The Pros and Cons of Being a Pilot (Yuna & Malfrost's 1x1)


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

It was October 10, 200 AC. Over the past four years or so, the use of Gundams had briefly declined. The five pilots who had been well-known and famous during that time had blown up their mobile suits and given up being a pilot. It was a rather honorable act, one that many - even from OZ - admired. For a while, it seemed like peace had finally taken over and there would never be a point to needing such devices again.

Alas, that theory got proven wrong two years ago. OZ began to rule over the nations with an iron fist. Where the sudden thirst for power came from was beyond anyone's guess. But in the end, few cared to hear a proper explanation. Many began to act out. This included seventeen year old Esyel Kyohana, who had built her Gundam - the Datenshi - in secret the second everything began to go to hell.

Her head shook in disbelief as she began getting dressed for school. On the surface, Esyel was known as little more than the 'oddball' among the students. She kept to herself and never really spoke to anyone. Despite her punk-like attitude, however, Esyel was actually really smart. In fact, she did really well in all of her classes. After slipping the uniform upon her body, Esyel began to walk to Saint Gabriel Institute.

As the name hinted, Saint Gabriel was a very strict but rewarding academy. Many deemed it to be a college-preparatory school. Even though it wasn't officially classified as such, many people had a similar train of thought like Esyel.

When she wasn't in school, however, she was sticking to her true fortes; hacking computer databases to find out names of members within OZ. She would then track them down, be it on the ground or in the sky, and assassinate them. It was definitely a harsh and desperate measure, yes. But OZ had gone too far in her mind and eyes. They were forcing marshall law everywhere to ridiculously strict degrees, including a curfew. Hell had all but emerged everywhere.

And now that the former pilots had no way to help out, someone had to. That was where Esyel came in. She knew it was the very wrong way to go about it. But ... this clearly wasn't just going to halt all by itself either. So, she had taken the initiative. A strict one, yeah. But it seemed necessary all the same.

Unfortunately, all of that had to wait until after school. Luckily, the walk wasn't long which was fine by her. It just meant she could sneak by any rogue officers out and about. Esyel had heard quite a few rumors that many were bold enough to sneak feels on girls sometimes. Some had even gone so far as to actually rape them. The thought and image made her genuinely sick, knowing these bastards could get away with abusing their power and not be punished.

Soon, Saint Gabriel arrived in sight. Her feet began navigating her way towards her homeroom class. As she slid the door open, many of the students who had already been there stopped talking, looked at her, then went back to what they'd been doing. Esyel was able to mentally dismiss this; it was an annoying routine, yes. But she had gotten used to it by now.

Without a word, she sat down in her seat and began to pull out the assignment which had been completed last night and was due today. After a quick scan, her eyes noted the teacher hadn't arrived yet. Good. It meant she had some time to kill.

Her arms rested upon her desk as she lied her head upon them, gently closing her mixed eyes. The left orb was crimson while the was a shade of blue-green. That had definitely been one reason she assumed many people gave her the odd looks. Although if Esyel had to guess, the left likely got more heads to tilt and eyebrows to raise.

.. Whatever. Let them think what they will ...

Her body began to relax as her eyes stayed shut, her ears remaining alert to listen for the sound of the sensei speaking and announcing they were in the room and ready to begin the class.

Satoshi let out a yawn as he walked down the halls of Saint Gabriel's. It had been another long night for him, gathering information and doing maintenance checks on his Gundam, Avalon. Now, he was just hoping to make it through lecture without passing out. He took a sip from his coffee mug, feeling the rush of caffeine in his system to help wake him up as he neared the door to his classroom.

Satoshi Gerrad's double life began two years ago, when OZ began to oppress the people once again. At the start, Satoshi was content to remain out of it and live his peaceful life in England. A few of friends approached him with a proposition however. A friend of his had discovered a large stockpile of Gundanium and he suggested they build their own Gundams and become mercenaries. Satoshi found the idea exciting and with the help of his father's production line, him and his five friends soon had a Gundam each.

Towards the beginning of the new uprising, they garnered much fame and attention. As the only group with a collection of Gundams, they quickly became famous on and off the battlefield. However, because they worked for the highest bidder, they often switched sides and were often despised, being called dogs of war who profited on suffering. Running with that theme, Satoshi suggested they name their group, Fenrir, and it soon stuck.

Fenrir had since worked for both OZ and the rebels a number of times. Neither side tried to take them out because they could easily become a powerful asset if they could simply find the funds to pay for them. Recent, Fenrir had been contracted out to aid the rebellion, but Satoshi could feel the winds of change blowing.

Satoshi was thankful that, for the most part, the identities of the members of Fenrir had remained a secret. He didn't like the idea of being a celebrity in school and constantly being molested with questions of war and combat. He had a quiet and relatively peaceful school life, compared to his merc life. He had a number of good friends and when he wasn't on duty, he managed to find time for clubs and hanging out.

As he walked into the classroom, he greeted a few people and soon sat next to Esyel. She knew of his work, and he knew of hers. After all, he had been her partner on a few operations the past month. As such, he liked to thing they were on somewhat good terms at least.

