightly compressed as well. The living uniform struggles to orient himself correctly... and finally, he's done, grey-black eyes watching her from her neckline, her body still tightly gripped by him in an effort to keep her still.
Terror struck anew, leaving the girl speechless even though she continued to struggle against the uniform in question. Mia lifted her arms...and right before her eyes, the grey sleeves began snapping into place around both wrists, the fabric unfastening and reforming once that was done. Her eyes widening, she redoubled her efforts...and yet, it was quickly proving to be useless. There was nothing that can be done against cloth… The fabric grew very tight around her person, making her gasp and struggle for breath. In the back of her mind, she was aware that the skirt and panties were constricting around the lower portion of her body...all while the fabric tried to form itself properly around her chest. Her breasts were soon being restrained...the nipples hardening upon contact, and making the poor girl whimper in unease. All of a was done. Her blue-green eyes opening, she avoided the strange grey-black eyes watching her from the neckline, and looked down at herself. “What… What is this…?” she whispered, horror written on her pretty features. Locks of red fell forward to frame her flushed cheeks.
The uniform snarls darkly as it forces itself tighter onto her frame, grey-black eyes flashing up at her. "If you'd just let me be worn by you, woman, you wouldn't have to be so uncomfortable right now. Your blood is what awakened me, and so the least you can do is take responsibility for that action." he huffs, his voice seeming to both come from within her mind and from the 'mouth' on her chest that the uniform forms. His fabric rubs roughly against her nipples and crotch as he shifts himself upon her, trying to make himself more comfortable, forcing out wrinkles, and making his form fit more snugly on hers.

"Hngh. I am a kamui. That's all I know. Your blood woke me, and it feeds me, and I want more, woman..." he growls, squeezing himself back upon her again, reforming his fabric, and giving a smidgeon more support to her breasts. "And in exchange, woman... I can give you anything you desire. Power, strength, anything." he growls into her mind, shaking his fabric a bit and rubbing her a bit more.
"E-Excuse me? If I had just let you...If I had just let myself be worn by you, it wouldn't be so uncomfortable?! Would you have let a strange sailor uniform on, that is...if you were capable of doing that..." Her confidence waning as words kept spilling out of her mouth, Mia quieted with a blush that rivaled the intensity and vibrancy of the red strands that make up her hair. A little whimper escaped her lips when the fabric rubbed roughly against her nipples and crouch, causing the first to harden further...and the latter to heat up some. Her fingers curled into fists on either side of the poor girl, and wordlessly she fidgeted on the couch and bit her lip...not quite sure what to do. This is certainly a strange situation I have found myself in... she thought, reaching a hand up to adjust her glasses.

Mia's mismatched eyes widened at the uniform's next words, confusion and other emotions playing in their depths. "A Kamui...?" Him tightening around her torso, providing more support to her breasts, broke the girl's concentration for but a moment. "There... There really isn't anything I want..." she breathed at one point, legs curling up against her, wave upon wave of fiery red falling down over her shoulders. "I...I'm just a high school student... I'm just trying to make it through my last four years of education..."
The uniform seems to instantly grin at her words, its eyes narrowing in mirth as it constricts a bit more, squeezing her soft breasts and caressing her womanhood, the fabric quivering in excitation. "Oh, but I'm not capable of such, woman. And as to what you would want... there's always something to make a person's dream come true. In your case... This is your home, yes? And I was downstairs. So I was made by you, or someone close to you. So, clearly... you need my strength for something." he breathes out into her mind, squeezing her again and making another grin. "I can make you strong, powerful. Give you the means to climb social ladders. Make you strong enough to take what you want. Give you the power to do anything and everything you desire..."
Of course, the dark red blush only turned darker as the seconds ticked by, Mia finding herself in a stranger situation still. A veil of fiery red fell over an eye, leaving its blue counterpart to look about...before glancing down at the uniform speaking. "Why...Why can't you get off...? I...I just...I just can't wear you... I have a school uniform, and...and you're too embarrassing..." His last words caused her heart to lurch, her thoughts to whirl. "My...My father created you...before he left..." she murmured, a shadow falling over the girl's eyes as she bent her head. "He left one the middle of the night. The only thing...I to pay off his debt, so I don't have to worry about it..." His tightening and caressing caused Mia to fidget, biting onto her lip hard.
"Hmm... well, then. You need to pay off his debt? Then I see... hm. Three, no, four options. Firstly, you get a legitimate job and work. Given the nature of his research, it will only take you a few... dozen years to pay off. Second, you turn to illicit activities. Strip clubs, prostitution, et cetera. Higher paying, but hardly dignified. Thirdly, you use me to earn the money, working, fighting, et cetera, and using the abilities I'll grant you to earn your way. Fourth, use me to take the money from others." he suggests, once more tightening upon her, fabric rubbing against her nipples and groin again, his eyes narrowing in amusement.

