Searching for the Truth. (Celebstars ft. Assume)


Apr 28, 2012
Sarah sat at the computer doing her research on a psychiatric hospital known as Mount Massive Asylum. It was situated deep in the mountains of Lake County, Colorado and it was where her older sister, who she never knew, was kept most of her life. The reason for her looking this up was because her mother had died, leaving behind all of her assets and belongings to her daughter. Sarah and her family rummaged through old boxes and found details of her sister. A picture of her with other patients could be seen along with a letter which had terrible hand writing on.

'How could you send me here, it is horrible, the things they do to us are beyond anything I would wish on my worst enemy. It isn't worth living through this ordeal and I fear this is the last time I can write to you.'

'Love P'

The letter was short, yet sent a shiver down her spine as something which looked like drops of blood covered the bottom section.

Sarah gathered her mother didn't do anything about it, she had never told her about any of this before and decided to investigate it herself.

After finding the address, she got on a flight to Colorado and hired a car to help climb the rocky pathway of the mountains. Parking outside the gates, the look of the large mansion like building gave her the chills. She hadn't found any information on it being abandoned and thought it was still in working order. Leaving her vehicle, she went up to the tall black rusting gates and pushed them open with a loud screech. Now walking in to the courtyard, she looked up and took some photographs with her camera. Lowering the machine, she saw a figure in the window which made her jump. "Hello?" She shouted, holding a hand above her eyes to keep the sun out.

Suddenly, more and more figures appeared at the windows. The netting keeping their identities secret. Getting a little scared, she back stepped towards the car and drove down towards the local town.

Speaking to a sheriff about the Asylum, she was told it had been abandoned for more than ten years and whatever she had seen was part of her imagination.

This only spurred Sarah on to investigate what was going on.
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