Okaerinasai, Goshujin-sama! [An AU All Canon Maid Cafe] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

Even to this day, there were always those select few 'odd happenings' that occurred but couldn't exactly be explained. The merging of all of the worlds had been by far one of the strangest and most abrupt ones in existence. All the people, be it a protagonist or antagonist, from every fandom had been taken from their more 'typical' setting and forced to live and coexist in this completely new one. There were definitely some major benefits from what many had noted.

But the one that everyone seemed to take advantage of the most was any and all conflicts that had been endured were gone. No more war, no more unnecessary death or bloodshed, no more fears like that. Most of the people had embraced and overall accepted the changes. There were a few, however, who were still adjusting.

The now twenty-three year old Chrome Dokuro was a perfect example. Not only had her original world been practically erased, she'd yet to see anyone from her own world in this one. It scared and disheartened her. These reactions were a major reason she had taken up the job at the maid cafe that was built and established in this new world; to forget about her pain and sorrows. If she could make others happy, Chrome could be too. It wasn't always 100% genuine but .. it was a start. And given it was something for Chrome, she'd accept that more than the alternative of nothing.

Living alone, especially no longer merged with Mukuro Rokudo, was by far the most intimidating part. Worse off, Ken and Chikusa were also gone. If even one of them had been here .. maybe she'd feel better. Her head shook slowly as a defeated sigh passed her lips.

"Mukuro-sama would want you to be happy," she reminded herself, feeling mostly confident about her assumption. He had saved her all those years ago, after all. That, she supposed, was an odd miracle but something else she'd take advantage of. Despite no longer having Mukuro helping her out with his flames, she was actually relatively healthy. In fact, it was almost as if she'd never had that accident years ago and lost most of her internal organs.

A single orb glanced down at herself as she double checked herself, making sure her maid outfit looked neat and appropriate enough. After seeing herself and feeling satisfied with her appearance, Chrome walked outside, arriving five minutes later. Thankfully, the walk was short and brief. As she opened the door, the bell rang.

The sound made the sub-owner and manager - specifically of all the maids - Mitsuru Kirijo smile. It was always good for her to hear and see the workers arrive early if not on time.

If anyone had asked the former SEES leader if she would ever see herself in a maid cafe of all places, her answer would have been a very swift and almost instant "Hell no!". But when she had first visited this place, she met the manager and how .. tense some of the women had seemed. Her protective side had kicked in and she wasted little to no time in becoming the head manager of this place.

Granted, Jiraiya had good intentions. But sometimes he could be just a tad ... too eerie, even for herself. And that was a good reason as to why Mitsuru had made damn well sure to get accepted for this job; to keep him and any unfortunate customers who would dare to get out of line back in it. Thankfully, there hadn't been many instances such as that where behavior that shouldn't happen did.

Still, it was always much better safe than sorry.

"Morning," Mitsuru called out to Chrome from her office, walking out after a few moments. Her red eyes studied the one that was across from her before she managed a small smile. "You been doing okay, Chrome?"

"Morning. Um ... " Chrome's head lifted after she finished clocking herself in and gave a quick nod soon after. "I am, yes. It's still ... odd. But ... "

Mitsuru's eyes softened as she nodded in understanding. "I get it. Truly, I do. I'm also alone from my own world. I just ... think of other things."

"Thank you, Mitsuru-san. I'll keep that in mind."

After each gave a bow of their heads, they went to their respective locations; Mitsuru to her office and Chrome to the back, nearby the kitchen.

Meanwhile in another location, Tayuya had been awake and dressed. She'd given Sai more than enough time.

"If his ass isn't up .... " she murmured, finally walking toward his room as she gave three knocks.

"Oi! Get up! We're gonna be late!"

Of all the people she'd seen from her universe, Sai had by far been one of the most ... unique people she'd met. He was so damn nonchalant! It sometimes pissed her off that he could be that way! He'd explained a few times he wasn't good with emotions.

At first, Tayuya had been almost positive it was just a bullshit lie. But over time, she began to see for herself this was, somehow, true. It almost made her pity him. But she didn't if for no other reason than for the same logic she would deny such emotions. She wouldn't want anyone to pity her, even if it seemed like an appropriate reaction.

Moreover, it seemed redundant to try to offer when he probably wouldn't understand it.

But what had really gotten her attention - and a good incentive as to why she'd let herself become his roommate - was his own artistic abilities. It had also intrigued her. He could draw, she could play the flute. She'd often watch him at times. Tayuya had thought about asking to pose - clothed of course - for him.

But every damn time she tried to muster up enough courage, it always faltered.

Her head shook as she forgot about her desires for the time being, returning to the here and now. Clearing her throat, she began counting down from ten, signaling if he didn't reply, she'd make him wake up.

