The Walking Dead: After the Prison(HaloHeroWolf118 & Horror_Show)


Jan 21, 2011
Pahrump, Nevada
*Everything had gone to hell so fast.* the thought passed through Ricks mind as he leaned heavily on his son Carl as they made their way away from the prison. The pain of loss as much as the pain of his chest and face was enough to have broken any man but Rick kept moving more for Carl than for any reason he could find. They walked in silence both of them not wanting to speak as Rick and Carl both felt as if everything had gone to hell in world already there. Carl held his father up his anger burning a through the sadness at losing another home at losing his baby sister and at his father who he blamed for all this. They should have killed the Governor if they had none of this would have happened but his father had said no said they didn't need to become killers. Looking back he couldn't help but feel angry to the point of hitting his own father but he pushed those feelings aside as they kept going moving forward was all they had now and Carl just kept moving as he carried his dad. They had been walking for who knows how long by the time Rick had felt strong enough to limp along without leaning on his son and Carl walked ahead his mind mulling over everything he could have done to change what had happened. Carl was so lost in thought he barely realized he had been pulling away from his father who weakly called for him to slow down. Some rebellious part of Carl wanted to ignore him the man he blamed for all of as much as the Governor.

Something made him stop and wait for his father to catch up. Rick clutched at what he thought were bruised ribs his breathing coming in labored gasps and raspy exhales. They came upon a roadside diner and the started their for supplies finding some water and chips after dispatching a entrapped Walker. His father had told him to let him handle it but Carl had dispatched it in clear defiance and all his father could do was weakly try and give him a talking to which he ignored. They found a neighbor hood soon after where Carl defied his father again by cursing loudly as they searched the house for walkers. They barricaded the front door as they set down to eat a little and recover some strength.

They spent the night like that Rick laying on the couch as Carl propped himself against a chair and kept watch over his father. *I can make it on my own.* he thought as he looked at the dark shape of his father, "I could make it without you." he whispered at his father. When dawn came he heard walkers scratching at the door so he got up and lead them far enough away to use his gun. He had not expect to have the walker fall on him dragging him down with it as he dispatched the second and third in a desperate moment as he felt panic rising in his chest and fear a distant thing he thought had vanished long ago. He struggled pushing on the dead bodies that pressed down on him.
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