Dark Trek (loneiysong & CrimsonMaster)


Oct 30, 2009
The Land of Lost Souls

Bozeman, Montana..............April 5, 2063.............First Contact. It was only moments after the Vulcan scout ship landed that the Humans who were led by Zefram Cochrane attacked and killed the aliens. The Vulcan Ship was then stripped of everything while the Humans acted like wild animals partying around the fallen bodies of the alien invaders. The Terran Empire had just found new technology which it would use to expand acrossed the quadrant. The Terran Empire applied this stolen Vulcan technology to a policy of aggressive expansion which led to many races being conquered. The Andorians, the Tellarites, the Orions, the Trill, the Betazoids and yes the Vulcans soon found themselves under the heals of the Terran Empire. The Humans showed themselves to be brutish, scheming, and murderous creatures and they even shocked the Klingons & Romulans with how deceitful they could be.

The Empire's hold on its territories was initially weak. In the 2150's, some of the worlds conquered by the Terrans were beginning to rebel against the empires rule, leading to a long running conflict in which the empire came to the brink of collapse. Propaganda, however, conveyed the message that things were going in the Empire's favor and that the war would be over soon. In 2155 the USS Defiant, a Federation ship launched in the 23rd century of a parallel universe, was reported in Tholian space. A mission was undertaken by the crew of the ISS Enterprise which at the time was under command of it's First Officer Jonathan Archer. It was Archer's plan to steal this ship away from the Tholians and use it to put down the rebellion. The crew of the Enterprise did in fact steal this ship from the Tholians, but also lost the Enterprise in the opening moments of the battle. It did appear that Archer would destroy the rebellion. It even seemed like he would take control over the Empire, but double dealing and back stabbing were apart of everyday life in the Terran Empire, that is if one wanted to get ahead. Archer found out to late that another member of the Enterprise crew had her sights set on ruling the empire. Lieutenant Hoshi Sato, who was the Enterprise's communications officer had ideas of her own. She poisoned Archer then took the Defiant for her own. Using the powerful Starship from the parallel universe, Hoshi soon took control and she was pronounced Empress of the Empire.

After the defeat of the rebellion, the Empire turned it's attention towards the other races in the alpha and beta quadrants. The Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians, the Tholians, the Gorn, the Ferengi, the Xindi and the Breen were the only major powers left that could stand against the empire. The Klingons and the Romulans had a long hatred for each other due to years of betrayal and even though they hated the Terran Empire, they couldn't set aside their mistrust for each other to destroy the humans. The Romulans would stand alone and face down the Humans without help from anyone. In time the Klingons would join with the Cardassians in an Alliance against the Terrans while the other races just sat back not wishing to get involved.

In 2267 members of the crew from the USS Enterprise, including Captain James T. Kirk, were accidentally transported to the mirror universe aboard the mirror version of the Enterprise, the ISS Enterprise. Before Kirk left, believing that the mirror Spock would one day become captain of the ISS Enterprise, he tried to plant the seeds of doubt in Spock's mind. However in this reality, Spock didn't succumb to Kirk's attempt to change the empire. The Terran Empire continued under the control of the descendants of Hoshi Sato. But even the great Sato family had enemies inside the empire and in 2275 the Sato family was remove from power buy Grand Fleet Admiral James Maxwell. The coup d'etat ended the rule of the Sato family who had be in power for well over a century. Maxwell proclaimed himself Emperor Maxwell the 1st after taking power. Emperor Maxwell started a program to rebuild Starfleet since years of battle against the rebellion left it weak and if the empire was ever going to conquer the remaining enemies, it needed it's forces to be ready.

