Korra: The Last Airbender (Malin and Razz)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Long ago these four nations lived in harmony, but everything changed since the fire nation attacked. Avatar Aang the master of all four elements, had fought against the plans of fire lord Sozin, and vouched for peace, but when the world needed the avatar the most he vanished along with the entirety of the air nomad nation.

A hundred years have passed since the day of Sozin's comit, and the extermination of the air nomads. Most people believe that the cycle was broken and the avatar never reborn into the water tribe, and now the fire nation nears victory over the last few strong holds.

Sheng knew this story, every person in the world knew the story of the avatar, but no one had seen a water bender outside of their tribes in a very long time. Rumors spread of water bender prisons in the fire nation where people were kept barely alive, or the north pole which was the last true bastion of water bender power, and the only safe place for their kind.

So why then was Shen looking at a water bender on the beach? He moved around it... or rather 'her'. There were blocks of ice all around her, and a creature that while it was breathing he had certainly never seen anything of it's size or bulk before.

He moved closer and poked the giant dog bear with a stick for a moment. Before moving to the girl and poking her in the head. Sheng was a traveling merchant who was on his way to Goaling village using the ocean and many rivers around the area to travel safely.

The thing that shocked him the most wasn't that the body of a water bender had washed up on shore (at least he thought she was a water bender, she was wearing heavy fur's and no one in the earth nation would wear anything like that in the middle of summer) but rather that she was still breathing. Turning her onto her back he looked her over once more.

"Hey... you alive?"


            • 'Hey... you alive?'

              The voice sounded somehow distant to Korra, whom had, until now, been in the avatar state, blocking all senses. Slowly, though, she was coming back to her senses. The sound of the waves were the first thing she heard, the small of the ocean and the warmth of the sun overhead. Groaning, she rolled onto her side once more, this time to spit up a lungful of salty water that she had seemingly managed to inhale. As she coughed it up she managed to squeeze open her eyes, her vision, at first, blurred as she forced her arm under her side to try and sit up. At first, though, her muscles felt too weak, like they were suddenly made of jello. Her other hand moved to wipe the water from her mouth, though she was still coughing and lightly gasping, sucking in a sharp lungful of crisp ocean air.

              Shaking her head, she closed her eyes tight and finally managed to sit upright, grunting dizzily as she did so. Rubbing her head now, she opened her eyes and was satisfied to find her vision had cleared up enough for her to noticed that she was sitting on the beach, and she most certainly wasn't alone.

              Blinking a bit harder, she rubbed her eyes and looked up at the man, who was wielding... a stick?

              She arched her brow at the oddness of the situation, then looked around, swatting the stick away as confusion came over her.

              "Ugh.. where am I?" She murmured, looking to the guy now and focusing on him. "And who are you?"

              Having heard Korra's voice seemed to be enough to wake up the polar bear dog, who was rolling to her belly and letting out a loud yawn now, a yawn that sounded much more like a roar.
"It's alive!"

Sheng honestly hadn't thought too hard on how he was supposed to react to that, but seeing the girl he had assumed was a corps suddenly rise up he jumped back quickly his feet planting on the ground as he got himself ready for some sort of attack. Especially when the giant dog bear beast let out it's battle cry. From his perspective it seemed like things were going down hill very quickly and if he wasn't able to help him self then he was probably going to end up the beasts breakfast.

Calming down after a few moments however he let out a long breath rethinking her questions. She didn't seem to know much of anything, and she was still pretty dazed, his chances of survival seemed better with that in mind however that said the dog bear beast was still rather threatening and scary and not something he wanted to make an enemy of. In fact he was really wanting to avoid any kind of fight with it. "My name is Sheng, I'm a trader of scavenged goods." He said lightly still trying his best to stay on guard.

"Your on the coast of the earth kingdom. not far from Goaling village." He paused for a moment. "But I'm not the weird one in this situation! Who are you, and where did you come from?" He spoke loudly.

"I mean your clothing is exotic so i know your not from these lands, and your... white bear dog thing is... is it going to eat me?" He asked actually still very afraid of the creature. "I mean I would really like to avoid being eaten if that was possible."


            • "It?" Korra repeated, unsure of if he was talking about her or Naga but feeling equally offended either way. She shot the strange man a small glare, glancing over to Naga before climbing to her feet. She stumbled a little as she did, her legs feeling as though she hadn't used them in a year. If only she knew. She quickly balanced herself out, though, breathing a sigh of relief as she found her footing and stretched a little. Naga followed suit, lumbering to her paws and shaking out the sleep from her own dense muscles.

              Korra listened to the guy speak as she stretched, her lean, defined muscles tensing and relaxing beneath her dark, soft skin as she did so. Of course, when he mentioned she was near Goaling Village, she let out a small laugh and shook her head, waving his words off as if he were some kind of a mad man.

