Harley's Revenge (Myst x Fet)


Feb 21, 2013
Bruce was out on official league business, which meant that Gotham was Nightwing's for the time being. Things had become more peaceful since the Joker's passing, a year ago. With Hugo and his Arkham City dismantled, Gotham was a saner place again. Dick stood on the perch of the gargoyle overlooking the city, staking out any signs of danger. It had been quiet for the first two nights that Batman was gone, but nothing lasts forever. It was at that moment, he noticed fireworks launching from Amusement Mile. His binoculars showed thugs dressed in red and black argyle suits. But the real threat was the familiar sight of blonde pigtails and crimson leather.

"Harley's idea of a trap, no doubt." Dick muttered to himself as he swung into action, speeding past landmarks with his bat grapple.

He finally landed below the factory, where he was met by some goons. Dick scanned the five thugs coming his way, and readied himself for impact. The first convict threw a hay-maker. Big mistake. Nightwing quickly jabbed him in the nose to catch him off guard. He tossed his batons at two approaching thugs, stunning them momentarily while he took hold of the incoming hay-maker and broke the arm.

One down. Four left. Eliminate the strong link first, and conserve your energy for Harley.

After analyzing his next move, Dick ran towards the biggest henchman left and slid on the floor to wrap his ankles with his grapple. He fired it towards the ceiling and watched him fly upwards before dangling above. A fist connected into the back of his neck as Nightwing tried to get up. He recovered from the fall by somersaulting forward and then used the momentum to donkey kick the thug in the face.

Two left... and they both have my stun batons.

Thinking quickly, Dick threw down a smoke pellet from his utility belt and managed to get one of the henchmen into a sleeper hold. A muted buzz ran through his right bicep as the other got a lucky swing in with his baton. He grabbed hold, broke the wrist and took the two batons and shocked the final thug in the neck.

"Hey Harley, you're not losing your touch are you?" he called out massaging his right arm.
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