Winter White (Krys/lady)

Nov 30, 2010
James Buchanan Barnes, the man known as the Winter Soldier, frowned as he watched the woman cross the street, shifting to move, watching her for a long moment before running, the rag of chlorform closing over her face for a long moment, watching her fall limp before retreating before anyone could realize she was gone.

When Krys woke she was in a darkened room, the only light obvious was the small window that showed that she was in a former meat freezer, and it flickered ever so slightly when Bucky stepped into the room, looking at the woman tied up on the chair. Dark hair pulled back out of his face as he considered her. "Who are you."He demanded staring at her, wanting t oknow why she could influence his programming even if he had no idea who she was.
Krystal awoke, looking around, before she sighed a little. "Kidnapped again. Oh well, at least I get to be violent for a few hours." She said it herself in an old tounge, something close to Egyptian in its sounds. She looked at her kidnapper, and her eyes wide, been more so as he spoke. "I'm Krystal. Krystal Kobayashi." She said softly, chanting something in her head as she focused only on him, the shock apparent in her glacial blue eyes. He looked to old to have been reborn as she had, and the metal arm fascinated her. She was a tech geek like her friend tony after all. "Your arm is beautifully crafted, but I bet moving it is teduis sometimes." She said, looking at him still chanting in her head as she watched the magic solidify. She wasn't sure if it would work, but for her, it was worth a shot. Getting him back would make her son the happiest man on earth, and she did anything she could to see him smile. The man in question had been a bit deflated as of late, because tony had been avoiding him. She knew she would have to yell at him for that later. Krystal took in a breath, watching the man closely. "Come back to me bucky" she said in an almost inaudible whisper, worry in her eyes.

Meanwhile, JJ was tinkering in his lab with a potion when Jarvis sounded . "Master JJ, I cannot find your mother anywhere. She promised to be back from shopping hours ago." The AI told him, and JJ's blue grey eyes widened. "Shit. Did you inform uncle Steve?" He asked and the AI told him yes. JJ sighed, taking in a deep breath, searching out his mother with his mind, almost looking as though meditating. When he couldn't find her, that's when he started to panic. "Toooooooonnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy!" He yelled so loud the genius could hear before he proceeded to ask Jarvis to loo everywhere he could think of to find his mother, hyperventalating as his clothes began to change into armor. He was a shadow knight after all, and he was gonna find his mother.
James frowned slightly as he considered that, turning his head slightly to look at the arm, "It is adequate."He said simply, frowning in annoyance that the woman wasn't freaking out, or reacting like anyone that he had ever captured before.Frowning at her words, balling up a hand and smacking her. "Tell me how you are stopping me!"

"What?JJ?"Tony said as he ran into the room, looking worried and lost as he looked around the room, looking for what jj was freaking out about, trying to find it, the gaunlets and repulsor glowing slightly, having run upstairs with the nearest weapon available to see what the hell had happened.
"Probably your own mind rebelling against you, james. You can't kill me because subconsciously you still love me, even though you don't remember loving me." She said simply, matter off factly. The spell would take affect momentarily, and it would break the link between the soldier and her soldier. At least, that's what she was hoping for as she silently pushed more power into him, the rope on her hands untieing itself. She stood, walking over to him. "Your handlers don't want you to remember me, because they fear I can take hydra down. I'll tell them this. I've no intrest in destroying hydra. All I Want is you back, james." She said softly, running a hand down his cheek softly before she kissed him, the energy inside her surging as it truly solidified the spell. Though it was true she didn't actually have to kiss him to make the spell work, it was just a catalyst off sorts, a booster. She wished with all he heart that it worked. 70 years was a long time to live without the love of your life.

JJ let out a sharp breath, looking scared. "Mom's been kidnapped. Jarvis can't find her anywhere, even with the chip you installed." He said, he blue grey eyes showing worry and tears so Ming to them. He had already lost his father. He didn't want to loose his mother too. She was the only blood family he had left. Little did he know that the one holding his mother was his father, though brainwashed.
"Lies!"Bucky yelled at her pacing as he twisted to look at her again, anger and way to many years between now and the past standing between them. "Don't touch me!"James snarled as he jerked his head back even as he backhanded her, his face twisted into a snarl as he looked at her, though thankfully it was with the flesh hand that he'd thrown the punch instead of the metal one.

