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RE: Char

Name: Akordia Race: Shadar-Kai Class: Witch Age: 18h Height: 4'11" Weight:130 eyes: lavender hair: long flowing blonde ——————————————Class/profession/occupation: Shadar-kai witch (Special type of arcane magic user pulling energy from the natural fabric molding it to cast her spells) Doesnt always follow the law but typically does for the greater good.

Shadar-kai witches can easily manipulatemales to do their bidding. their charm an seduction works on those of the same sex just no where as easily.
Shadar-kai witches will hide their feelings towards individuals they like publicly for the persons own safety from the witches enemies.

Shadar kai witches cast magic more potentlythan standard spell casters.

Cant wear any sort of armor can only use protection items and arcane defensive measures. They are barred from casting conjuration and summoning style of spells focusing mainlyonhealing buff damaging and charm type magics.

Shadar kai witches must perform daily rituals to prepare their daily spell repitoire
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