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World-Famous Wolf's Bitch {darkest_fate&Malfrost}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The shrine looked as though it had been lifted directly from an ancient film or painting. Quiet woods surrounded it in nearly every direction, separating it from the rest of the bustling Japanese city. Somehow those woods managed to block not only most of the sight of modernity, but the sounds, even the smells as well. Even if someone focused, they still couldn't hear the slightest hint that the modern world lay beyond those stone steps. Only the slight tinkling of spare chimes, rustled by the wind, and the gentle moving and swaying of the wind echoed in the area. A trickle indicated a small stream that ran through it, supposedly leading back to the ancient cave the shrine was built to either protect or guard, depending on the legend. True, there was the slight sound of a handful of people, mostly locals and those tending the shrine, milling about. Nothing more. The area smelled of wild as well, a woodsy, earthy smell with just a hint of some kind of flower. Some did say that mustier, more foul odors could be detected closer to the cave proper, but most waved those comments away. The whole place spoke of a long forgotten time, and of Japan's willingness to coexist with its long-vaunted path.

Which was precisely why Miss Emma Watson had opted to come here. The beautiful British girl had elected to take a well-deserved vacation upon completion of her degree. She had recently finished both the degree and her latest project, giving her free time to enjoy herself. Several friends had strongly suggested she take in the sights of Japan, and Emma didn't see any reason to object. Yes, she had to meet with a representative or two, mostly a handful wanting to expand some of the modeling brands Emma represented. Most of the locals seemed absolutely enamored with her. Emma did have several qualities that often came up as favored, both universally and among the Japanese. Her pale skin spoke of her French/British heritage, and the light dusting of freckles that occasionally showed themselves among nose and cheeks only seemed to aid it. Sometimes Emma hid them behind make-up, though her natural beauty often didn't require it. She certainly didn't need much to bring out her expressive brown eyes, or to make her soft pink lips look more kissable. Her sharp features suited her well, especially with those eyes and lips there to help soften the appearance. the long, wavy, light brown hair helped as well. it extended past her shoulders, having recently regrown after Emma's decision to trim it nearly entirely away. It nearly covered her slim shoulders, the body that helped her win her most famous role showing all the more. She still appeared quite svelte, with a model's thin frame and petite breasts. Her body still curved as a woman's did though, and the tiny build only appealed to locals more. As did her role of Hermione, which several locals seemed quite eager to see her dress as. She'd put off the requests for now, though Emma had a sinking feeling she'd be donning a Hogwarts school-girl outfit and smiling for a camera before her trip had finished.

For now, she left all that behind. She'd approached the shrine, having received a tip from one of her local contacts. He'd been an older gentleman who'd insisted that Emma take in some of the more ancient parts of Japanese culture, and Emma, always eager to expand her horizons, agreed. She'd headed straight there, though she supposed she looked slightly out of place. Many locals dressed in some form or robe or another, not the khaki shorts, trendy sandals and loose blouse that Emma wore. She didn't want to offend anybody, and she had also been told to seek out a particular monk.

Which begged the question: where was he? Emma hadn't really been looking too hard, mostly enjoying the shrine for what it was. She'd still looked at the various people, having the slight foreigner's difficulty in telling them apart. she'd have to ask, or trust that someone had informed the shrine keeper that a gaijin would be visiting, and that she would be most pretty indeed.
A bald man stepped out of a nearby building and headed towards the out of place looking woman. He had been told of her arrival and had been preparing for her in more ways then one. In his current form, he appeared kind and trustworthy, a traditional monk in his normal garb of a robe. As he approached the girl, he gave her a small smile and bowed slightly as he introduced himself.

"You must be Watson-sama. I am the resident monk here, it is an honor to make your acquaintance." He spoke English almost perfect as he bowed deeply and then stood straight up in respect for the woman in front of him, the girl who he would soon make his breeding bitch. For now though, he had to make the girl comfortable.

He gave her a brief history of the shrine, what gods were honored and spoke of how she needed to be dressed properly if she wished to go inside. He escorted her to a nearby shack and motioned for her to go inside.