"Morning, Esyel. Tired again this morning, as always?" The mixed heritage man spoke with nearly a perfect Japanese accent as he took a sip of his black coffee and offered her a sip. He knew she was up late hacking or doing some kind of work to get at OZ. He had never anyway hate OZ nearly as much as her.

Her ears caught noise. It didn't belong to the teacher but it was perhaps the next best thing. The source came from one of her classmates, Satoshi. He was one of the few civil people in this damn school. In fact, he was one of the few people who actually talked to her and treated her like an actual person. And that had definitely helped him get on very good terms with her. Most other guys tried to make fun of her, some had been foolish enough to try to grope or touch her. It was a common mistake that tons of men assumed she was a loose slut due to her outfit. But nope, that was the last thing she was. If anything, she hated the dress code because of the hell it gave her and the other girls.

A small smirk crossed her face as she lifted her head up off of her arms, stretching out a bit. "Hmmmm ... Satoshi. You should know it's difficult to not be exhausted. Morning." she replied. Her gaze switched to the cup of coffee. Usually, Esyel preferred some sort of soda. But for the time being, it would work. Bowing her head in appreciation, she carefully took the mug, downing a bit and carefully swallowing the hot liquid.

"So ... things going as smoothly as they can?" Esyel inquired, handing the cup back to him when she was finished.

It hadn't just been that OZ had decided to be rash and stupid. Even before that, they had been a royal pain in Esyel's life. Her parents had been some of the ambassadors who had been caught in the massacre of 182 AC. And what had OZ, let alone the government, done to stop this? Not a damn thing. Ever since she had found out her parents had been linked to that tragedy and that OZ had tried to keep this hidden away from her for years, Esyel's view on them drastically changed.

She used to support them. Truly, she did. But once the massacre happened ... no. They fucked up too badly in Esyel's mind and eyes. And now, they stepped over a line by returning and forcing their power upon the nations. All Esyel was doing - again, in her opinion - was fixing up what needed to be altered. OZ needed to be gone. Since they wouldn't voluntarily leave, she was merely making them.

So what if it came in the form of murder? Far worse crimes had been going on since they came back two years ago. The world was just so ... fucked up. There was no real kind way to word it.

"Ugh. Wish sensei would stop being late all the damn time ... " Esyel murmured, not bothering to hide the annoyance in her voice.

Satoshi gratefully accepted his coffee back as he took a sip of it. The bitterness mixed perfectly with the heat of the liquid. Satoshi was a coffee aficionado. He loved all things coffee and loved grinding and brewing his own pot in the morning. Still, as she talked, Satoshi couldn't help but smile at his girlfriend.

They had decided to date not long ago, the bonds of battle bringing them close together. He really liked her, she was so straight-forward, intelligent, independent and beautiful. "I know it is, staying up as late as you do. Things went well for me, systems are up and running and ready for another operation." Satoshi chuckled as he cupped Esyel's cheek gently and smiled at her.

"I need something more then coffee to wake me up now though..." He lowered the volume of his voice as he slowly leaned in and planted his lips against Esyel's, kissing her frimly. His hand stroked her cheek as he kissed her lovingly for a few moments before pulling back with a large smile. Afterwards, he stood up from his desk and reached his hand out for his girlfriend's

"Come on...Sensei is going to be super late, and its a boring English lesson today anyway, lets skip. I'm a better English teacher then him." He gave he a wink as he tugged on her hand gently. Satoshi normally didn't skip, but he really didn't want to be at school today, he'd rather be hanging out with Esyel.

They kept their relationship mostly discreet among the school, of course. Her mind went back to how she had even agreed to go out with him in the first place. A small smile crossed her face as she remembered they had made the arrangement after one of the first times they paired up together. Thinking back, she probably had said yes for a few reasons. Satoshi really did treat her much more like an actual person compared to other people, for one. He definitely never tried to sneak gropes like other idiots she had met before. And finally .. their lifestyles actually matched well enough. Both had double lives and were more than just mere students. If she had wound up choosing to go with someone, it seemed logical to be with someone who knew and understood her line of work. It felt .. wrong to drag a civilian into not only her romantic life but place them at risk. Any other person would be deemed a target for associating with her. And more likely than not, OZ would seek to have them killed.

But with Satoshi, that fear was practically nonexistent.

"..Yeah. I have to. Hacking takes time. Admittedly, however, OZ has gotten pretty shitty in maintaining their security." A smirk crossed her face as her cheeks turned slightly red from the physical contact. "Oh? What happened to being discreet?" she inquired softly, not wanting anyone else to hear. It was bad enough the students who had arrived earlier were seeing this. No sense in letting them know more that wasn't part of their concern.

Her cheeks darkened even further as the kiss was initiated. Even still, she leaned into it, moaning softly so only Satoshi could hear it. Her head moved up and down against his cheek gently as she nuzzled it. Only when he got up from his chair did she find her face away from his hand. A concerned look almost instantly crossed her face upon hearing his offer.

"... We both have reputations to keep up. Furthermore, what about all the martial law outside? I .... "

A small sigh left Esyel's lips before she finally stood up and took his hand. "Tell you what. Since this is your idea, you are in charge of where we go and everything else. Fair?"
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