A Hellsing RP (Malin and Micbunny)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
The office was a grand room that was almost completely bare. The biggest piece of furnature in it was the large chair that faced away from the windows, and towards the grand doors. Outside it was a tranquil night, and yet inside the room the atmosphere was completely hostile.

Schrodinger stood at attention, his back as strait as he could get it, his cat like ears twitching to every non existent sound in the room. His youthful blue eyes were wide as he looked around. He had come back to life only a few days ago, and been dragged into the halls of the Hellsing organization rather unceremoniously by Alucard.

"So..." Even as he spoke he could tell that it was the wrong thing to do as the woman who was siting in her desk leaned forward. She was missing an eye, and her glasses were reflecting what little light there was in the room hiding her other one, but Schrodinger could tell that Sir Integra was more annoyed then ever about the current situation.

Swallowing the cat boy had no other option but to stand at attention and wait. The atmosphere was the complete opposite of millennium. There he hadn't been expected to do anything like this. He wasn't used to being put under pressure and it showed as his ears twitched wanting nothing more then to get the order to leave.

Integra slowly pulled the cigar from her lips and pressed a button on the intercom. "You can come in now." As she pulled her finger off her button she turned to the former Nazi Warren officer.

Scrhodinger had changed outfits, both figuratively and literally. His old warren officer's clothing had been lost for good, and he had been given an outfit of the Hellsing organization to wear. With Millennium and the nazi's gone for good along with the Major and his plan Schrodinger had been adopted in a way...

And while they couldn't kill him no one had exactly made this transition easy for Schrodinger.
After a brief moment, the large doors of the office opened, and Seras stepped through them, closing the doors behind her with a slight thud. "You called for me?" She asked as her red eyes looked around before noticing Schrodinger. For a moment she did not recognize him without his Warrent Officer uniform. Then her eyes widened in a look of confusion.

"I did. I need to discuss some recent matters with you. As I know you are aware, Alucard has returned to us. However in doing so it seems that he has brought this... creature back with him." Sir Integra began, gesturing slightly and casually toward the cat eared boy standing stiffly at attention. "It appears that as long as Alucard remains, Schrodinger here will as well. And due to the unique nature of his existence we need someone to keep an eye on him. That is what I need you for. Until further notice Schrodinger is to be under your direct supervision. He is to follow your orders, and not be out of your sight."

Seras continued to stare for a few seconds, taking the orders in. Her face grew flustered as she realised the implications. "But... with all respect Ma'a... Sir, why do I have to watch him? He's the reason that Master disappeared for so long. Couldn't someone..."

"Were my orders unclear Miss Victoria?" Sir Integra snapped, her posture shifting slightly so that her one good eye was visible through the gleam on her glasses, her gaze making it clear that she was not going to ask again. "N...No sir." Seras muttered, looking down. Her emotions were swirling inside of her. Anger, shock, confusion, outrage, shame. She did not want to be made to keep track of the former Nazi, for he had been instrumental in almost killing her Master. She was confused as to why Integra or Alucard did not simply kill him, or was that even possible? And she was ashamed that she had questioned her superior's orders. But if this was what she had to do, then she would do. Finally Seras looked up. "I understand. I shall keep track of him for you." She said firmly.

At that, Sir Integra waved her hand at the pair. "Very well then, you two are dismissed."
Hearing the order that he was to fall under Seras Victoria his jaw dropped slightly. She had been the most incompetent vampire he had ever met during their war, and now he was to be her servant. He made a move like he was going to protest this as well, but then remembered his place, this wasn't a place he could speak his mind really, nor could he refuse Integra's orders for the moment he had no choice but to follow and do as they wanted. Bide his time as things were and find some new place he could afford to be captured in.

Schrodinger's ears twitched as he was dismissed his body posture changing almost instantly as he shrank away from both Integra and Seras and walked out into the hall opening the doors so that Seras could follow, but quickly ducking out of Integra's eyesight as he breathed deeply. There was something to be afraid of with that woman, and he was grateful that he wasn't put under her supervision instead of that woman's or Alucard for that matter. That said he wasn't all too happy to be put under the supervision of the Fraulein either so at least they had one point they could agree on.

"So I'm to be the pet of a Fraulein, the wonders of mine life." He spoke intentionally shooting a glare towards Seras Victoria. He let her know displeasure with the situation, but in truth he couldn't do much more then that. He couldn't really leave since he had no where he could go now. He was as much a prisoner in this place as he would be anywhere else. So aside from being discontent and hateful of his situation he didn't really have any other weapons that would benefit him.

"Don't expect me to call you mistress or anything like that." He said loudly. "Just because I have to follow your orders doesn't mean I am your kissed or some ghoul you turned." He put his foot down like he was trying to set up some kind of ground rule, and gave Seras a slightly accusing look. Just because she still had a master did not mean he was now her servant, and the last thing he wanted was to fall into some master and slave ordeal like what she had with Alucard.
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