Green Lantern: New Recruits (Lacey Knickers and malin)

Lacey Knickers

Aug 30, 2014
Midwest USA
Oa, the planet of the Guardians of the Universe, and headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps.


Killowag looks down from his balcony observing his latest training company. New recruits representing several species scattered through the known universe mill about, nervously anticipating the beginning of their preparation for the duties of a Green Lantern, renowned as defenders of justice and keepers of peace throughout the cosmos.

“Sorry looking bunch,” the hulking Bolovax Vikian muttered to himself. His eyes especially focused on a young female Marcasian, not even five feet tall.

“She'll be running home to Momma soon enough.” he muttered.


Oa! Who'd have ever thought I'd end up here? It's not like my world is some great intergalactic power. We're only one generation removed from interstellar travel, and our first contact with an alien species didn't exactly go as planned. And among my people, I'm pretty average; a typical medical student. Yet the ring on my finger chose me to be a Green Lantern.

I'm looking around nervously at my fellow recruits, most of them members of species we Marcasians didn't even know existed. I'm also very aware that I'm probably the smallest person here.

“That shouldn't matter to a Green Lantern,” I try to reassure myself.

I smile at several of the other recruits. Some smile back; some may not know what a smile is.

And then I see him; a tall (at least to me), skinny, cat-like creature with tan fur and a long tail. A Galthein!

“I have to work with one of them?”

“All right you poozers!”a booming voice calls from the edge of the courtyard, “Fall in!”

“That must be Killowag!” I whisper, awestruck.

No one seems to know in precisely what order we should fall in, so we pretty randomly line up in columns and rows; and somehow, I end up in the front row, facing our fearsome drill instructor. Concern over the Galthein is quickly gone.

What in the Five Hells have I gotten myself into? I silently ask myself.

“Sound off, name and planet!” Killowag commands.

The first person in my row sounds off, and I get more and more nervous as my turn approaches. When the time comes, I yell as loud as I can, “Tailana Mandor of Marcasia, SIR!” To my own ears I've never sounded more like a little girl in my life.

Someone snickers.
Arrval fell in with the crowed around him, and couldn't help but notice the many different creatures around him. Most didn't seem like they would have the kind of military training he had and when they were ordered to form rank that suspicion was just about confirmed. Forming rank he hadn't actually noticed the Marcasian due to her size.

When she gave her name and planet it was all too funny, and Arrval couldn't help but snicker. The ring had some how picked the most worthless race in the galaxy to hand it's self over too. It was more then just her height that made him snicker however that turned out to be the worst move he could have done. As Killowag immediately turned to him even though he was a little further down the line.

"And what is so funny poozer?" The voice alone made his blood run cold. Let alone the fact that Killowag easily stood above the much more slender Galthein. Standing in Killowag's shadow he held his ground trying his best to not step back though he had to admit that it was rather difficult. He took a small breath and tried to hold his ground.

"Well Poozer i'm still waiting for the joke?" At this point even he had to admit the fact that she was short was not really that good a joke. However eventually the moment passed and Killowag shook his head. "Fine name and planet poozer."

Arrval stood at attention again "Arrval, Galth."

"Right then poozer fall in line!" From there Arrval practically scrambled to get in line behind Tailana. He let out a hard sigh as he did his tail flicking in mild annoyance as he looked at her. He muttered something under his breath which equated too an untranslatable phrase according to the ring on his hand. His yellow cat like eyes glaring down at the girl who had caused the problem just by existing, and now it seems he not only had to work along side her, but had some how managed to land a spot right next to her.
Of course it was the Galthein who chuckled at my sound-off. I can't help grinning a little as Killowag gets in his furry face. But when the instructor orders Arrval to fall in next to me, the grin fades.

While Killowag starts giving instructions, Arrval's tail flits about like...well, like a nervous cat's tail. It flits against my leg a couple of times...then a little higher, awfully close to my butt.

