Reunion[Naruto] (Malfrost x Emi)


Dec 25, 2012
After knocking out her friends and momentary teammates with sleep-inducing smoke bombs Sakura ran through the forest dead-set on facing Sasuke even if it killed her. The memories of Sasuke flowed through her mind; when she first noticed how cool he was, when they were placed on the same team, the bell-challenge and how cold he was towards her when he left Konoha. Even now she had no idea why or when she fell in love with him.

She shook her head, getting rid of the rather painful memories. It was time to focus on the present, not the past. According to Kiba, Sasuke was only 1 kilometer away, so it wouldn't be long before she reached her goal. She clenched her teeth, getting ready for whatever might happen.

What if he wouldn't accept her, though? What would she do then? She had practically just betrayed her friends and allies...

Not long after, she sensed a chakra that could only belong to Sasuke. She stopped dead in her tracks. Was this really the right thing for her?
Just as the thought crossed her mind she found that her heart was beating faster. Yes, she needed to be by his side as she could no longer stand being without him.

As Sakura stepped out into the clearing she saw him. Sasuke. It was really him. "Sasuke..." she whispered. She shook her head; she had to be strong or Sasuke would never even bother to consider letting her stay.
Sasuke stepped out of the wood-line and glared at Sakura as he approached her. His charka was absolutely overwhelming. It was oppressing Sakura as he stepped closer to her. "Well well, what brings you here, Sakura." He chuckled slightly, his tone cold as he paused on the edge of the woodline. His hand sparked slightly and his Sharingan activated as he looked around the area, seeking out other sources of charka nearby.

"You came alone it seems, do you have a death wish?" he asked cruelly as he sent sparks of lightning around Sakura, letting her know that he could basically fry and kill her at any given moment if she tried anything funny. He continued to glare at her, clearly not happy to see her. "You have five seconds to explain yourself before I kill you, I suggest you start." Sauske kept his hand pointed at Sakura, making it clear he meant what he said.
Sakura’s eyes kept a constant watch on the sparks of lightning flying around her as she spoke, her voice loud and clear. "I want to join you." For extra emphasis, she took off her forehead protector and threw it on the ground as if it meant nothing to her, though she couldn’t help but feel guilty. Her friends meant a lot to her after all, but other than Naruto, none of them had been through what Sasuke had.

"After all that pain, you deserve to finally obtain some happiness." Her eyes locked with his. “And I want to help you with that.”

She fell silent, waiting for his response to her words. Would he believe her? she wondered, slightly nervous, like she had been three years ago. This time, though, she kept her anxiety hidden.
"Oh? Is that so? How do you I know you aren't just a spy sent from Konoha?" Sasuke didn't take her words or gestures very seriously. He continued to frown at her. Not believing any of what she said. His Sharingans seemed to shine slightly as he sent sparks even closer towards Sakura.

"I should kill you right now, but...I think I might give you a chance to prove your loyalty to me." Sasuke move from his spot leaning on a nearby tree as he slowly approached the pink haired kunochi. He let out a small chuckle. "Help me obtain happiness? If that happiness involves the destruction and death of every in Konoha, will you help me then?" Sasuke asked her seriously, revealing his intent fully towards the girl. He didn't wait for his answer, instead, he issued a command to a her. "Well, if you wish it. I will have you prove your loyalty, strip. I wish to see your nude body."
The destruction and death of everyone in Konoha… Would she be able to do that..? No, she wouldn’t. She’d hoped that it wouldn’t have to come to that. That betraying her home village would be proof enough.
As she was about to answer him, he spoke once again.

“W-what?” she stammered, taken aback by his request. She knew Sasuke wanted an heir at some point. Was that what he wanted? To see if her body was fit to carry his heir? Or did he just want her body for his own sexual desires..?

Even more nervous now than before, she spoke up. “The others aren’t far away. At the moment they’re knocked out, but we should go before they come to.” She gazed into his eyes, hoping he could sense that she wasn’t lying. “But I will do as you ask when we get somewhere safe. If you can trust me enough, that is.”
"I don't care about that right now." Sasuke slapped Sakura across the cheek, angered at her disobedience. The others hardly worried him at all. He could kill most of them without breaking a sweat. Only Naruto worried him slightly, and he would make sure to get away before the blonde arrived.

" as I commanded, right now. Otherwise, I will assume you are just a spy and slay you where you stand." Sasuke intense glare made it obvious that he was not messing around. If Sakura did not comply, she would end up dead.
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