An uneasy peace settled over the galaxy for almost a century. There were still battles between the major powers and the empire, but all out war was avoided. In 2368 war did breakout once the Terran Empire was ready and their target was the Romulan Star Empire. For the next 5 years a bloody war raged between these two great powers and by 2373 the Romulan Empire was ready to fall. The Romulans were going to make their last stand at a planet known as Galorndon Core where the bulk of their fleet would mass. The 4th Fleet of the Terran Empire was sent out to destroy the remaining Romulan ships and pave the way towards the Romulan home worlds of Romulus & Remus. But inept leadership on the part of Admiral Stone who was leading this mission and by a number of Captains who greatly underestimated the Romulans will to survive caused the Terran Empire to suffer a bitter defeat when they out numbered the Romulan ships two to one.

The Terran Empire sent the entire 4th fleet which consisted of 224 starships to Galorndon Core and only 87 made it back to Starbase 173. On the voyage back to Starbase 173 many of those who had been in command were locked up, some were even killed by their own people. One of those locked up by his own crew was Captain Benton Maddox of the ISS Raptor. The ISS Raptor is a Conqueror Class Attack Cruiser NCC-6472, it carries a crew of over 500. This ship also carries an assault force of 150 MACO's which stands for Military Assault Command Operations. These special troops were aboard each starship and served to protect the ship from intruders as well as being used as ground assault forces.

Captain Maddox quickly found himself under arrest by his first officer Commander Mason Kane. Commander Kane and the crew who backed him locked their Captain away then headed for Starbase 173 with the remaining ships. Emperor Maxwell the 2nd who was the first born son of Maxwell the 1st and took power after his father's death in 2359 was outraged over the defeat of his forces. They had the Romulans out numbered and should have won, but defeat has a bitter taste. Emperor Maxwell the 2nd ordered Admiral Stone put to death. Captain Maddox was stripped of his rank and command then thrown in prison. Commander Kane was promoted to Captain of the ISS Raptor then he was given new orders. The Emperor had a new plan, it was a secret invasion of the mirror universe Federation. This invasion was to gather information on the Federation's technology and bring back anything that the empire didn't have. The Federation had been so helpful in the past with the USS Defiant that the Emperor felt they could possibly have new weapons or updated shields that the Terran Empire hadn't discovered yet.

Captain Kane accepted this mission with a smile on his face. He knew that if they could bring back anything from the Federation, both he and the crew of the Raptor would be heralded as heroes of the empire. Kane left Admiral Grey's office on Starbase 173 and returned to his ship. The Raptor was currently being worked on to repair battle damage received during the fight at Galorndon Core. Losing this battle made the Terran Empire appear weak in the eyes of it's enemies, this was something that couldn't be allowed to last. There was also some disturbing news which had come to Emperor Maxwell's attention a few months ago. A wormhole had been discovered in the Bajor System and this wormhole led to the Gamma Quadrant. The Klingon/Cardassian Alliance who had joined with the smaller power the Bajorans were in control of this gateway. The Emperor wanted this wormhole just as much as he had wanted the Romulans destroyed. Now with the Terran Empire looking very weak, he couldn't launch an assault on the Bajoran System or destroy the Romulans. This was his reasoning behind sending the Raptor into the mirror universes to find new technology. Emperor Maxwell the 2nd would have this wormhole, or it would be destroyed and no one would have it.

In a few hours the Raptor was repaired and left Starbase 173. A device had been attached to the ship's Deflector Array on the inside and was controlled from the bridge. This device would open up an trans dimensional gateway which would take the Raptor into Federation space then bring them home once their mission was over. Captain Kane stood tall and proud in front of his crew as he told them the news of this glorious mission and what it meant to the empire. Mason Kane had finally been given what he had wanted for so long, command of his own ship. Handsome and powerfully built, Kane was on the fast track to getting a ship of his own one day and made that goal at the age of 31. Kane's jet black hair and charming smile made his a prize for any woman on board and now that he was Captain. The women on board would be throwing themselves at him. Such women in the empire knew how to work their way to the top. Hoshi Sato herself had certainly fucked her way straight up to the top and become Empress. The entire crew was standing in the shuttle bay while Captain Kane spoke of the glorious mission. To Kane's left stood his new first officer, Commander Barton Baxter who was human. To Kane's right stood Lieutenant Commander Dixon Webb who was also human. Next to Webb stood Lieutenant Commander Tala Kalel Raioth who was an Andorian female. The blue skinned beauty was the Security Chief and called Commander Tala since Andorian names are not easy to pronounce. Standing next to Commander Baxter was Lieutenant Commander Martin Beech. He served as Chief Medical Officer on the Raptor. Commander Webb was the Chief Engineer aboard the Raptor. It was his job to make sure that the gateway device worked properly. Captain Kane placed his right fist over his chest, then extended his arm outwards in front of his body. " LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE! " This move and the words spoken were repeated by the crew.

