Wanted, dead or alive (MiroKitty & Vandesdelca)


Apr 26, 2014
The first week they had acted politely towards her, the next week she was locked away, the third week they began giving her a minimum amount of food and water and by the fourth week blood was spilled. Even the marines would have a limit to their patience, of course Amaya knew as much but that was the problem. She knew too much and they wanted this knowledge. Amaya had seen with her own eyes what it could do, heard how it was supposed to be used and she wasn’t about to tell anyone about it. Navy or pirate, it didn’t matter to her.

She had been rescued by one of the marine’s ship some miles away from Punk Hazard; because of the distance she had made between her and the toxic island they hadn’t questioned her too much about it. Even if she didn’t have a reputation or a bounty, they still hadn’t trusted her too much and had chosen to search her bag. The moment the purple colored pear was extracted from her bag she was seen as a prisoner.

The luck she had had on the island must have been the last because it seemed impossible to be able to escape from the grasp of these marines. Day after day she was questioned, their ways becoming increasingly difficult to handle. Why didn’t she just tell them what she had heard? It wasn’t because she had thought of them as the bad guys, but whatever SMILE was and whatever had been done to the pear was just too dangerous. She couldn’t just trust any marine with the information, which she had told them, but they wouldn’t hear it.

Thirty five days had slowly passed by. The bars stood strong around her, making up the cage they had locked her in. Once a day she was given a piece of bread and some water, the water stone shackles that held her hands secured had not made it any easier to find any source of strength in her body. Those ten minutes per day she was allowed to not wear some was beginning to feel less different from when she was wearing them. After the second week they had taken away her bathing privileges and when the third week began they refused to give her any new clothes besides underwear.

But it was at this day she found the opportunity to escape. A low ranked marine was given the task to give her the food along with the ten minutes removal of the shackles so she could eat. He had unlocked the irony grip from her wrists as the first task before getting the tray of what little food she was allowed. From where she found the strength was impossible to tell, but it didn’t matter. What did matter, however, was how she was going to survive being stuck out on sea in a boat the size of a small bed without anything else than the dirty clothes she wore. The loose orange onepiece was filled with spots of dried blood and traces of the lack of washing. A single glance into the calm water showed nothing better; her usual curly red hair was tangled and dirty, her skin was pale and sickly looking, and the large dark spots under her eyes was just another sign of how she had been treated. She didn’t even dare to look at the rest of body; the bruises, dirt and blood was not something she felt like seeing at the moment.

Days went by with her body curled into a small ball in the boat, her shallow breath and fluttering eyes was the only thing she could concentrate about. The pain she had felt was becoming mere background to her. This must be it, she thought to herself. Could it have been worse? Of course it could. The sudden shake of her boat quickly pulled her out of her thoughts. Her tired eyes turned to look at the large yellowy boat right in front of her, her dry red lips parted slightly, while she could find nothing in her head. Every thought, every possibility of making a decision or making up a plan was gone, it was purely instincts that made her get up and get on the ship.

No one was on deck; the eerie stillness of the boat would usually have made her second guess her actions, but her body craved water and food. She entered through the only door she could spot, and did her best trying to find her way through the many halls. A vague sound of voices could be heard; she wasn’t about to be caught by anyone again. Not now. Her shaking body fought the fatigue with the best of its power but with every limping step she took movement became harder. The shadowy form standing at the end of the hall was what gave her the extra strength to actually turn around and run, or at least move faster. Adrenaline? She hurried away but her blurry vision didn’t make it easier to find her way through the unknown vessel. Darkness soon took over; the few feet she between her and the door almost made her cry.

"... oi. Is Penguin back yet?"

The depths of the yellow submarine -- as much as it looked like a boat when it was out of the water -- were calm and quiet. It was taller than one would expect, filled with many slim tunnels that made it all too easy to get lost. They had stopped just a few miles south off of an island, a small submarine the shape of a torpedo having been sent off with Penguin to get groceries for the next several weeks at sea. Besides, their Log Pose had to adjust, which gave them a few hours to kill.

"Not yet," a particularly fuzzy figure said -- Bepo, their resident bear.

Law, Bepo, and a couple of the others were in a central lounge, filled with cushy orange seating and a table. Liquor was kept to one side, while two of the other crewmen (Shachi and Casquette) played cards.

"... that sucks. I'm hungry," Law said -- as captain, he had claimed by right the largest chair, which he lounged across with his legs across one side.

"Why couldn't I go with him, Captain?" Bepo asked, looking mopey. "I don't like just sitting around."

"... because you're a bear, Bepo. It'll be faster this way," Law said with a lazy smile as Bepo sulked.

Law lay there a long moment, perhaps pondering the prospect of a nap... right up until he felt the slightest change in his ship. Someone... someone was on board, an unfamiliar presence that he could feel through stretching his Haki toward them. Well, wasn't that something?

Law stood suddenly, hands slipping down into his pockets as he left the room.