"Juu ... kyu .... hachi .... "

Sai had spent the night before working on his work, his art, ever sense he came into this world, he found his responsiblities to be different, he wasn't a root ninja or a ninja at all, he had to have what most of these people would call a normal life. He had seen many of the people from his universe, heck the fact that he knew Naruto was why Jiraya hired him before he did a bit of work as a waiter. He was lucky to find the job and he was so thankful as well.

He popped up hearing his roommate the very loud Tayuya, she was a talented musician, but she was so loud, and so expressive of her feelings. She was so different from himself. He blinked hearing her counting, "Yeah yeah, I am up, give me a moment and I will be out," he called out loud enough for her to hear him though the door. He looked around and found his outfit for the day, and got dressed, the suit fit him rather well, as he looked at himself, he knew then at opened the door. "Tayuya-san, I am ready to go if you are," he commented looking in her direction as he figured it was a short walk to the cafe.

Kurama was up early as normal the diligent young man, got up, as he made sure to make his bed fold his clothes up before he got ready for work. He hadn't seen Yusuke, HIei, or even Botan since he had been in this world. It was strange that the fox demon would be in this world alone. He had spent many years alone as Yoko in the demon realm though, so for him it wasn't nearly the change that it would be for others. Still it had been a while since he returned to the human realm for good, to live out a human life.

He arrive at work on time, walking into the front door he looked around to notice that he wasn't there first as he heard someone else, he went in and walked up and started to get ready, he figured that it would be important to be prepared, the redhead was very much by the book, very excate and calm and with a intellegent aura around the former spirit thief and then later warrior for justice. He cleaned the tables as he looked over each to make sure they were prepared for the people arriving. The door opened and he looked over and blinked as he noticed who walked in and nodded his head. "Jiraya-sama, it is good to see you this morning."

JIraya had figured that having beautiful women around was a great way to make some serious money, plus he could sell his books at the store, it was amazing to him how well they seemed to sell to customers. He looked at Kurama and smiled the kid was a good worker, and helped make them serious cash with the females who wanted him to wait on them. "Now, Kurama go back and make sure they are preparing breakfast hopefully the others will be here soon, I am sure we will have some good sells this morning," he mused looking at him before heading up to his office.

While waiting for Sai to reply, Tayuya's mind went to her own past. For the first time in her life, she was free to choose what she could do. No one was able to boss her around and she loved it. As far as this job went ... well ... she was on the fence. It wasn't the absolute worst thing Tayuya could be doing; that was an obvious given. At the same time, she had wondered if this was really right for her. She had started out just going there to relax. The owner had insisted she'd be a damn good waitress. Prior to becoming Sai's roommate, she had needed a source of income. And she wasn't about to sink so low to just sell herself. Fuck that.

So, she had agreed. The day she found others from her world, it made Tayuya feel a bit better about taking this job up. Besides, there were others who were worse off by having no one. Chrome, she distinctly recalled, was one of those women. But even despite her being alone, the woman seemed mentally strong. Or was that just a strong front?

Before Tayuya got to think too long on the matter, Sai walked out. She didn't say anything aloud but merely gestured to herself. "... Why wouldn't I be ready?" she inquired, trying to keep a calm voice. She didn't mind the naive nature from her roommate. On the contrary, it was kinda cute in some odd form or fashion. But the questions which should have had obvious answers did sometimes annoy her. And to have done so about her being ready definitely made Tayuya tense up slightly.

"Yeah though, let's go."

Turning on her heels, she walked alongside her partner and headed to work.

From inside her office, Mitsuru could hear Jiraiya arriving. "Good timing," she mused softly, standing up as she grasped some papers in her hands. The clicking of her heels signaled Mitsuru heading out from her quarters and into the living room. Waiting for Kurama to leave first, her head bowed to the owner as she handed the papers over.

"The monthly financial reports, Jiraiya-sama. They should have all - most at least - of their calculations and estimates done."

Essentially, the papers hinted how well the business was doing, areas that may or may not need improving on, and other similar aspects.

"Do you need anything else from me?" Mitsuru added, ready to head back if the answer was no.

Meanwhile, Chrome was helping check up on the kitchen. She never did any tasks that may get her too warm and thus sweaty to avoid ruining her outfit. However, she did help with checking the inventory or somehow giving assistance in any other possible method to the chefs. If, of course, it was even needed in the first place. So far, everything looked ready for when the place opened in twenty minutes.

A small but content sigh passed her lips as she sat in front of the podium near the door, ready to greet the first guests that would arrive.

Sai looked at the redhead as he nodded his head, "I wonder how busy we are going to be today, perhaps if we are busy we will be able to make some good tips,' he mused as he walked into the building and gave his normal false smile to Chrome as he walked in the room, and then looked around, it was all set up already and prepared, he looked over the menu for the day and noticed everything going over everything quickly and memorizing the order of the dishes as well as the prices of the dishes as well before putting it down. "Good morning Chrome-san, Kurama-san," he commented as he looked at the other two who were working the small place as he then went over and straightened up his suit as he stretched himself out just a moment longer before he knew someone would be heading in to buy food from here sooner rather then later.