"What?"Tony stopped, staring at the other even as he pulled out his tablet to see what he could do, maybe he was misisng something. "we have to go. Jarvis can tell me where the last she was seen, we can go from there."
Krystal sighed, rubbing her cheek a little. "Yup, that's James alright" she thought to herself, looking into his blue grey eyes. Eyes he shared with their son. Tears soon graced her eyes, but not because of the pain. She healed almost as quickly as a super soldier. "You'll remember Bucky. You will" she said softly, her tone sweet almost as if she were talking to their son when he was upset. She didn't know why she decided to even let this happen. If she had truly wanted to stay safe, she would have just stayed in the tower. Krystal sat back down, fingering the necklace she was wearing. It was his dog tags and the shiny engagement ring he had given her before he went to war, a small clinking of metal could be heard as she played wit hem absentmindedly, feeling deflated that her spell hadn't worked. It always worked, no matter how thick the skull. She had even used it on wolverine for crissakes! So why wasn't it working now? She had no idea.

JJ nodded. "Right. Let's do that." He said as he took a much needed breath. He was unsure what could have happened this time that would make someone wanna take mom. Last time it had been magneto that had taken her, due to her power of metal manipulation, and quick regeneration. This time he didn't know who had kidnapped her, but he intend to find out.
Bucky looked at her pacing away, anger in the look, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Glaring as he looked at her, staring at the dogtags for a moment before looking up at her. "You live with Tony stark. Can you fix the programming?If I brought him, would he be able to fix me?"He demanded looking utterly annoyed and pissed that he was having problems.

"You know your mom, she'll be okay. Always able to take care of herself."Tony said trying to stay positive and not worry to much.
Krystal rose an eyebrow. "Yeah, he probably could, and we could fix that arm of yours as well, make it lighter, more efficient, give you feeling back. But, in order to do so, it would probably be easier to bring you to him then him here. He's capable of Woking pretty much anywhere, but your programming would probably be easier done at the tower." She said, watching his reaction to the dog tags. That could possibly be a good sign. She looked to him. Oh, and just to warn you, james, his boyfriend looks like you." She ad died, not about to explain further than that until she was sure he could handle it. He had no clue who he was at all. "Your mission was to kill me right? Well, what If I give you a new mission?" She asked curiously, wondering just what he would say to that.

JJ sighed a little. "Yes, I know tonykins, but, I have a feeling that this particular kidnapper is the page from her past she wears around her neck" he said, knowing the other would understand what he was referring to. The dog tags and ring on a thin sterling silver chain she never took off, not for anything. It was a hopeful notion, but it also scared JJ. If his theory was right, then his father had been through a lot of shit. He suspected he didn't even know his mother. Well, knowing her, she'd change that, even if she had to die trying.
"...I would like that."Bucky said thoughtfully, it would be better to be able to use the arm better. Frowning as he considered that he frowned, "Fine. You will convince him that he has to fix it."He said already moving towards the door to let them out. Pausing as he considered the woman's words, frowning a little."...Yes."He said simply, raising a eyebrow as he considered what she would tell him to do.

"What?Are you serious?"Tony said as he put on the suit, already dialing through to jarvis to get exact location, heading into the city as he looked for where she was.
Krystal nodded. "I will bucky, don't worry." She said softly, smiling at him. She knew where she was. Brooklyn, just outside of where their old apartment had been. They had lived across the street from this old butcher shop when they were dating in the 30's. Well, he had, anyway. She had had a penthouse in Manhattan. Bucky had never know though that she was rich. It had never really come up. She smiled a little as he agreed to let her be his handler. "I want you to stay with me james. No matter what. Don't ever leave." She told him, and that was how she had always felt, and it was also similar to what she had said to him before he left for the war. She needed him to remember. Every fiber of her being needed him to remember, to come back to her.

JJ nodded. "I'm almost positive, tony. Mom would not push me away mentally otherwise. She doesn't want me to see what she does." He said, looking contemplative. As he followed tony away, finding Krystal easily, "tony. You found me. Now, let's get back to the tower. And yes, you can play with his arm." She said, rolling her eyes in such a way that warented he knowing what he was gonna say. She put her hand up. "Don't even think about it tony" she said, know in the man well enough to know he'd want to tell JJ.
Bucky frowned as he followed her out into the street, looking around to make sure they wouldn’t be attacked before focusing on the woman, pausing before nodding hesitatingly, sighing softly. “I wont.”he said looking utterly out of sorts and not sure why he was saying it, but he did mean it.