"Inside, you will find the traditional grabs of the miko, the shrine maiden. Please put them on. Come out once you are done, and I will escort you into the temple." He spoke with a kind voice that masked his lustful and wanting desire that would soon become apparent once they were inside the inner shrine.
The bald man looked precisely as Emma expected. Technically he looked slightly younger, if she were being fully honest and all. Though she couldn't rightly determine what age he was. He seemed to recognize her though, getting her name right on the first time. The perfection of her own language caught Emma slightly by surprise, but she recovered quick enough, returning the bow, remembering several classes on Japanese etiquette. She rose back up and smiled, trying to look at ease.

the history of the shrine proved as fascinating as Emma had been told. It existed for centuries, possibly longer, and had defied the city growing up around it. She would have to dress appropriately, but the thought actually excited Emma. How else would it be better than dressing in the local garb as well? All smiles and eagerness, Emma followed the priest.

"You're quite certain it's alright that I wear them?" she asked. Emma thought about repeating the question in Japanese, though she didn't quite have an expert enough of a handle to get it all right. She opted to keep up with English, rather than butcher the language. He seemed insistent though, so Emma entered.

The garments looked familiar, if in a distant manner. Emma shed her Western garb easily enough, setting them into a neat folded pile before looking over the various garments provided. They apparently went all out for authenticity: even little wraps clearly designed to be worn under the robes had been provided. Emma hesitated, standing in her designer bra and panties for a moment, chewing her lip. Would it be insulting not to go all the way? Then again, when else would she have a chance like this? Nodding, Emma shed her own garments, picking up what was offered. Little more than a strip of white cloth wrapped about her pert breasts, squishing them against her body, nearly flattening her chest completely. The bottom consisted of a knotted garment somewhere between a thong pantie and a sumo wrestler's garb. Emma managed to slide it on her, surprised to find that it mostly covered the pale, freckle kissed cheeks of her apple-shaped ass. A robe covered it, the intricate workings only slightly difficult for the Western girl to manage. Brilliant red hung about her legs, while the loose white covered her top. She finished by tying her hair back into a braid, a white bow of tightly woven cloth topping it out. Then it was a matter of slipping on a pair of wooden sandals, doing a few last minute adjustments, and stepping out.

"I hope this works,' she said once she reencountered her host. "I wouldn't want to offend anybody," she frowned and looked around, trying to see if she'd made certain to garb herself correctly. She now matched the vast majority of the sparse visitors, so clearly she'd done something right. Emma couldn't shake the feeling like she'd done something wrong dressing like this though, that she'd set herself up somehow.
The monk clapped as she stepped out , now fully dressed as a miko. His smile was a mixture of affection and hidden lust. "Very good, Watson-sama. You look just like a miko now. Maybe you should just become one, not as much stress as the movies, yes?" He laughed lightly as he offered the young actress his arm.

Once she accepted he would escort her up the stairs of the temple, continuing to tell her the history of the shrine. Once they arrived at the main doors, he opened them and led her in. There was a giant wolf statue in the middle of the room and various small shrines around it. He explained how the wolf was the protector of his shrine. He explained how the wolf was said to have protected the village, but the village turn on the the wolf god and imprisoned him. They erected the temple to try and repent for their sin.

As he explained the main shrine room, he looked to a small and locked door. He turned to Emma and smiled. "Watson-sama. You are a special guest. If you wish, I could take you into the inner shrine and allow you to see that. Would you like to experience that?" He questioned her with a smile. Little did she know that beyond those doors was indeed a inner shrine..but also the cave of the wolf demon.
Emma laughed lightly as his suggestion. Her, a priestess? The very idea struck her as quite amusing, and she could only assume that he had joked. If not, she did quickly ask his pardon, explaining that she was quite comfortable with the life she'd chosen to lead, as honorable and tempting as this one might be. She did wonder what it would be like to live out your days here, apart from the rest of civilization. It didn't hold much appeal for her though: Emma loved many of the trappings of civilization, and she couldn't help but feel that she would be more help to people out in the world instead of hidden away from it.

