Maping Aincrad (Malin and Saphir)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
A young man was breathing heavily taking a moment to rest. His body felt heavy as his lungs heaved. His short light brown hair was dripping sweat, and he felt like he hadn't run so hard in ages. He glanced around the corners of the dungeon walls, seriously regretting his choices in life. He wasn't overly tall or short rather just an average height of about 5'8" and right now his hazel eyes were currently scared for their life.

Kai was currently holding a short sword on one hand, with a buckler in the other. His build was all about mobility which was why he had been able to out run the enemies in the area, but that had also somehow put him even deeper into the dungeon, and now he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to get out of this situation alive. Everything screamed danger now, and even as he breathed heavily he didn't dare to bring up the menu or else have a chance to fall into another trap or ambush while unable to defend himself.

It had been three months now since Sword Art Online had begun, and the people who had logged on that first day of release had been trapped inside the game. If you die in the game the headset that you were plugged into in the real world apparently fried your brain, killing you.

It was a fate he had unfortunately witnessed one to many times on the first floor, and so he had thought that he could go at it alone. That had been the first dumbest idea Kai had. The second was that he became a scout. 'Map data' was worth a lot of cash to people. Buying and selling the hard work of scouts became almost necessary in a world like this. Not just when it came to floor dungeons, but side adventures and even just fields. If you could find secrets, hidden doors, and enemy locations then you could make a lot money off of that.

It was also one of the most dangerous jobs you could have because not only were scouts completely blind in their work, they had to survive hidden doors, traps, and enemy locations. Most needed to work in a team, but Kai had thought there was more profit in this job if he could work alone.

And now his health was in the orange, and he had no more healing items. "Yeah... this stupid plan was stupid." Off in the distance he could hear the chittering of lizard people. The monsters in this dungeon were particularly tough, and had been almost everywhere. This entire dungeon had become a battle of attrition that he was starting to think he couldn't afford.
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