Secrets of the Planes (with OpenHentai)

Cora von Fotze

Mar 31, 2014
Neck popping as she rolled her head, loosening up before the duel to come, Zyralina smiled a tightlipped, sharp smile filled with a predator's anticipation of the kill. Yes, she was a Planeswalker, with the spark burning in her soul that made magic her birthright, yet she relished these times when she was testing herself physically against a worthy foe, proving that she was no one's sacrificial victim, she was the author of her own fate. She'd travelled to this pyramid chasing rumors of the powers that called it home and had found her way to the warren of the first she was interested in, the one who claimed dominion over the harpies that infested this ancient temple to the dark god. It had taken slaughtering a vast number of the winged horrors in many ... cruel and artistic ways to gain the attention of the demonic Abhorrent Overlord who ruled the roost. Zyralina entoned the mystic syllables that required the demon aceept her challenge; should she win, he and his was hers to command him, lose and she would serve as plaything for his demonic lusts... The demon laughed as he accepted, promising to visit all manner of deliciously debased torments and pleasures after he'd broken her in the fight.

As the demon circled overhead, Zyralina drew her trusty blade, a machete that had served her well as she cut a swathe through Zendikar, and reached behind her back and withdrew the enchanted grappling hook from the belt pouch that concealed it from sight. The demon spat out an invective, daring her to try to pull him to the ground. The Planeswalker chuckled and reached out with her soul to the island she'd found solace on after falling into the seas of Zendikar then used the mana flowing into her to empower her legs so she'd be able to leap high into the air and slash viciously at the demon's left wing. As she fell gracefully back to the ground the demon howled in agony as it spun in ungainly circles then crashed into the stone floor of the temple. The harpies all around hissed and spit but did not stir, this conflict was between their betters and they were hopelessly outmatched.

With the demon grounded, the battle began in earnest. The demon made no more threatening boasts and Zyralina danced a beautiful and terrible dance of death, attacking twice for every one attack made by her foe. The demon raked his claws across her sides severing the straps that criss crossed her stomache and slicing through the thin strip that held her loin cloth in place. Wincing with the pain, but giving her modesty no second thought, Zyralina kept up the fight, pressing her foe to keep the demon on the defensive even as she reached out to connect with more and more mana in prepartion of delivering the finishing blow.

That blow came unexpectedly and in the moment when it looked like the demon had turned the tables on Zyralina. It had just managed to knock her sword from her grasp and was leaping at her with both clawed hands outstretched intent on catching her by the throat and choking her into unconsciousness. The Planeswalker made an eldritch gesture and released the stored magical energy in the form of tendrils of blue energy that flowed like water and sparkled like diamonds as they wound about the demon paralysing it. She walked around to the struggling demon and placed the stiletto heel of her boot on it's neck saying coldly, "your service is now mine to command by right of darkness and combat... Say it." The demon railed and roared, then begged and pleaded before finally relenting and doing as he was bidden by his mistress. The harpies around trembled and whined, freely offering the dark and deadly Planeswalker their allegience as well. Zyralina smiled triumphantly and nodded at one of the harpies who got the message and returned to her her sword. Zyralina sheathed it and tucked her enchanted grappling hook back into its pouch as she tossed her head and surveyed the chamber that she had claimed as her own, the first step of her journey to power here in Theros now complete, but it was the first of many.
The dark catacombs of the pyramid are unsightly and rot with dead soldiers. Nothing remains of them but decaying corpses and skeletons abound. It’s no wonder such abhorrent abominations lived within the crumbled walls of this temple. Monsters, harpies, and zombies saw this as their home from the outside world. Others see it as an opportunity for great power and wealth. Most of these fools simply helped feed the army of relentless undead and flights of harpies. Only the foolish and brave hearty warriors dared treading here before. Though this decrepit old pyramid saw a new type of adventure on this day.

The hordes of Zombies and skeletal soldiers slowly advance on a young woman wearing nothing more than a wizard’s hat and dress with a simple, but intricately detailed, staff. She smiles at the approaching horrors and hold up her staff. She focuses on the world around her. Theros, a plane of abundant mana to call upon in any situation. This pleases her greatly. The staff glows with a blue hue as a burst of cold energy freezes many advancing skeletons and Zombies. More approach as she discovers more tombs around her of inanimate dead. She waves her staff which begins to glow. A black haze surrounds her hand and staff before revealing that her precious staff has been replaced with a more necrotic looking one. She turns to the corpses and happily awakens them.