"Hey! Keep the tail to yourself, Galthein!" I whisper harshly...but not quietly enough.

"MANDOR!!" Killowag's frightening voice calling my name freezes me solid, eyes forward. "I assume you're responding to me calling for volunteers for our first bout! There's no other reason for you to be running your mouth!"

Great...this couldn't be going any worse, and of course I know who to blame. I mean, it's not my fault. Is it? Oh, well, only one thing to say.

"Yes, Sir! Ready and willing!"

"Then get your little butt up here, poozer."

I step forward, wondering who my opponent might be. I've had so little practice with my ring; just flying, mostly.
Arrval had barely been thinking about where his tail was, and had he actually noticed that it was brushing up against Marcasian filth he probably would have reacted sooner, not to mention demanded sterilization. However as it was what happened next was even better. As she called him out on it, she herself got called out.

Arrval had a hard time suppressing the shit eating grin he had the moment the Marcasian was called out to the first match up. He did his best to keep his laughter inside knowing just about anyone could kick the poor tiny woman's ass out into the vacuum of space. Then again why should it be anyone else? The thought sounded great out loud in his head and so he simply had to step forward.

"I would like to be the pipsqueaks opponent." He said proudly He was sure that most people would have seen it as an easy challenge, however after months of being a servant to this girls race in some of the most brutal conditions he could have ever thought up for someone else, He was more then happy to get into a fight with this girl, and show the tiny creature that he was not to be messed with. He would make her bleed, and the best part was he would get to do it for free.

Killowag gave the go ahead figuring that letting the two new poozers get out some of there aggressions early would be a good idea, and the two were told to take it to the ring.

The ring was of course a mud pit. Walking into the pit Arrval's body sank quickly going just under his knees. Killowag gave the rules quickly enough. "Your both grounded, that means no flying poozers. Constructs are allowed if you poozers can focus enough to make them."

So it was a grapple fight? This time Arrval snickered loudly. Relaxing he let the bones along his back and arms crack. In truth he hadn't had a lot of practice with the ring, mostly he had been used to directing his own flight paths, but he had only arrived in Oa a few days ago, and been nearly half starved when he got here. So recovery had been his main priority. "This is going to be good." Stepping into a defensive stance he gestured for her to make the first move.
This day just keeps getting better and better," I mutter as I step into the pit. The mud comes up nearly to Arrval's knees, and to mid-thigh on me.

After Killowag gives the rules, I'm even more nervous. No flying? I can't do much more than that. Constructs? I've made scissors and blocks!

Concentrate, Tailana, focus. You can do this. Just think about what you'd like to use on that arrogant...

And with that thought, my ring glows, and a long, bright green whip made of energy appears in my hand. I lash out with it, trying to bind up his legs at the knees and trip him. The lash only goes around one leg, however. Still, it's more than I thought I could do. I yank on the whip with all my strength.
Arrval had never made a construct before but was going to have to learn as his leg was quickly snatched by a whip, and he felt his body get pulled on, at first he thought his claws could just dig into the ground and ignore it, but he quickly found that the ground was too liquid for anything like that, and while he was tall he certainly wasn't that heavy.

Focusing on what he needed he summoned a knife that he used to cut Tailana's whip and free him but not before the damage was already done and he slipped along the mud his claws failing to save him thanks to how slippery the ground was.

Arrval hit the ground his back slapping against the cold wet mud, as he quickly rolled onto all fours, this time he was standing much more like an animal, and his face was not happy, his fangs were showing as he scowled. He was still holding the knife in one hand and as he got steadily too his feet it shifted to a something small and simple, a spade. Charging forward in an attack he dipped down and scooped up as much mud as he could with the spade and then tossed it hard and quick towards the Marcasian's face. Followed quickly by his other hand tossing a strong punch to the same area.

