The fire lord and the waterbender (Rosita Red, and Malin)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
One of Zuko's first acts as the Fire Lord had been to put down the few 'war balloons' that the fire nation had left. They made the other nations uneasy and even keeping them for travel as he had originally proposed had made the few people he had talked with unnerved. Until the other nations were ready to accept them Zuko had willingly left the balloons out of sight. He had been standing at the deck, of the ship, his hands behind his back which brought up a different set of memories entirely. The ship was old, rusted even and beaten, he could still see some of the scorch marks from where the bomb had been set off, one of the more interesting things about being the Fire Lord he got to choose his own ship when traveling.

It hadn't taken much to restore the one the pirates had blown up, and why not after all this one had been the sentimental attachment too this ship that had caused him to do it. The majority of his early adulthood had been spent on this ship chasing after the avatar, it had gone to every nation in the world, ran blockades, and done things no other ship in the navy could have matched. His expression was slightly less dramatic, happy actually after all the things he had done to put an end to the war he was finally going to be putting his tittle as Fire Lord to good use.

Leaving the bridge of the ship he walked down to the open deck. He was wearing insulated warm clothing with the royal red and gold, as well as an additional layer of warm fur's. He had learned his lesson about just how cold the north was last time he was here. Heading towards the port of the north he was flying diplomatic seals on his ship, but more then that he was also carrying with him Katara, the new leader of the southern tribe, and the only southern water bender... as well as his close personal friend... He was more then happy to have her here with him at this time.
Katara had been surprised she been offered the position of chief of the Southern Water tribe. She thought her father would continue the role, but after years of war he had stepped down to be able to better help rebuild and restore what the war had taken from them. She had also received a vote of confidence from the elders of the tribe about being a representive to the Northern tribe and the new fire lord himself.

She needed to stretch and move about for a bit. The consultation with the steamer's crew about the best passage through known ice fields and emergency plans in case one was sighted or Tu and La forbid ran into had drained her concentration. A trip to the outside world would do nicely. Being surrounded by the ocean would help to the sooth the tension that had been dogging her since she had been selected as leader. Although wearing less layers then Zuko, she still has on plenty warm clothing to protect against the cold climate in traditional water tribe blue. To her surprise Zuko is out and about as well.

Since they had traveled together Katara usually doesn't follow the normal formalities people had taken to using around Zuko with his change in status. "I spoke with the ship's crew. We should be in Northern waters by mid morning,'" she says as she comes over to him, her foot steps making a soft plopping sound due to the skin her mocasins are made out of. She looked out towards the water, feeling ackward since this is the first time they had been this alone with each other since their "field trip."
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