She giggles, “I’m almost insulted that you think you can beat a Planeswalker like me.” She unleashes her own horde of undead to combat the others. As she does so harpies begin flying out of the walls and advance towards her. She quickly conjures her Staff of Mind Magus once more and summons a massive glacial wall between her and the harpies. As they chip away at the wall the Planeswalker calls into existence a large spear in her left hand and a Skyblinder Staff in her right. A heavenly glow emerges behind her as an angel is summoned.

“I am yours to command my Mistress Rune.” The angel speaks in her enchanting and heavenly voice. Rune smiles and bestows both the Moonsilver Spear and Skyblinder Staff to the Angel.

“Eliminate the harpies,” Rune speaks with a cold, but elegant finesse. She once more calls upon her Staff of Mind Magus and watches as her celestial summon aids her cause. The harpies break through the wall which slowly fades out of existence and fly towards Rune herself. Her angel makes sure they don’t get the chance. She cuts through the harpies with ease as Rune watches the skeletons and zombies one by one fall. She begins to saunter through the tomb with her ample hips swaying side to side leaving the destruction in her wake. She may be new to Planeswalking, but she prided herself on her ability to control and manipulate black, white, and blue mana.

Deeper in the catacombs she stumbles upon a room filled with ancient treasures ripe for the picking. Gold, artifacts, and more will definitely fetch Rune a hefty share. Her associates will be quite pleased. She notices the catacombs slowly begin to crumble and shake. The pyramid is very structurally sound so what is causing all the disarray?

She investigates further and spots a deadly battle commencing between a woman cloaked in black fighting the Abhorrent Overlord itself. Rune is intrigued by this bound and chooses to watch the two duel it out for supremacy. She watches every detail with a keen eye and deep interested. She takes note of the woman’s hand-to-hand fighting style as she utilizes her magic effectively. Rune herself seems to grow a somewhat vested interest in the duel. So much so she cringes when she witness the Overlord claw at the stunning woman. She hides her presence from the harpies with a simple spell as she walks closer to get a better glance of the fray. The battle draws to a close with the woman claiming victory over the Abhorrent Overlord. Rune herself just smiles and claps subtly at the victor.
Zyralina took her boot off the demon's throat and gestured for it to rise. As it did so she walked around it surveying the wreckage she'd made of its body, unable to hide the air of self satisfaction and pride she wore like a cloak. Her own side throbbed and ached from the vicious blow the Overlord had landed but she kept the pain hidden deep inside her eyes like so many others. She swept her fingers up her side, bloodying them and brushed them over the sharp lips of the Abhorrent Overlord. "Savor the taste of this blood, demon, it is yours by right of combat... But know this is the last of MY blood you'll spill...but in my service you and yours will want for nothing," she promised and as her blood, rich with magic and Aether, passed the foul fiends lips an unbreakable bond was formed that settled into what passed for their souls. The demon shuddered and roared a dire sound of passion and torment that reverberated through the chamber shaking its walls as Zyralina sensed the presence of the newcomer.

For Zyralina, Rune's approach was heralded by a tremor in the Spark that burned in her soul. It was not a fearful or wary response, it was something akin to recognition. Like the Magic in her acknowledged the Magic in Rune for what it was and ... Understood it on some fundamental level. Or, the way two Alpha Wolves just know each has its own pack, which is nothing more then a call for respect not a challenge, the half naked blond woman in black knew the staff wielding woman in the pointed hat was no simple tomb robber or treasure hunter, she was a fellow traveler on the path of true Power... And as she noted the polite applause, apparently a friendly one.

"Well met, Walker," Zyralina said in a husky tone colored with warmth and curiosity. "You meet me... When I'd presumed all company I'd keep would be of Theros... The surprise and pleasure is mine. Please, call me Zyralina... Ready to duel if that's your purpose, but happier to speak and see if our purposes would be better served spending time together on other pursuits." Zyraline's tone is even and she appears calm and unthreatened by Rune, willing to get to know her through battle or conversation, whichever Rune prefers
Rune smiles at Zyralina and the Overlord who are both now alerted to her presence. She stops her applause and looks around the room at the harpies who are too afraid to attack after seeing their master toppled. Rune examines Zyralina with great intrigue. She definitely has a body worth flaunting and she didn’t mind her lack of modest either.

