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Please help me :(

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Jul 11, 2013
I know that this the wrong place to put something like this but I feel so down right now and I am desperate. I'm sorry for putting this on this site but I feel so upset and shit right now and I really really need to talk to someone as I'm so miserable and unstable atm. If someone could just let me talk to them, it would mean the world to me. Thanks
Agreed with Trygon. Do you have anyone in real life that you can talk to, as in, face-to-face? Someone that you know? I feel this would be much more beneficial to you than asking a room of faceless strangers. That or call a help line in your area; even that person would be more trained to help than the internet.
Oh please... just ignore these 2... :rolleyes:

Therapists tend 2 only try 2 drag-out stuf from you you dont vant 2 talk about, and patronize you in the proces. F-k them. And helplines are crewed by ppl vho get paid for their time and dont really care about you.

Shoot me a PM if you like, and we can talk. :)

Seriously? You just said that? I'm going to pretend that you didn't......... *sigh* [in regards to above statement about therapy]

Anyway, PM the person if you want. But call a therapist. Done. And closing thread.
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