Batman sort of Finx and Gashnaw


Aug 3, 2014
A few years ago Batman and the Joker had another fight only this time Joker died and Batman vanished. Every one thought batman was dead and still due now that a new batman has appeared things have gone from ok to bad in Gotham. As for Joker no person can replace him but his daughter and girlfriend do there best to torture the city of Gotham in his memory.

Name: Anna
Bad girl name: Ace
Age: 17
Gender: female
Bio: Ace is Harley Quinns and Jokers daughter she was raised to steal, murder and cause mayhem she hates Batman for killing her father and will do anything to get back at the new batman.
Bryan was only eighteen when he took up the Mask, a kid not even od enough to legally drink and he was busy taking up the name of the Batman, holding up the law and putting criminals in their place. Or at least that is what he kept telling himself. in truth most nights he was lucky to walk away form a fight. Unlike the original dark knight Bryan had no previous training. No combat expertise and literally next to no skill. Sure he was agile and parkour helped immensely, but aside form a few powerful kicks and his speed he was not taking anyone down. A thief here and there was easy, but that was kids stuff, even boy wonder could handle them. The ones he had to find a way to deal with were far more dangerous. Ones that toyed with bombs and other dangerous weapons of destruction, such as the Joker.

It was laughable however, He was suppose to deal with this guy by himself, he made his costume form cloth and other materials he found, and his baterangs were crudely cut from old hubcaps, and this guy had an army, a man whom of which had gone toe to toe with the bat. But joker was gone. instead his daughter had taken the role upon herself. Did he hate her, no, when she wasn't being batshit crazy she was a fairly decent girl. She still needed to take up a vacancy in Arkham asylum, but otherwise she was tolerable, some balance in her chaos.

he on the other hand needed to take up residence in the emergency ward. more nights than not he would come home with at least dislocated shoulder or concussion at best. At worst he was breaking bones that had just recently finished healing, and while he did seem to heal much faster than most it still took time. A couple weeks, but they couldn't know that he was beaten, thus every night, even when he should be resting, he would be out there putting them in their place, or at least attempting to.

Tonight he was on the pavement, blind in one eye and the other seeing the sun rise over horizon next to the city's edge. He wasn't sure of the damage to his eye would be permanent but his head was rattled pretty badly, trying to recount what had happened. he remembered Bane getting a hold of him, the fact that he wasn't dead was remarkable, but it may also be due to how bad he may have looked. He didn't have a mirror but he felt pretty trashed. He couldn't feel his arm, broken or dislocated he couldn't tell at the moment, and his back was killing him, not broken, as he could move, but sore. His muscles ached and then his mind though clearly for a moment as he began to laugh. He was alive, he would heal and he would survive. But he did have to first get himself home and get ready for class.

Name: bryan
The (new) Batman
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Bryan has taken up the name of Batman in the original hero's absence, he lacks most professional training and has time dealing with the higher end thugs, often resulting a beating much worse than what he dishes out, but he still tries. Aside form agility and parkour he does have a slight human mutation allowing him to heal much quicker than most humans, Cuts scrapes and bruises heal within a day or o while broken bones and fractures take a few weeks. That mutation is the one thing that allows him to continue playing Batman even though he is not prepared.
Ace was young for a full time criminal but her father had taught her well and she could go toe to toe with any bad guy or good guy with a bodyguard at her side a lot of the guys where bigger then she was. She was good at most things but she was terrible at getting to school and keeping up her grades. She ran down the street away from the bank she had robbed with a yelp she tripped over something with a laugh she saw it was bat junior. "Well if it isn't baby bat." she cooed "Did you fall from the cave roof baby?" she laughed again "I might just help you to die." she kicked him then glanced up as sirens approached "Poo well maybe they'll arrest you instead." she hide in the shadows watching the cops.
"Maybe" he groaned as he forced himself to roll to his stomach hissing as he felt the pressure of his body roll onto his messed up arm. He could see where she was hiding but had no time to deal with her right now, not with cops on their way. even if he was the good guy they did not portray him as such. So instead he bailed. he couldn't take care of every criminal on the street and while he wished he could, there wasn't a chance in hell he would ever be able to. He needed help but there was no indication of any hero Gotham once had being present, Batgirl, Nightwing, batman, all missing.

"Consider yourself lucky today" He called after her before making his escape.

He really didn't want to go to school, and after crawling to his apartment and popping his shoulder back into place and wrapping his open wounds he pretty much just wanted to slip into bed. removing his mask was painful as the dried blood had stuck it to his face and he looked at the handywork the night had done to him, Sure enough his eye was swollen which explained the blindness, along with a few cuts and scrapes, A slip lip and a few bruises. In fact, he had to admit that it looked a bit better than usual. he made sure neither eye was popping out of its socket before cleaning his face washing the blood away and tending to the injuries with some band-aids.