Still, she followed the monk and listened appreciatively. His life and this shrine did sound interesting. All the little details, the way the place existed, what purpose it served. It all built to a rather impressive history and legend, one that intrigued deeply. Emma soon beheld the statue, approaching it. She would have touched it, possibly on the snout, but felt doing so would be wrong, disrespectful. It sounded like the villagers had already "disrespected" the being enough to Emma's ears.

"An inner shrine?" she repeated, looking away from the statue toward the monk. Emma could understand her position as a special guest, though she thought that might be stretching things slightly. But to enter some kind of inner sanctum? Emma frowned, looking back at the statue for a few seconds, as if silently asking its permission.

"are you certain that would be alright?" she asked, her voice worried. "I don't want to desecrate any sacred areas," she looked back to her guide. "I'm only a visitor, after all. Wouldn't my presence upset things?"

Then again, she supposed there might be some sort of cleansing ritual that she could go through. Emma certainly had the time to spend a little longer here, if it meant taking in more of the culture and seeing things no one else had seen. Part of her almost wished that she could've taken a camera or her phone, but she knew better. Her memories would last longer than most pictures anyway, and that was what truly counted.
The monk could tell she was quite interested in the statute of the wolf and he chuckled to himself slightly. She would soon become quite well acquainted the being that the statue represented. He could sense the hesitation in her voice, wondering if it would be alright. Of course it would be, she was going to be the breeding bitch, the most important human on Earth to the wolf. He didn't mention that of course.

"Of course it it fine. I'm sure the wolf god would love to have a nice and lovely girl visit the inner shrine like you. I can tell you have a honorable and pure spirit, the kind he likes." He chuckled lightly as he reassured her and led her to the door. He pulled out a key and unlocked the padlock and allowed the girl inside. It was a small room with another door in front of her. There were a few tools and teapots in the room.

"This is the cleansing room, the ritual doesn't take long, so let us begin." The monk slide the door closed behind him and locked, trapping Emma in what would be her new home. He moved to the side of the room and boiled the liquid in the teapot slightly and pour the liquid into the cup.

"Drink this. It is a mixture of local herbs and tea to help cleanse your inner soul and body to make ready for the inner shrine." He spoke as he handed the girl the small, plaster cup. It liquid was steaming slightly, and while what he said was true...there was more in the liquid. Part of the demon wolf's essence that would heighten Emma's sexual want and sensitive and make her ready to accept his seed.
The monk sounded convinced, and again, Emma saw no reason to question him. Perhaps this was just an extension of hospitality again: a gesture to show that they would accept anyone. Or perhaps he was hoping that if Emma saw more of the shrine, she might leave a hefty donation. he needn't have gone through so much trouble: Emma intended to donate a fair amount to the shrine. Such buildings and miniature communities should be preserved.

Thus Emma elected to follow the monk further in, keeping her attentions upon him while he unlocked the next room. She gave the wolf statue one last look before stepping into the room and looking about. It seemed rather plain overall: a simple room with simple furnishings. She thought she saw a door or some kind of entrance to a hole at the far side of the room, but Emma couldn't be certain. She could be quite certain as to the herbal aroma that filled the area. She located the tea even before the monk offered it.

Being British, Emma was quite used to drinking tea. She took the cup with a thanks, bowing her head slightly, again showing manners and what not. She stared at the cup for a while, noting the little curl of steam that rose up from within it. The mixture smelled quite strong, strong enough that Emma seriously considered simply passing on the drink. She opted to take a few slow sips, fighting the urge to wince as the hot liquid slid down her body. It almost felt as if it burned, but Emma found she could more or less ignore it for now. She set the cup down, before kneeling near the table, having only a little difficult with her robe.