Tony paused thinking about that before looking at krystal, opening his mouth before whining a little when the other anticipated what he wanted to know, making a face before sighing. “Why not?”He grumbled even as he watched the two, already leading heading for the tower.
Krystal smiled a little at that, "good. I'd be broken without you, james." She told him softly, leading him out. She wasn't exactly sure how this was gonna work, and even if it would, but she would make it work. For her sake and for her son's. She needed him to remember before he could be exposed to JJ, because if her were confronted with him out of the blue, he might hurt him.

"Because until He at least regains some of his memories, it will be traumatic on JJ. You know what he's like. Put him with his father, and he be all over the man. James can't handle that yet." She told the other in Japanese, knowing tony could understand, but bucky probably wouldn't. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to involve Steve either, but she couldn't quite boss him around like she could her son.
"No, I guess not."Tony responded sighing softly watching this, because he knew this was going to be a train wreck. a horrible, horrible train wreck. "If you can't tell JJ, you know you can't tell Cap either."Tony pointed out watching Bucky's eyes flick between them as they spoke in japanese. "so. where are we taking him?"
Krystal sighed. "Stevie's gonna find out no matter what, and I'm sure JJ already has a hunch. My blocking him out of my mind would have been a big clue." She said, looking to tony worriedly. She knew this would be just as bad a train wreck as tony did. "I warned james that you had a boyfriend that looked like him, so if we can convince JJ to not express who he is until my spell can fully work, we may be able to avoid the train wreck." She added, deducing that would be the easiest way. She looked at her friend. "Back to the tower. You can work on his arm while I talk to JJ and Stevie." She finished, watching as her car appeared. "Get in james. Quicker to drive to the tower than walk. Especially from Brooklyn." She ordered him getting in the drivers seat, and waiting for him. "Go back to the tower, iron. We'll meet you there." She added, kissing his head to soothe his worried face.
"Probably, but neither of them are going to take this calmly, and he can't handle this."Tony said looking at James, before sighing a little, "Maybe. I doubt it though. JJ's going to freak."Tony muttered before nodding as he smiled."I'd love working on his arm." "..."James stared at the two looking suspicious before nodding and getting in the car as tony watched them go. the billionaire just knew this was going to be horrible. Sighing as he flew back to the tower.
Krystal smiled at tony. "It'll be fine. JJ knows better than to defy me. You know that." She said, giving him a hug before getting into her dark blue custom painted dragon Lotus sports car. She gently took james hand after he got in the car. It was an old habit she had. "Tony's gonna fix your arm first, and then we'll work on reprogramming you, okay, james?" She asked, driving off and landing at the tower just as tony did. She smiled at bucky. "I'll take you down to the lab, but then you have to listen to tony until I come back, okay? There's two someones I need to talk to." She said soothingly, her smile kind. She wanted him to trust her. It was odd to call him james though, having had hallways called him bucky since she met him.

Krystal led him down to the lab, settling him down in the chair next to Tony's desk. "Tony's gonna look at your arm, James. Wait for him here. He should be coming out of his suit closet in a minute or two. I'll be upstairs. Listen to what he says, okay? We mean you no harm." She told him again in that calming voice, squeesing the hand she didn't realise she was holding. She smiled at him. "Listen to tony well, and you'll get a good reward. I'll think of something." She added as she dropped his hand and walked away, seeing tony appear. "He's ready for you, tony." She said, popping away to JJ. "Hey sweetness, I'm home."' She said softly, knowing the man and Steve could hear her. This was going to be a long, hard talk, but she had to do it.
James frowned a little as he settled into the chair and nodded. "I'll stay."he said frowning, utterly confused on why he was holding her hand but not pulling away.

"Mom!"JJ jumped up from where he was sitting moving over to him, looking worried."What happened?"He said looking worried but relieved that she didn't seem to be hurt.
Krystal smiled at him. "Thank you james. I'll be back in a little while, promise." She told him soothingly in that mother tone, walking away and popping to where a most likely frantic JJ and Steve were.

Krystal smiled. "I'm okay sweetness, really. I was kidnapped by the winter soldier. Convinced him that we could reprogram him. You know usually I'd just kill them, but this time I couldn't." She said softly, her usually clear glacial blue eyes clouded full of emotion. "The winter soldier... he's.. well... he's your dad." She said softly, looking up at him, wishing that she didn't have to tell him this, but she did. "He doesn't remember who he is, JJ. You can't tell him who you are." She added, wondering where Steve was. He was usually the one comforting JJ when tony was busy.
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