Of Charms and Consequence [ Florence x Vandesdelca ]


Aug 13, 2014
Miya lifted a corner of the tapestry and carefully glanced around the corridor. The torches were unlit and the castle was quickly darkening, but there was no sign of student or ghost. Miya let the tapestry fall and sat on the bottom step of their hidden passageway. The heavy cloth did nothing against the nightly chill creeping into the stone. Miya wrapped a reassuring arm around her friend and whispered, “It’s alright, Alice. They’ll be here soon.” But Alice continued to sob quietly into the sleeve of her robes. The sound was oddly loud in the evening silence.

When night fell around them, cold and dark, Alice fell silent. Miya didn’t dare to light her wand. She peered at her watch in the dim light and told Alice cheerfully, “Look, we don’t have long to wait. It’s almost time now.” Still, the corridors were painfully quiet – Miya strained her ears, jumping at the slightest creak of armor or portrait strolling by – but there were no footsteps or voices. Alice seemed immobilized, even when Miya shook her gently. Miya couldn’t blame her, after what happened.

The world outside their castle walls had become a dark place, prompting most students to stay at Hogwarts over the holidays. Despite the efforts of staff and ghosts, the growing threat in the Wizarding world had cast an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust among the students. The usual animosity between Slytherin and the other houses became outright contention. Harmless hexes became more serious spells intended to do actual harm, and anyone of “impure blood” caught out after hours was fair game.

Miya tightened her arm around Alice, remembering the aftermath of an encounter with a nasty gang of Slytherins who ambushed Alice on her way from the library to their Ravenclaw dormitory. The gouging charm had left her maimed and bloody in the hospital wing. But the greatest damage couldn’t be treated by potions or their mightiest Cheering Charms – Alice confined herself to the Ravenclaw dormitory even when classes started.

That was how Miya found herself crouching behind a tapestry in a fourth floor corridor, comforting Alice while they waited for a group of Gryffindors. The rumors of an organization intent on interfering with the Slytherins’ handiwork caught Miya’s attention a week ago. With some discreet questioning, a fellow Ravenclaw had helped arrange a meeting to smuggle Alice out of the castle to Hogsmeade, where a family friend would be waiting to take her home. Miya knew only a few details of the plan. It seemed so clever in the light of day but, in the January chill pervading the dark corridors, she was suddenly worried for her friend. Would Alice really be safer outside, with her muggle family? Miya wasn’t so sure anymore. Her own family tried to be positive with news from home, but there was no denying the danger. Her mother had even proposed leaving the country to her homeland, China, during the summer holidays. But Miya’s father – ever the patriot – refused to leave his home in a time of need.

Miya nervously tugged on a strand of her ebony hair, fine as silk, and pulled her cloak closer to her body. Speaking more to herself than Alice, she whispered, “They’re late. Where are they?”
The Marauders had always been there at Hogwarts, or so it seemed. They'd always been a constant force of messing about, prodding the teachers when they felt they could get away with it and gliding through school like it was no big deal. But all that had begun to change when their seventh year had come about. Things were... different in Britain now. Darker, more dangerous -- there were whispers in every corner of wizarding society, a malevolent susurrus that tricked from the top down. Voldemort had come into his power and had been there for several years now, stretching into every aspect of society.

It was a war fought behind closed doors -- in manors such as the Black family estate, in the halls of the Ministry of Magic, and perhaps most distressingly, in the friendly and open corridors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

And at every turn, there was something to fight back. It just so happened that the force within Hogwarts was a little... different compared to the norm.

The hour approached, and so did a couple of voices, too far away from Miya and Alice for the two of them to hear. And it went a bit like this:

"I swear, James, can't you make this thing bigger?"

"It's not exactly a shirt I can run to the tailor's, is it now?"

"It's just a silly old cloak. Give me a few hours, needle and thread, and we could re-enchant it."

"Oh, you with a needle and thread. I will literally pay to see you try, it'd look dreadful -- and probably be sewn into your robes."

"If it's invisible, it doesn't have to look good. does it?"

"We're not stitching up the cloak, Sirius."

"Fine, have it your way. But I'm mandating that you brush before we have to huddle up like this. It bloody reeks of garlic in here..."

"I do, and shut up -- here we are..."

* * * *​
Ankles, only occasionally visible with the swish of the invisibility cloak, came to a stop some ways up the hall from the tapestry they'd been set to meet the girls by. Sirius and James could see them peeking out, corroborated by the map which James retrieved, lighting the space under the cloak with a swish of his wand.

"That's them," James muttered.

"Anyone else?" Sirius asked, peering over James' shoulder and getting a strong whiff of garlic. "... seriously mate. Literally drink mouthwash if you have to," he added, wrinkling up his nose.

"Piss off," James said cheerily. "No one's around for miles, Sirius. Wait -- Luci and some of the others are... here," James said, pointing out a part of the map. "Shouldn't run into them."

"Alright. Well, I'll get the girls. You follow behind, yeah?" Sirius asked, exchanging a nod with James before he slipped out from underneath the cloak, drawing up his hood as he did. He approached the tapestry, reaching down into his robe to pull up his Gryffindor tie a bit, the signal he'd said he'd give when he arrived. They were, after all, primarily known by the fact that they were a bunch of Gryffindors helping the helpless.

"Evening," Sirius said, stuffing his tie back down his shirt as the invisible James lingered nearby. "Sorry I'm late -- always have to be careful. Which one of you is headed to Hogsmeade?" Sirius asked. His eyes flicked from Alice to Miya, halting briefly on Miya before he focused back on Alice. It was rare that their midnight "passengers" were quite so pretty.
The tension in her shoulders relaxed at the sight of the red-and-gold tie and Miya eased her tight grip around Alice, who still seemed lost in a quiet corner of her mind. Miya shook her gently and Alice startled out of the wide-eyed gaze. Miya slipped out of their hiding place behind the tapestry with Alice in tow to greet their escort.