"It's all quite interesting," she said, looking about. "I take it the entrance to the cave is near the inner shrine?" Emma focused her gaze on the door for a while, unable to fully stave off her curiosity. What lay beyond that door? What strange sights would she behold? It all sounded so interesting that Emma nearly felt like a little girl. she had to mentally reprimand herself. She was a guest, an adult guest; she could certainly handle behaving for a few more minutes. She took another small sip of the tea, wincing and setting it down. They certainly had strange tastes.
The monk smiled as Emma slowly sipped her tea. It would take a few moments to kick in, but his essence would slowly make her oh so sensitive to even the slightest of touches and sensations. As her curiosity got the better of her, he let out a small chuckle. He nodded his head at her question of the entrance to the cave.

"That is correct. The entrance to the cave is just slightly beyond the inner shrine. I can take you as far as the entrance to the cave if you wish to see it." The monk had a knowing smile, knowing that she would be seeing much more then just the entrance to the cave. Once she had finished most of her tea, he requested she stand up, helping her up into a standing position. He stood behind her and placed his hands upon her shoulders.

"I will now preform the final part of the cleansing ritual. You may consider some of my touching to to inappropriate, but please bare with it. It won't take long." He spoke as his hands slithered into her kimono and began to run over her body. His right hand ran cross the clothe that covered her petite breasts. He pushed his hand into the clothe and grasped one of her breasts, squeezing it as his fingers tugged on her nipple.

His other hand ventured further down her body and gripped her firm ass between his digits, squeezing her pale flesh. Her ass molded against his fingers as he felt the clothe of her underwear rub up against his fingers. After a few moments, he pulled his hands away and nodded. The tea he gave her was designed to fog her mind slightly and make her enjoy his groping, to not question it, to seek it. He moved to the door and pulled out his key and unlocked the door. "Are you ready then, Watson-sama?"
Emma took one last sip of the tea before figuring that she'd had enough to fulfill her obligations, setting it down. The monk answered her various questions promptly enough, proving her guess right. She just had to head a little further to see the rest of the cave. It still sounded quite intriguing to Emma, and her gaze went toward the entrance.

She got so distracted that she almost missed it when the monk made his suggestion. Emma nodded, shifting back from the table. She started to stand, but the monk had already started going. Soon Emma found hands going all over the kimono. the first touch drew a gasp from her: the cloth suddenly felt very thin, just gliding against her skin as opposed to actually preventing her from feeling anything. A hand even went across her breasts, and Emma was suddenly glad for the wrapping that bound them tight. It made it most difficult for him to find a nipple, as it had flattened them, though he did seem to grace one for some reason. Emma shuddered. It should have disturbed her, the touching, even though he had said that he would be doing it and that she shouldn't be overly concerned.

Yet it felt... almost good. She felt slightly tingly where the fingers touched, as though they set all the nerves near where they were to dancing. That sensation continued even as the fingers shifted. It found her pert rear, playing with it for a moment. Strange how easily his fingers found inside the folds of the kimono, but Emma probably just hadn't tied it as tight as she could. The touching all over felt weird, nice though, almost like when you got a massage or were being examined by someone.

only a few moments, and he moved away. Just nods, no questions, no comments, just a question. Emma blinked, feeling slightly out of it. A head shake remedied that for the most part, and she made certain to rise fully to her feet, smoothing over the kimono and adjusting parts that had slid off with the last ritual. She was a little surprised that he hadn't done anything besides touch, but maybe he was activating chakras or something.

"Yes, I believe I'm ready," Emma said. She adjusted her kimono one last time before nodding, moving a few steps closer to the door and her guide, pausing to wait patiently for him to lead the way further in.
The monk could tell that Emma was enjoying the sensation of his hands on her body, and he knew she would make a fine breeding mate. He moved towards the door in front of them and unlocked it with his key as he opened it to allow Emma through. It was dark on the other side and once they were both in, he closed and locked the door behind him.

He led Emma down the rather dark hallway for a few brief moments before they emerged in a large and quite open room. It was adorned with many fine tapestries and ornaments and in the middle was a large statue, much like in the front room, but this one was much different. The statue was of a beautiful shrine maiden, wearing the exact same garb Emma was. She was on her hands and knees, a look of lust and pleasure carved into her face. Mounting her from behind, its giant cock being pushed into her, was the wolf god from the front room. It had a raving look on its face as he claimed the maiden. The monk chuckle as he wrapped his arm around Emma's waist and brought her towards the statue.