              "Look, buddy. Last I remember, I was between Republic City and Air Temple Island. There was some kind of storm, but.." She laughed again, shaking it off. "There's no way we drifted all the way to the shores of Chin and Goaling." Naga gave a small bark, trotting over to Korra and plopping down beside her, her tail wagging. She was eager to run after being still for so long.

              When Sheng, that was apparently his name, accused HER of being the weird one, she turned her attention to him again and gave him a quizzical look. "What? Never saw a water bender before?" She sound skeptical. She then patted Naga's back and laughed.

              "First of all, Naga is a SHE, not an IT. And don't worry, she'll only eat you if I tell her to." She joked with a wink, taking a step forward to extend her hand to Sheng in greetings.

              "I'm Korra. The Avatar." She added the last part in for fun, really. He mentioned he was a trader, so why not tell him her occupation as well?
Sheng seemed to blink, water bender he had assumed, Avatar... okay so she was a crazy waterbender chick with a polar bear dog. He could live with that. There was no actual way she was the avatar, but there was something else she had just said. Something that made him pale slightly. It oddly wasn't the fact that this Naga creature would eat him if she told her too. Rather it was a something she said.

"Republic city?" He blinked looking at her like she had a concussion. He shook his head after busting out into laughter, there was no way this girl was who she claimed to be, and she didn't even know about republic city. "Okay you actually had me going there for a second, but come on, everyone knows that the avatar was killed over a hundred years ago!"

He stopped laughing regaining his composure there was still something very wrong with her however. "You must have jut hit your head something fierce Korra, I mean no one has seen a water bender outside of the northern tribe for eons, and republic city... you shouldn't even joke about that place after what happened to it."

Sheng shook his head. There was no way he was actually talking to the Avatar in his mind. a hundred years of strife and chaos had been going on since the last one had died, and now there was this girl? I mean water bender sure that was rare, but at least that was believable. "I mean you sure went a long way if your from the northern tribe, but I can tell you for sure that this is the coast of Goaling, I mean I was just in Chin village a day or two ago... Don't think I'm gonna be allowed back for a while."

This entire situation had gone from dangerous to massive curiosity. What was a water bender doing all the way away from the northern tribe? She was certainly a curiosity, but of course the larger question was that she had this odd heavy fur lined clothing, it looked well stitched, and the question that kept coming to his mind was. ~How much do you think collectors would pay for authentic water tribe clothing?~ Oh the bidding war he could start with just the clothing off of her back, no one had seen water tribe relics in a long time outside of those who dared to venture up to the north pole and that trip was a dangerous one that few people actually returned from... In short this girl, avatar or not could still end up making him a lot of money.


            • Korra noticed the way he went pale, frozen as if he were seeing a ghost or something similar. When he didn't lift his hand to shake hers, she began to REALLY think something was wrong with this guy and slowly she dropped her hand to her side. She really didn't like the way he was looking at her... she clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes a little, her jaw setting tight as she again looked around. Well if he wasn't gonna tell her where she really was, she could easily find someone who was a bit more sane, right? Then he said something that caught her interest and she turned back to him with a stern look in her eyes.

              "What are you talking about? You're nuts. If the avatar died one hundred years ago, that would make me one hundred years old. o I LOOK one hundred years old to you? And what do you mean? What happened to Republic City?" She was done playing jokes with this guy. He wasn't taking a single thing she said seriously, and instead was looking at her like she was mental.

              There was only one way she could get through to him. "Naga, get back." She sighed, while she herself took a small step back towards the ocean, only to pause when she felt the tide licking at her heels. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes as if calming herself... then flung into motion. She stepped towards him, lifting her arms as she did. She lifted the incoming wave, forcing it to ride past her and splash up the beach towards him, only she had it freeze once it hit his feet, locking him in place.

              Once that was done she quickly moved to the next 'phase' of her plan, stamping her foot down heavily into the beach surface and lifting her arms again, this time her muscles tensed as if she were lifting something heavy. And if he were to look behind him, he'd notice she had lifted a rock wall from beneath the sandy beach surface, blocking him from breaking free and running away. Finally, she swing her arms back to her sides, red-hot flamed engulfing her fists as she approached him.

              Well, now he HAD to believe she was the avatar, right? Normally, she'd feel smug about proving someone wring, but right now she needed the truth.

              "Okay, Sheng, you better start talking, and I want the truth! Where are we REALLY? What happened to Republic City?"
"Actually you look more around seventeen." Sheng spoke still very much not believing a word this Korra woman was saying to him. She sounded like a liar and a madwoman. However that all changed when she decided to bend at him. At first he was just taken back shocked that she actually was a water bender his deffenses dropped completely as the water rose up and froze around his foot.

