Welcome to the Arena [AU X-over] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1) -- CLOSED

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Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

The day had started with a typical routine for sixteen year old Hinata Hyuuga. She'd been outside doing her Taijutsu training, all the while waiting for Neji. Something had caught her eyes. To be more specific, it had been a very bright flash of light. It made her raise a hand in front of her white orbs and before she knew it ... that same light surrounded her.

Elsewhere, another similar occurrence had happened to twenty-four year old assassin Nina Williams.

She had been lying down on her stomach, holding a sniper rifle firmly against her shoulder. Through the scope she could see her sister, Anna. Finally, today would be the one where she'd defeat her. Nina was determined and hellbent that nothing, let alone no one, would stop her this time.

Her right index finger had been pulling back on the trigger. It almost finished too before a light shined right into her eyes. She hissed in annoyance, thinking it to merely have been the sun.

By the time her vision adjusted, however, she saw that was definitely not what it had been.

"... What the?!"

A few more blinks later, the scene had shifted from her being in the city to .. a .. dungeon? Her head turned from side to side, as if she were trying to check whether this was some very out-of-place dream or not. The sights of the chains coming from the manacles, however, suggested this all was very real.

Finally, her blue orbs rested upon the white ones next to her.

"You there ... hey! You know what the hell is going on?"

While Nina had been checking the new surroundings out, Hinata had been doing so also. She had first tried to see about activating her Byakugan. Like the assassin beside her, however, Hinata found them restrained in manacles, thus keeping her from doing the appropriate hand seals. While she had noticed the other woman, she had kept quiet not just because of her typically shy nature but to let the female gather her bearings.

As well as anyone could do so anyway.

Now that Nina had spoken to her, however, it was obvious to Hinata she was done looking at everything. Her head slowly shook no, making a few raven strands move from side to side.

"N-no. Sorry but .. I'm as clueless as you. I just remember being in my own world and then .... arriving here."

"Did some bright light approach you?"

The question intrigued Hinata. She may not have been a genius like her cousin or even Shikamaru; but she was smart. Just from that simple bit of information, it was relatively obvious they had been summoned in the same manner. But why?

An affirmative nod would be seen as Hinata replied to Nina.

"I .. yes. I was, actually. From what I can guess, this was no accident. Whoever did this wanted us both."

"... You fucking serious?!"

The words made Hinata cringe and Nina sigh. She wouldn't apologize for her outburst; not completely. Maybe that it had been directed at Hinata but not for her choice of words.

"How are you so calm about this?" Nina finally asked, feeling a new surge of emotions swimming through her for the first time in years. It was odd and almost scary. She'd never really felt anything before, definitely not during any job she had done. And now, she couldn't help but feel so infuriated and even a bit terrified. Not that she'd dare admit the latter aloud but .. still. Nina did acknowledge it to herself.

"Well ... I suppose because ... it's not going to do any good for me to panic. I'm not saying I enjoy this at all. But the most we can really do is wait for an explanation."

A small smile crossed Nina's face as she let her head fall against the back of her cell. "Heh, I suppose so. Pretty smart of you. Well ... since we're going to be stuck here, what is your name?"

"Hinata Hyuuga."

"Nina Williams. Now ... we wait I guess."

And with that, both women tried to relax as much as their new circumstance would allow for as they rested with their backs against the walls; all the while, each waited for someone to arrive and explain what was going on.
RE: Welcome to the Arena [AU X-over] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

Even as Grey regained conciousness he had one thought. It was ungodly hot in this room. It was odd for that to be his first inclination, but between his hands being bound so he couldn't really move them together or do any casting, and the fact that he was was currently wearing a jacket, shirt, and pants and the fact that this wasn't the frozen tundra he remembered being taken from... the main concern in his head wasn't immediate escape but rather the simple fact that he was wearing far too much clothing.

He pulled against the chains and struggled for a moment. "What the hell!" He almost yelled as he pulled himself up. His arms were hurting something aweful, but there was nothing or rather no one around for him to deal with. As far as he could tell he was a prisoner in a prison with no guards.

Checking around he started to try and remember what he had been doing before he had gotten here. He had just left on a mission, wanting to get away from the guild and be alone for a while. He had gone out to go monster hunting, and then there had been the bright flash of light, followed by him regaining consciousness here.

needless to say his memory was not something Grey was willing to trust right now. in fact if he was believing anything he was seeing then he was just up shits creek and without a paddle.

That was when he started to notice he wasn't alone. The other figgure hadn't moved, but clearly wasn't unconscious. Rather he seemed like he was intently meditating on the situation.