"Can't believe I'm actually going to class..." Bryan said to himself, talking to himself had become a constant hobby of his given how much time he spent alone, he was going a little crazy. but school did help, he had a girlfriend, one who would kill him if she found out he was risking his life playing batman all night, and a few guys who he could consider friends, in all honesty, school was the only thing keeping him sane.
Ace hurried home and changed into her school uniform becoming Anna for the time she would be in school. She kissed her moms cheek and hurried to the new school she had been forced to change to after the fight she had gotten into in her last school. With a sigh she tugged at the skirt she was being forced to wear because of the dress code. She stared at her schedule then cursed as she bumped into someone "Watch it." she blinked slowly at the guy she had pumped into. "Your cute." she grinned.
Bryan was not use to being unmasked when making contact with people and immediately jumped back bracing himself. At least his reflexes were sharp even if it made him look like dork due to it.
"Yea sorry" He said rolling his eyes. As she had been the one to bump into him and was about to leave when he heard her continue. Cute?[/] he thought himself knowing full well that his face had been beaten to shit.
"Thanks" He said turning back to her, "so are you" He added without knowing what exactly to say. A random girl hitting on him, that wasn't common even before he started showing up with a face that had been hit by a truck.

One thing he could tell was that she was new. While most of gotham did remain even after batman disappeared not everyone stayed in school. Those who did only did for selfish reasons. Usually to make them feel like everything was normal, make them feel better, Bryan was no better, only way to hide his nighttime runs. One person had figured out he was a student, but nothing happened. but either way he knew who each person was, this girl had shown up out of the blue and wore the uniform the school provided, even if it no longer was required due to the drop of attendees.
"So you're new I assume."
Anna grimaced slightly "Is it that easy to tell?" she chuckled at the state of his face "You have a run in with a bully or something?" she asked with a smirk "Maybe I can challenge him for your honor." she teased like her moms friend/maybe girlfriend Ivy she was a flirt...she had picked up the habit for Ivy when she was little.
Yea bully, let's go with that he thought and answered her "its nothing can;t handle, a few scoffs with the bullies but its not a big deal" he said calmly. And then smirked when she asked if it was for him to tell that she was new.
"Yea, i mean, You're the only person within a year who has word the school uniform. The only person in three years to not hike your skirt up and you seem lost." He paused then smiled "tell you what since school is not really important in town anymore, I'll be your tour guide, and after today you can decided if you still want to go. Teachers here don;t exactly call parents anymore. With everyone running around they will have to wait for batman to return before order is restored. Either him or let the new guy pull through."
"I hope batman never comes this version of the city is fun." Anna let slip a little of her Ace side and sighed on the inside it was to late to take it back. "I can't believe mom made me wear this guess the pamphlet is really out of date." she reached down and tore off the bottom part of her skirt leaving in to rest on her thief "Better. Would you show me around?" she handed him her schedule "this map is no help."
That was strange to him, he could swear he recognized the voice, but he couldn't point out where from. But it didn't matter, what annoyed him was her blatant discontent for Batman, obviously not liking him, which meant that Bryan would not get along with her too well. At least not until she tore off her skirt making it shorter than what he was sue to, it took him a few second to stop staring at her legs when she handed him the schedule.
"Its actually pretty easy. Everything is in the east wing. With the lack of students attending they decided that it would be easier to just put all the classrooms together. So you only need to worry about that one building the rest has become public playgrounds for criminals. Not that they always stay there. Every now and then we will get one of the joker's old lackeys thinking he can rough us up." He explained calmly. "So yea we are probably sharing the same classes."
Anna grinned to herself they wouldn't need to worry about Jokers...her lackeys any longer but she wouldn't tell him that. "Well lead the way." she stuck close to him. "You'll protect me from them right?" she asked pouting playing her innocent Anna act.
He raised a brow at her and smiled "Of coarse I will, though, why do I feeling you wouldn't actually need protection?" Something was off about this girl but he wasn't sure what it was. She was attractive and new which was obvious but something else about her was just a little unsettling.

"DUDE" One guy laughed as soon as they entered the classroom. "What the fuck happened to your face."
"Got jumped" Bryan replied calmly "My apartment is not exactly in the safest area of town, crooks are always about and thing they can get the jump on me."
"Looks like they did" He guy laughed to which Bryan just smiled. Sure he looked pretty beaten up but it was miniscule compared to times he had sustained much larger injuries.
"That's Scott" Bryan explained introducing Anna to his friends. "Kyle is the guy in the back there and Josh... is not here today." He thought for a moment then asked "Yo Kyle where's josh?"
"He quit" Kyle replied "Left town last night"
"Like I said" Bryan continued turning back to Anna "A lot of people don;t come to school anymore."
Anna giggled "I can see why I am if you can't handle thieves and villain plus school is boring." she slipped into an empty chair "If it wasn't for my mom I know for a fact I wouldn't be in school." She would rather be robbing, killing and generally causing problems with no one good enough to stop her she could get away with a lot.
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