Then the rest of it happened. Earth rose up behind him, and then the fire fists. His jaw dropped heavy and hard. That was certainly the kind of proof he could not fight against. In fact he really didn't have any kind of explanation for that at all. He swallowed hard looking at Korra in a new light. "Your..." He blinked still amazed and slightly pale at all that he had witnessed. Korra really was the avatar? ~Her clothing just trippled, no quadrupled in price!~ If his life wasn't on the line he honestly he probably would be trying to act a little more smart.

Shaking his head this changed a lot, but his restraints were certainly still uncalled for. "You actually are the avatar?" His brow furrowed for a moment it made sense She was a water bender, as well as a fire and earth bender, so she was the missing member of the cycle. Looking at the ice a theory was slowly developing on how any of that was possible, but at the same time something more important needed to be addressed.

Flexing his hands and bringing them upwards he created a table and two chairs standing next to them out of compressed sand. His motions to do so were much more fluid then heavy. He let out a small sigh. "You are going to want to take a seat for this Korra... you have been gone a very long time."

"Republic City was a massacre that occurred almost a hundred years ago, part of what people call the first offensive. The fire lord Sozin, had the entire city burned to the ground because it harbored air benders." Sheng spoke with a heavy tone, unlike his usual self. He swallowed as he spoke breathing heavily and honestly as much as he wanted to be joking or lying about this his attitude towards it treated the event very seriously. This wasn't something anyone would joke about.

"You... how can you seriously not know that? everyone in the earth kingdom knows about the massacres." He looked at the still melting ice. "Where have you been?"


            • Korra sighed when he seemed to finally believe her, motioning towards the ice around his feet and melting it so he was free to move. That done, she folded her arms over her chest and waited for him to get to explaining, but the first thing he did was create a table and two chairs. So, he was an earth bender? She hesitated, but sat down in one of the chairs, wondering what could possibly be so dramatic.

              Of course, right when he opened his mouth and stated that Republic City was a massacre that took place over a HUNDRED years ago, a look of doubt quickly came over her. He was joking! He had to be, but she didn't find the joke even a little bit funny. Judging by his grim tone, though, it.. it was hard to believe he WAS joking. How could what he was saying be true, though? Why would Fire Lord Sozin want to do something so horrid...?

              For a moment, she didn't even know what to feel. Her expression showed doubt, pain, rage... Suddenly, she pushed up out of the chair, pressing against the table with enough force to send it crumbling to the sand below as she backed away and glared at Sheng.

              "You.. You're lying!" She growled, turning to pace back and forth before the tide of the ocean, her fists constantly clutching and relaxing, clutching and relaxing, over and over.

              "There's no way... That's not possible! That.. that would mean.." her voice broke a little and she turned away from Sheng completely, tears burning at her eyes as she glared off into the ocean. It would mean that Tenzin, his family, her own family, and all of her friends... they were all dead, and she couldn't accept that.

              "Why would Fire Lord Sozin do that?!" Her voice turned dark, her back tensing as her shoulder began to tremble, the water around her feet freezing and the ground rumbling a little.

              Growling, she turned to Naga, who strode up beside her, ears down and tail tucked between her legs as she sensed Korra's rage.

              Reaching up, she attempted to pull herself up onto Naga's saddle, but she was trembling too bad, her arms suddenly feeling too weak to pull her up.

              She wanted to kill that bastard, but if one hundred years had passed, he was likely already dead.

              Whimpering, Naga leaned down and began to lick the tears from Korra's face, tears that Korra didn't even know she had been crying. Lightly, she nudged Naga away, rubbing her tears away as best she could before putting on her best straight face and turning again to Sheng.

              "I.. I have to do something. I'll... I'll go to the Fire Nation and DEMAND answers. I mean, if one hundred years has passed, why haven't they at least rebuilt Republic City? What are they planning to do if they really did.. k-kill off the air benders? What were they thinking?!"

              Of course, she had no way of knowing that the Fire Nation was at warn with the rest of the world, that they were planning to get rid of every other bender. She assumed that Sozin went crazy, and that the Fire Nation had gone back to it's peaceful self with him gone.
"Wow wow!" Sheng got to his feet when she said that she needed to go talk with the fire lord. An admirable idea but there was no way he could allow such a thing to happen in Korra's current state as she was shaking so much she hardly looked like she could fight let alone talk with one of the worst people in the world. Heck even if it was possible to get past the blockade, and the army and get into the palace the fire nation was not about to let the avatar anywhere near the fire lord. He put his hands up, and held back for a moment he honestly really didn't want to fight the avatar but he wasn't about to let Korra go and make a mistake.

