League of Lovers (with Tasinga Nightwolf)

Aug 9, 2014
Ambrose had just been training with Twisted Fate and Garen, as they all made ready to their next battle on the Fields of Justice. Ambrose was a new champion of the League of Legends, meant as a support with healing abilities though it didn't matter much outside of the League. He was cleaning his body from sweat and bruises, finding himself some new clothes to put on before starting to go back home. He was wearing a pair of black pant's with a tight white top that revealed his well toned muscles on his muscular body. His blond medium long hair was well styled backwards making his blue eyes more noticeable.

On his way back home, he walked through a street that some of the other league members lived on, and he stopped by some of them to see who lived where. He walked past champions like Ashe, Ahri, Swain, and a lot more until he saw something he both found funny and terrifying. Leona who stood for the light and the sun was living right next to Diana, who was a worshipper of the moon. "Oh god those two must really hate to live so close to each other." He giggled for himself, as he thought he heard something happening close by. He turned his head to see what was going on.
There was a BOOM sound and suddenly Diana landed in the street. She got up her in a mess out of its pony tail. She got up scythe in hand. Leona walked out." If one more person sees fit to put us together on a team I'm killing your ass." Leona never cursed but for when it was Diana. Her voice was like a lion's. Diana sounded like a whisper saying." Can't you wait for the field miss ray of sun?" She brushed herself off then sent a moon wave attack at her. Leona blocked it with her shield. Ahri and Sona ran forward to brake it up.

Ahri was cut off by Lux hitting them with freeze circles. Then suddenly Ahri hit Diana with her tails while Leona just put her sword away. Leona had more friends than Diana due to Diana being miss understood. The assassin of the moon then left heading for the dark mountain. Panthion had watched he was a friend two both woman often keeping them from killing each other. He sighed clearly annoyed . This was getting worse . Diana was becoming friends with people like Thresh, Hecrom and Lissida. All dark and deadly. All bad news.
Ambrose looked over to see that it was Leona and Diana who seemed to be in fight with one another once again. Even though he haven't been a member for long, but to see those two girls being a thorn in each others sides was after all daily around here. "Not this again." He thought to himself as he went over to try and stop them, only to see that other girls, like Ahri and Sona had gotten into the battle now.

He quickly ran in and jumped into the middle of them, and used one of his abilities, that would make him leap onto a location and make everyone nearby get pushed away. This would keep them seperated for the time being. "What the hell is wrong with all of you. Keep it for on the summonors rift. But let is stay away from here!" He sounded angry as he looked at the girls to see if they understood what he meant.
Lux and Jinx pouted clearly upset their fun was ruined . Teemo acted as if he had not done a thing. Thresh who was only watching laughed then vanished . Ahri was with Leona both woman just said." Stay out of it new boy." Walking off. So a said." Sorry the conflict happens so often. The two winged sisters fight as well so when they get back you'll notice it. Only other people who openly fight here would be Lux and her brother but that is more sparing."

Pantheon said to him." Stay out of it. It is what they are. Diana is the moon Leona is the sun. I'm the mountain who is stuck trying to keep them from killing each other. Openly trying to stop them will just put you in their line of fire. " he looked to the mountain where Diana was going he knew she would be up there for a while.
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