Kurama came back out of the kitchen as the young man notice the others, "good morning everyone, it is all ready back in the back, just need customers now," he mused as he looked at the group knowing that soon many customers who loved food would perhaps be there. People like Saiyans who could eat enough to pay the bills for months or Naruto or Choji who could do nearly the same thing. He looked and smiled politely as he fixed his black suit as well.

"Well, I have nothing else that I need.Mitsuru-kun" he said as he looked at the paperwork, he would of course read them, he was a business man as well as world class pervert, he smiled as he looked at Mitsuru, "Keep them in line, I have a feeling it is going to be a good month for business," he said with a positive tone to his voice as he looked at her giving her a friendly tone as he put the papers under his shoulder, and then headed up stairs to his office to go over them in detail as he had time that morning.

The first person to walk into the room was former swordsman and current farmer Kenshin. The young man looked and smiled as he looked at Chrome, "Good morning, beautiful morning today, it is," he said as he looked at her and then the others, "um, who do I have the honor of having as my waiter or waitress today," he said knowing he was the first one there, He had just finished work on his little field and was hungry and he knew this place had a great breakfast menu and good help too. He figured that he wasn't the type who was picky at all, he thought all the people who worked here were really kind and nice people.

"Around the same if not more so." Tayuya quickly replied to Sai, wasting little time in heading towards the back. The typical routine did seem to consist of everyone being busy enough that all the employees were doing some task. At the same time, however, it was never too stressful. Well, not usually, anyway. But even if that wasn't the case, Tayuya's mind wasn't thinking on that. Not quite, anyway. She just clocked herself in when the bell upon the front door rang. A quick glance around signaled everyone who was supposed to be here was. That being said, it was easy to guess that a customer had walked in.

A system of sorts had been agreed on ever since all of the maids and waiters had been hired. Whoever was the first person that could get to any customer would be serving them. Mitsuru was out of the question, Chrome was helping in the back, so .. that left her.

Well ... usually the earlier people are more .. generous.

Especially in attitudes. There hadn't been many but some people had entered before and all but purposely angered not just Tayuya but Mitsuru and, if bad enough, even Jiraiya himself. And given it was incredibly difficult to infuriate the owner between those three people, it had been quite a feat. But they had gotten that .. pretty under control lately; at least from what Tayuya had noticed.

Chrome's head bowed as Kenshin walked inside. "Um ... I think I know but I'll go check to be sure on that. Excuse me."

She barely walked into the kitchen before Tayuya walked out, nearly running into Chrome.

"...Damn -- agh -- sorry, Chrome."

"It's .. it's fine. So, you're going to tend to Kenshin-san?"

"Mhm, I am."

Seconds after their own exchange was made, the bell rang once again. The former captain of the Marines, known mostly by her comrades as Captain Tashigi, slowly walked inside. She had seen this place many times before but had never mustered up the courage to walk in. This new world was something she was still adjusting slightly to, along with not having to give out orders so often. Finally, however, Tashigi had decided she needed to try to enter here. It was supposed to be a place one could relax and forget about stresses. And she definitely needed a distraction.

Much like Chrome, she had someone she dearly missed; her superior officer, Smoker. Even if it would have been wrong to have confessed feelings for him, they had always been there. Alas, though, she hadn't yet seen him and if this place could help her get out of this .. funk she'd been in for a while, she'd try being here.

She sat a few tables away from Kenshin while the redhead Tayuya wound up beside the former swordsman.

"Morning, sir. What can I get for you?"

Meanwhile, Chrome's head peeked through the doors as she gave a soft but still audible whisper. "Got a second person here if anyone can get that? Tayuya's helping Kenshin already."
Kenshin looked at the young woman and smiled as he looked over the menu, the place had such a good menu and everything tasted good too. "Well now, hmm, I would like to start off with some green tea, that I would," he said looking at Tayuya giving her a small little smile as he figured that it was hard to pick the actual dish he would pick here. "Well, what do you think sounds good this morning, I would like to know your opinion," he commented as he looked up at her with a friendly smile as he looked at Tayuya figuring that she would know the best things on the menu better then he would and would trust her tastes as well in her selection for him. He had gotten things form her before, he knew the menu pretty well but he figured he wanted a surprise this morning something to throw off the norm and prevent it from being dull.

Both Kurama and Sai heard the statement and looked at one and other before the redhead walked to help the young woman. The redhead smiled with a friendly tone as he walked over to her table, looking at her, he smiled. He figured that he liked interacting with people and helping them, it was fun to be a waiter. The young man smiled as he looked at Tashigi and smiled, "Well now, welcome, ma'am, it is good to see you hear this morning," Kurama said kindly as he looked at the woman, and then handed her a menu, "is there anything which I can get you to drink while you look over the menu," he commented softly and kindly as he looked at the woman. He figured it would take her a moment or two to pick something but he could have her drink out to have her something to drink while she waited on her food.

