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Kitten's Absence ; _ ;


May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee

I must apologize to all my roleplaying partners of my long absence over the break and for the next week. Thanksgiving was ... not so grand this year. The swine flu finally came to its high and landed me back in the hospital over the break, so I'm completely behind on work and school. I have also learned of my mother's attempt at suicide, hence the reason I will be gone for the next week to go with her to medical check ups and therapist.

It'll be too tight of a squeeze for me to fit roleplaying in, so please understand that I hadn't meant to vanish like this/that. I'll be back roughly Saturday the 5th ... and hopefully we (roleplaying partners) can pick up where we left off. If anyone drops our roleplay, please be kind and PM me about it, so I know where we stand.

Aw, Kitten... ;___;


Take care of life. That's more important than any roleplay or internet site. Do what you have to. <3
>.< Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Kitten... I hope everything works out for you quickly. -Luffs- <3
*hugs x2* Hope everything works out for you. Don't worry about our RPs. I'll be right here when you're ready, or if you want to talk. Our thoughts are with you.
Oh no. D: I hope things get better for you, lovie. I'll be right here when you return! -snuggle-
Extended Status Update –

Okay, so I’m back. Well, sort of. First off, thanks you guys and gals <’3 You guys are wonderful, I sware~ If I ever have the urge to just rant my fingers off, I’ll know who’s eyes to burn ;O

Now, for my roleplaying partners, you’ll probably be wondering if I’m fully back. I am, in a sense, but in a choppier way. Due to personal issues, my roleplaying schedule will be scrambled for an undetermined amount of time. For now, I can say that I’ll aim for replying twice a week—maybe more, depending on posting lengths, your frequency, and our moods.

For anyone that wants to know what happened and what’s going to go on over my break… and I guess it wouldn’t hurt to share, since the internet is made for porn it’s not like anyone’s going to stalk me here >.>…

Here’s a short version:

  • 1. Kitten’s still being attacked by the piggy flu. Damn those bacon bits.
    2. Mother had a meltdown with her depression and is on suicide watch, as well as medical watch.
    3. Great aunt died in NY of old age –was there over the previous week for the funeral.
    4. Uncle died in China— H1N1 got to him… I still blame it on old age.
    5. Have to make a trip to China for his funeral now…
    6. Have to house random family members and some friends coming back from the break without a place to stay…
    7. Christmas – for those who don’t celebrate it?
    8. Family birthdays (3 in December, 5 in January, 3 in February) – pop ‘em babies D<
    9. Anniversary with BF
    10. …and the worst of all (?) … slight writer’s block. I’ll be spazzy, that’s for sure.[/list:u]

    So…there you have it… >_> Things will (hopefully), look better soon.
Of course. D:< Burn my eyes if you need to rant. I'm a good listener. :D

I'm sorry about the deaths in your family too, lovie. </3 -cling- I think I did have the swine flu a few weeks ago. I only had it for like three days, though. o.o Then I got over it without medicine.
No worries, I've been crazy busy, so I haven't replied. n.n;;

I do intend to soon though.
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