Weapon X: Rebirth (Super_Panda_ x winterscreed)


Aug 19, 2014
Everyone thought that the Weapon X Project ended after many failures. But a small group of scientists and special interest groups lead by Director Smith, kept it alive for personal gain. Their new idea was to create a device that would would extract the superpowers from a mutant and transfer it entirely to a different entity. The idea was to create a super soldier that would aimlessly follow orders and be next to impossible to defeat.

The original mutants that were originally used in the last Weapon X Project have since been exterminated or have escaped. Of the escapees, the important ones that Smith are most interested in are Sabretooth and Rai. As they both contain the last superpower needed to complete the super soldier.

The problem they face is that while Sabretooth is a better candidate, it will be next to impossible to capture him. So Smith makes an executive decision to employ Sabretooth and offer him an adamantium skeleton in exchange for the safe delivery of Rai.

Director Smith has since created a version of Cerebro that allows a human to use it and find mutants around the world. With this machine, they were able to locate and make contact with Sabretooth.

In the deep, cold forests of Canada

"Victor Creed! I know you're out there. I come to you with a deal." Yelled Smith. Sabretooth comes out from the forest, close enough to hear and see Smith, but far enough if he needed to make a quick escape. Sabretooth roared back "I don't answer to that name anymore! My name is Sabretooth!" Smith nods his head in acceptance and asks, "Okay Sabretooth, are you still interested in an adamantium skeleton?"

Sabretooth's eyes widen and he nods.

"Bring me your old friend Rai in safely, and we'll give you all the adamantium we have. Do we have a deal?" Smith said with a slight grin on his face.

Sabretooth again nods his head and says, "Where am I suppose to find her? There isn't exactly a reunion each year for all the escapees from your prison." Smith replies, "She shows up at this locations when we use our Cerebro device. That locations is here in this briefcase." Smith reveals a briefcase from behind him and puts it on the ground. "You know where to bring her once you have her. It was both your home for many years."

Smith walks away leaving the brifcase behind. Sabretooth opens and looks inside the briefcase, there's a device that show a red dot with coordinates that led to a secluded city in Michigan.

After gathering his belongings together, he hurried off to find Rai...
Raicyl "Rai" Bellamy ran a hand through her dark hair as she looked around. It had been six weeks since she had been approached by Director Smith. He had talked her into coming back to Weapon X, this time as an assassin. Her first target; Victor "Sabretooth" Creed.

She relunctantly agreed. She had not seen Creed in years, but she had heard of his newest modifications. Stronger, faster, heightened senses. She had heard the rumors that he could now lift up to 8 tonnes. His senses were now so heightened, he could hear people breathing from a mile away. Smith had told her that he was a danger, had gotten too out of control. Not that that had surprised her.

Soon, she found the man she wanted to see. Walking over to him, she immediately braced herself. She knew he would have no problems shattering her if she switched to her other form, so she decided to confront him one-on-one.

"Creed, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were tailing me." Even after all these years, she had not lost her British accent. The woman had on tight blue jeans and a halter top. Her grey eyes focused on him as she spoke. She knew he could smell fear, but she was not scared.
Sabretooth made his way to the coordinates provided by Smith. He sat down in the park, closed his eyes and waited. His senses has been modified drastically during the Weapn X Project, he closed his eyes and let his senses take over. He listened for her voice and he could even still remember her scent. After what seemed like half an hour, he finally caught her scent. He sprang up from the park bench and honed in on her. As he walked towards her, he could see it on her face that she had made him. There was no point for him to remain hidden now, so he waited for her to come up to him. Wishing that she would assume her other form and make this that much easier for him. She walked right up and confronted him face to face, she had not lost her Britih accent after all these years of being here. Sabretooth replied to her confrontation with "My name is Sabretooth now, Victor Creed was my slave name! And yes, I was following you, you're coming with me!"
The woman let out a laugh as he said she was coming with him. But then her eyes narrowed and she realized they had both been set up. Rai folded her arms, but prepared herself for an attack. She would fight against him if she needed to, but really, this was typical of Weapon X. The fact they told her to kill him then he found her was too coincidental.

"Still Weapon X's little lap-kitten after they played you?" she asked with a scoff. "They hired me to kill you. Said you're too out of control. What did they promise you? Adamantium?" she asked him. She knew she was pushing his buttons, but she did not give a damn. "And I am bloody not going with you."
"If it means getting my adamantium, then i'll gladly be their lap-kitten!" He growled back. Sabretooth desire to be outfitted with adamantium was stronger than anything else. If there was a chance that he would finally be getting adamantium, he was not going to let it get away. "Haven't you learned by now Rai, I don't die easily..." He wanted to snatch her up right then and there, but being out in public as they were would draw attention and cause a panic. He just only glared at her, waiting to see what she does next.
"Pathetic," Rai said as she rolled her eyes. She tossed her black hair over her shoulder as she looked at him coldly. "I know already, but I also know your weaknesses, Kitten." She knew he could smell fear so she kept herself in control, cocky. She folded her arms as she moved closer. "You want me? Take me then, Victor..."
"Don't tempt me... If it wasn't such a public place. I would have grabbed you up when I first picked up your scent!" he growled back at her. He could smell a faint scent of fear in her, as she was doing her best to conceal it. He waited for a chance to grab her and deliver her to Smith in exchange for his adamantium.
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