"Where are you going, Captain?" Bepo called out after him.

"Oh, just thought I heard a rat," Law muttered as he stalked off into the heart of his ship.

He found that rat.

And rather succinctly, he took care of it.


... literally.

It might have been a week later that Amaya awoke... but it might have been much shorter. She'd awake in a bed with various wires and cables hooked into parts of her body -- with the addition of a seastone loop around her waist. There was an inch of clearance or so so it wouldn't sap her strength entirely, but there was no way she could get out without brushing up against it.

She'd notice a handful of things -- that she had been washed, that she was wearing a brand new beige jumpsuit, and that there was an IV tube hooked into her arm, making sure she got her fill of tasty, tasty nutrients.
The first thing which caught her attention as she awoke was the fact that she wasn’t dead; the ache in her body proved that more or less. She pulled herself up, so she could get a look at where she was; her eyes searched the room she had found herself in. It wasn’t anything special but at the moment she didn’t care about the room; her head turned to look at the IV tube in her arm and the wires and cables connected with her body. The clean jumpsuit was the next part which made her worry about her situation.

Where am I?

She tried her best to remember what had happened after escaping the Marines; the small boat, the days passing by ever so slowly, the bump and… the ship. She was either in deep shit trouble or she had simply encountered some kind hearted civilians; the latter was what she wished for but the chances were slim.

She tried moving herself off the bed only to be stopped by some kind of loop reaching over her waist. Panic was beginning to take its toll on her; she was definitely feeling desperate. Amaya moved and pulled with her body to try and loosen the damn irony grip on her waist; once again, however, she found herself bound by seastone.

“Let me go!” she screamed with a hoarse voice. How much time had she been out? She did feel much better than before, which meant that whoever had her caught had taken care of the worst, but her body still ached, the bruises weren’t gone and her throat felt like sandpaper. It wasn’t like she was about to complain about the medical part of her situation, but still, someone was keeping her locked down onto a fucking table.

“Get me the hell off this table” she tried screaming louder than before, but her voice sounded more like a high pitched shriek. The mixture of annoyance and panic was becoming too much to handle, and she ended up pulling whatever wire, tube or cable attached to her body out. She brushed her slim fingers through her fiery red hair, pulling on her less tangled curls to try and calm herself down if only a bit.
"Hey. Shut up."

The call wasn't particularly loud or even angry-sounding -- as a matter of fact, it sounded a little bit on the bored side. A dark figure appeared in the doorway, a bored-looking Trafalgar Law appearing. He wore a surgical mask, though it was presently around his neck while a cigarette dangled between his lips. He paused at the doorway for a moment, lifting a heel so as to extinguish the cigarette there before he dumped it into a little wast bin by her bed.

"I'm not letting you off that bed until you calm down." He paused for a moment, giving her a look. She was definitely doing better now, but if she was having serious issue with the loop 'round her wrist, she might have been a Devil Fruit user. Of course, that's why that loop was there to begin with, and why he had Bepo come in and lash people down. He'd been kind enough not to secure her other wrist or her ankles, however.

Law slipped off the mask, dropping it to one side as he likewise shrugged off what looked like a doctor's coat -- he looked considerably less like a doctor without those one, what with the tattoos along what was visible on his arms, and the fact that the t-shirt underneath had a couple of holes in it. Clearly a shirt he wouldn't mind losing in case some blood got on it. "... not letting you out either way until I get some questions answered, come to it. First off, what the hell are you doing on my ship?"
Amaya glared at the figure appearing; the vague smell of tobacco covered the room ever so slightly. She did shut up but more from the shock of seeing the one holding her captive than actually reacting to his order. Her eyes followed his every move, trying to figure out what he would do and, more importantly, who he was. Without the coat and mask he looked rather familiar; she couldn’t put a name on the face, but she had seen it before.

“I wanted something to eat…” she admitted after having glared angrily at him for far too long without a reaction. She knew that she shouldn’t do anything to annoy the man too much; she wasn’t in a position to fight back if anything went bad. Unfortunately, Amaya wasn’t the most reasonable person when it came to holding back her temper.

“Either way, thanks for the clean clothes and treatment so if you could just remove this seastone shit from my wrist, then I’ll be on my merry way and out of sight as quickly as possible” she tried being polite, but her tone was visible painted with anger. The sickly sweet voice she tried producing almost made her want to gag, but she was willing to try if it meant being let go.

Even if they had given her some medical help, she knew she wasn’t safe; the marines were probably looking for her, and the man in front of her didn’t look especially trustworthy. Well, she had broken into his ship so it wasn’t surprising that he might be a bit annoyed about that. And if he wanted to hand her over to the marines as revenge, she couldn’t really blame him. But she had to look out for herself first and foremost, which at the moment meant to escape no matter what she had to do.

“Please, I am sorry about it” Amaya pleaded with a small smile and the hopes of him not seeing past her act.
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