With a seductive grin Rune speaks up, “I must say it’s rare to run into a Planeswalker. Especially so forward as you.” Rune raises her staff and in an instant vanishes. She just a quickly reappears in front of Zyralina with her staff point at her exposed neck like a blade. Not as a challenge or intimidation. Simply proving her own abilities. “I have no interest in fighting you however. I’m simply raiding these tombs of what it’s worth.” She looks down at the demon and then to Zyralina’s bloody wound. “Please allow me, dear.” Rune conjures another staff, a white one this time, and politely heals Zyralina’s wound.

She turns around and saunters to the other side of the decrepit room and grabs a large sack filed with expensive gems, jewelry, and gold abound. She heaves it over her back and walks back over to Zyralina. Rune can see the relief wash over Zyralina’s eyes after being alleviated of her pain. Though can still see slight skepticism and curiosity in Zyralina’s deep, blue eyes. Rune steps ever closer until their faces are mere inches apart. “You may consider me a friend, not a foe. Now tell me. What are these other pursuits you speak of dear?” Rune asks with a very enticing gaze and gentle grin.

She will submit there is power in numbers and anyone who can aid her is appreciated. Especially if said aid is also a Planeswalker. Rune has a way of earning the trust of those around her. Being raised as a classically trained politician by the Azorius honed many of her skills with not only her magic, but her silver tongue as well. She’s willing to see where this goes. A companion like Zyralina would be a most valued asset indeed.
Rune's manner and smile were something Zyralina found pleasing, and the way she advanced instantlaneously and held out her staff in such an assertive and challenging way stirred something deep inside the blonde planeswalker clad in wisps of darkness. The smile Zyralina favored her with when Rune claimed not to want to fight was one that was at once amused... and keenly ... interested in all that Rune was and had to offer. She dipped her head, inviting Rune to do what she would, and sighed with relief as her white staff took away all that pained her.

Zyralina watched as Rune walked across the chamber and by deed laid claim to some of the riches strewn about it. She chuckled and did nothing to stop her, the gems having value, but really weren't anything especially magical so why not allow her new acquaintance her way. Zyralina did nothing to bar Rune from moving in close, very close infact, so close they were breathing in the same air. The energy passing between the two magical women was an almost palpable thing and caused the demon and his harpies to to shudder and take wing.

Zyralina reached out to play her fingertips down Rune's face, intent on tracing the line of her jaw then slip that hand behind her head. As she did so she said softly, "it's been long... Since I've had a ... Friend..." There was an earnestness in her tone that let Rune know how much that meant to her as well as a hunger in her voice that let the silver tongued sorceress knew that Zylralina longed for... more. The other Planeswalker was more of a creature of passion and power, lacking much of the polish and finess of the Azorius trained mage. She was wild and fearsome, ruled by the desire of the moment, and in this moment, she felt the time for words had passed and she let Rune know that by how she lowered her head, taking int the scent of Rune's skin as she brought her lips down to Runes, wanting to lose herself in a hot kiss.
Rune smiles gently as Zyralina caresses her face. Underneath her dark and cold exterior beats the heart of a gentler woman. The guise she wore out of necessity and a mixture of her strong willed personality. Still yet Rune fells Zyralina’s heart reaching out to her’s. Rune licks her lips with a sultry grin. She takes a signle step forward their lips practically touching. She brushes a few stray hairs from Zyralina’s face while never once breaking eye contact.

Her voice is hushed a breathy. “Having friends is one of life’s greatest pleasure dear.” She drops her bag of treasures she had procured. She softly breaths in Zyralina’s scent. Amongst the lingering aroma of blood and sweat Rune could smell Zyralina’s subtle feminine scent. A faint fragrance, possibly a flowery perfume. Either way it was enchanting to Rune. Rune does her best to enchant her new acquaintance as well. Rune delicately strokes Zyralina’s cheek, “You must be caught in the heat of the moment do something like this is a dark catacomb like this.” Without a second thought Rune kisses her soft lips. She closes her eyes and lets their lips meet for a little longer.

She can feel her heart skip a beat. It is an electrifying experience. She can feel Zyralina’s heart beat just as fast. To have a Planeswalker companion, especially one as enticing as Zyralina is a truly wondrous thing. Rune can imagine having much fun with her new friend. Especially all the benefits her new friend comes with.