Aoshi was currently watching him, but didn't say a word. Grey on the other hand pressed forward once again trying to break his restraints.

"Hey, who are you! did you put me in here?" Grey yelled at the top of his lungs but the man didn't even seem to flinch or care.

Aoshi had been traveling the japanese countryside the last thing he remembered, and now he was underground. There was clearly something more or less at play with what was wrong here.


Answers came a few minutes later after they had regained consciousness when their shackles unlocked, and instead of anyone around to give them answers the doors to their cells opened, allowing them to enter a common room of sorts. The common room was the same as their dungeon, stone walls, and stone floor, under a large stone roof.

Grey took the moment as quickly as possible to strip as close to nude as he felt needed. Leaving him in only a pare of shorts, as he walked out into the common room. Aoshi didn't seem to want to move from his spot rather he just checked himself over. His weapons were missing but that was it.

"Okay what the hell is this place!"
RE: Welcome to the Arena [AU X-over] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

By the time the shackles were unlocked, neither Nina or Hinata had bothered taken a nap. Both women had far too many questions going through their minds and wanted them answered. The assassin was no doubt much more anxious, similar to Grey's attitude in fact. But she had mentally taken Hinata's advice to heart; until anything definite was known, they could merely continue to wait. The removal of the restraints, however, was a good first start.

As Aoshi checked himself, Nina did the same also. The results were the same, which made her angrily scoff. "Son of a bitch ... " she murmured, annoyed to find that both of her pistols were gone. The sniper rifle wasn't too much of a surprise mainly because of how she was ... brought here.

Fucking flash of light ... she mused, sighing as Grey continued to try to ask questions that - if Nina had to guess - no one had a damn clue about.

"Boy, calm yourself. Having a fit really isn't gonna help."

Whether Nina had noticed him stripping down to almost nothing wasn't made obvious by the assassin. Hinata, on the other hand, quickly averted her gaze.

"Me and Nina-san have only figured a few guesses out. This wasn't likely an accident. We were purposely sought out. The other questions; who, why, what, all of that ... " Her head slowly shook from side to side. "It's anyone's guess."

Admittedly, Hinata kinda agreed with Grey; now that she was focusing on a bit more, it was warm in here. But that could wait. Now that her hands were free, she began moving them. Her head tilted. Had she messed up? The Hyuuga tried a second, third, fourth, even fifth time.

And finally, that was when it dawned on her; she couldn't activate her eyes. Her hands covered them as her head continued to move from side to side. "No, no, no, no, no .... "

This could not be happening! Sure, she could fight without them. But it wasn't nearly as effective; the same was true with her jutsus and chakra.

Speaking of the latter, it felt ... different. She couldn't pinpoint how exactly. But ... the chakra didn't quite feel as if it was focused on taijutsu but rather ... something else. But .. that made no sense. She had been trained in Taijutsu for so long. What had her body suddenly decided to learn, let alone without telling her?

An eyebrow raised slightly as Nina saw Hinata trying to cope with .. something. Her eyes had been white when she saw them. Had this world turned her blind? That's what it seemed like. Regardless, she wouldn't be able to comfort her. That was one of Nina's weaknesses if anything as opposed to a forte.

Information gathering, on the other hand, was something she was far better at.

Finally, Nina walked out of her cell and into the common room. "As far as where we are ... there might be something here that will tell us. Help me look if you wanna know that badly, boy." And with that, she began searching around for some item that may give any hint, no matter how big or small, and reveal if not their location, at least what they were doing here. Honestly, anything to give some sort of answer would be a good start.
RE: Welcome to the Arena [AU X-over] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

Grey didn't feel exactly confident about anything when Nina started to bark orders at him, He winced and started to look around the room there was nothing around except solid rock as far as he could tell. He walked up to one wall and tapped on it, finding that it was actually hollow. He took a step back and a deep breath, forming the hand motions. "Ice make battering ram!"

Nothing, Grey blinked for a moment, that was wrong he had channeled the energy, and done the motions perfectly so why hadn't it worked? He should have been able to bust through the wall instead it was there... mocking him, and he really didn't like that it was so willing to mock him. He decided that he needed to try again. Putting even more energy behind it, and yelling even louder. "Ice Make Battering ram!" Still nothing.

Grey punched the wall and succeeded in hurting his hand. Recoiling after the punch he rubbed his hand. Why wasn't his magic working anymore? He let out a long sigh as he turned to the rest of his group. Walking along side Nina he was trying to observe as much as he could. "... My name is Grey." He said lightly as he walked along side her.

