Letrix is looking for some play!

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Aug 25, 2014
A little about Good old me
Hello, I am Letrixia. I am a 31 year old woman and where I am from is not important. I am a single woman and I am a writer of horror and mystery novels as well (working on my first publishing of a book). I been in the erotic roleplaying for quite awhile now and I think I can please just about anybodies writing style, from advance to just beginner. I love fantasy and horror series and novels as well, if you come at me with an apocalyptic rp that actually has sense I will roleplay with you. I am a big PLOT over SMUT girl. I don't mind smut at all but without any plot there is no sense in it. So now that is out of the way and you know a bit about me I will go on with the good and bad, and nice and the ugly, the likes and dislikes!. Now I will start by saying this, the triage of things I HATE in a roleplay, don't even HINT of doing this because I will drop the rp and never speak to you again. The triage is : Scat, Gore/Vore and Bestiality. The rest of the kinks you might think about I can be persuated to doing with you but again must have a good plot with it.​

The Likes, The good, The perfect, The nice

I am good with almost anything and everything you can think. However I love Blackmail, bondage, Gender Bender (from male to female), Humiliation, Kidnapping and everything nice and naughty you can think of!. I will put plots here so PLEASE DON'T POST IN HERE, IF YOU HAVE A REQUEST PM ME!.​

Plots Summary

All plots will have this Skeleton

Name of the plot
Few pictures (I will specify if they are NSFW)
What I hope it will contain and the gener pairing that I wish for the rp
Some OOC notes​

The unexpected Illness
M(F)xF|| M(F)xM||Romance||Gender Switch

Brian was YC best friend, they both loved to do stuff together from going to the mall, movies, park and even cosplays from time to time. Brian thought that our friendship could last a lifetime until suddenly he fainted in the middle of a party. When taken to the hospital he was diagnosed with an illness that only had taken two other people in the world, an illness that would transform his body into one of a complete female to the point that he could even have birth to a child. Needless to say our characters were astonished by this turn of events, since Brian is alone (all his family died) YC offers him to stay with Him/Her until it's over and he can have his life back.

- If you are playing a girl I expect you to teach my character the good things and bad things about being a girl
- If you are playing a guy I expect to see the usual fight of wills within your character.
- I expect this to be more Plot vs Smut however there will be smut when the times comes.​
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