RP: The Walking Dead (Horror_Show & Grudius)


Feb 15, 2010
Shawna was sitting inside the watchtower leaning against a wall with her knee’s pulled up. There was a pile of covers on top of a few sleeping bags and that’s what she was sitting over while listening to an old cassette player Daryl had found her with a couple cassettes. Right now she had an old AC/DC album playing. “Who Made Who” could be heard blasting from the headphones. She had her eyes closed with her one foot that was propped up tapping to the rhythm of the music. Maggie was outside with a gun slung around her shoulders leaning over doing her shift. Glenn was supposed be down getting them dinner from the cellblock. Maggie looked back as the sun was setting to look in on Shawna and let a beautiful smile creep across her lips. She felt like an older sister to Shawna as much as she did her own, Beth. At times she felt closer to Shawna as Beth was always with the younger children doing her duties, as Maggie was hers. Small moments of bliss, of any solitude were a blessing and something to cherish.

Maggie leaned back stretching her arms behind her shoulders and did a check around the perimeter. They always did a good kill off every day to lower the amount of zombies against the fence line. The groups scent could be smelled so they was always trying to get in and more and more kept coming. The prison gave them a big advantage against the walkers, security. They had been in the prison for over a month and had already cleared out a cell block and was slowly working on clearing out a good portion. It was hard to digest, settling in at a prison. It was the closest thing to freedom they could have - within these walls. People at one time were probably dying to get out while they were the exact opposite. She knew Rick had big plans for the prison they had chosen. He had one goal: to keep Lori and the group safe…but especially Lori and the baby. He wanted her to have a safe place to deliver. Things weren’t exactly peachy with the family duo. The group was a family, but at the same time, it was torn apart by tension and drama. A lot of chaos and tragedy had already happened to them, as they had lost people - too many of them to sacrifice any more. The incident and the night at the farm haunted them. On top of all that, Rick and Lori had issues. Rick didn’t really show any affection or communicate with her that much, not since the farm. He had a cold shoulder, playing the role of leader.

There were moments that if he opened up to anyone, it was Shawna. He had known her since she was born. Most of her life she had grown up and lived with Rick and Lori. They were like her own parents and did a hell of a lot for her. Lori always wanted a daughter and Shawna kind of played that part.

Maggie saw someone coming toward the tower and changed expression when it was Rick. She thought something might be wrong but didn’t notice any commotion or any others and walked over toward the stairs. Rick made his way up and nodded a Maggie with a half nod and could hear the distance music of AC/DC and Maggie gave him a smirk and nodded her own heard toward inside the watch tower. Rick walked over and saw Shawna zoned out in her own world, he actually smiled and Maggie bit her lip hiding her own. Rick never smiled, never laughed much anymore…. somehow that young girl in there brought out his good side.

“You can on down…I’ll take over the shift for the night. You go rest with Glenn, take a break…. me and her got it.” He said and Maggie nodded, she squeezed Rick’s shoulder before heading down the stairs.



Rick slung his assault rifle over his shoulder and looked out at the fences where there were only few walkers moving themselves against the fence, nonchalantly trying to get into the prison.

He sat down onto a spinning chair and averted his eyes over to Shawna, smiling. "What are you listening to?" he asked, taking his assault rifle off and propping it by the door. Since he could hear the faint sound of music, he assumed that the music was loud enough to shroud his voice, so he waves his hand in front of him to get her attention. "What are you listening there?"

Rick was making a desperate attempt to start some small talk, trying to bond with Shawna after what had happened to Shane back at the farm.
Shawna opened her eye’s and could have been half asleep because she looked extra surprised to see Rick of all people and slid off her headphones letting the music be heard louder. He would defiantly know it was AC/DC and he chuckled. Seeing him smile, that was something rare, something no one ever saw. He had been so isolated, so serious and ruthless that no one had seen the Rick knew only weeks ago. She sat up scratching her head and combing her bangs back and breathed out giving back a half smile.

“Old cassette tape Daryl found me….AC/DC.” She said shrugging and bit her lip pushing the stop buttoned, they could hear it click off. “What are you doing? Where’s Maggie at?” She asked curious. Then that’s when she saw Rick pull out a container from a bag he was carrying. It was a tubberware container of food the others had cooked, he also handed her a bottle of water. She pushed up and took it with a grin. He was always looking after her, he always had. Him and Lori were more like her parents than her actual family. Shane wasn’t the greatest person in the world but he tried. He worked along Rick at the police department and made a good living, he supported her and did what he could. It was Rick and Lori that gave her the nourishment she needed.

Shawna sat down on the desk that was in front of him cross-legged and opened up the container and started eating. It was a sandwich the others had made below.
Rick bit into his sandwich and started eating it slowly, then looking up to see Shawna eating her sandwich. Smiling, he walked over to pick up the cassette player and placed the headphones over his head to listen. He stopped the song after a few seconds and took out the AC/DC cassette, holding it out and asking, "Is this the only cassette?"

He placed the cassette back into the player and returned it back to its original spot, and finished the rest of his sandwich, awaiting a reply from the girl.

Meanwhile, Lori starts having contractions...
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