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Thirteen Hours (Finx x Fetwick)


Feb 21, 2013
Glenn had taken off work early by request of his girlfriend, Annabelle. According to her, the matter was urgent, and was an emergency. Rushing home, he was surprised to find the power was out, maybe Anna freaked out about the circuit breaker shorting out? But what was strange was the placement of gothic candles around the house for lighting. It was Halloween, and they were having a party, so he chalked it up to being coincidence. Faint music came from their bedroom.

"Anna?! Where are you?" he called out, taking a look at his watch. It read 10:45 AM.

He called out to her again, and became worried when she didn't respond for a second time. Maybe she was busy? He got closer to their bedroom and when he entered it looked like a makeshift dungeon. It was her favorite holiday, and she loved to decorate, but even this seemed a little bit more extreme than usual for her. Siouxie Sioux and the Banshees emanated from the set up iTunes player, creating an ominous atmosphere, sure to creep out guests.

"Anna, are you in here? What's the big emergency?" he asked, starting to fear the situation.
RE: Thirteen

Anna jumped out from the shadows clinging to his neck dressed as a prison guard with a chuckle she kissed his neck "Hey love I missed you." she pulled away to stare at him she wasn't that much shorter then him maybe two inches. "You made me wait I should punish you." she pouted softly. "You think you should be punished for making your jailer wait?" she grinned running a hand up his shirt.
RE: Thirteen Hours

"Woahwoahwoah. What the hell are you doing? You made me call off work for some kind of sex game? Couldn't you have waited a few hours? Look Anna, I know you love Halloween, but what the hell?" Glenn exclaimed as her harsh kisses against his neck only angered him further.

He slinked out from under her grip, as he pressed her arm away and took a few steps back from her. The notion was arousing, but he needed the hours this month to keep up with rent. He struggled with making a decision on whether to stay or go back to work. Dialing the number to his work, he told them he'd be back in a few minutes, while lying that the emergency had been dealt with. He could tell by the dissapointment on her face, she didn't want him touching his cellphone. Looking to his closet he noticed an array of costumes on a hangar for a female and a male. What did Anna plan out?

"I'm sorry, but I've gotta go Anna. I'll be back and we'll continue this fantasy of yours before everyone arrives at the party okay?" he said reassuring her.
RE: Thirteen Hours

Anna scowled " No it's not okay your always working I miss you so much when your at work." tears appeared at the corner of her eyes " I just wanted a little alone time before the party. If you hadn't just called to tell them you where going back I would tie you up and keep you for myself." she crossed her arms over her chest. "But go ahead go to work. I'll just put up the banner my self." she marched over to the door way between the kitchen and the front room and climbed onto the unstable step stool. She reached to pin the banner up and gasped as the stool gave way under her.
RE: Thirteen Hours

"Anna are you okay?!" Glenn said scrambling to her side. It didn't seem like anything too severe from what he could tell. In fact, she didn't look injured at all.

"Look, don't worry about the banner. We'll fix it when I get home okay? You just prepare for your party, and I'll help decorate when I get home okay? I'll be home within the length of a couple of horror films, alright? Sit down, relax, and eat some candy or something. You dropped these by the way." he said as he lifted her to her feet, giving her the pair of handcuffs that had fallen from her utility belt. He smiled at her and then knelt down to pick up the night stick that slipped out.

"Man, you sure go all out when it comes to props and costumes don't you?" he said handing over the heavy baton.
RE: Thirteen Hours

Anna pouted softly and slapped the handcuffs on him "I didn't tell you, you could leave." Anna held out the baton "I'll hit you with this." she threatened grinning "You might like that to much though." she chuckled then sighed. "Don't go to work." she tugged him close "Please." she whispered against his mouth.
RE: Thirteen Hours

Glenn felt and unsuspecting force tug on his wrist, before locking around it tightly and binding to his other hand. Annabelle had gone full psycho, threatening to hit him, while arresting him for sex. She did however warn him about tying him up, but he figured she was exaggerating. Holding him close to her grasp, her lips danced across his as she begged him to stay. Her fingers dug into his arms, preventing him from backing away. A nervous feeling started to come over his stomach as he feared what Anna might do next. He figured he only had one chance of calling for help before she might do something drastic. It may even be his only means of survival.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" Glenn shouted hoping someone in their apartment complex might hear him.
Anna unlocked the handcuff and tossed him away "get out then.'' she snarled turning away dismissing him turning to her decorating her shoulders shaking a little she tore one of her paper spider webs and cursed tossing it aside she started on another. She turned to see him still there "Go on get out."
"What are you fucking crazy?! I thought you were going to kill me! What else is in the bedroom? What else?!" Glenn demanded as he grabbed her wrist, the handcuff still latched on to his right wrist.

He dragged her along into their bedroom where he scoured the bags she had put aside. Leather straps, various toys, gags, and other devices littered the plastic bags. He became scared and outraged at the same time. Looking in the closet, he noticed there was 13 costumes for each of them. How long had she planned on doing this for?

"What the fuck, Annabelle? You've got problems. This whole bondage motif you got going on is weird. I get it, we need to spice up our love life, but this is completely the wrong way of doing it. I... I think we're done. I'm going to go to work and then I'm moving out." he said to her as she stood in his way of the door.
"You don't need to move I will." Anna started throwing her things in her bag "I'll find someone who's not a scared sissy." she snapped "Someone man enough to handle me." she was crying she wiped her tears away and sniffed a little "I've never once hurt you...not intentionally anyways and the fact that you thought I would kill you or hurt you really bad in anyone is dumb I thought you knew me better then that. Guess I was wrong."
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