Sword Art Online RP (Malin and Tasinga Nightwolf)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego

It has been three months since the initial launch of SAO, and the day that over 10,000 people discovered that they had been trapped inside with only one way out. Since then over 1000 people have died in the pursuit of getting out of this game. However through those numbers, they have made substantial progress, having now opened the door to floor number 27.

The town here is called Panareze, and built over a massive lake. Docks support the majority of the buildings, and everything feels like warm spring even as time nears closer to fall.

Luci warped into the new location through the gate, and gave a small yawn. It seemed he was the first one to arrive in his guild. Which was kind of odd since he had woken up late and departed the home of operations rather quickly. Taking an opportunity to gaze into the water he adjusted his hair for a moment.

He was a member of a guild called the hunters, they weren't very large 4 members to be exact, and they weren't all that strong military wise. They tended to stay away from the newest floor, but today was a little different, and a little more dangerous. Today they seemed to have a mission of some sort, though he couldn't really remember what it was... he had been half asleep at the guild meeting.
Siren was the second to come to the meeting. She had spent half the morning g trying to get Iru out of the bed. Iru we the newest member of the guild. She had been in danger almost dead. Luckily the guild had decided to help her. However Iru now was still recovering. She had seen her friends all get killed.

Iru looked around not saying a word to anyone. She was still shy around these guys. In her mind they could just leave her alone for now. She was not ready for friends. Not after what happened to the others.

Siren sat to the side. Her harp floating in-front of her. This one was made to float using fans. It looked like key bored. Siren earned money by playing sometimes. She was playing even now a soft tune though not enough to put anyone to sleep. Her blue hair in pig tails.

Iru was almost asleep already. Iru waved to Luci." How are you she asked. Her red hair was down her back. She had braided it today her sword on her back.
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