"Well, it seems as though today will be busy, Chrome," Sai said as he went around the kitchen looking for things he could do as he waited, he figured that a good morning would be nice, they could make some money and then they would be able to get attention as well. He was glad to have something to do. He figured that he would be able to learn more about human emotions by being around people and watching them interact. "Well um, I have to say, perhaps we will make some good money today," he said to Chrome as he looked out and watched for a moment to see what was going on.

It took every ounce of willpower for Tayuya to restrain her head from tilting or chuckling aloud. If this swordsman had been here before, she'd definitely never waited on him. But his way of speaking was definitely .. unique. Kinda cute though in it's own ways.

Really though, who the hell ends a sentence with 'that I would'?

It probably just had something to do with his upbringing but ... not like it'd matter. That was one of the few rules Tayuya wasn't overly fond of; the lack of ability to get to know people inside the cafe. Outside .. well ... that was fine. But while anyone was on duty, a more professional mindset was expected to be kept and maintained. And while Tayuya - let alone everyone else - understood this, it still didn't appeal to most people.

Mentally noting to get Kenshin some green tea, she peeked down at the menu and began scanning the meals. He'd asked for a recommendation so she would gladly give him one. After a moment, Tayuya tapped her finger beside what was like a miniature buffet of sorts; three pancakes, eggs made in the customer's choice, French toast, bacon, and sausage.

"This is especially good if you've worked up an appetite. Otherwise, the cream-filled pancakes of any flavor. I tend to favor strawberry though."

Tayuya then leaned back, allowing him space and a better ability to look over the rest of the menu. While she had the time, she began jotting down his order, starting with the green tea. Usually, Tayuya had a pretty damn good memory. Still, it was morning and she wasn't sure if she was completely awake or not. It was a precaution to help with following the 'better safe than sorry' saying.

"Coffee," Tashigi swiftly replied. "Sugar only, no cream though please. And thank you for the greeting." It was likely his job more than anything to say that. But it was still appreciated to hear effort was being put in.

Chrome nodded, continuing to take inventory as she conversed with Sai. "Mhm, it is." She tried to avoid the matter of money just because it was something everyone wanted. With tips being split, however, it was sometimes ... difficult. And she didn't quite want to think too much on that if possible. So, she tried to figure a different topic. "So ... I heard from Tayuya you draw?" she asked, genuinely intrigued. Every other guardian she used to be around had their own fortes. Art, however, had never really been one of them. She would have counted Gokudera but he used to play piano. By the time she'd met him, he had quit so it was hard to say that counted.
Kenshin looked at her and then smiled as he was who he was, content with his place in the world, despite his troubled past, he was going to remain true to himself, even if Kaoru wasn't around he would be himself. He smiled as he looked at Tayuya, she seemed a nice young woman, he didn't know her at all, but he was sure she was a good person, he just got the feeling as he looked into her eyes and read her as best as he could. He wondered what she was thinking what she thought of this new world. He knew not everyone had found their place so well as they had issues getting settled in the world. He looked at the recommendation and smiled, "Oh that sounds good, I will get that, that I will" he said happily, as he looked at her and then nodded his head. "I grow some of the stuff that is sold in town, maybe some of this stuff is made by me, that would be cool," he mused as he looked at her and then handed her the menu.

Kurama nodded his head, he was a respectful young man, his voice always formal as he looked at her and then could remember her order without a problem, something he could do due to his own memory and mental skills. He went back and got the coffee just as she had asked for and then carried it back to Tashigi and sat it before her a bit later pausing for a moment, "here you go, ma'am, I hope you enjoy. Is there any food that you will wish to have with your coffee, I would suggest the tarts, they are fresh today, and the flavor would go well with the coffee you ordered, if you do not mind me saying ma'am, but there are many other good things on the menu as well," he said with a polite tone.

Sai blinked and nodded, "Yes, very well, my jutsu were created by art, so I got rather good, it was what was needed when I was in the other world," he said honestly as he had no reason not to be honest about his past, as it was his past. He figured that he could draw decently, "I do not think it is drawing as much as a type of painting that is common in the far easy with thick lines versus drawing which normally uses small lines, but I have been able to adapt it to drawing ever since I have gotten to this area," he said giving a complete answer as he was the type to do such a thing. "It looks like our friends are doing well out there," he said as he looked out and saw the intereactions going on.