"The world is at war with the fire nation, and well honestly the fire nation is winning. You can't just walk up to the fire lord and talk to him about surrendering you need a better plan than that." He shook his head, there was a lot of bad ideas going through this conversation right now but the absolute worst would be if he actually let Korra go for a suicide run against the entire fire nations army. The avatar was supposed to be some great symbol of hope, so to find out that it was a brash water bender really didn't seem to do a lot of good for him.

Seeing Korra cry made Sheng feel all the worse for the harsh reality check he had given her. But it wasn't over just yet, I mean she was the avatar, and that meant... well didn't it normally mean that she would have to be the one to set things right? "Korra..." Sheng honestly didn't even know how most people would react to finding out that the avatar was alive. Let alone how she must have felt realizing that everyone she ever knew or cared about was dead for almost a hundred years if not sooner.

"The world has been without the avatar for a hundred years, but the fire nation has never stopped looking for you. I've never even seen a water bender before, and everyone knows that the air nomads are gone, but you... your the master of all four elements. Your supposed to be the one person who can stop all this craziness and... bring an end to this violence." Even as he said it Sheng knew he was just adding pressure to the fire when it came to Korra who already looked completely pathetic. Heck he was starting to feel just as bad actually.

"But it raises the question... where have you been? I mean it's like you said you should be over a hundred years, yet you don't look a day over seventeen? what the hell happened that you are.... well how are you still alive?"


            • All of Sheng's questions were definitely not helping Korra, not one bit. Her mind was already reeling with a hundred questions and mysteries of her own, and him added to it just made her feel more lost and useless. She wanted to snap at him, to ask how the hell she was supposed to know any of the answers to his questions, but she bit her tongue and sucked in a deep breath to try and calm her jittery nerves.

              Now was no time to let her emotions get the best of her. She WAS the Avatar, and so it was up to her to set things straight. She did what she could to push everything else to the back of her head, to shut it all out and focus on what she remembered.

              "I.. I don't know how I'm alive, but I think I have an idea as to where I was." She sighed, rubbing away the tears from hr face, clearly having calmed down a considerable amount. Well, at least on the outside. She glanced towards the shore where she had moments ago bee unconscious, and noticed chunks of ice.

              "I remember that I was angry at Tenzin. He was pushing me so hard to focus on my training, but there was so much more I thought I had to worry about, so me and Naga took to the ocean. But before we knew it, a storm rolled in, and I don't remember anything after the water consumed us. It's possible that I took on the avatar state, and have been in it, frozen in ice.. hence the ice chunks lining the beach.."

              The idea sounded far fetched, but it was the only thing she could think of. But she looked anything but relieved to have discovered that much. Instead, she turned to Sheng with a solemn look.

              "And I haven't mastered all four elements. I was still learning air bending, and if all of the air nomads are gone.." Her voice trailed off and she grit her teeth, glaring at her feet and placing her hands on her hips in thought. "I don't know how I'm supposed to end this war alone, but I have to try. First, though," She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

              "Well I think Master Tenzin taught me all he could, so the rest is up to me. Sheng," She turned and stared hopefully at him now.

              "Do you think that the air temples might still have scrolls? Or other training utensils?? Or anything that could be useful?"
Sheng watched Korra drying her eyes, It was confusing. She really was the avatar and yet she seemed scared, and vulnerable. It was a little difficult to realize that the one person the world has desperately needed to depend on was actually a human. Hearing her question on the other hand searching the temples for finding information about Airbending he nodded lightly. If the world was willing to pay for water bender objects how much would the world be willing to pay out the nose for authentic air bender artifacts?

Oh and there was also that entire saving the world jig, it wasn't a great deal, but it was certainly sounding better then just leaving Korra on her own. She didn't seem to understand how much the world had changed. "There is a good chance, I mean the fire nation may have destroyed the people, but the temples survived. Most are considered haunted, or hallow ground that no one has stepped foot on for a hundred years." He said lightly. "So it is possible that the culture, and artifacts could have survived even after a hundred years."

He paused for a moment thinking about whether he should tell Korra something or not. "I would be honored to accompany you on this journey, I mean... if you would have me traveling with you?" He pressed one fist into an open palm as he bowed respectfully to Korra.

"Actually... This may sound a little odd but I might be able to help you learn some air bending. I come from a tribe of nomadic sand benders, My people often say that sand bending was inspired by air bending. To move the sand dunes, and create dust storms earth benders have to loose the strength and regid training that it takes to move earth. We learned to move sand through the wind." Moving his hand over the beach he moved lightly creating a small rotation with his arms and with his more fluid motions took a small wave of sand around, moving it through the air. "Sand bending is the marriage of earth and wind, taking the two opposites and marrying them to create their own style. It's not much, but in this day and age it's as close to air bending as you can get."
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