"This is the room of the Wolf Maiden....every few years, as penance for caging the wolf...the villagers would select the most beautiful maiden and give her up to the wolf god to be his breeder and mate...." The monk whispered hotly in her ear as he pushed her against the railing near the statue. "We still do this to this very day....and this is the year where we must give up a girl..." He licked her neck and nibbled on her ear, his canines seemed sharper then normal...

He bent Emma fully against the railing as he pushed his groin against Emma's firm ass. She would be able to feel his massive erection even through their clothing. It was so much larger then what should have been humanly possible. "Are you ready for the final ritual, my new Wolf Maiden..." He questioned as he licked up and down her neck as his hands moved to opened her the front of her kimono.
Something about the shrine drew Emma further and further in. She could sense something in the air, something that prickled her skin and made her body feel hotter. It felt almost as if something dwelt in the shrine itself, or that the building's essence seeped into the people that walked the halls. Emma almost hesitated, her brain screaming at her to turn around. But the insistent caretaker pressed onward, and he had been so kind.

Then a new room, a large one. Emma stared, her brown eyes sweeping the chamber. Several statues, though one stood out: one with a wolf and a maiden. The garb did match what Emma wore, though she supposed that all shrine maidens wore something similar enough. The detail on said maiden's face surprised Emma: It almost looked too real, all contorted in pleasure. The wolf's member looked rather realistic took, all the bumps outlined.

Emma jumped as an arm snaked around her, pulling her toward it. The room of the Wolf Maiden, explained the guide. "That explains the statue," mumbled Emma, looking up at it. The villagers offered up a maiden to the god? it did sound like a tale, a terrifying one, but a tale nonetheless. Though Emma wondered why the pries whispered it so hotly in her ear.

Then she felt teeth grace it. Emma gasped, beginning to squirm. "Look, I'm not--" she began. He bent her, the railing hitting her stomach, nearly forcing her to lose her balance. As her upper half leaned forward her lower jutted back. She could feel the throbbing bulge against her as she did: so large, too large. And then the words... the...

"I'm not your maiden!" insisted Emma, panic swelling within her. She pushed back, trying to work off the railing. Adrenaline kicked in, demanding that she leave as quickly as possible. Still, politeness kicked in, despite it all. "Now I thank you for showing me this exquisite room and telling me the history, but I'll have to insist that we leave. Now." And Emma would start tugging, especially as she felt hands going to her kimono. Her own went up to slap them away, fighting against his work.
The monk chuckled as Emma began to struggle, and yet stilled remained polite. He found it rather amusing. This would be the first time he had a Gajin, a foreigner, as a mate. He certainly didn't mind though, she was quite a beauty. His hands nails began to grow sharper, turning into claws as jet black fur began to grow from all parts of his body, making him furry. His cock continued to pressed up against Emma's rear as he brushed her hands aside to open her kimono and tear off her bindings to expose her lovely white breasts to the air.

"Oh, but you are." He laughed loudly. His voice had changed, it was much more beastly and guttural. His hands grasped her mounds and squeezed them roughly, her skin molding against his palms as his claws moved to poke and prod at her perky nipples. His tongue was long and slimy like a snake. It slithered up her neck and towards her mouth, forcing its way in.It swirled around inside her lovely mouth and began to deposit saliva into her. It would act much like the drug that was in her tea, making her more open to her new role as a breeder.

As his tongue swirled around inside her mouth, one of his hands moved from her breasts, sliding down her side to push up the bottom half of her kimono, exposing her creamy rear to him as he began to shed his robe to reveal his massive and vainy cock.

((Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to do a Just One Video rp as well with Emma or another one of your celebs))
Emma felt fur brush against her skin, causing new kinds of panic to well up inside her. Fur? Fur? He grew fur? He... he had to be the wolf, the wolf of the legend. That was the only explanation that made sense except that it didn't make any sense at all. Emma felt the hands turning into something that was half paw, half hand. It easily opened the kimono, exposing her bound breasts, then the breasts totally to the air.