Aoshi was silent as he walked up behind Hinata, taking a look over her as she seemed to recoil in fear of something. "Are you okay?" It was the first words he had spoken since his arrival and it was out of concern for the young girl in his midst. Grey turned around at hearing the panic, but was just as worried about his own magic. He was fed up with their situation.

Aoshi kindly placed a hand on Hinata's shoulder. What ever this place was he understood that none of them were going to just walk out of here. Still comforting someone who seemed to be scared of something wasn't going to kill him, and so he did. Placing a steady hand on her he noticed how unique her eyes were and filed that under the same kind of mystery as this place. They were in a bad situation but he had been in worse.

"Can you see?" This time it was Grey who asked the question. as he pressed against the wall. still trying to find out if he could some how break it down without breaking his own fists or body.
RE: Welcome to the Arena [AU X-over] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

Nina's eyebrow raised yet again as, this time, Grey tried to do something odd with his hands. Two and two began to add up as she realized half of this group had unique abilities. It was no doubt interesting to realize. That being said, however, why had she of all people been chosen? Nina was just a mere assassin; a very skilled one, yes. But she couldn't do anything special like make ice; assuming that really was what the young boy could do. Finally, he properly introduced himself.

Nina managed to give him a small bow of her head. "Nina Williams. So ... ice make? That supposed to be magic or something?" Tons of people in her world heard about it. Whether individuals believed in it or not was a completely different story. Nina had been on the fence; before now. As of this moment, she was a believer despite not seeing anything happen. No sane person would make such hand gestures in order to look stupid. No, they had been done with accuracy and a purpose. Even though something was sealing Grey's magic, she didn't doubt he could have otherwise done it.

"Hm ... they're really drawing out this guessing game." she mused, sneaking a glance to check on Aoshi and Hinata before continuing the seemingly hopeless search for some hint on where they were or at least why.

Hinata slowly moved her hands away and found herself looking into a set of foreign eyes. Her body had trembled a bit as the very harsh realization that her abilities were sealed had hit her. Aside from that, though, she was fine. Furthermore, it appeared she wasn't the only person who had abilities sealed away. Her gaze moved to Grey as she watched him try to ... create ice? Had he been serious?

So he has abilities like Haku?

While she had never gone on that mission, she had heard about it from Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi. Plus she'd heard said ice maker and his mentor, Zabuza, had been revived during the recent war. So the knowledge of what Haku had been capable of was pretty basic.

It was good in a way to see that these restrictions weren't only limited to her; not because she wished for this to happen. Oh no. But it helped ensure she was definitely not in a very odd dream. This was all the here and now, not some nightmare.

Finally, she looked back to Aoshi and slowly nodded. "Perfectly, yes. But ... well .... "

Her head tilted up as she tried to figure how to explain the Byakugan.

"Usually, I can activate them. They act as if x-ray vision and let me see the pressure and vital points of any person. I was going to see if I could find any hints of anyone being nearby or anything to help. But ... I guess that's been disabled."

As the last few sentences passed her lips, her voice softened, all but spelling out how upset and anxious she was even with the external strong front she was trying to maintain.

"I ... um ... I'm Hinata Hyuuga. It's nice to meet you both though maybe not necessarily under these .. circumstances."

As much as she would have preferred for them to be better, both Nina and Hinata knew without saying a word it could definitely be much, much worse.
RE: Welcome to the Arena [AU X-over] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

Shinimori raised an eyebrow at the statement that she could somehow activate her eyes. It was more then a little curious of a statement. All the magic he had thusly encountered even the stuff his own men used was fraudulent, something that the Oniwabanshū used to boost their prestige and make themselves seem more threatening then they actually were, In terms of the body guard business it was often invaluable.

This girl on the other hand and the boy who was claiming to have the ability to create ice was something clearly different. However it seems that for some reason or another they both were missing what ever powers they had. He wasn't sure about the other girl Nina Williams, but she seemed more along the lines of him. So far she hadn't made any reference to any bizarre powers.

"I am Aoshi Shinomori." He said lastly giving his name. They were all trapped here, and it didn't seem like they had anywhere else they could go. Even though he didn't really want to hand out his name he didn't seem to have a choice in the matter. It would seem that they didn't have anything they could use at this point to get out, but he did agree with Hinata this situation was a little more then concerning. "It seems that who ever took us to this place wanted us to rely only on our natural abilities and nothing supernatural."

Grey on the other hand nodded to Nina Williams when she inquired about magic. "I'm an Ice Make wizard from the Fairy Tail guild." He said proudly pointing out the tattoo on his chest. "The strongest magic guild in Fiore." He let out a long sigh. His magic wasn't working which was something he had never felt before. He had never been sealed off from his powers, and that was more then disturbing to him. He didn't trust the feeling it was like half of him was missing.

