BlazBlue Prism Power, Make Up! (Candira & HeartOfTheDarkness)


Promise Nothing, Deliver Less
Jun 8, 2012
It was the final showdown, a battle to finally end one of the biggest threats to everyone's lives. Kagura Mutsuki, the Black Knight of Ikaruga, was having a battle to the death with Yuki Terumi, one of the former Six Heroes and the bane to everyone's existence, both of them fighting around the edge of a large cauldron. The battle went on, blows were continually exchanged back and forth. Even though Kagura wielded his large sword, Terumi was quick and able to deal quite a bit of damage even though he was mostly fighting with switchblades. "Is this really all you've got Colonel Mutsuki?" Terumi taunted his opponent. Kagura was too focused on the battle to think of a witty comeback, as well as thinking about how everyone's plan started to fall apart. Wasn't Ragna suppose to fight Terumi? How did the enemy learn about the plan so quickly?

Before long, Kagura finally fell down to his knees, exhausted. It took all of his strength to keep his sword in his hands, let alone move. Terumi laughed in triumph. "That's it? You guys were pathetic! Did you idiots really think you'd win?" The deranged man continued to make fun of the warrior, reveling in his despair. However, Kagure still didn't give in. In fact, he ended up laughing himself. "What are you up to? Something doesn't seem right." Terumi was getting suspicious of everything. "Did you really think I would be stupid enough to think I could take on one of the Six Heroes alone?" Kagura looked up at Terumi with a smirk on his face. Feeling the presence of a third person, Terumi quickly jumped and looked behind him to find a white samurai standing behind him. "Shit, Hakumen!"

Hakumen, another member of the Six Heroes, he unsheathed his massive katana and raised it to the sky. "Terumi! Your time has finally come, you miserable serpent." A powerful voice boomed from the suit of armor. "Don't tell me...." He looked over at Kagura who still had a devious smile on his face, ready to sacrifice himself to end Terumi. "Stop, this isn't funny anymore. Don't you care about what's going to happen to him?" He started to panic, pointing at Kagura. "Do it Hakumen! He has to die!" Hakumen's sword began to glow.

"I am the White Void.
"I am the Cold Steel.
I am the Just Sword.
With blade in hand, I will reap the sins of this world and cleanse it in the Flames of Destruction.
I am Hakumen, the end has come!
Empty Sky Form: Winter's Reposte!"

Hakumen slashed his sword at the ground, creating a shockwave that began to shatter the ground from beneath Terumi's feet. Unable to move out of the way in time, he fell into the cauldron, sending him to the Boundary. "Hurry Black Knight! You can still make it!" The samurai called out to Kagura, but he wouldn't move. Too drained of his energy, Kagura was ready to accept his death. All he did was simply smile at Hakumen as the ground collapsed beneath him and sent him to the same fate as their foe. For once in his life, Kagura felt like a true hero. It was a shame that none of the girls back home will be welcoming him back. Although, it was a nice thought to know that they'll probably be crying over his death, maybe ever erect a statue of him. As he fell to his doom, he thought of those he cared about. Hibiki, Jin, Tsubaki, Noel, Makoto, Kokonoe, Celica, Rachel, even that pain in the ass Ragna. He was going to miss them all. And with that final thought, he disappeared from this world.

Once the battle was over and Hakumen left to deliver the news to everyone, a strange figure appeared before the cauldron. A masked man stood there, annoyed. "That fool. Does he not realize that he's still useful to us?" Snapping his fingers, a large blob appeared behind him. "Arakune, go fetch the snake. We still need him." "Y-Yes, lord Relius." Arakune replied in a pained and gurgled voice, sliding over to the cauldron and falling in, chasing after the people that fell inside earlier. Nobody knows what happened to them, or the strange new world they were all sent to.
Lita was just making her way home after a long day of classes. Lately, things had been fairly quiet in her part of town. It was nice to just relax, but she doubted that it would last very long. She hadn't stopped training during the lull, nor had she let her guard down. It was her job to be vigilant. It was also her job to study, so she tried not to stay out too late. Culinary school was no picnic, but it wasn't difficult in a bad way. Challenging, but exactly what Lita had wanted. She smiled as she thought of her knife skills grade. She was pretty good to start with, but she was getting faster and even more precise. Yes, things could stay like this for awhile longer--peaceful and tinged with success.