Suddenly, Tayuya couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as her eyes met Kenshin's. Was this the capability of a real swordsman? All of a sudden, she felt almost inferior to him. It was obvious enough what he was doing; sizing her up. She'd seen and heard of this being done back in her old home. But never before had anyone used it on her. Even when the Nara did this years ago, it was tame, nothing nearly as intimidating as this was. She only kept one part of her past life with her. Hidden away in her room was indeed her flute. She'd tried - in secret, of course - to see if her summons could still be used. The answer, mainly if push had come to shove, was an amazing yes.

Poor Tayuya felt a bit like a former soldier who had a horrible case of PTSD and was removed from her thoughts as her mind registered the feeling of the menu being pressed against her flesh.

"Alright. Um .. and how would you like your eggs done?" she managed to inquire, smiling back to him.

Damnit, you didn't seriously just zone out like that, did you?

Hopefully, it hadn't been for too long. Enough for him to probably notice which ... would look horrible in itself. But ... gah! As much as she was praying he hadn't seen that, her gut was almost certain he had.

Well ... at least you're a waitress. It means you go back and forth from the table.

Thank gods because to say Tayuya was mortified was an understatement.

What had likely been a minute if not two passed and by then, Tashigi still had no idea what to go with. That had been a damn good reason she'd asked for the coffee. With any luck, the caffeine would help her think better. Taking the spoon that had been set at her table, she began to stir the coffee a few times, gently inhaling the drink. That definitely began to help her wake up more but not before Kurama suggested something for her to eat.

After pondering it over for a few minutes, Tashigi nodded. "I'll go on and try that. You seem to have a good grasp of things that would compliment one another. So for today, I'll let you choose for me."

The next visit, Tashigi hoped, would be much smoother in her own ability to think for herself. Her left hand gave the menu over as she set the spoon down and carefully grasped the cup with her coffee in it, taking a sip.

"... Jutsu? Is that some sort of ability?" Chrome asked, remembering her own involving her Mist flame. She hadn't really needed to use illusions in a long time but ... she did sometimes practice. A few times, Chrome had secretly hoped it would somehow bring Mukuro back. But alas, no such luck. It always made her sad every time it'd failed. Despite all the times she kept trying to insist Mukuro would want her to live a happy life without her, it was hard not to think about him. He had been the reason she'd lived past her teenage years. Otherwise, the accident from years ago would have taken her away.

"That .. that sounds really cool." she added, managing to keep her voice stable. As the hint about Tayuya and Kurama doing well was hinted, she glimpsed out from around the corner to check for herself and nodded. "Mhm, seems like."
Kenshin looked at the woman as he raised an eyebrow, he saw that she seemed to be in deep thought. Now he was really curious as to what was on her mind. Sadly, he had no abilities to read the mind of the young woman as he looked at her. He narrowed his eyes a bit as he tried though in vain, before giving up and smiling as he looked at the woman giving her a warm kind look as she then asked him about the eggs. "Well now, um scrambled, that will work just fine. Yep, oh and grape jelly would be good and maple syrup. I just tried that stuff man that stuff is good, that I know," he said as he smiled warmly as he had his duality very much there, but he knew to just enjoy life thus the manslayer persona was deeply buried in him for the most part as he sat there. "You want to hear something strange, her name was Tokiko, she looked just like a younger me, but a girl version of me, and her boyfriend looked a good bit like Miss Misao," he said smiling at the memory of running to them.

Kurama nodded his head as he gave her a smile and then went into the kitchen and turned in the order, as he kept an eye on the swordwoman. He could tell she was a fighter a warrior, she had that type of aura, but so many others did as well. He figured that she was a cute one, the fox demon stood there and looked over and listened to the conversation that was happening between Chrome and Sai as a way to learn a bit more about his co-workers.

"Yes, it is an ability, I can make things come to life the drawings as you put it, I can make birds and snakes and mice and all sorts of things that can come to life with my abilities. I haven't tried it here in this world thought. I am good at painting as well as drawing and I find both to be rather um..relaxing I believe is the correct term that people use, I am not sure," he said rubbing his chin as he thought about it, "yes, that is, sorry, I am not the best with emotions, or understanding them, they are odd thigns to me, things which are confusing to me. I grew up not being able to have them so I am still learning them," he explained as looked out.

Soon, Kurama had the tart and carried it over and put it on the table for Tashigi, "Well here you go, miss, I hope you enjoy it, I think it is wonderfully good," he said as he had the pot of coffee in his hands too, "here let me top off your cup as well," he said adding a bit more coffee to her cup before smiling, "Now if there is anything that you might need go ahead and tell me, it won't be any issue and enjoy your meal."

As Kenshin replied and included everything else he wanted with his order, Tayuya nodded and wrote it all down. When he went on to relay about someone from his past and heard the word 'boyfriend', it stung her like a harsh slap. It had started as a horrible joke and bet between her and Sai but it had become more and more obvious since they'd started working here. Being an employee here meant you practically gave up your right to find love; at least while on duty. True, there were opportunities for off but ... it wasn't like Tayuya was known for much. Just being in a damn maid cafe. It'd never really bothered her before but now ... there was something about it that was annoying the hell out of her.

