{1x1 w/ Malfrost} [Soul Eater RP]

♔ Lady Luck ♚

Aug 14, 2014
A Soul Eater RP between mwa & Malfrost!
Okay, here goes my first post as Patty and Liz!


The floor was cascaded in scribbles varrying in colours and size. Childish drawings from animals to objects unrecognizable to the normal. Of course these were all drawings by one particular suspect. One who seemed to be rolling around in the mess in a fit of giggles. She'd seemed to be bored and have gone on ahead in doing whatever appeared to have been the cure for that boredom. Some of the white waxed candles has overflown and burnt out while others were bruning at incorrect heights. A few pictures frames once proudly displayed on the wall had fallen to the ground, upside down, sideways and a few strawn about with shattered glass. With a loud sigh and an expressive pout Patty threw a paper plane into the air, watching as what little air in the room carried to to the hallway. Liz had left the house earlier on in a small hurry to a convience store. There was a "big girls" sale at a few shops and she apparently couldn't have taken Patty with her because it was for "Big Girls" obviously. Normally Liz would have taken Patty with her but it was the specific items on sale at the store that seemed to cause her to leave Patty behind this one time. Which most definatly explained the mess that had occured. "Kid hasn't worken up yet..." she pouted once more, popping up and dusting crayon chalk off her knee. "I should go check on him!!"

[Sorry about it beign a little crappy and short: I'm kinda, ugh, headacke... >DX]​
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