Of course, just as she thought this, she sensed a huge negative power. What was it? She looked up at the rapidly darkening sky and in a flash of red lightning, something came into view. Whatever it was, it was falling quickly, and in the vicinity of her apartment. Fantastic.

"Why me?" With a sigh, she took off as fast as she could, leaping up to a roof so she could transform. And then, sailor Jupiter was making her way toward the falling object as fast as she possibly could. Was it a monster? Some strange device? Either way, she had to get to it first.
For a while, Kagura didn't really feel a thing. He wasn't sure whether it was due to him possibly passing out somewhere along the way, or just because this was how the Boundary was suppose to be. Suddenly, he got the feeling that he was falling. Opening his eyes, he saw the sky, the clear blue sky. Was he back home? Looking around, Kagura found himself in the sky, free-falling towards the ground. However, the ground didn't look very familiar. No cities on mountains, no seithr polluted lands, all looked like how the land was described before the Dark Wars, before the Black Beast. How was that even possible.

Before he was able to put much more thought on the matter, he was reminded of the fact that he was currently plummeting towards. With his sword still on him, he raised it into the air, gathering his energy. If this should work, he would hopefully lessen the impact by releasing a blast from his own sword and slowing down his fall. "Supreme Dragon's Inferno!" He shouted as a blast of black flames emitted from his sword. He began to slow down as he fell into an alleyway, burning nearly everything around him.

"Ow, that's going to hurt later." He said as he tried to get up. It seems that he wasn't quite recharged yet, and that attack used quite a bit of his energy. "Now, where am I?" He looked around, seeing that he was in a brick alleyway. Terumi was nowhere to be seen, and he had no idea where he was. It was the perfect setup for someone like him to be ambushed.

Then, as if on cue, he felt a presence, he was no longer alone. Seeing something fall from the sky, it began to head towards him. Whatever it was was able to slow itself down, but it soon began to rain insects. It was pretty quickly to tell who came in after him from that. "I found an enemy.... Kyehehehehehehehehe." Arakune laughed with his horrible gurgling voice.

"Of all people to run into, it had to be you, ya freak. Why can't I ever run into any pretty girls like this?" Kagura got his sword ready, but he wasn't sure how well he'd fare against the blob this time. He was too tired, and he still had his injuries from his fight with Terumi.
She gasped, stopping about two buildings away as she saw black flames jut into the ground as a man grasping a sword came into view. What the what? She started running again, leaping from roof to roof until she came upon the brick alley he'd fallen into. Black flames were usually not a great sign, and neither were people falling out of what seemed to be portals to another realm. But she didn't have much time to think of it as it began to rain insects and a black blob followed after the man, spewing something gross, and speaking.

One thing was for sure, she wasn't about to let that thing defile her home. Before she could notice what the man in the alley was doing, she launched an attack of her own. "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" Thousands of leaves seemed to fill the air, electrocuting and destroying the dark creatures on impact. She leapt to the tallest part of her building and yelled at the creepy blob. "Hold it right there! I don't know who you are or what you want, but you're going to have to go through me first!" Rather than launch into an introductory speech as she had in her earlier days, Lita figured it was best to fight first and introduce herself later. Besides, no one had asked her name--weird place to interject it.

When the life form showed no signs of stopping, she powered up one of her more savage techniques and then let loose. "Jupiter Thunder Dragon!"