"Is that so? Maybe they'll arrive here one day. Anyway, excuse me while I go give the others your order."

Giving a quick but polite bow of her head, Tayuya finally left Kenshin's side and went into the kitchen, giving the chefs the ticket. A long sigh left her lips as she gently leaned against the wall, waiting for his plate to have everything on it. That was part of the jobs of the chefs, though, to make food. So Tayuya felt good it wouldn't take too long.

Fucking hell, what is wrong with you?! First you zone out and now you're acting ... stupid. You just met him! Get a grip!

Maybe it was the long-term results? Regardless, something was eating away at Tayuya. And the poor musician was doing any and everything to forget about it for the time being.

Chrome's head tilted as she listened to Sai reveal he'd grown up without emotions. Just that in itself sounded practically impossible. Then again, this was why they were from different words. "You got the right word, yes. Between you and me, however, you seem to understand them pretty well. Emotions .. are part of what define us. It'd annoy me if I didn't know if I was happy, sad, something else. But you seem to have a good handle on it."

Although Tashigi hadn't finished even half of her coffee, the gesture was still much appreciated anyway. Bowing her head to Kurama, she let him top her coffee before giving him a small smile. "Thank you for everything. I should be fine for now."

Waiting for him to leave first, Tashigi took a bite of the tart, nodding her head in approval. "Not bad at all," she mused, feeling herself relax more and more as she enjoyed her meal.

Kenshin was enjoying his meal, it was nice to be able to talk to another person like he was with this young woman. She was a kind and respectful woman. He smiled as he nodded his head, "Yeah perhaps so, that is possible," he said with a nod of his head. He knew most likely they were somewhere else in the world far from him and he would never find her or his friend again.Kenshin was sure that no matter where they were all located that they were happy with what they were doing and he hoped they had found new friends and people to help there. He wondered if he needed to make more friends in this world, he felt good about his work, but maybe he needed new friends.

Sai nodded his head as he looked out, "I know, I have read many books about them, I have faked many of them many times to get an edge on a enemy. Sakura was helping me figure out how to have them though before I got here," he said remembering his teammate and friend for a moment as he knew that his lack of emotion made it easier for him to be able to read the emotions that other people have. "Take my roommate, I think that she is having a interesting reaction to the redhead, look at her face, it is easy to pick it up, confusion is writen all over it, which isn't like her, so the redhead has to have made her confused," he explained.

Kurama nodded his ehad as he looked at the swordswoman and former naval officer, and then slipped back away from her and then watched to make sure that she was enjoying her meal. He figured that the young woman needed a good meal and the taste and smells of the food he suggested supported each other which was why he had suggested them. He looked over at the other two seeing they were talking to each other at that moment. Then back to Tashigi for a momnet, as he printed off the check but also got the mint for her as well. He walked over and put them on her table, "Whenever you are ready is fine."

Tayuya cleared her throat, signaling to Sai and Chrome that she had been a bit behind them while waiting for Kenshin's meal to be placed up. "Oi. I'm right here, Sai-baka. I can hear you perfectly. I'm not confused!"

Part of that analysis, however, had actually been pretty damn accurate. Kenshin had most certainly intrigued her, yes. And she wasn't fully confused. A bit, yes. But perhaps more than any of those, she was honestly scared. Not even Sai had affected her like this. Had it just been because he had tried to size her up not long ago? Or was there something else she had completely missed? Tayuya had no idea and the unknown was making her heart race.

Still, a smug smirk managed to cross her face. She turned, holding a tray carefully balanced in her right hand and the syrup in her left. She looked right into Sai's onyx hues with that same smirk before simply adding, "If you're gonna talk about me, at least be accurate, will ya?"

It was both a half-demand and an attempt to tease although the latter very likely failed. But she had more to focus on anyway. Soon Tayuya found herself back beside Kenshin. Slowly - very carefully, she set the syrup down first then the plate with all of his food. And that was when it dawned on her. A low groan elicited before her head bowed to the ronin.

"Oh dear gods, I'm so sorry! Your tea ... ahh ... I'll be right back."

Chrome had stayed quiet, finally chuckling as Tayuya left. "She's right. She's not confused; not completely anyway. But um .. that's an interesting way of reading emotions."

Chrome never got to say much more before the bell rang once again. "Ah, I gotta welcome this one. You'll probably need to take this person, Sai-san."

Giving him a quick bow of her head, Chrome walked out in time to see another purple-haired woman walk in. She seemed to match the other woman and also looked like some soldier; or at least as if she used to be one. "Welcome, miss."