Their lips part and Rune continues to gaze upon the dark vixen who has seduced her and whom she has seduced. Were it not for their surrounds she would have happily continued, but as is this was neither the time nor the place for such romps.

“Well, I have procured all I need. I assume you have done the same?” She looks around at the Overlord and its pets which she had thoroughly subdued. Their faces are still mere inches from one another. “Shall we be on our way dear?” Rune’s almost incurable smile continues to entice Zyralina. She lifts back up the bag of pilfered loot and slowly turns around. She looks over her shoulder to Zyralina and winks before slowly sauntering off with an extra swing in her hips.
Zyralina felt an unaccustomed warmth rising to her face as Rune smiled a gentle smile and some of the coldness in Rune's visage melted under her caress. The way Rune teased her lips with her tongue and favored her with a sultry grin as she stepped forward, so close their lips practically touched, made Zyralina's heart skip a beat and her face flush. She leaned her head into Rune's fingertips as they played across her brown when she spoke of the pleasures of friendship.

Turning her head slightly, Zyralina lightly kissed Rune's fingertips after they stroked her cheek, clearly as bewitched by Rune as she was of her. Then their lips met and pressed into one another in a kiss so sweet and hot and sexy that the statuesque blonde felt herself go a little weak in the knees. Her head swam from the way the warmth of Rune's body, the softness of Rune's lips and the miraculous, wonderful essence of her filled Zyraline with joy and the promises of something long forgotten but dearly desired. She sighed as the kiss ended, part pouty regret, part delicious amazement as her eyes burned brightly as the space between them increased, maybe not of the same mind as Rune about the rightness of their surroundings where exploring their passions was concerned.

“I have more, now, then I ever dreamed of finding here, dear Rune," Zyralina purred into Rune's ear as she brushed her cheek against her friends. She chuckled a bit as Rune's smile and tone teased her imagination as they hinted at all sorts of delightful reasons to leave the ancient evil temple. “Yes, lets,” she cooed back at Rune as she admired the woman's body as she gracefully, enticingly leaned down to pick up the sack of treasure and coax her into joining her. That wink, so playful and saucy, send a shiver down Zyralina's spine and she followed Rune from the temple admiring the swing in her steps and the motion of her feminine curves.

On her way out, Zyralina spied an onyx box with blood red symbols etched into it. She smiled and took it carefully after pricking her thumb and tracing a circle of blood around it. She slipped it into her belt pouch and caught up with Rune. As they left the temple they met no further resistance from its denizens though eyes followed their every movement. As they stepped out of its dank, winding halls and into the moonlight and the canopy of stars that was Theros' night sky Zyralina walked side by side with Rune, playing her hip against Rune's side every so often as her hand rested upon the small of her back allowing her the pleasure of lightly caress Rune as they journeyed together, kittenish and naughty but in a playful way.

"I made camp near a beautiful spring not far from here... But there's a village to the east with an inn..." Zyralina said softly and something tender, almost timid, colored her voice. It wasn't uncertainty per se, it was more a mark of how long she'd been without companionship of an equal, let alone a woman as beautiful, powerful, smart and sexy as Rune. Zyralina wanted Rune to be happy and in the environment she felt most comfortable in, so was thinking only of her. Then she was reminded of the fire in Rune that matched her own and she dropped her voice as if sharing a little secret, "the spring interested me as it's a sacred space, a place I'd hoped to unlock the secrets of a new spell..."
Rune smiles mischievously at Zyralina’s invitation. She’s sees right through her timid question. Rune herself had once lived a more lavish lifestyle, but amongst her trek through the plethora of planes she’s visited the fondness for the outdoors grew. She often found herself sleeping outdoors or in musty caves in an exploration for more powerful spells or exotic goods to collect. So needless to say Rune is interested in this spring was already enticing enough, but the promise of a new spell and Zyralina’s company makes the offer all the sweeter.

With a flirty grin illuminated by the soft moon above Rune speaks up with a soothing tone. “I would love to.” She lets Zyralina take the lead ever so slightly given a more up close and intimate view of Zyralina’s body from behind. She certainly admires her delicate and yet powerful posture and finesse. Truly a remarkable woman who is blessed with beauty and strength. Rune observes her firm legs and womanly physique with a piercing and lustful gaze.