A force of lightning shaped like a dragon rushed out from her, traveling as fast as lightning to take a bite out of the thing that dared cross into her territory.
Before Arakune could launch his attack at Kagura, he was struck by lightning. "Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" He shrieked in pain as a woman's voice could be heard. The two newcomers looked up to find a beautiful woman standing on top of a building looking over them. In spite of being in battle, Kagura felt like he was in love.

Arakune didn't feel the same though. The white mask representing his face began to shake, implying his anger with this unwanted guest. Before he could do anything, he was attacked again by a lightning dragon, biting into his gooey body and electrocuting him from the inside. "Damn you! Damn you!" He shouted, parts of his body began to lose form. "I will eat you! I will eat you! I WILL EAT YOU!!!!!" He launched a swarm of poisonous insects at her, all with enough poison to knock an elephant out.

"Get away from those, they're poisonous!" Kagura called out to the girl. Come on, move! I need to move! He mustered up as much energy he could and jumped in front of the swarm. "Dragonlord's Wingbeat!" He swung he sword horizontally, releasing a black fireball. The ball began to spin rapidly, pulling the insects into the ball and incinerating them.

Both fighters were out of energy. Kagura fell to the ground, dropping his sword, and Arakune lost his form and became a dripping puddle. Before the either of them were able to finish him off, Arakune made his way to a drainage pipe, seeping into the sewer system and getting away. "Damn, he got away." Kagura said weakly as he started to lose consciousness. Looking up, he smiled at the beautiful woman. I bet I looked totally cool in front of her. I should take her out to dinn-...... And he blacked out in mid thought.

Watching from the shadows in the distance, a green haired man in a trench coat watched the events unfold. "Damn, I didn't think he'd follow me. And did Relius send that abomination in after me? Jeez, I guess I'll need to get to work then. I've got to find a way to get out of the shithole world and back home." The man began to walk away, grinning at the interesting new person he saw. "That girl might prove useful though. I should keep an eye on her." And with that, the man disappeared into the shadows, off to construct his devious plans.
The strange creature's vow to eat her did nothing to faze her. She was used to such outrageous claims. Before she had time to react to the insects, however, the man that had fallen in the alley was yelling at her to look out. Seconds later, he was in front of her unleashing another fire based attack from...his sword. What?

The creature seemed to melt and seep into the sewer. That didn't seem like a good thing. But her more immediate concern was the man who seemed somehow connected to the monster who'd just tried to kill them both. He was currently passing out. And he'd seemed so cool up until that point. She managed to catch him before he hit the ground, but his weight sent her down with him.

Frowning, she pushed him off of her and sighed. Well, if she left him here, there was a chance he would make things worse. He didn't seem evil. In fact, he sort of reminded her of one of her old boyfriends. But that was neither here nor there. If he wasn't evil, he could have been in trouble or hurt. She couldn't risk it. Sighing, she knew she would have to take him to her apartment. Fantastic.

She let her transformation fade away. She was back in tight jeans and a silk vest over a tank top, her brown hair still in her signature ponytail. It would be easier to carry him in this. She hooked her arms under his and then lifted him onto her back, glad that she still had her raw strength to depend on.

"Hang on, stranger. You've got some explaining to do, and you're totally going to owe me for this."

When they made it to her apartment, she put him on her couch and groaned, stretched her back as she look down at him. "Rest up, I guess. I should probably tell the others about you." Lita paused and moved some of his hair out of his face. Maybe he was a nice guy. Wouldn't that be something?

No, she needed to get in touch with the other scouts. So she locked her apartment door and left the room to call the other scouts.
Kagura remained unconscious for a while, slowly recovering from everything he went through. The fight with Terumi, taking some of Hakumen's hit, falling into the boundary, the hard landing he took, and then his fight with Arakune. Finally, he woke up to find himself alone in an apartment, one unlike any he had ever seen before. It looked old, and yet it was kind of roomy, so much better than his place, especially after it had been invaded by a mad cat scientist.