Grey moved to another wall tapping it. As he did the ground seemed to shift under his feet. "Oh crap what did we do."


Another burst of bright light enveloped the prison cell and a moment later they were transported. Grey and Aoshi hit the ground hard feeling as if they had just been dropped from about 10 feet in the air. Grey was the first to recover getting to his feet, and feeling a burning heat under his bare feet. His clothing still missing he was more then glad to be gone with it. Where they were now was much more open air then the underground storage facility they had been brought into to start.

They were standing in a Colosseum, the likes of which Aoshi, and Grey had never seen. It was easily larger then the grand magic games, and the walls were high enough up that there didn't seem to be any escaping. Grey swallowed for a moment hearing the chanting crowed, and looking around for any signs of the person running the show. There were screens that seemed to project the stadium, and another group along the walls who were doing something. There was a mixture of magic and technology all around them that only managed to confuse Grey, and made Aoshi's head hurt as a man out of time he hardly understood what was going on.

Far enough up the wall that there was no real way to get to him, there was a young man standing on a stage. He raised his hands, and the crowd went silent. To Hinata he was easily recognized, his bright yellow hair and whiskers as well as his blue eyes and orange clothing made him stick out in any crowd. "Greetings one and all to another exciting day in the arena." Naruto spoke with a large happy grin as he spoke. Quickly checking his lines over as he read a piece of paper and coughed to clear his throat.

"Today we start a brand new season of elimination rounds, and as always rules..." He struggled for a moment as if trying to make out someone's hand writing. "Screw it you all know what we came here for right!" The crowed let out a loud cheer. "You and I and everyone in the arena came to see these new teams bleed and die The only rule here is you gotta kill to survive, Believe it! As this is a brave new batch of survivors were gonna give them a minute to get ready for the fight ahead. Along the walls they will find every weapon they could want. Small catch of course They have to get to them before time runs out. Otherwise they are fighting bare handed."
RE: Welcome to the Arena [AU X-over] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

With the lack of results, Nina had gotten really annoyed. "The fuck?!" she growled, pacing quickly back and forth. "No hints, no ... no nothing?! Fuck this place!"

The words made Hinata cringe. She could understand the angry reaction. But she could never have the courage to reply in such a manner. Her head politely bowed to both Aoshi and Grey. "Nice to meet you bo --- " That was as far as they got before the floor moved and the men fell. "Aoshi?! Grey?!"

"... Shit! What happened?!"

"The floor ... it gave away ... "

".... So the boy had the right idea .... " Nina mused, quickly beginning to hit and press around the same areas Grey had been at prior to his disappearance. "Get ready to move, Hinata! Come on! It'd be bad to be split up anymore than we have."

Not needing anymore encouragement, the Hyuuga got to her feet and stayed beside Nina. Not even twenty seconds had passed before Nina found a different switch and the two women now fell.

It had been instinctively, and likely due to the loss of her Byakugans, but Hinata held onto Nina. While normally the assassin would have been annoyed, she let it slide. She'd seen fear enough times to understand the feeling of it despite never having really known that emotion herself. The two landed roughly, though luckily, on their feet.

"T-thank you, Nina."

They began to study their new surroundings. But Hinata's progress was stopped by the sight of a very familiar face. She moved up to the nearest door - barred, of course but still able to be seen through - and got as good of a look as possible. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and that key phrase of "Believe it!" made her know for damn well sure who it was. And the result made her heart sink and race simultaneously.

"N--naruto?! I ... huh?!"

Nina, on the other hand, had noticed all the weapons that were mentioned. She finished grabbing two pistols and a sniper rifle before turning to face Hinata. "Clearly, you know him. Look, I hate to break it to you but ... he's obviously with them."

"But .. maybe he was forced!"

"Hinata, you gotta assume the worst! I'm sorry but ... no. I'm pretty sure he's not the same guy you know."


The exclamation made Nina blink. The girl had been so calm before and now she finally expressed a new emotion. It was good in it's own way yet saddening at the same time. Her head shook as the assassin sighed. "Hinata, come on! We gotta get ready!"

"... No ... " Hinata felt her body begin to shake and tremble before her legs were the first to give out as she fell to her knees.

"Fucking hell," Nina murmured, groaning.

Lovely. Fucking lovely. She's not stable to fight like this! She's gonna fucking die!