"And besides, I can make myself more... proper, if that's what you need. What do you want? A mask? A dress? Simply inform me, woman..."
Light pink giving way to dark, Mia felt a whimper slip past her lips...the noise painting the air. Her fingers curled into the skirt, holding on as though for dear life while she tried to piece together a few thoughts. Unfortunately...the uniform, which had no name...was right. If she did work a legitimate job, it'd take her years upon years upon years to pay off the debt...and there was no way she was going to...sell herself in such a degrading manner. It was way too embarrassing... The third option was a bit out there...especially given how she's not a violent person, but...perhaps it could work...? Her eyes opening after a minute or so, she frowned down at the narrowed blue and grey eyes...searching for the right words to say. "F-First of all... I'm not 'woman'... I have a name. It's Mia Wilde. Second of all... I would appreciate it if you make yourself more... proper. It's close to being winter, you think you can make yourself into a scarf, by chance...? If not, I understand... Just...anything would be better than this...revealing sailor uniform..." Her last words drifting off into a murmur, she fidgeted where she sat, feeling very uncomfortable with this situation. A few strands of red fell against her cheeks, bringing out the blush.

Mia began nibbling on her lip, before lifting a hand to tuck the strands of hair behind an ear. “How...How would I earn money, by fighting…?” she asked hesitantly. “I have no idea myself…”
"Ah, well, you hadn't exactly made me aware of your name previously, now had you, Mia?" the voice breathes into her mind, fabric flexing again, rubbing against her so sweetly sensitive parts. "In regards to my form, Mia, I'm not... well, capable of compressing or overly stretching my fabrics. You can only fold linen so tightly, yes? And aside from that, It's... hm... programmed into me, I suppose you could say, that I'm not permitted to cover more than thirty or so percent of your skin. So if you want a scarf, it's going to have to come out of somewhere else." he admits, shivering as the fabric shifts, retreating from her breasts and groin, leaving her in little more than a grey-black thong and bikini, and giving her the scarf around her neck she desired - though it's more of a muffler than anything. Thick enough to ward off the cold on her neck, but given the rest of her... it certainly wouldn't do much good as a whole.

He reverts, after only a few moments, and begins rearranging himself, winding up, more or less, as a pair of shorts and a crop top, his eye and mouth motif now expressed in colorations of the fabrics, the excess material forming into gloves and boots for her. As a whole, it's no more conservative, but it could possibly be used as underclothes, if that was so expressly needed, though he chafes at the thought of being covered by other clothing, his weave becoming disorganized and rougher, rubbing unpleasantly against her skin.