Looking out the window, he still couldn't recognize anything. Could he really be in the past, experiencing the world before it was destroyed? While it was strange, it felt kind of nice. And here he though he was going to die today, go out like a hero for all to remember him by. Although he shouldn't be complaining, being alive only means that he'll be able to bring more legends to life.

Although, Kagura was a bit curious as to how he got into this apartment. It couldn't be an enemy. Nobody could be that stupid that they would leave someone like him untied. Perhaps it was that beautiful woman he saved back in the alley. It seemed like the only plausible outcome. She probably thought he was so awesome that she wanted to repay him by giving him a place to stay.

Since it looked like she was out, he simply sat on the couch, waiting for her. Leaning back, he kicked his feet up and opened up his shirt a little, revealing a bit of his toned chest. However, a thought came into his head. If this wasn't a girl that saved him, he'd look extremely foolish if a guy saw him like this. So he quickly grabbed his sword and sat up straight, with his sword in his hand, ready for an ambush. But if it was that girl, she might think he's hostile if she sees him like this. So for the next few minutes, he alternated from sexy to threatening and back over and over again, trying to find the perfect look for his unknown savior.
Lita had a hard time getting in touch with everyone. It took her awhile to get in touch with all of them, but she managed it. Ami and Rei would look into it respectively, and Mina and Serena would be on standby. It was generally agreed that he didn't pose a threat at the moment, but the others wanted to be available if she needed them. Lita was easily the strongest of them physically speaking, and her new guest was in no shape for a fight with the formidable Sailor Jupiter.

When they had a plan, Lita came back into her living room to see her new guest. She caught him in between his sexy and serious looks, sitting up, shirt undone, reaching for his sword. When he wasn't dead weight or unconscious, he was very attractive. She caught herself checking him out and shook her head, clearing her throat to let him know she was there.

"So you're finally awake. How are you feeling?" She leaned against her wall, arms crossed as she watched him. "And who are you?"
Kagura looked up when he saw Lita standing before him. Suddenly, the weakened warrior got a surge of energy when he saw the attractive woman. "Hello there beautiful." He quickly got up to stand next to her, working his charm on her. Few women have been able to resist his charms, although those that have were the most dangerous of women. One punched him with her explosive gauntlet, one pummeled him half to death, one summoned a mass of swords to stab him, and one of them threatened to experiment on him if he tried to hit on her again. And even after that, he'd still try to hit on those ladies again, believing that he should never give up on what he want.

"The name is Kagura, Kagura Mutsuki, head of the Mutsuki family and the Black Knight of Ikaruga. Feel free to call me Kagura, Black Knight, handsome, or even lover." This girl was certainly beautiful, although in his eyes, all women were beautiful. Kagura believed himself to be a warrior of love, fighting for women, protecting them with his strong arms, and then taking them out for a nice dinner.

"I'm assuming you're the lovely woman I met earlier? I'm so relieved to see that you're okay. If that thing managed to hurt you, I don't know how I'd be able to live with myself." Although he was pretty much trying to wow her, her pretty much admitted to being connected to the blob that attacked him.
Lita blinked in surprise as he popped up off the couch like nothing had happened. Well that answered that question. He was just fine. And apparently he was very attracted to her. She blushed softly when he called her beautiful, standing very close to her. As he introduced himself, she got the impression that he was either royalty from the moon kingdom era or someone from the past. He had the sort of title that hinted at those eras. He didn't seem to be from here in any case.

"I am. My name is Lita Kino. It's nice to meet you. And I'm fine. Thank you for your help. I have been meaning to ask you about that. How are you and that thing connected? And what was it?"
Kagura paused for a moment. How was he suppose to explain Arakune to her? Does she even know what seithr is? "Hmmm, now should I put this? Well first off, it's name is Arakune, or at least that's what I'm told. He was a subordinate of an ally of mine, until he got mutated and went mad. Now he's supposedly under the control of some individuals that want nothing more than to see the world burn." And Terumi could still be out there somewhere. If he and Arakune made it to this time, it was safe to assume that the true enemy was sneaking around somewhere.