Her own blue eyes began quickly looking around, seeing if at least Hinata could get out of here. But nothing was coming to her, and time was running out!

"Damnit, Hinata! Get up, come the fuck on!"
RE: Welcome to the Arena [AU X-over] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

Grey looked at Hinata and Nina for a moment worried about there state of mind. Hinata seemed like she was stricken with a panic, and he felt the bottom of his gut sink in. She knew the announcer in some way? Did that mean she was from this place? He was starting to doubt that this was Fiore and he could already tell it wasn't the frozen west, so he didn't have a clue as to where this place was. What he did know for sure was that he needed to get to that wall.

After a moment of letting the group get their legs working Naruto raised his hand. "Go!" as he screamed he pulled down his hand showing that the time for them to run for the weapons along the walls had started. He looked down at Hinata more then a little amused at her reactions. She did look like one of his old 'friends' but considering the job he had that was nothing remarkable.

Shinomori had gone instantly. The moment they had been told to run his legs had started moving at blazing speed. Grey himself was moving as quickly as he could to try and get something off the wall, but Aoshi had a goal. Even with just a quick scan he had found his weapons, and had to guess that his the entire wall was adorned with weapons from different contestants and slaves who had been thrown into this arena in the past. His kodachi's were quick and easy to find, pulling them off the wall and feeling the reflexive weight of the blades.

Aoshi took a moment to check that they really had been the blades that had been taken from him, but it was unmistakable. They were his weapons to the core, and he was more then happy to have them back.

Grey on the other hand was a little slower in tagging the wall, and because he didn't have a weapon he preferred and honestly didn't know a lot about steel and how it felt in hand, he had to grab the first thing he felt that he could swing with confidence. What that ended up being was a large two handed sword. It was odd for how heavy he had envisioned the steel actually being he found the blade to be light and easy to hold once he had it.

His attention was quick to turn towards Nina and Hinata trying to see if they were still holding still or if they had gone to get their own weapon in the precious time they had left.
RE: Welcome to the Arena [AU X-over] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

Nina had stayed beside Hinata, waiting and hoping for her to regain her composure. But .. nope. She continued to stay on her knees, shaking her head in disbelief. The sight made Nina scoff as she knelt in front of the younger woman. Two fingers deftly went underneath the Hyuuga's chin to force her to look into her blue eyes. "Forgive me," she murmured. Without any warning, her right hand pulled back as she gave Hinata a harsh slap across the face.

The impact made Hinata's face stay turned away as her body shook a bit. Slowly, but steadily, she looked back into Nina's eyes, this time on her own.

"You back to the here and now yet?!" Nina hissed, feeling herself becoming more and more frantic to snap Hinata out of her funk.

"I ... I guess. I mean ... it .... it's hard to explain."

"Okay. Are you focused enough to gather a weapon for yourself?"

Hinata glanced around as she looked at all the weapons. Taijutsu had always been her forte. But if others were going to use things like daggers, guns, swords .. maybe she should get something for herself? Managing a quiet nod, Hinata slowly got up to her feet, beginning to walk quickly while studying each of the weapons.

"Thank you, Nina." Hinata murmured, her eyes continuing to deftly scan everything that was coming into view with her white orbs. It felt like several minutes had passed. In actuality, however, about forty-five seconds had gone by before she - somewhat reluctantly but still - took a rapier. It wasn't anything too heavy but at the same time it seemed ... more than sharp and capable enough to use for defense.

".... Nina? We're not ... about to go against those guys we just met ... are we?"

The fair question made her grip her lower lip. "I'm not sure. But if we are ... are you prepared to fight for your life?"

Hinata's head bowed. She could fight, no doubt. She'd done so during the war and even when Pein invaded Konoha. But this ... this wasn't for any real good reason. Just for some very twisted game. It wasn't right or fair! But would it be better for her to just ... let herself die? Her hands shook causing her grip upon the handle of the blade to tighten.

"... Yes ... " Hinata finally replied, albeit in a softer than usual tone.

"Look, I'm not liking any of this crap either, okay? Really. And that's saying something given this is usually my line of work, to take lives. But I do those on my own terms. Not ... not like this. Never. I have motives for going after people. Not just for my own pleasure or desires. But from what I'm figuring, we have no real say in the matter. Sorry."

Nina's eyes lingered upon Hinata for a few more moments, making certain she truly would be ready when they were given their cues. If not, maybe she could stall or even take Hinata's turn for her. Appearance wise, the Hyuuga seemed ready to join her. But mentally? That would be revealed soon enough. And either way, Nina was more than ready to go in for both herself and this girl.

But only if it was absolutely needed.
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