Scoffing indignantly he smiled brightly. "Come on is that all you got in you."
I let my whip disappear as soon as Arrval cut it, but it did its job. I'm taken back a little seeing him on all furs snarling at my like some beast of prey. He's on his feet quickly and charging. I may be small, but I'm pretty nimble and I'm sure I can sidestep his charge easily, but before he reaches me he constructs a spade and throws mud up in my face. While still blinded, I duck to the left. He apparently threw a punch at where my face was when the mud flew; instead it lands hard on my shoulder knocking me on my ass in the muck.

His taunting face staring down at me and his mocking voice are enough to get me back on my feet. My ring glows as I create a pair stilts on my feet, raising me height to about six and a half feet. Looking down at him now I return his jeering.

"I think I have a little more. How about you?"

I start scraping mud off my body and face and pelting him with it from above, then follow that up charging him, dissolving my stilts and leaping at his head and shoulders, hoping to knock him backwards.
As Tailana threw the mud back at Arrval he side stepped lightly though it was clear that he was still having trouble as he slid around on the surface and end ended up getting mud on his fur, and hair but managed to avoid getting it back in his eyes. Seeing on a pair of stilts made him snicker at the obscene nature of this fight. She was this small little thing that dared to try and stand up to him when she knew full well how it would end.

Arrval couldn't help but think that her next move stunk of desperation, as she jumped off her freshly made stilts and tried to lunge towards him to knock him backwards. Instead of trying to back away from the attack he instead took it, creating shoes around his feet that helped to dig into the mud and keep him anchored as his powerful claws gripped the smaller alien by her hips.

grappling her for a moment he tossed her head first back down to the pit though for all his bravado it left him rather winded. breathing heavily as he had to focus on two different constructs and throwing his opponent at the same time. Arrval's shoes faded as he left himself open breathing heavily.

Recovery had been a slow process thanks to what he had been through before his time getting the ring, and it was starting to show thanks to this fight that he wasn't at his best right now. "Your too little for something... like that to work."
Arrval avoided getting any mud in his eyes, which took away any element of surprise from my lunge. I end up leaping right into his grasp. I try lashing out but he has too firm a grip. He tosses me face first into the mud.

I lay still for a moment, then roll over and sit up. I'm covered in this slimy mud from head to toe; I must look like some kind demented mud-elf. I'v thoroughly humiliated myself and I'm just about to give up when the Galthein decides to taunt me again.

malin said:
"Your too little for something... like that to work."

Give up, my pretty little ass! is the thought that flashes through my brain.

I get to my feet, ignoring the mud, glaring at my opponent. "You're right." I hiss.

I raise my ring, and the radiant light from it creates two large tires, nearly as tall as Arrval. They begin spinning, throwing a torrent of muck at him. Faster and faster I make them spin, watching for him to move, ready to adjust the direction of the tires.

I repress pride at my first mechanical construct, and instead look for and endgame; I know I can't keep this up forever. I havre to time this right; Simultaneously, the tires disappear and a giant green fist throws a punch at Arrval's head.
[[I'm really sorry about the late post, time got away from me today]]

Arrval saw that his opponent was defeated and was about to call it his victory, when suddenly she animated something. It was a simple construct but to hold two mechanical constructs at the same time. It showed a potential talent that Arrval hadn't been expecting from his little opponent.

Arrval was pelted with mud when Tailana's constructs hit the ground. A wave of mud hitting his body and sinking into his tan fur making it so that he would have to take forever to get clean. He tried to swipe away at the mud which only resulted in him getting more of it on him. The more he fought against it the more mud pelted him, and of course his eyes were not spared from the assault.

When she pressed her advantage Arrval was blind, and unable to react the glowing green fist smacked against his face in a powerful uppercut that knocked him up and threw him backwards into the mud. His body smacking into the ground with a sickening wet thud.