"Avoid contact with Arakune at all costs. He devours his prey and absorbs their knowledge. He came pretty damn close to devouring a friend of mine. Sneaking into her room while she was asleep, then engulfing her. We were lucky to have sensed something off, or she'd be gone." He thought about his friends back home for a moment. Were they doing okay? Was the fight going well? How badly did they take his death?

"Anyways, what was that power of your's? I've never seen anything like it? I didn't think ars magus existed in this time period." He turned the conversation back to Lita, curious about her.
Lita considered his answer, deciding that he was not a threat to her. He seemed to be on the side of good, and however he'd gotten here, it wasn't because he had wanted to hurt anyone. This in mind, she decided to be honest with him, but she wondered if he would believe her.

"I am a reincarnated member of Princess Serenity's court. She was princess of the moon kingdom, and I was princess of Jupiter. I was also one of the moon princess' guardians. Now, we fight side by side to protect Earth. My powers come from my heritage. I don't really know how else to explain them. I just know that it's in my blood."

She frowned a bit, wondering what had happened to get him here. "If you can, would you tell me the time you come from? You don't seem to be from this one."
Kagura took a moment to take in what Lita said. Moon Kingdom? Princess of Jupiter? It sounded crazy. However, the things he saw could be considered crazy as well. A red giant with tesla coils on his arms. A mad scientist cat-girl. A magical girl with three personalities, one of them being the legendary six heroes. Arakune himself was pretty hard to believe. They both came from worlds that were pretty strange in their own way.

"My world huh?" He smirked as he went back to sit down on the couch. It was clear that he wasn't happy about his world. Sure there were great things in it, but there was a lot wrong with it. "I guess you can say I'm from the future. A hundred years after an event the people of this time would consider to be the apocalypse, an event known as the Dark Wars. A creature known as the Black Beast came into existence, and all it knew how to do was to destroy. It nearly wiped out all life on the planet, but was stopped by a group of warriors known as the Six Heroes. After the beasts defeat, its corpse polluted the land with a toxic substance known as seithr, so civilization has been moved to mountains. It's become a world where magic and science come together, but it's under the control of a corrupt and tyrannical government. A government that starts wars just to bring death and destruction. A government that allows madmen to become commanding officers. A government with a ruler that publicly broadcasts her desire to bring about the end. And that face of evil is known as Imperator Librarius. A fiend that I can't bring myself to kill, just because that monster is using my friend's little sister as a host." He clenched his fist in anger, annoyed that he's unable to deal a killing blow just because the target is really an innocent and scared little girl.

"Back home, I gathered an army in rebellion of that army, and we were actually doing pretty well. We had one of the enemy's key members in a corner, and defeated him. Unfortunately, I have reasons to believe that he's still alive and he's somewhere in this world. Since I was suppose to die in the blast we were both caught in, it's most likely that he's still alive as well." Pausing, he looked at Lita. "His name is Yuki Terumi. One of the legendary Six Heroes that was supposedly behind the creation of the Black Beast, and is rumored to be behind every incident and catastrophe our world has gone through since then. He's a mad man that revels in the despair of others. If you ever come across him, get away from him as soon as possible. He'll stop at nothing to see you suffer, whether it's torturing you, or torturing those you love. And he'll do it all with a smile." Kagura shook a little bit, imagining that bone chilling grin of his.
The Dark Wars must have taken place years after Neo Queen Serenity's rule. The idea that there was an apocalypse and that the world would be a hot mess long after she died was both discouraging and sort of a relief. It wouldn't happen on her watch, but it would still happen. It would likely happen no matter what she did. Lita listened, her heart aching for Kagura as he told her the circumstances with which he lived.