A small smile crossed Noin's face. Chrome's guess would have indeed been correct. In fact, she was like Tashigi in many ways. Noin also had someone that despite it being 'wrong' in her field of work, she definitely had feelings for the man. Zechs Merquise; never once was he not on her mind. For the moment, however, she had decided to give her thoughts a rest, knowing that like many of the others here, he'd want her to try to move on. As long as he was safe, she would be happy. Noin merely nodded and, after a quick glance around, replied softly, "I don't have a preference if that's what you're waiting for,"

"Ahh ... yes. My bad." Giving a low bow, Chrome led her to a booth, helping Noin, Tashigi, and Kenshin form a triangle shape in the cafe. "Your waiter should be with you soon."

Meanwhile, Tayuya had quickly entered kitchen and was trying to patiently wait for the tea to return. Even though Kenshin didn't seem like the type to get annoyed over forgetting something so simple, she didn't want to push her luck. Thankfully, green tea was easy to make and as quickly as it had been finished being prepared, she was back once more beside the former ronin. She placed his drink down, letting out a long sigh upon finding that he finally had everything now.

"Do you want anything else? Or are you fine for now?" Tayuya inquired.

Tashigi had been in the midst of sipping some of her coffee when the bell rang once again. She glanced up to see another military figure. An amused smirk was hidden behind her cup. She hadn't thought so many other women from different worlds would have enough nerve to join such a risky field. In a way though, it was nice to see that even outside her of her own universe, there were still plenty of other females who had just as much courage as any man beside them. Her head nodded as she turned her attention back to Kurama and the food.

"I will, thanks. Feel free to take a break until then. You've definitely earned it."

While that was definitely true, Tashigi was still adapting to having so many foreigners around her. Even if only a little, she did need some space. Setting the mug down, she continued to slowly eat her meal, purposely taking her time to allow for her to savor the taste and enjoy every second of it.
Kenshin smiled as the fact that she had forgotten about the tea, he wasn't one to worry about such things at all, he figure it was something that happened on the path of life and there was nothing to worry about it. He figured that he had nothing to do the rest of the day, his farm work for the day done early in the morning. Most likely that was why he was one of the first people who was in the café. Then again that was the life of a farmer work the field lets nature take its course and wait for everything to come together to make a harvest that you could sell and eat and enjoy. It was a simple life, and a good life, one that he never got to have till he got to this universe minus a small period when he was faking it.

Kakashi noticed the second female, she had a strong presence about herself, most of the females who were their had a strong presence, all the ones in the café. He could help but wonder where they came from and what each of them were before they were in this new world. Kakashi rubbed his hands together as he relaxed, it was such a nice day. He nodded as he got the tea back, it looked good, it was warm still which was good too. "Thank you, Miss Tayuya, I do not need nothing more at all at the moment, that I do not," he said with warm smile on his lips as he looked at her.

Sai knew something was up with his friend, he could tell, what it was, he had no clue, but he didn't have that much time to think about it as he grabbed a menu and then carried it over to the new female who had came into the restaurant. "Welcome, it is a honor to serve you," Sai commented the same fake smile that he profected on his face as he made the statement. "We have plenty of specials today they are on the last part of the menu, and we have plenty of types of tea and coffee, is there anything I can start you off with," he asked knowing that being friendly was a big key to this his tone thus showing what he was sure was a friendly tone as he looked at Noin.

Kurama nodded his head as he looked at the woman for a moment, much seemed to be on her mind, the smart spirit fox knew that she had much to think about as did everyone. He fit in well cause he was used to going between worlds, he had human realm, demon realm and others that he had to fight in and be in over the course of his life, so this wasn't that big of a change for him. His duality also he figured helped a bit too as he had to adapt to his human body but also had his demon Yoko Kurama form which he hadn't been in for a good while. Kurama walked to the door as he heard the bell ring giving him something to do at the same moment.

A long dark haired young man walked in, wearing a baseball uniform of all things. Yamcha was able to adapt to the new world far better then most, he had skills in sports which worked well in this world and helped him get a job as the star baseball player for the local professional team. He had been a great bandit in the desert when he came to this world. He was still pretty young having never ran into a saiyan or anyone of that sort in his whole life. The young man came from a different universe, he had never ran into Son Goku, and never had the adventure of traveling to find the dragonball or running into Bulma his first crush, so he was still very much on edge as he walked into the room. To many beautiful women, he was a good bit shy around women, as it was his big weakness. Still he had gotten a lot better of the years and could hold a conversation with a beautiful woman without fainting on the spot. He walked with Kurama as he found him a table. Kurama then walked over to Chrome, "your up," he said in a quiet tone as he reached her.