Everyone returned to duty once word on their mission had been explained. The Raptor soon approached the location where they would use their new gateway device. All of the ships power would have to be transferred to the device in order to open the doorway, then the ship would enter. Once on the other side in Federation Space, the Raptor would begin looking for a ship, or station that they could attack, over come and take over. After that they would steal whatever information they could find in the computers and take prisoners. Once this was done, the Raptor would return to their universe with their prizes.
Young faced and willing to do what it would take to get to the top, Lieutenant Mechanic Amanda Goldman watched as her new captain stood before her. As he was making his speech, she wondered what he would do if she ripped off her clothes and began to show him the many ways she could hide her tools of repair. Biting er lip, she shivered feeling her nipples press against her uniform shirt. God, she knew that Captain Kane would take control of the ship. Captain Maddox was a gross man. His breath always smelt terrible and he kissed like a Klingon with a cleft lip. Not that she would know. God, just thinking of the late Captains tongue licking and lapping at her teeth made her want to gag on the spot. However, she kept herself under control.

Amanda was a beautiful blonde who always kept her hair down. Her uniform was less than regulation. Her shirt ended a few millimeters below her breasts. Her skirt only started well down on her hips. Showing her hip bones and her full pierced navel. She was well known as a human with many exotic talents. She watched the captain with her blue eyes and longed to fall to her knees and polish his commanding rod. She grinned biting her red lips that begged to be kissed. She loved space, and loved to repair all she could. She also loved sex. In any way shape and form. She loved to be touched, cherished, but fucking was also fun too. She was quickly taken on board and used nightly by Captain Maddox who constantly swore to promote her but his promises were as impotent as his cock. She was not sad to see him go. She returned his salute and smiled "Long live the empire." She shouted. Turning, she went to Commander Webb to see if he had anything he wanted her to do.

Once teh crew returned duty, Lieutenant of the Medical Bay, Zerin a half vulcan half human stood watching teh captain. She walked over wearing a sexy tight outfit, she patted his arm. "Well done captain, but don't forget to take care of your health." She whispered in his ear and walked away with a sway of her hips. Her skin was slightly tanned and her hair black. She proudly displayed her vulcan ears with piercings up and down them. She had been cast off of her home planet by her mother because she was the child of an affair. She had been sold to the highest bidder. She ruthlessly killed her owner and made her way as she put herself through medicine. She smiled thinking of the new captain. Highly perferred to the last captain. The last captain was quick to rage, anger, drink, then rash decisions. It was no secret that Zerin thought of the captain as sloppy. Not like the new captain. Handsome and talented.
Being the Captain of a Terran Starship meant you had the pick of any woman, or man on the ship. The Captain seat was a prized position. Those lucky enough to hold the rank of Captain enjoyed all the treasure which came with the title. When Mason Kane became captain, he cast aside his former lover. She was transferred from the ship. Kane wanted to taste the fruits of his new title. The women on board the Raptor were among the hottest looking women in Starfleet. Maddox may have been a drunken fool, but he knew a good looking women when he saw one. It was Maddox who brought many of the current female members on board. They may not have all liked the former captain. But these ladies did owe him for bring them onto the flagship of the 4th fleet. Kane enjoyed how Zerin flirted with him. He knew she wanted be the last to show affections towards the new captain. Kane was expecting many of the females to line up at the door of his quarters. Along with all the benefits, there were dangers involved with being the captain. Any sign of weakness could bring on those looking for their own taste of power. Many often moved up in the ranks by assassination. The higher ranking officers hired henchmen among the crew members. These people were loyal as long they were paid well. After become captain, Kane's bodyguards grew in numbers. He now had a force of 15 to watch his back. Kane was always flanked by at least two bodyguards.