Arrval wanted to make some kind of come back to strike against it. He breathed a heavy exhale as he coughed tasting both mud and blood that had gotten into his mouth. Anger surged with in him. Anger that gave him the strength to slowly get to his feet, Raising his hand his mind was a flurry of ideas, but as he tried to form a construct nothing came out. Instead a very weak and tired Arrval collapsed breathing heavily his old war wounds hurting him.

"Today you poozers learn a valuable lesson. Anger weakens a lantern powers, if you want to use the weapon you need to keep a calm head." Killowag walked to the edge of the ring and gave a small nod towards Tiliana who had performed above expectations. "Too much anger will blind you. Now hit the showers both of you... NEXT UP!"
[No worries :) ]
As the two combatants head for the shower, an assistant instructor whispers to Killowag, “You think it was a good idea to put a Marcasian and a Gathlein in the pit together?”

“I know what I'm doing,” Kilowag answers with a deep chuckle. “Let them get their anger with each other out of the way. Then I'll give them something they'll have in common...fear of me.”


I have enough presence of mind to put a bubble around myself to keep from leaving a trail of muck as I float to the female barracks and to the showers. I glance back at Arvall. I almost feel sorry for him; getting beaten by the smallest person in the class (and a Marcasian) couldn't sit well with him, but I'm not sorry enough to apologize. It was a fair bout. But I was lucky and I know it.

Reaching the showers, I dissolve the bubble and remove my ring; my uniform disappears; unfortunately, that means the mud that was on my uniform is now on my body. I stand under the shower scrubbing and rinsing for what seems like hours before I feel even remotely clean. Finally, I get out of the shower and put my ring back on, willing a new uniform. Then I try something I haven't tried before; using my ring to dry my works but now it's standing up...kind of spiky.

“Great. I look like a Cactibeast.” I say to my reflection.

On my way back to the training area, I walk past the barracks for genderless species and the male barracks.
The walk to the showers gave Arrval all the time he needed to clear his head. Walking towards the male dorms he didn't actually bother forcing off the mud that had collected around him rather he simply growled as he was dismissed. Walking into the showers he took off the ring and instantly felt cold wet, and naked. Running the hot water along his fur he had to spend a good amount of time scrubbing to get all the mud out of his fur.

All the while that he was under the hot water he was cursing the little Marcasian bitch who had done this to him. He must have spent hours just trying to scrub himself clean, but he was also damn near set on having some sort of revenge against the smaller creature. He had been humiliated in front of his new co workers, and given a pretty high degree of insult as he had not only been beaten unceremoniously, but it was by the smallest creature in their new squad.

The hot water helped too cool his temper slightly as time passed and the scrub brush did feel good on his skin. By the end of it when he was finally clean he put his ring back on, but before creating his uniform he breathed focusing on the ring and created a blow drier using the construct to heat the air he projected at himself he took a small amount of pride in knowing that next time he would be ready, and that when his mind was more calm he could create machines to do his bidding.

In the end when he did finally allow his uniform to come back on. He felt better, and as he left the male barracks he saw the Marcasian again. He let out a small growl as he walked past her his tail offensively slapping against her as he used his hip to push her out of the way of his walking. Smiling arrogantly he brushed off his attack "Oh sorry I didn't see you down there. Listen you little [phrase untranslatable] if you get in my way like this again, I will take you down. I don't know what magic gave you that ring, but any member of your race hardly deserves to carry it. Let alone use one in battle."
The Galthein storms out of the male barracks as I'm passing and throws a hip and tail into me, nearly knocking me over. He then vents his anger at me. And to think I felt a little sorry for him after the bout.

“What 'magic gave me my ring? The same 'magic' that brought you here. The ring chose me just as yours chose you. I may not have ever been a soldier before, but I've seen more of war than I care to think about.”

I pause for a minute, to shake the memory of a collapsed building and hundreds of torn and mangled bodies out of my head.

“Look, we're both here, and only Killowag or the Guardians themselves can send either of us home. So I don't know about you but I'm going to rejoin the squad.”