Rune enjoyed Zyralina’s subtle flirting and teasing so Rune decides to play along as well. Rune lifts her left hand slightly and traces her fingers over Zyralina’s back. Her skin is soft and delicate to the touch. She feels the subtle sensations of goose bumps raise along Zyralina’s back. She giggle quietly and continues to playfully linger her fingers up her back and slowly down her arm.

Rune admires the beautiful, star sky above. The natural splendor of Theros, and the intrinsic beauty of her new friend. She sees a faint, luminescent blue gleam from a far off spring that calls to her. This has to be what Zyralina mentioned. The spring is rich with mana and some sort of magic presence. It intrigues Rune, but not as much as her intrigue for Zyralina.

Planewalker she maybe and a powerful wizard nonetheless, but she doesn’t always focus on gaining more power. Sometimes she enjoyed choosing pleasure over power when she is given the choice. All the same, Zyralina’s a powerful and a pleasure to have around. So win-win. Power is not what Rune craves, it’s merely a very pleasant bonus to her companionship with a truly captivating woman.

She continues to follow Zyralina to the small camp at the edge of the spring. Rune stands beside her companion and obverses the surrounds with a warm smile and approving nod. She meets Zyralina’s gaze. “I would never have expected to find such beauty here on Theros.” She’s ambiguously, but the scenery is the least of her amazement.
Zyralina worked to maintain a modicum of self control as she wandered the night at the side of the beguiling, seductive creature Rune was proving to be. The play of moonlight over Rune's delicate features threatened to steal Zyralina's breath away as did the coy beauty of her smile. Zyralina felt Rune's eyes on her as she stalked forward, always resting her weight on the balls of her feet much the way a jungle beast does just before it pounce on its prey. This added a graceful, hypnotic swing to her hips and made her mmuscular legs ripple as they flexed and released. There was a wildness and savagery in her beauty that gave one hints as to the types of Planes she'd been traveling and the power and passion contained within her feminine form.

A gentle gasp escaped Zyralina’s lips as Rune's deft, gentle fingers traced delightful figures into Zyralina’s back. Biting her lip to keep from speaking the thoughts Rune's touch teased her with, Zyralina thought to herself, ~her spark isnt the only magic Rune possesses,~ as Rune raises goose bumps across Zyralina’s back. It was Rune's playfully naughty giggle that truly did it for her, and Zyralina let out a low, lusty laugh as Rune's caresses continued; a sound that let Rune hear just how thrilled and excited she was getting Zyralina and promised more of the same in return.

The grotto that housed the spring was verdant and vibrantly alive, the power in the place was practically palpable, even to those with no Fire in their souls. It was a little piece of paradise, hidden in and amongst the forested mountains far from the beaten track. Zyralina lead Rune a bit deeper in and around a bend to her camp, never once taking her eyes off the beauty in her arms. In fact, without looking, she swept out with her sword and presented Rune with a gorgeous jungle flower. "Fortune smiled at me when it had your path cross mine," she said tenderly, in a voice rich with desire and emotion as they stood together, at the edge of the place she'd sought shelter in but was now feeling more like a home then anything ever for Zyralina.

At the heart of it, Zyralina was a simple girl with simple dreams. Fate conspired to thrust her into a world with more truth, terror and triumph then she'd ever imagined possible. Death had been her salvation, the Aether had changed her in many ways, some subtle and secret, others more obvious and evident. Still, in her heart of hearts she craved the love all women wanted and the freedom to love in return. There was no denying the magnetic attraction she felt for Rune, and no doubt that the two of them together would learn and gain more from working together then they would apart. So it made "good sense" that Zyralina welcome Rune's company for all that it would bring her, it was her heart more then her mind that ruled her.

Without a second's more thought the buxom blonde swept Rune into her embrace almost crushing her to her breast. She pressed her lips into Rune's with an ardent passion that brooked no denial. Zyralina moaned a low, hungry, pleasure rich moan as one of her strong hands held Rune to her body as the other roamed possessively down her back and over her shapely rump. She gave every pleasure she took from Rune, damning the consequences as she savored the taste of Rune's sweet lips and the feel of her soft, sexy body. Eyes ablaze with desire and delight, she sighed into the kiss as it lingered on their lips for what was feeling like the reason why 'forever' exists.
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