Captain Kane walked on to the bridge. He was greeted by salutes. The same salutes given on the shuttle bay. The fist held acrossed the chest before extended outwards. The salute was very much like the one used by the Nazis. Kane returned the salute before moving to the center seat. He sat down while the ship came to a stop in space. Kane pressed a button on the control panel which sat on the right side of his chair. This opened a direct channel to engineering. " Commander Webb......Transfer all power to the Gateway device.......Glory awaits us in the other universe. " Kane said before closing the channel. Webb worked the controls down in engineering shifted the ship's main power. The lights dimmed down, almost going out. A whirring noise could be heard. It started out as a low hum before growing louder. Soon a beam of energy came from the ship's deflector dish. It reached out into the blackness of space. A portal began to slowly appear. Once the power levels reached maximum. Webb shifted power back to the ship. The lights came back on at full power. " Lieutenant Simms.......Take us into the portal. " Kane ordered as the young Lieutenant punched in a course ahead. He shifted the ship into 2/3 impulse power. The Raptor moved ahead. It entered the portal and disappeared. The bridge was filled with an almost blinding white light. Those on the bridge shielded their eyes for a moment.

The blinding white light was soon gone. The sight that greeted the eyes of those looking at the viewing screen on the bridge was a field of stars. These weren't the stars of home. They were the stars of a parallel universe. A universe where the Terran Empire was known as The United Federation of Planets. After a quick check by the science officer. It was confirmed. They had passed into the mirror universe. Kane announced this to the crew. So far, everything was going as planned. Now all they need was to find an outpost, a space station, or a starship to attack. Kane ordered a sensor sweep of the area. Soon the sensors found the prey. A Federation Miranda class starship was in the next star system. It was on a mapping mission exploring a nebula. The Miranda class was a light cruiser and certainly no match for a Terran Attack Cruiser. Kane came up with a plan on how best to assault the enemy ship. His science officer would make the ship appear as if it were in trouble. This would be done by creating false radiation leaks and making it seem as if the ship's wrap core and communications were damaged. A false distress signal was sent out and as Kane guessed. The federation fools came running to help. The Raptor, although of a different class name, looked just like a federation Ambassador Class Starship. The Enterprise C in the Federation universe was this type of ship. It was however, more heavily armed. Instead of having two forward firing photon torpedo tubes and none aft. The Raptor had four forward and two aft. The Phasers on both ships were pretty much equal.