I spin on my heels and walk away, reminding myself of Killowag's warning about anger.

Temper, Tailana, don't let the furface get to you.

Back at the pit, another bout is going on. I work my way up near the front to watch. I don't know the species of the two in the pit; one looks like a tree with eyes and the other...kind of looks like Taga, the pet andermouse I had when I was little. Except about ten times bigger.
As the day passed on it became one grueling excersize after the next. Arrval and Tailana became Killowags favorite pets over the afternoon in that if there was an exercise or something painful where he needed a volunteer there was a near fifty fifty split between them on who was called on. By the end of the day Arrval limped back to the barracks coughing heavily as he felt a pain along his ribs. When he finally got to the beds he took one and fell on it, the bed was of course painful and uncomfortable. Rolling around he got comfortable before finally falling asleep.

The next morning he had wanted to sleep in. He had been a soldier yes but the way Killowag was driving them on it wasn't just being back at basic, it felt more difficult than that. Trying to stave off the morning he tried to sleep past the horn, only to have a green construct placed next to his head and sound off even louder. The force of it sent his furr on end as he crashed onto the ground. Others were already leaving for the mess hall. Getting up and moving along the lines he let out a low growl.

The food on Oa was by no means pleasant. As it needed to cater to every single selected race in the universe while at the same time being cost effective the end result hardly even looked like food by any aliens standards. Rather it was a unique green ameba like substance, with a thick slightly crunch outside and soft slightly runny insides. Served along a type of yellow soup that frankly looked disturbing as it was only a half liquid, and of course none of these things had any kind of taste only unique textures.

As he walked towards the tables he couldn't help but notice a devide around him. The more experienced full pledged lanterns ate their food together, and the rookies as well had started to form their own clicks. As he moved towards the rookie side he went to sit down, and was quickly blocked by a creature that looked like a pest the Marcasians often kept as pets... only several feet larger.

"No space for drill instructor pets."

Arrval shrugged his shoulders there was already some animosity towards him so it seemed thanks to the fact that Killowag had been forcing punishments on the entire squad because of his and the Marcasians outbursts from the day before. Finding a smaller table with no one around it he put down his tray and picked up a spoon poking at his food. Just because he had been on Oa a little longer then most didn't mean he enjoyed the food.
The rest of my first day is only a slight improvement on the morning. Killowag seems to be choosing either Arrval or me to be first up for every strenuous, difficult or dangerous exercise. At least he hasn't pitted us against each other again, but that's probably only a matter of time. I finally got to bed, tired and sore all over (especially my shoulder; a very solid-feeling virtual asteroid bounced off me during a flying drill that sent me flying right into Killowag) only to find my 'bed' was hardly worthy of the name; just a flat hard surface.

It seemed I'd just closed my eyes when the morning horn sounded. I dragged myself up and into the shower. Materializing a uniform, I drag myself out to the mess hall. Breakfast of course looked just like dinner last night; green...stuff of some kind. Blehh!

With my tray, I go looking for an empty place. Of course I don't dare sit with any of the instructors or other veterans, but each time I approach a table occupied by trainees, it's made clear to me I'm not welcome. For some reason Killowag's ill humor is being blamed on me and Arrval.

I approach Arrval's table; he's alone, apparently also unwelcome at other tables. I hesitate, but after all, I've gotta eat.

Approaching the opposite end of the table from the Galthein, I tell him, “It looks like there's a conspiracy afoot to force us to eat together. I suggest we just sit, eat and ignore each other.”

Without waiting for a response, I sit and take a spoonful of slop.

“Ugggh! Even the Tree Man doesn't want to eat this crap, and I don't think his species even has taste buds.” I feel like I'm muttering to myself, but it's a little louder than I thought.
Arrval's eyes are less on his own table as they are scanning every other table around him. Sure enough when the Marcasian shows up to find a place to eat she is practically forced out of every table as he was. Smiling he couldn't help but find it amusing until he realized the implication that was caused by the event. As Tailana is eventually forced to take a seat opposite his own causing his smile to fade and his annoyance with the smaller creature to grow.