She sat next to him and out her hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry you had to go through so much." Her green eyes locked on his and she lost herself for a small, weak moment. She thought she'd gotten past her days of being boy crazy, but apparently, she was still vulnerable to a man with a troubled past and great body. "If Terumi is here, we need to find him. And Arakune. We can't let them do damage here. I hope you'll agree to help us with this, Kagura. We could use you."
Looking up at Lita, he smiled. It was sweet to see her so concerned for him and that she felt bad for him, but he didn't care much for seeing her look so down. Getting up, he stood next to her, wanting to calm her down. "Don't worry gorgeous. I'm not the type of person that would stand by and watch as a beautiful girl such as yourself goes up against a powerful evil. I brought this mess here, I'll definitely clean it up."

With that out of the way, now was the time to really put the moves on her. Time to work the Kagura charm. "Now that we've got that decided..." He gently placed his hand on her cheek. "Why don't we don't we enjoy ourselves a little bit? I'm not familiar with this area, so would you mind showing me around?" Of course he means as in a date, but it would be nice to know his way around town as well.
The use of the word gorgeous got him a look of surprise. Her eyes searched his for his true intent. He seemed honest, if nothing else. He was very direct, a trait Lita valued and shared. But was he just complimenting her, or did he want something more. Either way, it looked like Kagura was on her side.

When he touched her face, she blinked and blushed, her inner teen squeaking in delight as Lita tried not to read too much into it. She was older and wiser. Well, she was older. His request for her to show him around seemed reasonable, but the look on his face seemed to suggest something more. The question was, was it a trick? Or genuine want? Hadn't she just decided to trust him? Why did she get the feeling, then, that she was missing something?

"Well, I suppose that would be ok. You should probably leave your cloak and sword here. And we should probably think of getting you some clean clothes. It might be awhile before we figure out how to fix this, and you should be comfortable."

She shook her head and stood up, grabbing her purse and keys. "May as well get some food, too. Are you hungry?" She took a jacket, just in case and waited for him to get ready, hoping that she wouldn't be swept away by his good looks and charm. Her inner teen was very disappointed with this very unromantic position.
While it was true that Terumi and Arakune needed to be stopped, it wouldn't be Kagura if he didn't hit on the beautiful girl in front of him. While some might call it sleazy, Kagura saw it as giving love to all the women of the world. Going on a date with a girl and disguising it as work was the Kagura way. The one good thing to come out of him being trapped here was that his servant wasn't here with him to nag at him.

Leaving his sword and his cloak beside the couch, he followed Lita out the door. It was a shame that he couldn't bring it with him, but since his military status didn't work here, it would raise questions from the authorities if they saw him carrying around a sword about the same size as him. If worst comes to worst, he can always summon it, although it'll use up the limited amounts of seithr here.

He walked behind Lita, getting a quick chance to glance at her behind from time to time, quick enough for her to not notice. So dinner, shopping, just walking around with her. It sounded like a date, no matter how much he disguised it as learning about the area.
Even if it was more of a date than anything, Lita didn't mind. Kagura was an attractive man, and she couldn't kid herself about the girlish crush that had developed from the moment he'd saved her life. Of course, since she didn't know if she could really trust him, it was good to keep a bit of distance. The fact that he left behind the sword gave her more security. The small bit of doubt that remained came from years as a sailor scout.

"Hmmm, so I guess if you're from a different time, you'd eat different food. What do you like eating, Kagura? Maybe we can find something like that around here. I'm pretty hungry, so I'm up for anything." She smiled and waited for his answer before she went about playing the part of tour guide as they walked toward the business district. Her brown hair fluttered in the breeze as she guided him, smiling as she explained things about her neighborhood and downtown.
Even without the sword, Kagura was still pretty proficient with hand-to-hand combat. He didn't become a colonel simply by swinging that big sword around. He would've preferred to keep his cloak though. It wasn't so much to look shady or anything, he was simply comfortable while wearing it. Luckily he'll be able to get some new clothes, so he'll try to look something that can work as a substitute.