As the Miranda class approached, they called out. The ship on the main viewer was a federation starship as far as they could tell. The Terran Empire symbol and paint job couldn't been seen yet. Captain Kane wasn't going to let them get that close. Simms called out the distance between the two ships. Once the Miranda class reached 100,000 kilometers. Kane reminded his tactical officer, Commander Tala, that he wanted prisoners. She smirked and said he would have them. She brought the weapons on line once the ship reached 75,000 kilometers. Kane held his right hand up in the air before saying fire. Tala fired four bursts from the phasers. One hit the port nacelle while the rest damaged the ships weapons and ability to raise shields. The next two bursts put the ship on emergency power. The Miranda class ship tried to move away on impulse power. But those engines were taken out with the next two shots. Soon the Federation ship was dead in space. A distress signal was sent out, Kane had a jamming field set up. No call for help would going out anytime soon. " Just like taking candy from a baby! " Kane laughed out as he spun around in his chair. He smiled at Tala, who returned the smile. " Tala.......Get a team together.......We are boarding that ship. " Tala nodded while Kane left his chair and headed for the turbo lift. She requested three groups of four MACOS each along with Lieutenants Goldman & Zerin meet in transporter room one. An engineer would be needed to help get into the federation ship's computer. Zerin's medical skills maybe in need, but being half Vulcan. She could use her mind skills to gain information in case certain files were blocked with a code. Plus, being a med tech gave Zerin a leg up when it came to torture. Kane wouldn't let anything stand in his way of completing this glorious mission. Everyone met in transporter room one before the first two groups of MACOS were beamed over. Their job was to secure the bridge of the federation ship. Once that was done and prisoners were taken. The others beamed over. Four federation officers were dead on the bridge. The captain, the first officer and the ships science officer were unharmed and on their knees. Kane told Goldman & Zerin to start working on getting the files and information needed.
Zerin and Goldman were always cordial together. Goldman was a bit trigger happy and always willing to fuck someone up. For pleasure or for revenge. She squealed happily and clapped her hands as Lieutenant Commander Tala put her on this new away mission. She quickly took her leave of Webb giving him a kiss on the cheek and skipped off. Goldman was an odd duck. Not shy about showing her emotions. What she wanted, when she wanted, and how she wanted. She was an open book ready to read to whoever wanted to.

Zerin smiled as she walked into the transporter room. She calmly folded her arms behind her back. She had all her medical equipment and some treats stowed in a bag that would be used for torture if she was given the honor and priviledge.

When Tala came in, Goldman expressed her thanks supreme for being elected in the away team. She was usually cast to the side as a loose cannon.
The federation crew, those still alive, where on their knees to the left of the captain's chair. Their hands tied behind their backs. Captain Edwards looked up at the people who just beamed onto his ship. Their dress was similar, yet different. The women dressed more on the slutty side. Certainly not what any self respecting federation female officer would wear. Along with Edwards was his first officer Commander Jill Ellis & science officer Lieutenant Commander Moto who was Bolian. Other bridge officers were begin held on the far side of the bridge. Like the others, they were tied and on their knees. " Who the hell are you people!?......Why are you doing this!? " Edwards asked with a touch of anger in his voice. His eyed would burn holes in the people he looked at if they were lasers. " Who we are is not important. " Kane said as he stepped closer to where Edwards was kneeling. " As for why?........Well......We are looking for what you have......In your database.........Just think of us as concerned shoppers. " Kane said with a smile. He then told Goldman to go over to the science station and flood all deck expect the bridge with anesthetic gas. That would keep the rest of the crew from repairing the ship, or trying to retake the bridge. Kane then told Goldman to access the computer and see what data she could find on weapons and shields. He knew that anything good would be protected by a code. Kane knew that the captain & first officer would have any codes needed. He figured that they would be brave if tortured. There was some doubt whether they would break. It was easy to be tough while being tortured. It was another matter to have too watch someone else be tortured. Kane told Zerin to stand ready. Her skills would be need, Kane was sure of that. She just needed to know if any files were blocked by codes. Zerin was free to pick her victims and use whatever her heart desired for her work. Kane stood there looking down on Captain Edwards waiting for Goldman's report.
Goldman walked in and grinned. She loved seeing people bound. No secret. She would tie up underlings against various machinery just to feel the vibrations constantly against their body and watch them as they were slowly tortured. She followed the leader and grinned as she ignored the rage filled man. She shook her head and giggled a bit teasing them in her own way. She then nodded and went to the station adn flooded teh deck and rest of the ship with the gas. She grinned and looked back and then nodded as she began to look through the computer. She began to whistle softly looking around and soon hit the code. She frowned and looked back at the leader and pointed to the screen.

Zerin smiled and walked up to the person who was shouting and pulled out a nasty looking dagger. Walking over to the one woman. She gripped her hair and pulled it back and grinned watching Edwards. "This is your last chance to talk. I will make her scream, cry and beg. I will keep her alive." She grinned sadistically and grinned broader.
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