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Overconfidence Isn't All Bad: One Piece (JamiexEshbaal)

He was still panting there on the ground, attempting to regain his strength while they quite simply dressed back up like nothing had happened - like their abuse was the most natural thing that could happen when they were out taking their little strolls. He felt Robin's devil-hands keeping him in place, but didn't mind the rest. What he did mind was the fact that they were leaving with his pants en tow, but he couldn't even reach out an arm to yell for them to bring it back, what with him being held down like that - and not been letting go of till they were completely out of sight.

When they finally did let go, there was another moment before he actually began to move, hands feebly covering up his privates as he laid there on the ground in the alleyway where they had discarded him. "Damnit, DAMNit," he muttered to himself as he sat up on his knees, looking around the alley in the vain hope that someone somewhere had discarded a pair of pants - by this time, even some rags would do the trick, but of course he was not that lucky. With a day like this, it was a wonder he even hoped for that kind of luck... especially not when he felt someone bump into his back. Nearly falling to the ground again, he turned around to see who it was, when his eyes widened in horror. He had been confident he could have taken out the two others... but this woman he instantly recognized as someone he would never even attempt to bring down but rather run in the opposite direction upon meeting. Icy Ekateirna. Holding his breath he tried to look away from her, to seem to not be worth her time. Which he probably wasn't. Just pass by and go away...
Ekateirna, or Icy Ekateirna, as she was known, looking the fallen Dangan over quite openly. "Why are you without pants?" she asked, before her keen blue eyes focused on the rivulet of cum that had held onto the tip of his cock, a survivor of his most recent discharge into the lovely Nami's mouth. She knelt down beside him, one finger gently pressing against the tip of his cock. She was as cold as ice, though it was not as bad as one might of thought... It did not feel bad, per se. It didn't burn or stick to his shaft. It was merely cold. She glanced back up to him after a moment, her head cocked to the side.
"None of your business," he responded, though not in any kind of hard or defiant voice. He had turned with his back to the icy woman, hoping she would just let him be, as he had no intention of being frozen and broken to a million pieces like he'd heard she'd done to so many others before. Watching as she knelt next to him, he felt a rush of cold run through him when her finger pressed against him, shivering underneath her. "W-what are you doing?" he gasped, trying to shy away a bit. "S-stop it."
Her hand slowly moved down his shaft, rubbing along it, curious to see how he would react to this. Her coiled hand reached the base of his shaft, and gave it a bit of a jerk, before her hand left him. She saw a little dribble of liquid leave his shaft, and she cocked her head to the other side. Curious, she thought to herself.
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