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City of Everywhere

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Feb 15, 2009
Please put your character profile and sheet here if you're playing in one of my 'city of everywhere' games
The Scarlet Witch

Name: Wanda Lensherr


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Witch - Patron: Enchantments
Level: 5

10 (+0) Strength - Cost: 0
18 (+4) Intelligence - Cost:10+2 Racial
12 (+1) Wisdom - Cost: 2
10 (+0) Constitution - Cost: 0
14 (+2) Dexterity - Cost: 5
14 (+2) Charisma - Cost: 3+1 @ 4th level

HD: d6
HP: 25 (6+4*3.5+5 Feat)
Base speed: 30'

Normal AC: 12 (20 in combat)
(in combat: 10+4 Mage Armor+2 Shield: Silk to Steel+2 Deflection: Nereid's Grace+2 Dex)
Touch AC: 10 (20)
Flat footed AC: 10 (18)
Armour check penalty: 0
Max dexterity bonus: NA
Spell failure chance: 0%

+2 BAB
Melee: +2 (+2 BAB+0 Str)
Ranged:+4 (+2 BAB+2 Dex)
CMB: +2 (+2 BAB+0 Str)
CMD: +14 (10+2 BAB+0 Str+2 Dex+0 Size)

Fortitude save: +1 (+1+0 Con)
Reflex save: +3 (+1+2 Dex)
Will save: +5 (+4+1 Wis)
Resistances: NA

1. Savant - Social Trait
2. Focused Mind - Magical Trait

Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Type: Human
Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Elven & Sylvan
Favored Classes: "Normal"+Witch, +5 Skills Points, HP, Spells (due to Feats)
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Weapon Proficiency Witches are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a witch's gestures, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail.
Familiar: Scarlet Spider: Master gains a +3 bonus on Climb checks
Alertness, empathic link, improved evasion, share spells, store spells, deliver touch spells
N Tiny vermin
Init +5; Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4

AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+5 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size+3 Familiar NA)
hp 12 (5d8)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4
Immune mind-affecting effects

Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +9 (1d3–4 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (from Feat)
Special Attacks: poison

Str 3, Dex 21, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 9 (21 vs. trip)
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skills: Acrobatics +13, Climb +21, Perception +4, Stealth +17;
Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +8 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Hexes: Save DC= 16 (10+4 Int+.5*Witch Level)
Patron: Enchantments

FEATS:6 (1 @ 1st + 1 Free Human +1 From Familiar + 1 @ 3rd +1 @ 5th)
1. Fast Learner
2. Ecclectic: Witch+Normal Favored Class
3. Alertness
4. Defiant Luck
5. Evolved Familiar: Reach

40 Total Skill Points (5(2 Skill Ranks Per Level+4 Int+1 Racial+1 Favored Class))
+2 Acrobatics (Dex) - 0 Ranks+2 Dex
+4 Appraise (Int) - 0 Ranks+4 Int
+2 Bluff (Cha) - 0 Ranks+2 Cha
+3 Climb (Str) - 0 Ranks+0 Str+3 Familiar
+8 Craft (Int)* - 1 Ranks+4 Int+3 Class Skill
+7 Diplomacy (Cha) - 5 Ranks+2 Cha
ut Disable Device (Dex) - 0 Ranks+2 Dex
+2 Disguise (Cha) - 0 Ranks+2 Cha
+2 Escape Artist (Dex) - 0 Ranks+2 Dex
+10 Fly (Dex)* - 5 Ranks+2 Dex+3 Class Skill
+10 Heal (Wis)* - 4 Ranks+1 Wis+3 Class Skill+2 Kit
+10 Intimidate (Cha)* - 5 Ranks+2 Cha+3 Class Skill
+10 Knowledge (arcana) (Int)* - 3 Ranks+4 Int+3 Class Skill
ut Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) - 0 Ranks+4 Int
ut Knowledge (engineering) (Int) - 0 Ranks+4 Int
ut Knowledge (history) (Int)* - 0 Ranks+1 Int+3 Class Skill
ut Knowledge (local) (Int) - 0 Ranks+4 Int
+8 Knowledge (nature) (Int)* - 1 Ranks+4 Int+3 Class Skill
ut Knowledge (Planes) (Int) - 0 Ranks+4 Int
ut Knowledge (Religion) (Int) - 0 Ranks+4 Int
+4 Linguistics (None) (Int) - 0 Ranks+4 Int
+3 Perception (Wis) - 0 Ranks+1 Wis+2 Feat
+12 Perform: Sex (Cha)* - 5 Ranks+2 Cha+3 Class Skill+2 Trait
ut Profession (Wis)* - 0 Ranks+1 Wis+3 Class Skill
+1 Sense Motive (Wis) - 0 Ranks+1 Wis
+4 Sleight of Hand (Dex) - 2 Ranks+2 Dex
+10 Spellcraft (Int)* - 3 Ranks+4 Int+3 Class Skill
+2 Stealth (Dex) - 0 Ranks+2 Dex
+1 Survival (Wis) - 0 Ranks+1 Wis
+1 Swim (Str) - 1 Ranks+0 Str
+10 Use Magic Device (Cha)* - 5 Ranks+2 Cha+3 Class Skill

Spells per Day: 0 Level=4, 1st Level=4, 2nd Level=3, 3rd Level=2
Cantrips Known: ALL Save DC: 14
1. Arcane Mark
2. Bleed
3. Dancing Lights
4. Daze
5. Detect Magic
6. Detect Poison
7. Guidance
8. Light
9. Mending
10. Message
11. Putrefy Food and Drink
12. Read Magic
13. Resistance
14. Spark
15. Stabilize
16. Touch of Fatigue

1st Level Spells Known: 11 (3+4 Int+2 @ 2nd Level+2 Feat:1 @ 3rd & 4th Level) Save DC: 15
1. Bungle (V,S)
2. Charm Person (V,S)
3. Cure Light Wounds (V, S)
4. Ear Piercing Scream (V,S)
5. Ill Omen (V, S, M (hair from a black cat))
6. Mage Armor (V, S, F (a piece of cured leather))
7. Mount (V, S, M (a bit of horse hair))
8. Negative Reaction (S)
9. Ray of Enfeeblement (V,S)
10. Sow Thought (V, S)
11. Unprepared Combatant (V,S)

2nd Level Spells Known: 7 (4+2 Patron+1 @5th from Feat) Save DC: 16
1. Burning Gaze (V, S, M/DF (eye of a mundane salamander))
2. Calm Emotions (V,S: Patron)
3. Cure Moderate Wounds (V,S)
4. Limp Lash (V, S, M (a dead wasp))
5. Silk to Steel (V,S)
6. Unnatural Lust (V,S: Patron)
7. Web

3rd Level Spells Known: 2 Save DC: 17
1. Bestow Curse (V,S)
2. Suggestion (V, M (a snake's tongue and a honeycomb))

Starting Gold: 105000 GP
Equipped gear Total Cost: 5870 GP
Princeling's Circlet - 870 GP
Cloak of the Hedge Wizard: Conjuration School - Cost 2500 GP
Ring of Spell Knowledge 1 with Nereid's Grace on it - Cost 1500 GP
Boots of the Cat - Cost 1000 GP

Backpacked gear Total Cost: 71 GP
Witch's Kit - Cost 21 GP
Healer's Kit (10 uses) - Cost 50 GP

Coinage on Hand: 4059 GP

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