"I'm not really sure about that. While most of the world has been polluted, we managed to save a lot of domesticated animals, especially the ones meant for food. We still eat beef, pork, chicken, and fish. While I'd normally get yelled at by my assistant for not eating healthy, I normally went out to a small shop in the town I lived in." He thought back to his afternoons spent back home. While he would often take his dates out to some expensive restaurant, but he himself had a bit more of simpler tastes. "The old man that ran the place would often serve me a big bowl of teriyaki, then I'd down that meal with some sake. So I guess any traditional Japanese dish would be fine with me." Although, since he was from the future, even a cup of instant ramen would seem traditional.
She listened with interest as he told her about the future. It sounded like a hard place to be, but at least normal food could still be found. Lita strained to imagine the world that would apparently be...but she was having a difficult time of it. Still, for all the hardships he had been through, Kagura seemed like a pretty well-adjusted guy. A handsome one at that. When he told her that traditional Japanese was what he liked and that he often went to a small shop for it, she knew just the place to go.

"Hmm, alright then. I get the feeling that your appetite is probably as big as mine after a fight. I know a nice little place to go to. The food is delicious, but it's cheap. And it's very fast." Best to keep her guest in good spirits, she thought. If nothing else, he'd had quite a day. Letting him relax and enjoy himself was probably the best thing for him. Plus, it had been awhile since she was able to do that herself.

With that, the tall brunette took his hand and led him just a little faster to a small restaurant she liked to visit. Inside it was decorated with natural flair that really reflected traditional Japanese culture. The seating, however, was Western. The other patrons were either young students or older couples. There were a few booths open, a scattering of tables, and a counter to sit at. The lighting was a little dim, but bright enough to see everything clearly, and it was done in paper lanterns, so the room was quite colorful.

"Mmm, this is one of my favorite places to come after a long day. Then again, if the food is good and cheap enough, I'll go pretty much anywhere." She chuckled and turned to him, smiling. "Where do you want to sit?"
Kagura a little taken by surprise when Lita took his hand and lead him to the restaurant. In the past, he's usually had a girl in his arms or clinging to some part of his body. This was probably the first time in a very long time where he simply held hands with a girl. There was something so innocent about it, and yet it kind of made Kagura's chest tighten a little bit. Whatever this odd sensation was, it faded away when they reached the restaurant.

It looked like how he would've imagined it, and strangely similar to the shop he would often visit. "This place looks amazing." He smiled, laughing a little at her joke. He found a small table to the side with two chairs. Taking Lita's hand, he pulled her to the table, sitting down with her.

After a moment of searching the menu, he finally picked the beef bowl with some miso soup on the side. When he got his soup, he took one sip of it and smiled. For the first time since he's been here, he felt like he was at home. "It's delicious. Thank you for bringing me here."
The look on Kagura's face was well worth the little trip to the restaurant. His approval seemed to be more important to her than she realized. For some reason, she wanted to make his time here as comfortable as she could. Perhaps it was just the loneliness of being cut off from one's home and time that she identified with. She was an orphan, herself, and she'd felt this similar isolation and unfamiliarity when she'd traveled to the future to save Neo-queen Serenity. Either way, she really wanted him to enjoy himself--more than she had realized.

She ordered tonkatsu with udon, pleased to receive her noodles around the same time as he got his miso. Speedy service was this place's main advantage. That he liked the food made her smile as she tried her noodles. Once she swallowed, she chuckled. "No need to thank me. You did sort of save my life back there. Feeding you is the least I can do," she said. "I'm glad you like it. Wanna try some noodles?"

It felt nice to eat with someone again. She'd been playing it lone wolf style the past few months--college had started and she was patrolling the area on her own most nights. Things had been kind of quiet lately. Too bad that never lasted. This taste of normalcy, of spending time with a friend, was a welcome change.
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