"Mercenary work. Police work. Hunting down others of my kind that are less... community-minded. I don't know or remember very much, but I doubt your father was the sole researcher of Kamui and life fibers."
"Well, excuse me if I haven't had the time or the notion to introduce myself to a sailor uniform that was forcing itself onto me!" Mia huffed, her temper being ignited by both his words, and the strange warmth pooling within the lowest regions of her belly. As quickly as the spark came, it was extinguished...having cooled. Her temper has always been quick, bright...yet it never lasted long. "That...makes sense..." she reluctantly noted, giving a thoughtful nod at his next words. It did make sense; the uniform could only stretch so far. Having been lost in thought... she gave a squeak of surprise when a shiver teased her skin... the fabric shifting, retreating from her breasts and groin...the sailor uniform turning into...a matching grey-blue bikini set. There was a scarf, like she was asking for...yet it wouldn't do much good as a whole, given everything else. After a few moments, it began rearranging itself... winding up as a pair of shorts and a crop top, with gloves and boots.

Mia studied one glove, noticing the blue threads hidden within the grey while flipping her hand over. "Um... I like this form better..." she spoke up, memories of the fabric rubbing along her breasts and that area between her legs still lingering in the back of her mind. "I can wear something over you, to keep warm..." The uniform rough, disorganized against her skin, making her shift and try to adjust the shirt. "As for... the working part of all this... I don't know who would hire a mercenary... but you are right about one thing, Father couldn't be the only person researching Kamui and Life Fibers. His research was funded by someone very interested in what he could that means there must be more of your kind, right?"

Torn, confused...and perhaps a tad bit curious, Mia lifted herself up off the couch, and stretched her arms high above her head. "I'll have... I'll have to think about all this, but... it is getting late, I have school in the morning... so I need to get some sleep. This will have to wait until tomorrow. Do you mind getting off, please?" the girl asked, already thinking of how comfortable it'll be, to wear pajamas.
The uniform... bristles, would be the best word for it, his fabric contracting again, squeezing down on her body and constricting her once more. Smooth fabric rubs against her still-damp womanhood, against her half-stiffened nubs, all while she's gripped even tighter than before. "If you simply listened, woman, I wouldn't have had to force myself upon you." he snaps, growling into her mind as he clamps down with every word, assaulting her body with rhythmic pulses of his motions, clearly upset, if not outright angered.

He reacts even more strongly at the thought of being covered by other clothing, clamping down yet again, hard enough to constrict her legs this time, stopping her body in mid-step. "I do mind, in fact. And I don't much care for the idea of being covered." he growls, his cloth rubbing against her clit in his aggravation, sending jolts of pleasure through her as he shifts himself, rubbing against her skin in frustration. "You're not likely to put me back on if you take me off, I know that. I'm not a fool. I'm not going to give you the damned option of disrobing from me until I know you're not going to toss me back down into that pit."
Mia let out a helpless whimper, halted mid-step due to the uniform's tight threads. A couple fiery strands of hair came tumbling over her shoulder...the light flashing off their vibrant color, and off the glasses the girl wore. It was difficult, to be angry...when cloth was rubbing against the secret places of her body she has yet to explore...sending jolts of pleasure throughout. "If-If that's the case... why not find someone else to wear you!" she managed to gasp at last, a little proud of herself. "It's almost winter... I cannot walk around in a sailor uniform as revealing as you! Not without either freezing half to death...or getting sick!" Her cheeks adopting a rather lovely pink blush...its heat spreading across her nose, and down the curve of her throat, a frustrated noise left her lips next. "I swear... You're an uniform, yet you are the most...most aggravating thing I have ever come across! Uncooperative, a bully...and...and a jerk, there is no compromise with you! Either you learn how to do as such, or I will...tear you off!"

Was it even possible? Mia swallowed the lump in her throat, now rethinking her words. It had to be possible... after all, she was the one wearing it, not the other way around... There had to be some way to remove the uniform. Her hands curling into fists on either side of her hips, she lifted her head, a determined glint in her eyes. "All I want to change into something more comfortable..." Mia murmured under her breath. "You're not exactly bed material... I prefer wearing shorts, and an extra-large shirt... or a nightgown... Anything but...a skimpy if you don’t mind…” With a frustrated expression, she gestured for him to get off, her cheeks flushed pink and her eyes dark behind the glasses.
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