Pokemon Adventures. (Malin and Sandwhich)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Saito took a deep breath. The mountain air felt fresh on his skin. He was traveling along side his sister, and after a day and a half of walking through a bug filled forest they were finally in pewter city.

This would be their first stop on the road to victory and winning the pokemon championships. Down there was their very first gym badge and on Saito's waist was a belt with his first and only pokemon attached to him. He hadn't gotten another pokemon in the forest not really wanting a bug. Rather his Squirtle was all he currently needed.

The sun was lowering slowly over the mountain horizon and the sky was already turning into different shades of orange and pink. The city it's self was much more of a small town, it was isolated and out of the way, and while it did have a pokemon gym it was mostly a town dedicated to historical, and geological preservation. Walking down the pathways to the actual city it's self he turned toward his sister and gave her a rather broad smile. "Civilization at last right?"
Sarah followed close behind her brother, happy to get make it out of the forest. Unlike her brother she had managed to capture a weedle. Along with her bulbasaur that made two, she felt the two pokeballs on her belt and smiled. Already she had one more than him. She wasn't thrilled about the weedle, but it was nice to have two. Maybe she would replace it with a stronger one later.

"Right." She said and smiled back. "Although, you really should have caught something. If you want to do a gym battle it would be better to have more than one pokemon to fight with." She teased him as they made their way down the path. The small village looked eery in the coming night. Hopefully they would find a place to stay, she was tired and hungry.
Saito blinked for a moment hearing that he should have caught something in the forest. Frankly he found it a little disturbing that his sister had caught a weedle, and he took a short step away from her after that. "Uhg, no." He said slightly disturbed by the prescience of the bugs. For all the courage he would normally have and throw himself at any task he really didn't need a bug in his life.

"All I need for the gym is Squirtle here." He said tapping the one ball on his belt. He smiled brightly as he looked at Sarah. They were both exhausted from their travels and really as he walked along beside her. "We should be able to stay at the pokemon center." He said remembering that they usually acted as Hostels for pokemon trainers. Cheap rooms, and food, as well as treatment for pokemon for free. Basically the most important building in every city and town. Walking down the path the sounds of approaching night were all around them, bird song as they returned to the nest, and bug noises as well filled the air, but as they walked into to the town the thing he couldn't help but notice was that the town seemed to be shut down for some reason. They weren't seeing anyone in the streets. "Shouldn't there be like kids around or at least people?"
Sarah laughed as he awkwardly moved away. "Aw, are you afraid of bugs? Well, I should get weedle out here and you could try to overcome your fear." She said, laughing all the while. "You should take advantage of every opportunity. If you walk through a forest full of bug pokemon, I find it strange that you wouldn't catch one. And besides, it's not as if I plan to keep it. If I find something better I will simply replace it." Sarah knew that is something her brother probably wouldn't do. She wouldn't get as attached as he would with her pokemon. She probably would even trade Bulbasaur, if it meant having something stronger.

She had noticed the town seemed silent, but she had assumed it was because night was approaching. It wasn't until Saito pointed out the fact that there was no one around that she started to feel suspicious.

"You're right." She said in answer to his question. "It's strange, I don't think we've seen a single person. Either way we should head to the pokemon center. There should always be someone there.."
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