It was impossible not to recognize the Gryffindor who greeted them. Most of the girls in their year knew his name quite well. The ever so charming Sirius Black, with his heart-stopping smile and a penchant for breaking rules, made quite an impression. Miya had never met him personally but was hardly surprised by his involvement in smuggling people out of the castle after hours. She was almost grateful for it - his nonchalant confidence was reassuring. When he spoke, Miya realized she was staring and quickly gestured at Alice.

"It's Alice," Miya answered softly. Alice looked ghastly pale in the scant light. "But I'm going with you, too."

The original plan was for Miya to hand Alice off to the escort but the uneasy pit in Miya's stomach wouldn't rest unless she knew Alice was heading safely home in the hands of a friend. She looked at Sirius expectantly, concerned he would object to her slight change of plans.

"Should we go, then?" Miya suggested.
"And this is Alice?" Sirius asked, gesturing to the wan-looking girl who seemed like she wasn't all there. He'd seen that sort of look before -- it was the look one saw when something deep inside you had been hurt. Physical scars were obvious... you looked for the mental scars in the eyes. He hated that he knew that.

Sirius looked Miya over for another moment, and there was something appraising in his eyes. "You can come if you'd like, mind, but you know it takes a while to get to Hogsmeade and back. It'll be past four when we return, and unless you already know tomorrow's password or have someone waiting to let you back in, your portrait won't let you in. Might just be best to stay at the Hog's Head if you do," Sirius said. They'd worked out a plan in that regard.

James and Sirius made the drop, Peter let them back into the common room, and Remus had a pot of Wideye Potion waiting for them. It tasted like warm piss, but it was what kept them going through the day after these long trips out into Hogsmeade.

"If that's alright by you, then you can come. But I got one ground rule -- we run into trouble, you run and hide and wait for my patronus. I don't expect to run into anything," he amended quickly, "but if we do, I can take care of it. This is my seventeenth run, so I know what I'm doing," Sirius said, glancing between Alice and Miya. "If you two are fine with that, then come on."

He gestured for the two of them to follow him, before he made his ay down the hall toward their exit point. James, meanwhile, plodded quietly along after them, his footsteps silent.
The thought of stumbling through the corridors at four in the morning to find herself faced with a new riddle at the dormitory was not appealing to Miya. Staying in Hogsmeade, if the arrangements could be made, was a more convenient option but also undesirable. However, a sidelong glance at Alice steeled her resolve and chased away selfish thoughts of comfort. Miya nodded firmly and said, "I'll be okay. We'll figure something out later."

Who knows, Miya thought. The Hog's Head might be quite comfortable.

She hooked arms with Alice as they followed Sirius down the hall. Determined to bring some life to her friend, she cheerily whispered, "See, Alice? He's done this plenty of times already. There's nothing to worry about."

Miya looked at Sirius as he led the way, quietly studying his broad shoulders and confident stride. She wondered how often something did happen on these ventures outside the castle grounds. It unnerved her to think of who they might encounter, but she also objected to being underestimated and hoped that she wouldn't be seen as an additional burden. Shivering slightly, she looked around the empty corridor.

"How do you leave the castle without being noticed?" Miya asked quietly. It was quite a gamble, wandering through the halls so late at night. Filch was less active than usual with the rising discontent among students, but he wasn't the only one roaming the corridors after dark.
Sirius glanced behind him as he watched Miya try and comfort Alice -- that girl didn't seem like she was going to come out of her hsell, no matter how one tried to coax her into doing so. It was sad, and he wished there was something he could do to help.

Well, I guess I am helping. Still, though.

"That hidden passage behind the tapestry that you used -- it's not the only hidden passage in this castle. There are literally hundreds from top to bottom. I just happen to know where every single one of them is," he said. There was no boasting to it, really -- just a simple and easy confidence that he knew exactly what he was talking about. "As long as you avoid Filch and, well, some of the other more unsavory sorts... everything's fine."

Of course, that involved them actually avoiding the trouble...

They were approaching the mirror on the fourth floor when dark figures made themselves apparent down the hall -- a black cloaked male ringed by three others. Sirius hissed under his breath -- damn, damn, damn.

"Ah... is that a Mudblood I see behind you, Blood Traitor?" came a deep and intimidating voice, resonant and almost demonic in the way it carried itself down the hallway toward the trio. Sirius scowled, holding his arms to either side to halt Alice and Miya.

"Come off it, Luci. I know it's you under there," Sirius spat.

The cloaked figure paused, his hands slowly moving up to pull his hood back. There he was -- thin-faced and beautiful in his own way, if it weren't for the fact that he was a vile bottomfeeding leech. He had platinum blonde hair that trailed down his back, and a sort of haughtiness that only decades of self-assured superiority could instill in a family.

"Now, now. Hand those two off to us, and this doesn't have to get... ugly," Lucius said with a little sneer, holding his own arms out as his three lackeys dispersed into a loose semicircle. Between the two groups was the mirror that would lead them out into Hogsmeade, and Sirius' eyes flicked only briefly to it before focusing back in on Lucius.

"And who all is that? Avery? Mulciber? Wilkes?" Sirius asked, the names rolling off his tongue like drips of poison -- he could see them all tense up -- they had thought no one knew their precious secret.

"I swear, if this isn't the most ragtag bunch of pissants, I don't know what is," Sirius taunted, glancing back to Miya for a second... but no, not quite -- beyond her.

James leaned close to Miya, very gently whispering: "See that mirror? Get ready to run toward it after Sirius." Perhaps she'd recognize his voice, perhaps not... but then it was gone, going back to the other side.
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