It was nice for Tayuya to return and see - along with hearing of course - that Kenshin truly did seem to be as calm as she'd guessed. All the same, even if he hadn't minded, it was common courtesy on her behalf. He'd ordered tea and it was her obligation to serve him that; plain and simple. But hell, she could add him onto a mental list she'd made consisting of people who weren't bastards or tried to lash out at Tayuya. Especially not without a damn good reason. Back when she first started, her temper had transferred with her into the restaurant. But after about a week and a very long talk with Mitsuru, Tayuya changed for the better, something Sai knew better than anyone else working in the cafe.

.. Huh? I don't remember giving him my name

Her head bowed as she gave Kenshin a genuine smile. "No problem. Feel free to ask for me if you need anything." Tayuya pivoted on her feet as she turned and went back through the doors that led to the kitchen. On the outside, she looked relatively calm. But deep down, her heart was pounding quickly in her chest. Now she was confused but not for the reasons Sai may have guessed earlier.

She'd talked with tons of customers before in the past. So why was it just now that an interaction was making her react with infatuation? Her hormones were no doubt a factor; seventeen was one of those 'annoying' ages to get crushes on people. But was it only that?

Her head shook as she sighed, deciding to dismiss the thoughts for now.

Noin looked up as Sai arrived in a matter of seconds. The first thing she couldn't help but notice was the boy was incredibly pale; more than any other person she'd seen. It almost made her unable to help but feel a bit worried for him, thinking he didn't appear to be getting enough sun. Even if that was true, it was neither here nor there.

A brief pause lingered over Lucrezia and Sai before she gave him a nod. "Jasmine tea would be good," she replied.

Chrome had been on her way out to the dining hall, mentally noting it was her turn to be a waitress. Thankfully, it was always easy to see who she had to go to. She went to the lone male whose face was new to her. She had greeted Kenshin so process of elimination guided her to Yamcha. She took a calming breath before arriving beside him, greeting the newcomer with a slightly anxious but honest smile on her face.

"Morning, sir. What can I get for you today?" Chrome inquired.

Back in her office, Mitsuru had been watching the activities on her computer screen. She had managed to convince Jiraiya to include them after the first sets of .. trouble-makers had come in too often. It had been one of the things that not only helped herself and Jiraiya keep this place but know whom to forbid from entering ever again; if and when push came to shove of course.

Everything had looked fine. However, she couldn't help but notice Tayuya's reactions around Kenshin. A soft sigh elicited from her lips as she leaned back in her chair.

Mitsuru wasn't exactly angry with Tayuya. In fact, she had expected this day and reaction to arrive. She just hadn't been sure whom to look out for. But now that she knew ... Mitsuru wondered if she should speak with Tayuya - in private - when her shift was over. No disciplinary measures would be given, mainly because she still complied with all of the other rules. But perhaps some sort of ... pep talk would help her out?

Her eyes closed as she began to think on an appropriate course of action. Even if only a minor decision, one still needed to be made. Otherwise, this could get out of hand. Not that she didn't trust Tayuya; but policies were policies. The other redhead knew that as well as Mitsuru.
Kenshin smiled but then he shook his head, this was most interesting, the woman seemed really kind to him and all, he looked at the name tag where he got her name from. "Well now, there is nothing at all that I need, everything so far is perfect, and I don't think I will, except for a to go box, for when the food gets here," he said as he looked at the amount of food that would be in front of himself rather soon. He took a sip of the tea. it helped him relax a great deal as he took another sip of the tea, it warmed his body and heart. He smiled as he enjoyed the fact he had someone to talk to that morning. He looked over the tea and poured the tea into the cup from the small pot that he had ordered. He figured he wouldn't be able to get to know the woman who was serving him any better but it seemed possible that it would be neat to learn about the redhead who was very interesting.

Sai looked at her and nodded his head, as he was able to remember the order rather easily, "Well it will be taken care of, miss," he said with the most respectful tone possible as he looked up, it seemed that his roommate had found someone she liked. He said nothing but that look on her face gave that interest she had in the man was easy to pick up on. He smiled, "it will be right out," he commented kindly to the dark haired woman before he walked back into the kitchen and got the tea himself making sure it was up to par, and then remaking it when it wasn't really quickly before he took her a cup and a small bot of the jasmine tea, and put it before her, "Well now, ma'am, your tea, I hope that you enjoy it."

The bandit blinked and looked at the menu turning a bit red as he was around so many beautiful women, he lost his voice. That was a heck of a embarrassing thing to happen to him. he looked over the edge of his menu to find that she was still there looking back at him when he put up the menu blinking as he gathered up his voice still feeling nervous to be around such beauties. He had never gotten over his fear of being near beautiful women. "I wi..ll hav...e the numbe..r tw..o," he said as he put the menu down the fried rice combo was what he had, as he looked at her, "a..nd some..milk pleas..e"

Kurama watched what was going down and he smiled a she remained quiet, he focused mostly on the progress of the woman he was helping. He figured that it would be great to be able to help someone and it was great to be able to be a good waiter. He knew that he could make a new life for himself if he was able to make money from this job.
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