Cannot Fight Against Myself No [M]ore (Winterscreed&Assume)


Aug 16, 2014
Konan walked into the base, having just finished an errand for Nagato. 'God's' Paper Angel looked around the seemingly empty area. Everything was quiet, for once. Something that indicated everyone was gone. The stoic woman sat down and began to undo her traditional black and red cloud cloak that Nagato made everyone wear. She hung it up on a hook gracefully.

Under the cloak, she had been wearing a pair of black skin-tight pants and a black low-cut shirt that showed off a little cleavage. Not that she dressed to be sexy or impress anyone. She was more modest that, but she dressed for comfort. The purple-haired kunoichi looked down at her wound then. How had her target managed to do that? She did not remember. The fight had been intense. Her target proved to be a strong opponent, but in the end she had been victorious.

Konan sat down on the couch then. Without the long cloak, the sway in her hips was more prominent. She used some chakra to heal the wound, watching as the gash slowly faded.

It had been so quiet, she thought she was alone. The males were supposed to be on missions and Nagato was in his tower. She had thought she had the base to herself. Something that was rare since there was usually at least one person there.
Itachi made his way back to the base. The ninja wore his black and red cloud cloak, that covered all of his body. He had a head bang that had Konoha's symbol on it, but there was scar right across it, signifying that he was a rogue ninja. His nails were painted purple as he had his right hand placed right into his cloak, leaving his other hand by his side. Itachi had just finished up his mission and decided to return to the base, while his partner Kisame decided to look for another target or at least something to fill his bloodlust.

Walking through the base his black eyes looked around wondering if anyone was around. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes as he felt someone. Walking down further he gazed at Konan as she sat down on the couch healing herself. Silently he approached her as he took off his robe. "You're back..." he said softly alerting Konan of his presence.

Itachi wore a grey shirt along with a matching grey colored pants. Looking at her wound, he shook his head. "You were careless.." he said condescendingly. Sitting down next to her, he continued to look on as her wound faded. Moving out his his hand towards her he placed it onto her hips as he softly grabbed and touched her feeling her thigh as his hand ran across the material. "Did you report back to him?" Itachi asked, referring to Nagato.
Konan had been so wrapped up healing herself that she had let her guard down. She had not noticed the Uchiha enter the base. Not that she would have even if she was paying attention to chakra. She knew he had a way to block his chakra from being found. But she kept herself focused on healing the gash on her flawless, ivory skin.

When the voice spoke to her, she looked up at him. Amber eyes met black eyes and she nodded. "Yes," she answered. "Been back for a while." Konan watched as he took off his cloak. Not that she thought anything of it. She had seen most of the Akatsuki without their cloaks.

At his condescending tone, the older woman looked at the young male. She nodded. "I suppose I was," she answered. Her voice was level and soft as usual. And she remained stoic, unbreakable. But she tensed when Itachi's hand moved to her hips, touching the smooth flesh clad with fabric there. She looked up into those eyes again. "Before I came here I reported to him," she answered.
Konan was much like Itachi, the two didn't show much emotion as they talked, and looked at each other. Itachi could feel as her body tensed up to his touch, but he didn't stop instead he moved his hand towards her inner thigh as he squeezed it.

"Be careful next time, it would be a tragic for most of the members if they lost you.." Though it sounded as if Itachi and the other members really cared for her, it wasn't meant to be that way. What they all cared for was her body. Being on missions that sometimes lasted days and even weeks were stressful, and they all needed something to relief their stress.

Running his hand up her thigh he approached her crotch. "We are the only ones here...and I don't sense anyone close.." he informed her. "Use this time to tend to my needs...I hate sharing so be quick about it.." He knew once more of the members came in they would want to join him.
The Kunoichi had not been played with in some time. But she did still mother them, cater to their needs, bandage their wounds. With only two Jinchuuriki left and the boy called Naruto constantly interrupting their plans, they had not had any time for them to use her. Amber eyes slid closed as she arched into his touch then.

"I know, Itachi-San," she answered. She opened her eyes and looked the young male over. He looked exhausted from his battles and her instincts kicked in. She felt the need to cater to him, take care of his every need. Sexual and otherwise.

She let a soft moan escape her lips as his hand ran up her thigh to her crotch. "What do you want me to do, Itachi-San? Anything you want..." She moved to run a hand over the bulge in his grey pants. "Tell me how to tend to you."
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