The hot air of the room kissed those perfect orbs. Emma Watson did not have large breasts: they were, in fact, on the smaller side of normal. Each stood like a perfect mound atop her frame, fitting her lithe build almost too well. They had the same pure white complexion as the rest of her, save for two dusky rose nipples that crowned each like perfect little peaks. Soon those nipples found themselves under siege, claws dragging across her.

"No, stop!" demanded Emma, squirming, working to jerk her body away. Surely his pin hadn't been too perfect; there had to be escape. His tongue, oh God, his inhuman tongue started snaking. Emma pressed her lips as tight as they could go before she felt the tongue just push inside. He tasted strange, tart, almost like the tea, and for a second the confusion made Emma stop, as did his inhuman skill at twirling his tongue.

As the hand moved to push the bottom of her kimono, beginning to bare the soft white of her rounded rear, however, Emma's mind regained some thought. She brought her teeth down hard upon the tongue, while jerking her elbow back, aiming for the throbbing rod she'd felt pressing against her. All the while she worked to twist away, rolling out from him, her legs flailing, her arms tugging fiercely against him.
The "monk" let out a growl as Emma bit down on his tongue. His tongue wasn't made to bleed easy, but it still caused him pain and it annoyed him. He pulled his tongue out of her mouth and slapped her cheek hard with it, the impact greater then that of a fairly strong human punch. It then began to coil around her neck like a noose and tightened.

He quickly pulled off the knotted garment that served to function as her panties in frustration as he kept his tongue tight around her neck to quill her resistance and struggle. His claw brushed past her slightly moist slit to her erect clitoris and he began to poke and prod at it as his massive cock now found itself rubbing up against her firm ass.

"Listen here...if you want the villagers to will do as I saw and become my mate...there is a seal around the is only kept in place so long as my lust is sedated...if you refused...then I will be free to roam the village to kill and rape as I that what you wish?" He loosened the grip on her neck enough so she could speak her reply. Even though she didn't know the villagers, he knew most humans would not choose to allow so many of their fellow humans to perish if they could stop it.
The slap caught Emma by surprise. Her head swam and spun, the strange sensation fresh upon her cheek. The stunning forfeited several precious seconds, allowing the tongue to wrap possessively about her neck, allowing him to easily tug at the lower covering. As Emma started to regain and squirm, she felt the tongue tighten, and she wondered if it could crush her windpipe. Something told her that the beast could do quite a few things.

Including prod her with an inhuman cock. Emma could feel it gracing her ass, red hot and throbbing. She also felt the claws curling around her trembling lower lips, finding her little button. As the wolf pressed it, the girl let out a sharp cry, jerking against him. Emma had to figure a way out of this. She was smart, with it, on top of things; she had training and...

and it spoke, blackmailing her. Emma's eyes looked back, anger and frustration showing in them. If she wanted to keep the people safe she had to... seriously? He really expected her to. "I'll just warn them," she rasped, tugging again. her hands went up to the tongue, sliding against it, wanting to pull it off. She'd dig her nails into him if she had to. "We'll escape and you can see what it's like to fight off modern weaponry."

Emma did have to wonder if this creature could even be harmed by such things. It had evidently stepped out of some musty legend, so who was to say what sort of powers and abilities it held?
The wolf let out a laugh as Emma turned to eye him with anger as she did her best to defy him. "I wiped out a division of the Japanese Army in 1940...tell you think it would be wise to let me run free again? They people here thought they could overcome me once with their technology...but I am a god..." He chuckled with pride before he plunged his tongue back into her mouth. It was larger then an average human cock to be sure, and he pumped it in her mouth like a piston, his drool continuing to enter her system and make her more and more aroused.

It groped one of her creamy breasts with one of its hands, squeezing and kneading it like bread while the other moved from her clitoris towards the entrance to her lower lips. It pushed its furry finger deep into her, feeling around for what it eventually found, her hymen. He grinned as he rubbed his claw up against it before he began to push his finger in and out of her quickly while he continued to rub his throbbing and massive cock up against her ass. He would soon be ready to make her his...
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