He let out little more then a grunt, neither approving or disapproving her choice at the moment. It wasn't because he didn't want to send the woman away, but rather he couldn't as he felt the ever present eyes of the drill instructor at one of the tables for veteran lanterns. Killowag was glaring daggers at the two of them, the promise of much more pain and annoyance was going to follow in the wake of their time here.

That said Arrval simply glanced away and kept to himself. When she scoffed at the food he blinked hearing her joke he actually got a small chuckle. Taking a bite of it himself he found it unappatizing but if he was going to survive then he was going to need the extra food, and after the way he had been treated before the ring came to him he wasn't about to turn down any source of food that was offered to him.

"Check out that one over there?" He said pointing to one green lantern who had a lunch in a paper bag. A small note and every bit of detail of the bag told him that it was a home made lunch of some sort, it didn't look much more appetizing then the stuff served at the cafiteria. "Did his mother make that meal for him? and if so what sector is he from so that I may never go there."

Giving a slight shrug he shook his head. "I can't believe the stuff we have to eat on this world. For the oldest race in the universe they don't seem to know much about using spices."
I giggle at Arrval's observation. "I'm wondering if Mommy comes traipsing out here from his homeworld every day with his meals, or if she packed him a month's worth in stasis." I fake on older matronly voice, "Now, deary, do be careful when you're doing all your hero stuff. And play nice with the other Green Lanterns! And wear a sweater, it's chilly on Oa!"

I take another bite of the tasteless mass. "Who knows, maybe we should be glad this stuff has no taste. Try to imagine what billion-year old cuisine would taste like?"

We get all the way through this exchange before I realize we're talking to each other without making threats. I'm not sure what that means, or whether to pursue it further, so I fall silent. As I raise my spoon to my mouth again, I notice Killowag glaring in our direction. Why's he picking on us? We can't be the only trainees who don't get along.
"Depends on the planet, on Galth we have one dish that is made to serve a year later. The algy it collects has a unique spice to it that makes it all the more desirable." Arrval spoke on one of his homeworlds more expensive dishes. On a desert world that food is rare it was difficult to allow food to last so long, as such he had only had it once as a child but the taste had remained with him, and been one of his more pleasant memories.

That said the moment he said the factoid he regretted it not because of who he was talking too, but because of how it made him think of home, a world he hadn't been on for many years. Shaking his head tried not to think about it anymore and took another bite of the food. As their table fell into silence he was once again reminded who he was talking too, and the reason he hadn't seen his home world for so long. His kin probably considered him dead, and it would be a very long time by anyone's standards before he would ever get the chance to correct that fact... if they had even survived as long as he had.

Finishing his food Arrval got back to his feet and walked away from the table not wanting to say anything more to the smaller creature. He stood up and walked away for the moment. Shaking off the fact that he had just had a decient conversation with someone he should still consider a mortal enemy.

After breakfast Killowag had them back into their groups. Arrval looked around still disliking the fact that he was in the same group as the Marcasian.

Killowag on the other hand seemed to relish it. "Listen up Poozers, were taking our first space walk today. Going out to one of our training facilities. Line up and follow close." As he spoke he lifted his ring and slowly started to ascend into the sky, Arrval focused on the ring and took manual control over his flight. Stumbling slightly but falling back into the motions he had learned over the first few days of having the ring.
I listen whit interest as Arrval describes the Galthein delicacy, but when he shuts down again, I'm reminded what stands between us.

After he leaves, I finish my meal and clear my tray and go to class. At the training area, we're told we're heading into space. As Killowag leads the way my ring glows and I launch into the sky, my ring automatically forming the life-support force field around me.

I'm slowly growing to love flying, though it still makes me a little nervous. Before the ring found me, I was afraid of heights!
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