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Mend The Scar

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Jun 28, 2014
New York, USA
Character Sheets for Approved Players for Mend the Scar, which is a Pathfinder based RP.

If you are interested, feel free to contact me. I am in EST time wise and during the week, I work between 8 to 11 hour days, so I'll be around 10 pm EST and weekends mainly.

Xian of the swan pool
Human Female (CN)
Rogue (Charlatan)

Str 7
Dex 16+2
Con 10
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 16

Stealth +10
Diplomacy +11
Bluff +14
Perform (Sex) +9
Acrobatic +10
Sleight of Hand +10
Use Magic Device +9
Sense Motive +7
Escape Artist +10
Disguise +9

lvl 1-Weapon Finesse
Hum-dervish dance
Skill Focus (bluff)

Rogue Talent
-Honeyed Words

-Tatooed Wanderer (Perform: Sex)

-Sneak Attack 2d6
-Natural Born liar
-Rumor monger

-Chain Shirt
-Explorer Outfit
-Courtier outfit
-Perfume (rare)
-Bag (waterproof)

Gold: 15 gold


Age: 31
Likes: Well Hung studs, Lace, Tea
Dislikes: Micropenis, barbaric behaviours, coffee

Xian was a concubine to a warlord from a distant land, one of many in the harem, yet she stood out because of her great beauty. Though she enjoyed being desired by men, she also realizes that her beauty is fleeting. In ten years or so they will fade and this scares her. One day, a foreigner came to their lands to trade, a half-orc sailor from afar. Xian has never seen such a man and seduced him behind the warlord's back. Lo and behold, she discovered that bigger IS better. As they lie together in bed, the sailor told her of the many wondrous things beyond the ocean, magical artifacts that can grant eternal youth. So it is, the concubine escaped her homeland in search of these artifacts that will keep her forever beautiful...That..And big cocks
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